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Monday, January 13, 2025


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Are the Woke Left finally having their, ‘Are we the baddies’ moment???

Interesting opinion piece from Australia as the progressive movement suddenly wakes up to how alienating our woke middle class activists have been…

Trudeau, Biden and Ardern are done. What’s eating the global left?

“It’s pretty clear to me that if left or progressive parties want to win they have to stop tinkering with a system that is clearly engineered against the people they are supposed to represent”.

…I have been pointing out since the woke social media Lynch mobs  of 2016 that middle class identity politics would destroy the class solidarity of the Left and drive male voters away from the Left.

When I started warning about this, ACT were .7%.

ACT are now 8%.

I take no glee in gloating at how my critiques of middle class woke dogma has destroyed the Left have all come true, because the outcome is Trump’s Orange Fascism and this hard right race baiting NZ Government.

Pure temple politics by the woke kills solidarity, Broadchurch politics wins voters.

We have allowed the middle class woke to cancel anyone with a penis as not pure enough for our movement, and you have to remember in 2016, that for many Wellington woke when they were driving the social media Lynch mobs, this was their first taste of power in their tiny little lives so having people sacked for not liking Chocolate wrappers in Māori, or having people’s homes swatted by NZ Police for comments about Trans people or having people lose their jobs for shits and giggles was fun in 2016, not so fun in 2026 as the fruits of that ‘activism’ drive voters from our movement..

The woke will refuse point blank to think their alienating activism damaged the movement, but the enormity of Trump’s win is forcing the Woke to finally have their ‘Are we the baddies’ moment, and it’s not a moment too soon.

This has to be the year of resistance.

ACT are pushing their 6 moth hate campaign against the Treaty.

Local body elections face having Māori representation stripped from them.

ACT are pushing for a ‘Free Speech’ deal that will actually rob Institutions of having free speech.

ACT are pushing for a Corporate leash around all democratic legislation.

National want to remove Jury trials.

ACT are attempting to bring back sub machine guns.

NZ First are trying to remove the Treaty from all legislation.

ACT want to rob workers of all rights.

NZ First want environmentally damaging mining.

All this while the Political Woke want to denounce you for misusing pronouns.

Trump’s landslide victory means this is the year that we must be awake without being woke.

The true demarcation of power in a liberal progressive capitalist state is between the 1% richest plus their 9% enablers vs the 90% rest of us.

Once you articulate politics in that dynamic, we can’t lose.

Middle Class Woke identitarians however believe the in the Holy Trinity of Woke Intersectionist Dogma:

1 – ALL White people are irredeemable cross burning racists.

2 – B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN that ALL Men are rapists.

3 – Anyone who supports Free Speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the Trans Community.

Pure temple politics undermines Broadchurch solidarity and difference becomes a point of friction wrapped in an identity of victimhood.

It’s a lens of perpetual wounds screaming for social media hierarchy in a never ending Outrage Olympics that is about as electorally appealing as drinking a cup of cold sick.

The greatest danger to our society is the millisecond poor white men see themselves through this lens of identity and stop seeing themselves as citizens and start seeing themselves in the same narrative of victimhood.

Blame men long enough as the problem and they will become the problem.

If we don’t focus on the common ground between us, if our identity trumps our class solidarity, then we are brittle and alienating and have zero chance of stopping this right wing tsunami heading our way this year.

The polling break down by Roy Morgan shows that we’ve alienated an enormous chunk of male vote and driven them into the arms of National, ACT, NZF.

If we on the Left want to win the 2026 election, we must bring men back to the fold. We must tell them there is a space here on the Left for them to be.

We’ve got to wake up without going woke because Broadchurch Politics wins elections, Pure Temple Politics rules over a purity game of schisms that will never gain 51%.

2025 is the year we need to wake up without going woke.


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.


Rejecting the old maxim; “If it bleeds it leads” our media buries the suffering of Palestinians being slaughtered in Palestine, either out of ignorance or fear of commercial repercussions. 

Even as subscriptions evaporate, for want of readers having trust in newspapers fairly reporting the real gravity of world events, which might otherwise restore their fortunes, our media instead reports in detail on the properties lost to fire in Pacific Pallisades rather than that of people lost to Israeli fire in Palestine.

With the fate of Mick Hall, the sub fired for trying to bring balance to western wire stories, burned into their brows, these gutless apologies for the once honourable craft of journalism are held captive by their petty salaries and mortgages. Even as the tide of history swings and journalists in other parts of the world rebel against the propaganda they’re made to pedal, ours keep quiet.  

Both CNN and BBC journalists have accused their employers of failing to tell the Israel-Palestine conflict accurately, investing greater effort in humanising Israeli victims compared with Palestinians, and omitting key historical content. BBC journalists have accused the broadcaster of employing “a double standard in how Palestinians are scene”, given that it is “unflinching” in its reporting of alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

A CNN journalist said he was shaken by the ease with which news lines that supported the Israeli narrative came out and that they’re not entirely the truth. And the New York Times was exposed instructing its writers to avoid the words; “ethnic cleansing”, “genocide” and “occupied territory” in their reports on Palestine.  

Given that all media news reports published and broadcast in New Zealand come primarily from these same and similar sources, media companies here must be subject to the same allegations of deliberate bias and so open to the charge of complicity in the genocide and war crimes the UN and World Court assert are being committed in Palestine.

That could be bad for business too.

Malcolm Evans



GUEST BLOG: Maire Leadbeater – Foreign Interference Legislation

Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment  Bill submissions due 16 January 2025


New legislation proposes  to criminalise ‘ improper conduct for or on behalf of foreign power’ or  foreign interference. 

Two new offences are:

 Offence 78AAA – a person thus charged must include all three of the following key elements – they:

  • know, or ought to know, they are acting for a foreign state, and
  • act in a covert, deceptive, coercive, or corruptive manner, and
  • intend to, or are aware that they are likely to, harm New Zealand interests specified in the offence through their actions OR are reckless as to whether their conduct harms New Zealand’s interests.

Offence 78AAB – a person thus charged must commit:

  • any imprisonable offence intending to OR being reckless as to whether doing so is likely to provide a relevant benefit to a foreign power.

New Zealand’s  ‘interests’ include its democratic processes, its economy, rights provisions, as well as its defence and security. ‘A ‘Foreign Power’ ranges from a foreign government to an association supporting a political party; ‘relevant benefit to a foreign power’ includes advancing ‘the coercive influence of a foreign power over persons in or outside New Zealand.’

The bill also extends laws on publication of classified information, changes ‘official’ information to ‘relevant’ information, increases powers of unwarranted searches by authorities, and allows charging of people outside of New Zealand who ‘owe allegiance to the Sovereign in right of New Zealand’ and aid and abet a non-New Zealander to carry out a ‘relevant act’ of espionage, treason and inciting to mutiny even if the act is not in fact carried out.  


Why this legislation is dangerous:


1.Much of the language is vague and the terms subjective. How should we establish what an individual ‘ought to have known’ or whether he or she is being ‘reckless’.  It is entirely possible to be a loyal New Zealand and hold a different view to that of the government of the day about   ‘New Zealand’s interests’ and ‘security’.


