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Scum Pig owns illegal home/garages and scum WINZ send desperate people to illegal home/garages – this is NZ in 2016


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No. Way.

Senior cop owns illegal garage rentals

Two illegal garage rentals let to tenants for hundreds of dollars a week are owned by a senior police officer, Newshub has discovered.

Auckland Council confirmed the garages don’t have any permits or consents to be used as a dwelling – they are illegal conversions and can’t be lived in.

Yet south Auckland property manager Debbie Iskandar is letting the garages out.

And in some cases, tenants are being referred to Ms Iskandar by Work and Income, which is also paying their bonds. Ms Iskandar also receives accommodation subsidies.

Let’s get this straight. A senior cop is illegally renting out his garage to desperate people while the fucking WINZ refer desperate people to him?

We have State Agencies now who are the problem, they are not the solution. People fear WINZ, Housing NZ and CYFS the way they fear cancer.

This is civil servants gouging the poor.

This housing crisis, this desperation, this corruption is on every National Party voter.

This is NZ in 2016.

We should all feel ashamed of our Government right now.

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Waatea 5th Estate – Mass Surveillance Special


Joining us tonight to discuss mass surveillance in NZ…

Documentary film makers Abi King-Jones and Errol Wright

Keith Locke –  Human rights activist 

Jon Stephenson – Award winning Investigative Journalist 


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GUEST BLOG: Alex Pirie – We Are Not Robots



Hands up if you have heard one of the following utterances or similar from an employer. ‘Someone with your experience should be able to do that task without any problems.’ ‘We expect staff members with your level of experience to be flexible and handle any changes to your work situation.’ ‘No-one else has had any problems with such and such situation.’ ‘We are disappointed that you had such and such problem.’ ‘We are concerned that a pattern is developing of such and such problem in your performance.’

I am paraphrasing anecdotal examples from my own and colleagues’ experiences over a number of years and from many employers that seen to be replicated again and again.

Perhaps it is a particularly prevalent communication style in my line of work but I suspect it is more widespread. I don’t know about you but I find these comments and those like them incredibly disheartening, demoralising and demeaning. If they are intended to motivate and encourage staff members then they have the opposite effect on me and many others I have spoken to over the years.

I am not saying that constructive criticism is not a valuable and important tool when work is not up to standard or when improvement in performance is necessary. However, we are not all the same. We respond to different motivators and triggers.

What works brilliantly for some people will fail dismally for others. Good employers who want to have a optimally productive workplace need to realise this reality if they genuinely desire to motivate everyone in their workforce. We are not robots.

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Money will ultimately decide Cannabis debate in NZ



In the end, it won’t be the immorality of making heroes like Helen Kelly into criminals to gain pain relieving cannabis, it won’t be the madness of imprisoning people pointlessly and it won’t be about the outrageous search powers it gives the cops, it will be money.

The numbers are clear…

Government could make $150 million annually from taxing cannabis

Decriminalising cannabis would generate money for the Government and ease pressure on New Zealand’s courts according to an informal Treasury report.

The documents obtained under the Official Information Act by Nelson lawyer Sue Grey came from an internal forum at the Treasury “designed to test policy thinking on a range of issues in the public domain,” Finance Minister Bill English said.

The documents reveal Government spends about $400 million annually enforcing prohibition whereas decriminalisation would generate about $150m in revenue from taxing cannabis.

…so not only will it generate $150million per year in revenue, it will save another $400 million in policing.

What could we get for $550million per year?

  • It would cost $100 million to feed every single child in every single poor school in NZ.
  • We could build thousands more state houses each year.
  • Provide  emergency housing for 10 000 more people each year.
  • Make school donation free for all families.

So instead of locking up NZers, empowering organised crime and causing counter productive social problems, we could feed every hungry kid, shelter our most vulnerable and put money back into the pockets of mums and dads sending their kids to school.

It is time we grew up about cannabis and started acting like adults with it.


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Another day, another set of examples of Housing Crisis in meltdown


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Round of applause folks for the utter failure of the free market housing crisis that the National Party have built. Another day, and another set of examples of the Housing Crisis in meltdown.

First Nick Smith on Radio NZ this morning sounding as confused and delusional as he always does when pushed on Housing…


…good one Nick, so first time home buyers can just be patient, and where exactly can those in desperate need stay patient? Why in a gloriously illegal roach motel run by a slumlord…

‘Predatory’ property managers renting out Auckland garages

A Newshub investigation has revealed Auckland garages are being rented out illegally for more than $400 a week.

In a case that is currently before the Tenancy Tribunal, one property manager is accused of commandeering a garage, converting it and renting it out to separate tenants.

