It’s the byline of this headline that is so important…
…the byline shows this was written by Vernon Small and Jonathan Milne. That tells us that despite John Key’s breathless assurances that China isn’t angry with NZ, the reality must be that they are. Despite the collusion of most mainstream media and the out of touch elitism of the Press Gallery hacks, Small and Milne are well respected for a reason. For them  to put their names to such an explosive set of allegations that China would take NZs concerns about their dodgy steel seriously  enough to threaten a trade war means that the threat is very, very, very serious indeed.
This has always been the fear of putting all our cows in one Beijing paddock. As China ratchets up its cold war against America in the Pacific, their role as our largest trading partner comes complete with all the strings attached.
China’s lowest cost capitalism model is deeply flawed because in normal capitalism, the regulatory regimes required force cost. China’s incredibly dodgy steel is made worse by the purposely deceptive certification process.Â
What else is one to expect from a totalitarian Communist state that harvests organs from the executed?
This isn’t the first time NZ has seen the flaws of China’s lowest cost capitalism model. When the National Government foolishly decided to close rail shops to build new trains in favour of cheap Chinese versions, the asbestos found inside the trains highlighted how damaged China’s low regulation economy really is.
When you combine the geopolitical strategies being employed here especially with China pressuring us to sign up to their version of the TPPA, alongside the domestic influence China has over senior National Party Ministers like Judith Collins and former leader Jenny Shipley, Â the threat to our economic and political sovereignty is as real as America’s threat to our economic and political sovereignty.
If only the mainstream media were as focused on this new threat by China as they are by fucking Pokemon.
Give me a democratically elected Trump over the Chinese dictatorship any day of the week.
Don’t forget the flood of Chinese national colonists on the ground Bomber. And remember, Labour (not left wing at all) signed the FTA with the world’s largest dictatorship.
“If only the mainstream media were as focused on this new threat by China as they are by fucking Pokemon.”
And also don’t forget Pippa Middleton’s engagement, which was breaking news in National manipulated rag NZH this morning!
Unbelievable, particularly when there are serious issues going on with China!
Pokemon GO seems to be all that really matters now, it is making some people involved with certain companies very, very rich. And millions are overly keen to hand over their personal profile data, thus enabling more inundations with targeted advertising, and more games to get involved in.
With that and other things going on, we may as well abolish democracy, as it is becoming irrelevant, when we have no more informed democrats and voters.
Luckily we have the Herald telling us that McClay hid the truth.”
“McClay has previously said China had not raised the issue with him, including when he was in China last week for meetings with Chinese trade officials. However, in Indonesia today McClay confirmed when he was in China he was told that “an industry body” had raised concerns with a New Zealand company. “Our Embassy subsequently checked this with Mofcom [China’s trade ministry]. They’ve said that have no knowledge of it and have denied it. So it has been put down to unsubstantiated rumour.”
Yet Zespri has confirmed this so the McClay needs to grow some or is he another of the many National minister puppets.
So who is telling the porkies, is it the Zespri representative in China who is voicing concerns over threats to their exports and who has obvious worries over their export of Kiwifruit or the Government, PM and the Trade Minister. I know who I would believe. Why are they denying there is a problem with the Chinese Government. Was dumping, as being unacceptable written into the Trade Agreement with China or not, if it was why are they treading on egg shells to not insult the Chinese and not confronting them like the US is with dumping by China in their country.
Problems are its hard to be friends with everybody and China and the US are natural enemies and we are trying to be besties with the both of them. Why can’t we get our guts back like we did over the Nuclear Issue with the US and stand up to these nations. We are unique down here and everybody wants to come down and live here and escape the hell hole which is the rest of the world. Its not that we haven’t got anything to sell with our farmland and food production. Why do we sell ourselves so cheap and ingratiate ourselves with these bullying nations.
We used to feel good about ourselves and now we seem to be patsies for everybody who are coming in and literally taking all our resources and we are meant to feel good about it and they are being corrupt with it. I despair sometimes for this wonderful country down on the backside of the world.
The PM is out of his depth with the big boys whom he just so loves to be friends with, they are using him and having fun doing it. Its pathetic.
This was written on the wall that when you play with the big boys you always get crushed and china will crush us if we don’t start setting the rules and with this hollow lot we wont see it until we change the Governmnent and reset the trading rules. At present it is unsustainable!!!
Well, once the “boom” goes to bust, just do the following, sell them our know how, as Key is again doing in the case of Indonesia. The Chinese will be keen to learn more about doing their own dairy production, I suppose, Key may be keen to sell them our best trainers, teachers and scientists, as well as farmers:
To address the beef trade issue with Indonesia, the following seems to have been “achieved”:
“”On the basis of the conversations we’ve had today, I feel exceedingly confident that we’re going to get there: what ‘there’ actually looks like, we’ll see in the fullness of time, but there’s very good momentum.”
Widodo highlighted Indonesia’s interest in receiving breeding cattle from New Zealand, and Key said he was keen to see progress.
“It’s a matter of the protocols being finalised, it’s really just making sure they adhere to all the things we expect of countries where we do export cattle.
“It has to be for breeding purposes, we have to have confidence in the way the animals are treated after they get off the boat, all of those things, but we’re confident we’re making progress there.”
New Zealand already had a history of exporting live cattle and sheep for breeding, and any deal with Indonesia would be relatively small compared to the country’s overall herd numbers, Key said.”
I forgot, we already have Fonterra and others active in China, hence that may be the reason there is now less demand for our milk powder, they have learned to produce more of it themselves.
We may feel concerned about Chinese government pressure now, re complaints about poor quality steel dumping and so forth, but the real challenge or crisis is yet to come, and not only will it cause massive economic damage to China, it will affect us all, globally:
“As China ratchets up its cold war against America in the Pacific,”
Yeah, bastards shouldn’t be allowed to build military bases close to the US and A and send military vessels through what the seppos claim as their territory.
Hang on a minute…….
Chinese capitalism is Muldoonism writ large. The problem with it is that it encourages corruption and doesn’t allow for self-correction – businesses that shouldn’t be in business are allowed to continue, propped up by the government.
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