  1. This proposed legislation potentially highly undemocratic and a threat to free speech and freedom of association.  Ironically the legislation is a close copy of similar legislation passed in Australia in 2018 and it reflects the messaging about ‘foreign interference’ promoted by our Five Eyes partners.


How should be distinguish ‘foreign interference’ from the multitude of ways in which other states seek to influence our trade, aid, foreign affairs and defence policies?  It is not plausible that the motivation behind this legislation is to limit western pressure on New Zealand to water down its nuclear free policy. Or to ensure that its defence forces are interoperable with those of its allies and to be part of military exercises in the South China Sea.  Or to host spyware tools on behalf of the United States. Or to sign trade agreements that favour US based corporates.  

The government openly supports these activities, so it seems that the legislation is aimed at foreign interference from current geostrategic ‘enemies’.   Which ones? China, Russia, Iran?

The introduction of a bill to criminalise foreign interference has echoes of earlier Cold War times as it has the potential to criminalise members of friendship organisations that seek to improve understanding and cooperation with people in countries such as China, Russia or North Korea.  It is entirely possible that their efforts could be seen as engaging in conduct ‘for or on behalf of’ a  foreign power. 

There is also real concern is that this legislation could capture critics of New Zealand’s foreign and defence policy, especially if they liaise with a ‘foreign country’.   There is a global movement of resistance to economic sanctions on Cuba other countries including Venezuela, and North Korea. Supporters are likely to liaise with representatives of those countries, and perhaps circulate their material.   Could that be considered harming New Zealand’s interests?  The inclusion of such vague wording (Clause 78AAB) as ‘enhancing the influence’ of a foreign power is chilling in its potential to silence open debate, and especially dissent or protest. 

The legislation is unnecessary 

Existing law already criminalises espionage which intentionally prejudices the security or defence of New Zealand. There are also laws to cover pressurising others by blackmail, corruption, and threats of violence or threats of harm to people and property.

 It is true that diaspora critics of authoritarian regimes come under pressure from their home governments.  Such governments seek to silence their critics who are outside their jurisdiction by threatening harm to their families still living in the home country.  But it is not clear how New Zealand law could prevent this as it cannot protect people who are not within its jurisdiction.  This is something which diaspora citizens and overseas students studying here must be acutely conscious of. This issue is one for diplomacy and negotiation rather than law.


A threat to democracy 

The terms sedition and subversion have gone into disuse and are no longer part of our law. They were used in the past to criminalise some and ensure that others were subject to intrusive surveillance.  In essence both terms justified State actions against dissidents or those who held an alternative vision of how society should be ordered.  In Cold War times the State was particularly exercised with those who championed communist ideas, took an interest in the Soviet Union or China or associated with Communists.  Those who associated with Soviet diplomats or attended functions at the Soviet Embassy would often be subject to SIS surveillance.

Please make your own submission using your own words and examples an/or copying and pasting from the outline above. 

The suggested recommendation is ‘Do not proceed with this Bill.’

Maire Leadbeater is one of NZs best known activists.

My Submission against the Regulatory Standards Bill

Firstly, setting submission dates on controversial legislation during summer break is an abuse of power which is ironic because the Regulatory Standards Bill is a ferocious abuse of power and flies in the face of what a functioning Democracy values.

ACT have tailored an economic straight jacket that will make it impossible to counter corporate interests ever again.

If this passes, Corporations will be able to stop any environmental or taxation policy they don’t like.

The radical nature of this should terrify every New Zealander. It is a break peddle for corporate interests and a gag for democratically elected change.

We require regulated capitalism not free market fantasies.

This is a blatant power grab by those fearful climate change will provoke electoral demands they don’t want to pay for!

Why on earth are we placing democratic break peddles on legislation the people have mandated by popular vote?

The Regulatory Standards Bill is an ideological vanity project that will have the real world impact of strangling off the popular will of the people!

Why on earth is this even being considered?

My recommendation is that this Bill be dumped immediately and reset to broaden the values beyond corporate and wealth interests.

NZs crony under regulated capitalism is forever being deregulated by donors to the Political Right (and at times the Left).

The dominant position the Supermarket Duopoly has built ensures they control the market and that the power of competition doesn’t allow for consumers to enjoy the fruits of capitalism. Their ability to introduce mass surveillance into their stores so they can exploit it highlights their total dominance.

Meanwhile migrant labour is being exploited and the lack of policing the existing rules by the Government is laid bare…

‘The system is f…..’: Immigration staff say bosses knew visa system didn’t work, and ignored it

…we can’t keep having under regulated capitalism fuelled by exploiting migrant labour that creates duopolies, monopolies and oligopolies!

We aren’t asking for sweeping new powers or over the top communism here, all we are looking for is the industry as it currently exists being properly policed!

Supermarket duopolies shouldn’t be screwing us because of a lack of competition, Migrant workers shouldn’t be getting exploited and the cost of housing should be brought down by increasing competition in the drainage industry!

There are basic solutions to all these issues, I’m not looking for socialism from the NZ Government, just basic regulated capitalism!

Max Harris’s work on a Green Ministry of Works is a step in the right direction…

Rising To The Challenge: A Ministry Of Green Works For Aotearoa

…alongside regulation that is actually policed we could reset our rigged Capitalism.

ACT and National are promising to gut MBIE because MBIE employs the people who regulate New Zealand’s poorly policed and under regulated capitalism!

27 000 Bosses were given the power to import migrant workers and exploit them, of that number only a handful have had their exploitation scams ended and that’s because there is no State policing the current regulations we have!

We see this time and time and time again, State regulators who are supposedly policing the under regulated markets with barely enough staff to look into anything at all!

Max Rashbrooke highlighted the horror of NZs under regulated market

The bad news is that, to investigate 200,000-300,000 terrible rentals, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has employed a frontline inspectorate numbering … 37. Each inspector will have to check somewhere between 5000 and 8000 rentals.

…there is only 37 inspectors of rental properties for 300 000 terrible rentals?

Similar poorly funded regulation is apparent in the 82 labour inspectorates who are supposed to police hundreds of thousands of migrant worker exploitations!

ACT and National’s bullshit dismantling of Capitalism’s police tells you all you need to know about the deregulated hellscape a National/ACT monstrosity would birth into this world!

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

My Submission to the Justice Committee against the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill

Comrades of Aotearoa New Zealand:

The late, great Dr Moana Jackson said,

“Contrary to what the Crown has always said, the Treaty did not admit either a cession of Māori sovereignty or a vesting of power solely in a political system brought here from somewhere else.

Rather, it suggested something that could be unique to this land — a constitutional framework which allowed for what the Waitangi Tribunal has called different “spheres of influence”, in which the will of Māori and the will of those who have come after 1840 could be expressed in a new and relational way.”

Māori and those who came after 1840 have worked to find pragmatic ways of fulfilling the promise of Treaty, why are we allowing this ideologically driven political stunt to undermine that pragmatism with this Referendum Bill?

The Late Great Professor Ranganui Walker said,

“I have no time for the privileged people who take advantage of their privileged position to attack the weakest in society” –

What is really driving this anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda by this Government?