That’s despite the garage apparently being included in the rental agreement for the tenant in the main house

…National have stripped renters, the poor and beneficiaries from being able to live in dignity and the state agencies tasked with their welfare are causing more harm than good.

Mass surveillance and dirty politics turned many voters off from participating at all in the electoral process in 2014 while those property speculators with skin in the game flocked to the ballot boxes to ensure Key remained in power. What we are seeing with the private polling is a collapse of National vote because those who didn’t bother to participate last time see just as much reason to vote this time around as those with property because their living standards have been guttered by this Government.

What’s different this time around is the mainstream media are now competing with narrative structures from social media that contradict National’s spin and they are forced (primarily by Checkpoint) to actively seek out stories of those who are suffering.

It’s time John Key and National Party voters reaped what they sow.

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Political Caption Competition


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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 19th July 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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Ministry of Health not only racist – they are torturers



Not only are the Ministry of Health deeply racist for denying a Maori solution for Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants they are also torturers…

Torture inspectors uncover ‘cruel, degrading’ care in hospitals

• More than 60 reports into mental health and disability units released to Herald following investigation into the care of Ashley Peacock.
• He is one of four cases which could be considered ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading’ in secure units at New Zealand hospitals.
• Inspectors found other repeated examples of poor care, including overcrowding and untrained staff. Some patients did not have access to fresh air or water.
• The Chief Ombudsman is ‘sufficiently concerned’ to consider launching a special inquiry.

Elderly, mentally ill patients were subjected to the “prolonged and excessive” use of restraint belts at a secure hospital unit – one of the potential human rights breaches uncovered by torture inspectors.

A Herald investigation has analysed more than 60 Crimes of Torture Act reports written about health and disability detention sites across New Zealand and will make them public for the first time.

…it is becoming increasingly apparent to me that the biggest agents of discrimination against the poor, against the sick and against the vulnerable in this country are the huge State agencies tasked with providing their welfare.

The horror stories of how Government frontline staff treat beneficiaries is now overwhelming. Any progressive Government coming into power in 2017 must consider a harsh crack down on state agencies. It’s not just the policy of a hard right Government, you have people employed by the State who enjoy the sadism and power over their fellow citizens.

Talk to AAAP about the cruelty of WINZ staff. Talk to those groups trying to help prisoners about how awful Probation staff are. Talk to anyone working in social housing how terrible Housing NZ staff are.

The Left traditionally look to the state as the answer, in these cases we need to seriously consider putting public money into NGOs who can advocate for the beneficiaries using these services and can independently critique agencies with annual reports.


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Waatea 5th Estate – Chinas trade threat


Joining us to discuss China’s threat of a trade war


Winston Peters – Leader of NZ First

Grant Robertson – Labour Party Finance Spokesperson

Joe Gallagher – ETu delegate 

Chris Trotter – Political Commentator

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Waatea 5th Estate – Charter Schools and Maori


Joining us to discuss Charter Schools and Maori  

John Tamihere 

Jamie Tuuta Chariman Te Ohu Kaimoana

Sir Matiu Rei  Former Chair  Te Ohu Kaimoana

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Claire Trevett catches up with TDB – how the MANA movement-Maori Party MOU would work


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Good to see that Claire Trevett and the rest of the mainstream media are catching up to news that Waatea 5th Estate and TDB had first announced a month earlier.

You can either read it and see it first on Waatea 5th Estate/TDB or you can read it a month later in the mainstream media.

The simple reality for MANA and the Maori Party is that they have more to gain working together to force Labour out of the Maori electorates than working against each other.

In almost every Maori electorate the MANA + Maori Party vote swamps the Labour Party vote.

Why do Maori need an independent voice? Because Labour has time and time and time again screwed Maori over to appease angry white voters. Dumping the closing the gap policy, Terror raids that only created terror and the largest land confiscation in NZ history – all were examples of Labour throwing Maori under a bus to appease the angry white middle.

Maori need an independent political voice and the Maori Party working alongside MANA is the best way to do that.

The Maori Party need MANA because if they want to see their goal of being invited to every Government table they will need MANAs connections to the Left if there is a change of Government next year.

MANA need the Maori Party because they won’t be able to topple Kelvin out of TTT if they don’t cut a deal.

So how would a MOU work? MANA and the Maori Party would both run party lists, but would agree to only run one electorate candidate in each Maori electorate. Their combined totals would swamp every Labour Party candidate.

With coat tailing, MANA and the Maori Party could bring in a combined total of 5 MPs, that’s a block that could have a huge impact in the 2017 election.


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Anti-Police sentiment in America is the fault of the Police, not #BlackLivesMatter


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Watching Fox news, the constant claim is that the anti-Police sentiment that has gripped America is somehow the fault of Black Lives Matter.


