China & Saudi Arabia – why would we want to trade with butchers and vampires?



Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for trade. It’s the way we can grow an economy and it’s the way we can sell our skills and goods to the world.

I’m anti-free trade because it’s never ‘free’, it’s always about trans national dominance. I do support ‘fair’ trade that acknowledges these hegemonies and a basic level of human rights standards that make trade ethical.

Which is why I am completely against a free trade deal with Saudi Arabia and a new upgrade to our free trade deal with China.

Why would we trade with butchers

Saudi Arabia should be suspended from the UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR) over its conduct in Yemen, two leading human rights charities have said.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch released a joint statement calling for the country to have its membership rights immediately suspended from the group as it has “committed gross and systematic violations of human rights during its time as a Council member”.

It highlighted the actions of a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – where it is alleged to have carried out “indiscriminate” air attacks on civilian targets such as several Medecin Sans Frontieres run-hospitals.

The statement also accused Saudi Arabia of repeatedly using banned cluster munitions in heavily populated civilian areas.

…and vampires

Experts estimate between 60,000 and 100,000 prisoners of conscience are executed annually and have their hearts, livers and other organs removed to use for transplants.

In all, approximately 1.5 million transplants have taken place at 712 liver and kidney transplant centres across China since 2000, with over 300,000 of those taking place at unregulated centres.

The report also found many surgeons had simply “lost count” of the quantity of transplants they had been asked to perform on a daily basis, with some having undertaken as many as six liver removals in one day.

The findings were published in a new version of the 2007 study ‘Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China’.

…now the response to highlighting the appalling human rights of some of those country’s we are trying to cut free trade deals with is always ‘if we only traded with those we agree with we wouldn’t trade at all’.

I call bullshit on that on two grounds.

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First – there has to be a limit. China executes political opponents and then harvests their organs. Saudi Arabia crucifies, beheads and beats women for being raped. Their abuse of human rights is just shy of the Nazi’s, that’s hardly commendable on our behalf.

They are monsters. You can’t pretend not to notice the blood all over the money they pay us in.

The second reason I call bullshit on the ‘if we only traded with those we agree with we wouldn’t trade at all’ spin line is that sentence presupposes no political interference in our domestic affairs, that the trade is a simple transaction that we walk away from unscathed.

That’s just not true for China and Saudi Arabia.

China has infiltrated the highest levels of the National Government, they are eyeing up and buying up our land and currently have the entire dairy economy in the palm of their hands. Likewise Saudi Arabia’s toxically corrupt Governance has seeped into NZ via Murray McCully bribing a Saudi Businessmen to the tune of $11million to try and get a free trade deal there.

Trade without ethics isn’t trade. It’s mercenary.






  1. It is simply money that makes the world go round, and that is why we trade with butchers and vampires, principles may lead to lower GDP growth and living standards, that is why our governments do what they do, they have NO principles, nor do so many who vote for them, they rather signed up with Mammon.

  2. $’s are what it is all about the world has turned a blind eye to human rights abuses unless the country has got oil and is causing trouble for the global elitists.

  3. $’s are what it is all about the world has turned a blind eye to human rights abuses unless the country has got oil and is causing trouble for the global elitists.

  4. Where exactly did you get your facts? In other words, what movie were you watching when you wrote this article?
    ‘They take body parts from convicts for transplants’!!!!!! Wow this is hilarious and sad
    Please check your facts before you write them because transplants are rarely done in Saudi Arabia because some people are against it and it is usually done abroad.

    Second, yes OHCHR has said that Saudi Arabia violated human rights in Yemen which is so surprising since the Yemen war started a year ago by the request of the official Yemen government and the blessing of its people with as little artilarly as possible. (Just watch some Yemeni media and listen to the people)
    On the other hand, Syria war has been going on for more than 5 years with superpowers like Russia and USA involved and heavy artilarly but not a peep from OHCHR even when we watch people dying from starvation and cluster bombs. How about Iraqi war. No casualties or hospitals and schools destroyed by US androids. Really? That is really sad. The UN is playing a dirty political game and I don’t know who benefits from it.

    • @ H A by extraordinary coincidence I have just watched this clip on organ harvesting still ongoing in China:
      The doctors protesting against this practice have been nominated for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize.
      The other huge trade in organ harvesting is out of the Ukraine run by the Bush/Clinton mobsters with the help of the Khazarian Mafia in Israel.
      From my research, the conflict in Yemen is a US Secret Government/Black Ops/Mossad operation facilitated by the Saudi Government and the UK with NATO thrown in:
      All to achieve the goals of the NWO. The UN is, just like the US and NZ, a corporation, all the aforementioned now virtually bankrupt. The bow is made to the hand holding the money.
      I look forward to voting in an ethical government.

  5. All we need now is Jung-Il Key to make a pact with Kim Jong-Il and the Axis of Evil will be complete.

    Though I and any other TDB commentators will be under a Jung-Il fatwah (or whatever the current Axis of Evil despotic control method is under National, ACT, Maori Party and United Future)

  6. Arch enemies America and China, stupid little New Zealand cuddling up in between them , John Key getting us up to our necks in trouble by groveling to both of them. There is no middle ground when dealing with these evil super powers. Smart countries like Norway and Sweden keep their distance and sovereignty. We will end up like bewildered little sheep led into the meat works. Jerry Brownlee will save us.

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