The late, not so great member of Parliament, James Richmond, wrote in 1851,

“I look forward to the day when the preposterous Treaty of Waitangi will be overruled and the ridiculous claims of the natives to thousands of acres of untrodden bush and fern will no longer be able to dampen the ardour and cramp the energies of the industrious white man”.

How is that 19th Century White Settler privilege vibe any different to what ACT are preposing today and aren’t Maori sick of this crap?

Former Attorney General Chris Finlayson says the Treaty was between the Crown and the Maori Chiefs who signed it, where as ACT are misrepresenting the Treaty as between races and because ACT do this, they come to the wrong conclusions!

Why is the Former Attorney General and Former Minister for Treaty Negotiations wrong and ACT are right?

Treaty’s are supposed to be honoured not settled!

There are 2 versions of the Treaty, most Māori signed the Māori version, we are signed up to UN Declarations that state when there are two versions of a Treaty, the version in the indigenous language takes precedence meaning Māori did not cede sovereignty and the Principles were an attempt to recognise this!

Why crush the pragmatism for ACT’s ideological fervour?

It is intellectually repellent to allow the majority to vote on the rights of the minority – how is this Bill – that has no chance of passing – anything other than a divisive race baiting stunt?

By inserting Hapu and Iwi legal rights, ACT have cleverly inoculated themselves to any claims of racism over the next 6 months, but redefining collective values in Māoridom as a purely self interested pursuit as ACT attempts here wildly misunderstands the Māori culture.

Sir Geoffry Palmer in the 2013 Māori Law Journal wrote:

If there is one thing that is unique about New Zealand it is that the indigenous inhabitants of the country are Māori. They have their own language, culture and way of thinking. They were subjected to rank injustice in colonial times. It has taken a long time to remedy those injustices, and the process is not yet complete. Unfortunately disguised prejudice is never far from the surface in New Zealand whenever there is a debate on Māori issues. There is an unpleasant underside to the New Zealand psyche when questions of race are debated. These things I learned only by exposure to the issues in Parliament. Many years later I still get letters blaming me for elevating the status of the Treaty of Waitangi. I remain unapologetic, I would raise it further. I thought then and I still think now that the most serious challenge New Zealand faces is to avoid having a permanent underclass defined by race. 

Dame Anne Salmon says,

“Debate the Treaty by all means. But let it be just and impartial, as befits a constitutional discussion, and not conducted on the basis of a bill that is highly partisan, and designed to provoke ill-will and anger.

David Seymour has claimed  that many of the Chiefs who signed the Treaty would have voted ACT today, how delusional is that statement and clear evidence of a bad faith debate.

Almost every official is universal in arguing that ACTs Treaty Referendum Bill will cause enormous risk to social cohesion – what is the end point in all of this and how much damage are the political Right prepared to cause the country for a race baiting stunt?

Our collective mana is all denigrated by this farce of a process and the vileness of legislation.

I recommend the entire fiasco go to a higher more independent body than a Political Party who gained a mere 8% in the last election.

This independent body should look at our entire constitutional relationship and look at Republicanism, the writing of a formal constitution, the entrenching of Human Rights and the debate around that.

Our constitutional arrangements shouldn’t be a political mugging staged in the middle of the first term of a hard right Government who are becoming deeply unpopular for the month!

We as a people deserve better than this bad faith race baiting political stunt.


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

The Daily Blog Open Mic – 13th January 2025

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird Blshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.

In Occupied Palestine – 10 January 2025

In Occupied Palestine

Zionism in practice

Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land

08:00, 10 January 2025 until 08:00, 11 January 2025

[Source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group]

Gaza Strip

Attacks: There are no safe places for the militarily-dominated population in Gaza, who find themselves subjected to airstrikes and other missile attacks on buildings, homes and many essential facilities, as well as constant gunfire and invasions by Israeli forces. The Israeli Navy continues to fire missiles, targeting facilities and buildings along the entire Gaza shoreline.

Victims: 32 more people have been killed within the past 48 hours, bringing the total number killed in Gaza since 7 October 2023 to at least 46,537. Another 193 have been wounded, bringing that total to 109,537 including 499 more deaths that have been added to complete the above number provided by cumulative statistical data that has been completed and approved. The daily average number of men, women and children killed in Gaza is at least 102 and that of those injured is now more than 242.

Palestine today

Don’t say you didn’t know

Ali Kazak akazak@bigpond.net.au

Lancet study estimates Gaza death toll 41% higher than recorded

Research published in The Lancet medical journal on Friday estimates that the death toll in Gaza during the first nine months of Israel’s war on the territory was around 40 percent higher than recorded by the enclave’s health ministry. Up to June 30 last year, the health ministry in Gaza reported a death toll of 37,877 in the war. However, the new peer-reviewed study used data from the ministry, an online survey and social media obituaries to estimate that there were between 55,298 and 78,525 deaths from traumatic injuries in Gaza by that time.

The study’s best death toll estimate was 64,260, which would mean the health ministry had under-reported the number of deaths to that point by 41%. That toll represented 2.9% of Gaza’s pre-war population, “or approximately one in 35 inhabitants,” the study said. The UK-led group of researchers estimated that 59% of the deaths were women, children and the elderly. The toll was only for deaths from traumatic injuries, so did not include deaths from a lack of healthcare or food, or the thousands of missing believed to be buried under rubble.

Israel must be added to UN’s sexual violence blacklist

Israel’s consistent obstructions of all United Nations investigations into allegations of sexual violence since 7 October 2023 is profoundly concerning. These obstructions, coupled with substantial evidence indicating systematic and widespread acts of rape and other forms of sexual violence by Israeli forces against Palestinians, including prisoners and detainees, constitute grave violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. The grounds for the inclusion of Israel on the UN’s blacklist of entities suspected of perpetrating sexual violence in conflicts are compelling. Read more

Senior UK military figures made secret trips to Israel in 2024, government data reveals

Senior figures within the United Kingdom’s defence establishment have made numerous unpublicised and secret visits to Israel since 7 October 2023, British Government data has revealed.

According to the outlet, Declassified UK, which cited the British Government’s records of senior Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials’ business expenses, hospitality and meetings for the entirety of 2024, a number of those officials conducted at least five such secret visits to Israel in the months following Hamas’s attacks into Israel and Tel Aviv’s launching of its offensive on the Gaza Strip. Read more

Israel continues to deny ‘vital aid’ to reach Gaza: UN

The UN reported, on Friday, that Israel continues to obstruct “vital aid” reaching those in need in the Gaza Strip, pointing to more than half of the humanitarian assistance that was blocked by authorities a day earlier, Anadolu Agency reports. Citing the Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), UN spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said during a news conference that:“Israeli authorities continue to deny UN-led efforts to reach Gaza with vital aid.” “This includes our most recent attempt today across the Gaza Strip yesterday. Only 10 out of the 21 UN-planned humanitarian movements were facilitated by Israeli authorities,” he said, adding that “seven were denied outright, three were impeded, and one was cancelled due to security and logistical challenges.” He also conveyed OCHA’s deep concern over the impact of “dwindling fuel supplies on essential services in Gaza.” “Palestinian telecommunication providers are now warning that their services may start to shut down tomorrow due to fuel shortages, which they need to run the generators for the set for their equipment,” he added.