The anti-Police sentiment is the fault of the trigger happy cops who kill African-Americans with impunity. It’s not the fault of Black Lives Matter who raise legitimate and righteous protest against a Police culture that kills without justice.

America’s arrogant cop culture is the reason why African-Americans get killed, and America’s gun culture that allows high powered military style weaponry to be bought by everyone is the reason why Police are getting shot.

Blaming Black Lives Matter is a smokescreen so that America doesn’t have to confront its own gun culture or Police authoritarianism.

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Trump’s choice for VP is a disgraceful capitulation to the Republican establishment


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If there was any illusion that Trump represented anything more than the same crony capitalism American politics has always been, it has been ended with his VP choice of  Indiana Governor Mike Pence .

The reason why Trump originally scared the bejesus out of the Republican establishment wasn’t Trumps outrageous racism or sexism, it was because he ran his candidacy without needing any money from them. This made it very difficult for those arch-conservative far right fascists, the Koch Brothers, to be able to influence Trump.

If you don’t know who the Koch Brothers are – they’re pretty much the reason America is so evil.

Imagine Darth Vader crossed with Cameron Slater crossed with Caligula.

What you may not know is that Pence pimps for the Koch Brothers. The Far right Republican Establishment has regained control by having Pence made the VP and have their man ready in place should Trump stumble.

As repugnant as Trump is, Pence and his connection with far right billionaire fascists is far more dangerous.

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China threatens NZ with trade war – free trade chickens come home to roost



It’s the byline of this headline that is so important…

China threatens reprisals on NZ dairy, wool and kiwifruit if government doesn’t back off cheap steel inquiry 

…the byline shows this was written by Vernon Small and Jonathan Milne. That tells us that despite John Key’s breathless assurances that China isn’t angry with NZ, the reality must be that they are. Despite the collusion of most mainstream media and the out of touch elitism of the Press Gallery hacks, Small and Milne are well respected for a reason. For them  to put their names to such an explosive set of allegations that China would take NZs concerns about their dodgy steel seriously  enough to threaten a trade war means that the threat is very, very, very serious indeed.

This has always been the fear of putting all our cows in one Beijing paddock. As China ratchets up its cold war against America in the Pacific, their role as our largest trading partner comes complete with all the strings attached.

China’s lowest cost capitalism model is deeply flawed because in normal capitalism, the regulatory regimes required force cost. China’s incredibly dodgy steel is made worse by the purposely deceptive certification process. 

What else is one to expect from a totalitarian Communist state that harvests organs from the executed?

This isn’t the first time NZ has seen the flaws of China’s lowest cost capitalism model. When the National Government foolishly decided to close rail shops to build new trains in favour of cheap Chinese versions, the asbestos found inside the trains highlighted how damaged China’s low regulation economy really is.

When you combine the geopolitical strategies being employed here especially with China pressuring us to sign up to their version of the TPPA, alongside the domestic influence China has over senior National Party Ministers like Judith Collins and former leader Jenny Shipley,  the threat to our economic and political sovereignty is as real as America’s threat to our economic and political sovereignty.

If only the mainstream media were as focused on this new threat by China as they are by fucking Pokemon.

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Caught up in safety nets – Lifewise


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The Lifewise Big Sleepout happens on one night, once a year. For this, our biggest annual fundraising event, we invite some of Auckland’s most influential people to sleep rough for one night and raise money that helps Lifewise get closer to ending homelessness. But that’s not enough. Influential people in the upper echelons of business and community need to be thinking about homelessness every day of the year. How can we do that?

At this year’s event, we asked this question to a few select participants – some first-timers and some long-term supporters. Every business person who was present cared enough about ending homelessness to brave one wet, wintry night. They all received encouragement and donations from their networks of suppliers and customers. And they all had conversations about homelessness they had probably never had before.

But there are still nearly 18,000 people in Auckland on the verge of homelessness. What could Lifewise Big Sleepout participants do for them?

The short answer: Talk to them. What if employers took a more proactive role in looking after the wellbeing of people who work for them? Do employers and business owners know enough about the real people on their payrolls? What kind of support can they offer to their most vulnerable employees? How can they make sure that they do not get to a point where they need agencies like Lifewise to step in?

Like most of us, people might already have safety nets of their own. An auntie, perhaps, who can take you in on days when you’ve fallen out with your folks. A cousin who can help top up your rent when you’re in between jobs. Or even a mate with a spare room. It’s when these safety nets have unravelled that homelessness becomes a reality. And as this blog post pointed out recently, the Free Market deals with homelessness in a spectacularly cruel way.

Until the day we wake up to a fair and just system we will continue needing bigger and stronger safety nets. So maybe we need some new strands in. There comes a point in people’s lives where the right support makes all the difference. Often the government is not present at that stage. But employers could be.

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