US has Power to End Genocide’ – Coalition of Doctors Demand Arms Embargo on Israel

Healthcare professionals demand action to end the genocide in Gaza, including an arms embargo on Israel and accountability for war crimes. A global coalition of healthcare workers, Doctors Against Genocide (DAG), has demanded action to end the genocide in Gaza, including an immediate arms embargo on Israel. “We will not remain silent. We demand action to end the genocide, including an immediate arms embargo on Israel, as the United States supplies 70% of Israel’s weapons,” the coalition of US, Canadian and international healthcare workers said in a statement.

We call upon our colleagues, institutions, and national associations to join us in demanding an end to attacks on healthcare, the release of Dr Abu Safiya and the 450 healthcare workers illegally held in Israeli detention and torture centers,” the statement added. As well as “an immediate end to the genocide, accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and unhindered, unconditional humanitarian aid and reconstruction in Gaza,” it added.

West Bank

[Palestinian Monitoring Group]

Since midnight on 07 October 2023, Occupation forces have been imposing a complete closure around the whole of the West Bank, preventing people (including even permit holders) from entering both the city of Jerusalem as well as Israel, otherwise than for especiallynegotiated exceptions. Permanent military checkpoints impose severe travel restrictions within the Occupied West Bank.

Israeli Army attack on home 1 child and 1 adult wounded – 20 taken prisoner: Jenin – 08:4518:10, Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition and anti-tank rifle grenades, stormed the town of Qabatiya, besieging and opening fire on a house, wounding a 14-year-old boy, Qadr Muhammad Ahmad Kamil, as well as an adult, Muhammad Mahmoud Zakarna. Twenty residents were taken prisoner during the storming and three homes were measured for demolition.

Israeli Army attack: Jenin – evening, Israeli forces, firing live ammunition, stormed the village of Muthalath al-Shuhada.

Israeli Army attack: Qalqiliya – 16:15, the Israeli Army, firing live ammunition, stormed the city.

Israeli Army attack: Hebron – 22:3023:40, Israeli troops, firing live ammunition, stormed and patrolled the town of Idhna.

Israeli Army attack 1 wounded in refugee camp: Hebron – 00:2003:20, the Israeli military, firing live ammunition, stormed into the al-Arroub refugee camp, wounding a resident: Osama Karim Al-Shami.

Home invasions: Jenin – evening, Israeli Occupation forces raided the village of Muthalath al-Shuhada and invaded a number of homes.

Home invasions stun grenades fired: Nablus – 17:20, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided the villages of al-Badhan and invaded a family house.

Home invasions populationcontrol: Salfit – 23:3003:20, the Israeli Army raided the village of Haris, invaded a number of homes and interrogated residents.

Home invasions 1 taken prisoner: Hebron – 17:40, Israeli troops invaded a home, in the Old City, taking prisoner a resident: Omar Muhammad Ali Al-Qaimri.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Ramallah – entrance to the village of Ein Yabrud, leading to Road 60, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Ramallah – main entrance to the village of Deir Abu Mash’al, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol agricultural sabotage: Tubas – Occupation forces on the Umm al-Qaba plain in the North Jordan Valley, prevented farmers from working their land.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Tulkarem – Western and southern entrances to the village of Shufa closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Tulkarem – access to the Jbara road, south of the city, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades fired: Qalqiliya – 12:30, Israeli forces, in the village of Kafr Qaddum, firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades, continued to enforce their closure of the eastern entrance to the village.

Israeli Army populationcontrol stun grenades fired: Nablus – 12:30, the Israeli Army fired stun grenades at people protesting against Occupation settler attacks on land in the Jabal Sabih area of Beita.

Israeli Army populationcontrol agricultural sabotage 1 taken prisoner: Nablus – 16:05, Israeli troops took prisoner a farmer, Muhammad Muhyi al-Din Shtayyeh, to prevent him working his land near the village of Salem.

Israeli Army – beating-up populationcontrol: Nablus – midnight, Israeli soldiers, in Huwara, severely beatup a resident: Muhannad Raafat Amer Al-Deek.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Bethlehem – entrance to the town of Beit Fajjar, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Bethlehem – western entrance to the town of Tuqu’, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Bethlehem – entrance to the town of Janata, closed.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Hebron – Occupation forces continued with the closure of the entrance to the Fahs area, south of the city, the southern entrance to the town of Sa’ir, the eastern entrance to the town of Dura and the northern entrance to the town of Yatta as well as with the entrances to Idhna, al-Dhahiriya and the al-Fawar refugee camp.

Occupation settler agricultural sabotage: Tubas – evening, Israeli Occupation settlers cut down and damaged olive trees in the Qa’oun Plain area of Bardala village.

Occupation settler stoning: Qalqiliya – 16:25, Israelis, from the Kedumim Occupation settlement, stoned passing vehicles at the nearby roundabout.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Ramallah – evening, Israeli Occupation forces, firing stun grenades, raided Budrus village.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Tubas – 01:3502:45, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided and patrolled the village of Tayasir.

Raid: Tulkarem – 20:4022:00, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled the city.

Raid: Qalqiliya – 14:45-17:55, Israeli troops raided and patrolled the village of Seir.

Raid: Qalqiliya – 16:15, the Israeli military raided the city.

Raid: Qalqiliya – 23:1001:35, Israeli soldiers again raided and also patrolled city.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired tear gas casualties: Nablus – 11:00-12:50, Israeli Occupation forces, firing stun grenades and tear gas canisters, raided the industrial zone in the town of Beita, causing a number of tear gas casualties.

Raid: Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Nablus – 17:20, the Israeli military, firing stun grenades, raided the village Talluza.

Raid population control: Nablus – afternoon, the Israeli Army raided the town of Huwara and forced the shops in the town centre to close on both sides of the street.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Nablus – evening, Israeli troops, firing stun grenades, raided and patrolled the village of Yatma.

Raid: Salfit – 20:10, the Israeli military raided and patrolled Deir Ballut.

Raid: Salfit – 20:50, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled the town of Bruqin.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Bethlehem – noon, Israeli Occupation forces, firing stun grenades, raided and patrolled the town of al-Khadr.

Israeli Army stun grenades fired: Bethlehem – 17:20, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided and patrolled the town of Tuqu.

Raid: Bethlehem – 00:3004:45, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled the town of Beit Fajjar.

Raid: Hebron – 09:5511:15, Israeli troops raided the town of Beit Ula and searched private land.

The NZ First bigotry of pulling public funding for Trans sports players vs insufferable woke dogma

Behind the scenes of the battle over transgender inclusion in community sports

The What is a woman? petition was received by Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of NZ First Winston Peters and their NZ First Trans Troll MP Tanya Unkovich.

The manner in which 4th wave feminist and non-binary allies have made the entire trans debate more radioactive than Chernobyl will forever be held up as what not to do when attempting to build a movement.

There is no doubt that the Trans movement at the height of the woke cancel culture purges of 2016  went way too far with their alienation super powers and the fiasco of beating Possie Parker from the stage while screaming victim over at the SpinOff didn’t help…

How The SpinOff spun it vs how it actually was

…but the reality in a liberal progressive democracy is that every individual is promised freedom and agency and the Trans whanau (despite their radioactivity and jaw dropping ability to poison all good will) deserve the same agency we all are which means they need access to Identification and rights that do need negotiating with Gender Critical Feminists.

The debate needs good faith and that’s the last thing NZ First are bringing.

NZ First are bringing lies, smears and falsehoods to the debate.

Winston was utterly wrong again here…

…and NZ First are wrong to threaten community funding if a Trans players is part of the team!

Unfortunately NZ First lying  and spreading falsehoods doesn’t matter because the entire debate has collapsed into a toxic dumpster fire that no one wants to touch now.

At some stage the middle class woke activists of Wellington need to take a very long hard look at the manner in which their Trans debate, a debate that impacts less than 1% of people, has managed to become a culture war that the Left can not win.

The middle class woke built this trans culture war and the rest of us are having to suffer it while NZ First exploit it.

Take puberty blockers.

Puberty blockers to be prescribed more cautiously in New Zealand after review

Doctors will be told to show caution in prescribing puberty blockers in New Zealand after a review found strong evidence for their effectiveness and safety was lacking.

The Ministry of Health today released its long-awaited evidence brief and a position statement on puberty-stalling hormones.

“The evidence brief found that the evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety was limited and of poor quality,” the ministry said.

As a result of the findings, the ministry is outlining an expectation that greater caution is used in prescribing the medication. Further safeguards may be introduced after consultation with interested parties.

Other countries have also taken steps to restrict puberty blockers out of concern about a lack of robust evidence and rising prescribing rates.

How do you tell The Spinoff they’ve been wrong?

How do you tell Stuff, RNZ and vast swathes of the Public service it’s all been a bit of a bullshit fad?

How do you tell the Woke Wellington Wankers, those Transphobe purges and cancelation social media lynchings may have been a tad overdone?

And most importantly, how do you do it without exciting transphobic right hate groups?

it is hard to acknowledge a middle class identity cult has become a fad, but the stats don’t lie…

Ian Powell’s thoughtful critique of puberty blockers is an important contribution here.

For the millionth time. The idea that there are some women who believe they are men and some men who believe they are women and some people who believe they are neither and some who believe they are both is as uncontroversial to me as the range of eye, skin and hair colour in the human species.

As a matter of basic human curtesy we should always refer to a person by what ever pronoun and name they wish us to use and we should make it as easy as possible for people to legitimately be able to gain the paper work they need that states their gender and identity so they can go about the lives like everyone else.

This is a liberal progressive democracy, and everyone is promised the same agency and we want our Trans whanau to enjoy the same fruits of human rights we all enjoy, and for those who identity is a real issue, we want them to flourish, however when a middle class identity cult takes over the cultural debate to try and enforce a medical solution to their gender dogma, that’s where the adults in the room have to collectively stand and say, ‘hold on’.

There are genuine issues here that we have ignored in the rush to endorse woke Trans dogma, however what we don’t want is the excesses of the middle class cult to excite the transphobic right hate groups into any belief of justification.

My issue has never been anti-Trans, my issue is the radioactive manner in which the Trans activists and 4th wave feminists went about alienating every voter.

I know many staunch Kiwi Feminists in NZ who feel deeply uncomfortable with the extremeness of some woke Fourth Wave feminists and who feel intimidated to express their true thoughts for fear of being torn to pieces.

Remember how we on the Left had people sacked from their jobs during the social media lynchings of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 for questioning Trans Dogma?

Isn’t it hilarious the first tiny bit of power our activists had they used to alienate almost everyone? Thank Christ they are all on Bluesky now which is the equivalent of screaming into a cushion that no one else can hear.

It is the woke middle class Identitarians who have generated the political backlash we saw in America and globally.

Here is how spastic the Trans debate became in America.

Trump consistently claimed Democrats would allow illegal aliens sex changes in prison, what’s the truth?

Yes the American Prison system allows those transitioning to access the medicines they require because that’s a health issue, but how many have actually accessed sex change operations?

Only 2 prisoners!


When challenged on this, Kamala Harris said “I will follow the law”, rather than explaining that there are only 2 examples of this and both were domestic prisoners, not ‘illegals’.

She didn’t point this out because the Dems were terrified of insulting the woke by mentioning the Trans debate in any way that didn’t worship them.

The Trans debate – thanks to the toxicity the Woke spent 8 years injecting into this issue, was manipulated by the Right to paint us as gender extremists FFS when only 2 prisoners have ever accessed it!

When you replace class and citizenship as our guiding values on the Left for identity politics, you make it impossible to get to the 51% democratic majority required to win power.

We want our Trans whanau to be able to enjoy the same agency that everyone is promised in a liberal progressive democracy, but the extremism of our woke middle class activists drove the debate off a cliff and now they are pissed off at the rest of us for not supporting them in driving off the cliff???

While I’ve been vocal against their woke alienation, I’ve ended up being one of the few still willing to stand with the Trans community against this Government threatening community funding for any amateur sports team having a Trans player because while I disagree with the Trans alienating tactics, I disagree much more with punishing community funding for their mere existence.

This whole debate needed to be far more rational and far less hating. Could the woke please go back to sleep?

We get it wokies, your manufactured identity is far more important than the common ground between us.

Meanwhile, the Planet is melting, global war looms and the economy is tanking. If we could just get back to those issues please?


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

MEDIAWATCH: Stuff’s Jury journalism a miscarriage of justice

The second tenet of faith in the holy trinity of woke dogma is:

“B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL Woman that ALL Men are rapists”.

It’s an important tenet of faith, it derives from a gender critical certainty that women are so moral and better they would never lie about sexual assault, where as males are innately evil and by jere fact of owning a heteronormative penis, they are toxic and would ALWAYS lie about sexual assault.

This dogma was front and centre of Stuff’s coverage of Jury trials in NZ…

Survivor demands to know who sits on juries

The right to trial by jury has been enshrined in the law for hundreds of years but when registrars select names at random from the electoral roll, who answers the call and are they representative of the community? A survivor is calling for research to be carried out.

…in the Stuff reality, To Kill a Mockingbird is a heteronormative white cis male hate crime.

Allegations of sexual assault need to be taken seriously, not ‘believed’.

I found three things to be fascinating in Stuff’s journalism regarding Juries.

Firstly, rather than research who the Jury are and what they think, the focus should be on better pay for Jury service so as to allow the working poor to appear on Jury trials.

Secondly, it’s astounding that for a news story on Jury trials not once and no where does Stuff even cover the fact that Goldsmith is looking to reduce the use of Jury trials and the enormous impact that will have on justice in New Zealand.

Thirdly, there is zero reflection on the changes to jury trials that the Greens rammed through while in Government last that are set up so as to find any person accused of rape guilty by removing any defence. This on top of all the other defences given to those giving testimony in sexual assault cases.

Sexual assault is a disgraceful crime and as far as I am concerned, the worst kind of crime, but a legal system requires entrenched legal defences, and throwing those out under the belief that anyone accusing someone of sexual assault is telling the truth is not a justice system, it’s a process of guilt.


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

Setting submission dates on controversial legislation during summer break is an abuse of power and National know it

This hard right Government abuse power with an ease that defies belief.

They have cashed in on the nation’s post Covid bitterness by ramming through more legislation under urgency than any previous Government…

Govt sets record for laws passed under urgency in first 100 days

Data from the Parliamentary Library shows that, in order to maintain the breakneck lawmaking pace the Government has managed, urgency has been used more than ever before at such an early stage in the term.

…they have purposely set the amount of time for scrutiny down to the tiniest amounts…

Four days to submit on proposed law reinstating offshore oil and gas exploration in New Zealand

…while allowing their own pet project racist stunts to have a 6 month hate tour…

Treaty Principles Bill to go through six-month select committee process

…and when they do allow us the people to have a voice, the system breaks down…

Parliamentary website crashes ahead of Treaty Principles Bill

…setting submission dates on controversial legislation during summer break is an abuse of power and National know it!

Right now they are also doing the same thing with the Regulatory Standards Bill and are closing submissions on Monday FFS!

The Treaty Principles Referendum is the distraction, but the Regulatory Standards Bill is the real win for the Neoliberal Right…

The long neoliberal con

While all the media and popular coverage seems to have been directed towards the Treaty Principles Bill, David Seymour and Act are poised to achieve another substantive victory that has been over 20 years in the making.

The Regulatory Standards Bill, first introduced to Parliament in 2006 and reintroduced last year by Seymour in his role as the Minister for Regulation, is under the public consultation phase (quietly started on the day of the arrival of the hikoi in Wellington).

It will be taken up by parliament in early 2025.

As detailed by Melanie Nelson, the passage of this bill (an agreement in the coalition Government’s negotiations) will help Act to realise a longstanding goal of their neoliberal policy agenda, which is to enshrine the rights of individuals, particularly property holders and business owners, over the collective good of all New Zealanders.

“The focus on the Treaty Principles Bill risks overshadowing its dull but dangerous cousin, the Regulatory Standards Bill, which is currently open for consultation,” she writes. “The Regulatory Standards Bill is the brainchild of the Business Roundtable (now the New Zealand Initiative) and has been attempted three times previously by the Act Party.”

If passed, the bill will establish a hand-picked regulatory board to ensure that law-making complies with its regulatory “principles” and to deal with complaints of violations (the public can even call in their complaints via a newly established tip line).

…ACT have tailored an economic straight jacket that will make it impossible to counter corporate interests ever again.

If this passes, Corporations will be able to stop any environmental or taxation policy they don’t like.

The radical nature of this should terrify every New Zealander.

What is most concerning is that this legislation is the Atlas Network playbook…

And who, in turn, are the junktanks? Many refuse to divulge who funds them, but as information has trickled out we have discovered that the Atlas Network itself and many of its members have taken money from funding networks set up by the Koch brothers and other rightwing billionaires, and from oil, coal and tobacco companiesand other life-defying interests. The junktanks are merely the intermediaries. They go into battle on behalf of their donors, in the class war waged by the rich against the poor. When a government responds to the demands of the network, it responds, in reality, to the money that funds it.

…Oil, coal, tobacco, right wing billionaires, the fucking Koch brothers, dark money influencing our political system so much so that we see the exact same agenda being rolled out here!

I didn’t believe most Kiwis voting National, NZF or ACT had much idea what exactly they were voting for and I don’t think the vast majority of Kiwis have any comprehension just how far right this Government actually is.

Setting up a legislative body dominated by corporate interests to test future laws against would be the end of NZ as a functioning democracy.

Sure it would be Government elected by the people, but it be run by law decided by corporations…

This regulatory board would have sweeping oversight over all proposed government regulations, with the ability to make non-binding recommendations.

Furthermore, all proposed legislation or ministerial statutes (with a compliance review of all existing laws within 10 years) would fall under the purview of the new regulatory board, severely curtailing the ability of the government to regulate harmful business practices or corporate exploitation, even if such regulation is in the public interest.

More seriously the current version of the bill has removed any role of the courts to provide regulatory oversight or interpretation; a move that seems to be explicitly targeted at blocking any incorporation of Te Tiriti into the regulatory discussion.

…so the Courts would be effectively bypassed by this new regulatory board.

At some stage New Zealand, you are going to have to either resist this slide to corporate fascism or you are merely going to be puppets to them.

How much corporate cock are you going to swallow Kiwis?

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

Catastrophic Climate Change is here in a new Post-Time culture: Why Fortress Aotearoa will be the only Ark solution left

The feedback loops are kicking in now…

‘Hydroclimate whiplash’: The new phenomenon unleashing deadly fires on our cities

Californian climate scientists have published one of the timeliest findings in history. Hydroclimate whiplash – a term for the phenomenon of savage seasonal swings between catastrophic rain and sapping drought – is increasing, fast.

Driven by an atmosphere stoked hotter by the burning of fossil fuels, the whiplash is amplifying flash-floods, wildfires, landslides and disease outbreaks, the paper released overnight on Friday found.

To illustrate this volatility, the authors zeroed in on California, where nine atmospheric river storms dumped record-breaking rain over a three-week period last (northern hemisphere) winter. Nearly 30 centimetres of rain hit the University of California, Los Angeles, which led the research, in two days last February. But this winter, barely a drop.

Weather whiplash has proliferated across the globe, including in Australia, which lurched from the state-spanning blazes of Black Summer to a three-year bout of rain-making La Nina weather systems.

…intense rainfall creates a jump in plants which feed the next fire loop during the next drought cycle. Then intense flash flooding hits parched ground and erodes soil more intensely.

The extra moisture weakens the jet stream and the polar vortex slips.

Massive methane releases from permafrost and the ocean floor melts all the Greenland ice sheets which sends enormous amounts of fresh water into the Labrador Sea which disrupts the AMOC into shut down, inadvertently starting an ice age.

All this as the Planet plunges into catastrophic climate change…

Earth records hottest year ever in 2024 and the jump was so big it breached a key threshold

Earth recorded its hottest year ever in 2024, with such a big jump that the planet temporarily passed a major climate threshold, several weather monitoring agencies announced Friday.

Last year’s global average temperature easily passed 2023’s record heat and kept pushing even higher. It surpassed the long-term warming limit of 1.5C since the late 1800s that was called for by the 2015 Paris climate pact, according to the European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Service, the United Kingdom’s Meteorology Office and Japan’s weather agency.

The European team calculated 1.6C of warming. Japan found 1.57C and the British 1.53C in releases of data coordinated to early Friday morning European time.

American monitoring teams — Nasa, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the private Berkeley Earth — were to release their figures later Friday but all will likely show record heat for 2024, European scientists said. The six groups compensate for data gaps in observations that go back to 1850 — in different ways, which is why numbers vary slightly.

Even now as LA burns, fuckwit right wing Trolls be screaming that the fire is all Democrats fault for Firefighting cut backs.

Fuckwit right wing Trolls will point to every single thing OTHER THAN global warming to explaining the catastrophic climate change we are seeing.

Fuckwit right wing Trolls be the problem, not climate activists.

Fuckwit right wing Trolls play into the narrative promoted by Big Oil and the polluter class to avoid any political consequences for global warming.

We are now post-Time.

The last 3 centuries of carbon exploitation for capitalism has laid a price upon the rest of us in the present that no one agreed to.

We are in an age of consequences that are so enormous that we either sink into denial or avoid the issue altogether.

We are post-Time now that we are in the epoch of Anthropogenic global warming.

We are on a doom-loop of heat while Fuckwit right wing Trolls sing, “We didn’t start the fire”.

I have been warning and arguing for over a decade that Global Warming represents an existential crisis to our species because built within the biosphere are tipping points that once crossed will see catastrophic shifts in temperatures that will make complex societies impossible within large parts of the planet.

The speed of how quickly the global weather systems are unravelling is unprecedented and the latest research out yesterday on one of the most important tipping points, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current, is so much worse than anyone thought possible that it demands an immediate reset of everything we do and highlights that Fortress Aotearoa is our last hope.

The research is just so bad…

A crucial system of ocean currents is heading for a collapse that ‘would affect every person on the planet’

A vital system of ocean currents could collapse within a few decades if the world continues to pump out planet-heating pollution, scientists are warning – an event that would be catastrophic for global weather and “affect every person on the planet.”

A new study published Tuesday in the journal Nature, found that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current – of which the Gulf Stream is a part – could collapse around the middle of the century, or even as early as 2025.

Scientists uninvolved with this study told CNN the exact tipping point for the critical system is uncertain, and that measurements of the currents have so far showed little trend or change. But they agreed these results are alarming and provide new evidence that the tipping point could occur sooner than previously thought.

The AMOC is a complex tangle of currents that works like a giant global conveyor belt. It transports warm water from the tropics toward the North Atlantic, where the water cools, becomes saltier and sinks deep into the ocean, before spreading southwards.

It plays a crucial role in the climate system, helping regulate global weather patterns. Its collapse would have enormous implications, including much more extreme winters and sea level rises affecting parts of Europe and the US, and a shifting of the monsoon in the tropics.

For years, scientists have been warning of its instability as the climate crisis accelerates, threatening to upset the balance of temperature and salinity on which the strength of these currents depend.

As the oceans heat up and ice melts, more freshwater flows into the ocean and reduces the water’s density, making it less able to sink. When waters become too fresh, too warm or both, the conveyor belt stops.

It has happened before. More than 12,000 years ago, rapid glacier melt caused the AMOC to shut down, leading to huge Northern Hemisphere temperature fluctuations of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (18 to 27 Fahrenheit) within a decade.

A shutdown “would affect every person on the planet – it’s that big and important,” said Peter de Menocal, the president of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who was not involved in the study.

A 2019 report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that the AMOC would weaken over this century, but that its full collapse before 2100 was unlikely.

This new study comes to a much more alarming conclusion.

As the AMOC has only been continuously monitored since 2004, the study authors looked to a much larger dataset, and one which could show how the currents behaved in a period without human-caused climate change.

“We needed to go back in time,” said Peter Ditlevsen, a professor of climate physics at the University of Copenhagen and one of the authors of the report. The scientists analyzed sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic in an area south of Greenland over a period of 150 years between 1870 and 2020.

This part of the ocean is warmed by the water transported north from the tropics by the AMOC, Ditlevsen said, “so if it cools, it’s because the AMOC is weakening.” The authors then subtracted the impacts of human-caused global warming on the water temperature to understand how the currents were changing.

They found “early warning signals” of critical changes in the AMOC, which led them to predict “with high confidence” that it could shut down or collapse as early as 2025 and no later than 2095. The likeliest point of collapse is somewhere between 2039 and 2070, Ditlevsen said.

“It’s really scary,” he told CNN. “This is not something you would lightly put into papers,” he said, adding, “we’re very confident that this is a robust result.”

De Menocal said the study results were “both surprising and alarming.”

It’s been clear for a while that the AMOC will weaken in the coming decades, he told CNN. In 2021, a study found the AMOC was showing signs of instability due to climate change.

…fuckwits in NZ who claim ‘there’s nothing we can do’ about climate change don’t understand that it’s already done!

The temperature swings predicted are beyond species ability to adapt and are beyond civilisations capacity to function.

If the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current shuts down, Fortress Aotearoa is our only move.

It is time to Think Bigger!

Chris Trotter warns us that Autarky can not be NZs future because we don’t have enough self-sufficiency built into NZs economy.

I agree that’s a problem, but it certainly isn’t an impossible problem to overcome.

Yes we need a basic pharmaceutical industry if we want to be self sufficient.

Yes I believe we urgently need to raise our military spending to 5% of GDP.

Yes Māori we’re able to live here self sufficiently for almost a century but I’m not suggesting a subsistence existence.

The naked truth is that Fortress Aotearoa will be forced upon us whether we are willing or not.

The catastrophic heat via pollution locked into our system goes so beyond what the ice core samples tell us that we are in uncharted territory.

Normally heat like this occurs over hundreds of thousands of years thanks to the angle of the Earth on its axis but we have done that in less than 3 centuries!

When the process occurs naturally over hundreds of thousands of years, the sudden and dramatic flip from burning hot to ice age can occur within decades. Create all that power within centuries and we turbo charge those flipping points in ways far more abrupt and damaging.

The rapid melting of the doomsday glacier in Antarctica and the shut down of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation will trigger irreversible environmental collapse within  decades, not the end of the century.

There is no optimism on the climate front, just consequences now.

With such significant weather catastrophes occurring with ever more whithering destruction, other country’s will move to Autarky, will NZers cheers those planes landing with tourists while burning more climate gases or will they attack the Airports to shut them down?

Look at how every poll in NZ shows over 50% support for a total close of the border from a virus with the low mortality rate of Covid?

The climate crisis destroys environments and makes it more likely and probable that an Alpha virus far more lethal than Covid-19 will emerge – you think Kiwis will

While the globalists infect every political party in NZ, all it takes is one populist spark to breath Fortress NZ into life.

Post growth capitalism with true sustainability calls for Autarky on a burning planet than can’t take anymore globalism.

Muldoon thought big because he believed the oil shocks of the 70s was the future. He was wrong then but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong now.

The US Military Industrial complex simply solved the problem of an Oligopoly by seeding and backing harsh authoritarian regimes with lots of oil so that they could always access cheap petrol making Muldoon’s investment meaningless but The Military Industrial Complex can’t negotiate with the planet as we make it sicker and sicker!

As the reality of the enormity of climate change starts to dawn, people will be looking for ‘lifeboats’, NZ is one of these ‘lifeboats’…

Why NZ could be humanity’s ‘lifeboat’ in an extinction

Scientists have singled out New Zealand as a potential “ark” to reboot civilisation if a deadly pandemic swept the planet.

In a study just published in the international journal Risk Analysis , researchers found that New Zealand, along with Australia and Iceland, could serve as “lifeboats” to help humanity recover from a full-scale extinction event.

…while the focus here is on a pandemic, the same is true of NZ being a lifeboat for climate change.

The current political spectrum in New Zealand can not radically adapt fast enough to adopt the changes we must make if we are to survive the climate crisis. It will require a radical Political Movement that elects a Party to implement Fortress Aotearoa…

    • Move away from intensive farming and look to become domestically self sustainable in terms of food.
    • Immediately ban all water exports
    • 5 year Parliamentary term.
    • Upper and Lower House (Upper House 50-50 split between Māori & Pakeha that can hold up legislation if unhappy about Treaty issues)
    • Massive investment into R&D from Government with the understanding research is to benefit NZ first before sold offshore.
    • Large scale increase in Navy, Army & Airforce.
    • Mass limiting of tourism numbers with increased tourist taxes.
    • Only citizens can vote.
    • Sustainable immigration and an end to exploitative migrant workers.
    • Resettlement Programms for all pacific island neighbours.
    • Increase refugee in take to 10000 per year
    • Fully funded public services.
    • Mass Green housing rebuild.
    • 100% renewable energy for entire country.
    • Massive native tree planting across previous farming land.
    • Wholesale re-write of state services act to end commercial values.
    • Investment into basic pharmaceutical production.
    • Financial transaction tax
    • Wealth tax
    • Multinational tax
    • Inheritance tax

As the climate crisis unfolds more and more people in fury will turn against the current political system too wedded to the economic profits margins of the polluters. It is just a matter of time before the NZ electorate rejects the limitations of the current political spectrum.

The climate crisis will demand we have the military engineering capacity to rebuild from extreme weather events; have the military power to project across the Pacific in response to climate crisis civil disruption or extreme weather events; protection of fishing stock.

To ignore the real need for us to invest far larger amounts into the Defence force and to build a bigger Air, Land and Sea service as a response to the crisis emergency is as unacceptable as climate denial is.

And while we are talking about the consequences of the climate crisis, Australia wants passport free travel…

Australia and New Zealand citizens could have passport-free travel if security talks successful

Australian and New Zealand travellers may no longer need a passport if security talks between the country’s prime minsters are successful.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be in Wellington tomorrow to meet with New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, with strengthening trade and security ties on the agenda.
This will include a push for a “seamless” trans-Tasman border, meaning citizens travelling between the two countries would not need a passport.

…we should only agree on this for very specific wins like a shared pharmaceutical industry because as the climate crisis overwhelms Australia’s ability to survive at certain temperatures, NZ will be flooded with Australian climate refugees.

There’s barely 5million of us and 26million of them. Let’s keep our distance.

The tyranny of distance has always been our malaise but on a burning planet of constant external shocks the Shire of NZ is looking very good right now.

‘Build that wall’ will soon become ‘defend that moat’.

In 1980, the time between billion dollar climate destruction events was 3 months.

It’s now 18 days.

There is a point where the next destructive weather event strikes before you can rebuild from the last one.

Fortress Aotearoa is coming whether we want it or not.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

Massive Assange win on destroyed legal documents and isn’t it time we showed Kim Dotcom mercy?

Massive Assange win on destroyed legal documents…

British judge orders the Crown Prosecution Service to shed light on the destruction of key documents regarding Julian Assange

There is a judge in London. The British authorities with the Crown Prosecution Service must confirm whether or not the service holds information on how, when and why they deleted crucial documents on the Julian Assange case and, if they do hold such information, they must either supply it to us or deny it to us, identifying on what grounds the information is being withheld.

This order was just issued by the London First-tier Tribunal chaired by Judge Foss, in a ruling (read) that sides with our battle for truth based on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the law that allows citizens access to government documents.

For more than nine years we have been trying to obtain the full documentation on the Julian Assange and WikiLeaks case, and after discovering that part of that documentation was destroyed in 2017, we have been trying to investigate why it was destroyed, to determine if there is some way to retrieve it, or if it is now permanently lost.

Judge Foss has ruled that if the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) authorities do not comply with her order by February 21st, their refusal could lead to contempt proceedings. Representing us in this legal battle since 2017 is a first-rate FOIA specialist, barrister Estelle Dehon, with the London chambers Cornerstone Barristers, who comments on Judge Foss’s ruling as follows: “The Tribunal concluded the CPS likely still holds some information explaining what took place. Hopefully that will, finally, be disclosed.”

Why the truth still matters, even if Julian Assange is no longer in prison

Julian Assange is now free: after a legal and judicial saga involving three U.S. administrations – those of Obama, Trump, and Biden – the WikiLeaks founder was allowed to leave the UK’s harshest prison, London’s Belmarsh prison, last June. After fourteen years no longer walking the streets a free man, the United States let Assange go. But not without demanding their last pound of flesh: an admission of guilt. The WikiLeaks founder was placed before a choice: either plead guilty, or risk spending the rest of his days in a maximum-security prison in the United States for publishing secret U.S. government documents revealing war crimes, torture and atrocities, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Guantanamo.

As the New York Times put it, “The agreement means that for the first time in American history, gathering and publishing information the government considers secret has been successfully treated as a crime. This new precedent will send a threatening message to national security journalists”.

But that plea deal is not only a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of reporters should they, like Assange and his WikiLeaks colleagues, reveal state criminality in the future; it also places a tombstone on the truth for the WikiLeaks founder. Indeed, in accepting a plea agreement with the U.S. government, the Australian journalist was also forced to give up his right to uncover the facts behind his persecution using FOIA.

Assange is free, but the truth is still far away and must be sought before, with the passage of time, it is buried forever. Because it matters, and not just to him and his organization. The truth matters first of all because, although the Assange case is closed, there is no definitive confirmation that the U.S. government’s investigation into WikiLeaks is completely closed, and secondly because the persecution of WikiLeaks has been one of the most extensive in the history of Western journalism. Persecution riddled with grave abuses, from the arbitrary detention of Assange, established by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,to the CIA plans to kill him, still under investigation by the Spanish judicial authority. If, in a democracy, a news organization and its founder can suffer abuses of this magnitude without any of the responsible authorities being held to account, other journalists will be subject to them, creating a climate of intimidation and impunity.

A wall of darkness

Since August 2015, we have been trying through FOIA to obtain the full documentation on the Assange and WikiLeaks case. Four governments have been denying it to us for almost a decade: the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden and Australia. The wall of darkness put up by the four governments gives a measure of how inconvenient the truth about this case can be. In our effort to break it down, we have been forced to resort to a legal battle in the courts and tribunals of the United Kingdom, United States, Sweden and Australia, requiring considerable effort and tens of thousands of euros, despite the fact that the lawyers representing us have always worked at reduced fees, if not in some cases completely pro bono. Without the support of a grant for investigative journalism from the David Revaand Logan Foundation, which has paid most of these legal fees – after the initial fees were paid from our own pocket – this journalistic work would not be possible.

One of the authorities that has played a crucial role in the case from the beginning is the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which prosecutes criminal cases in England and Wales. The CPS is the public authority that handled the requests for Julian Assange’s extradition from both the U.S. authorities and the Swedish Prosecution Authority when, in 2010 – not even four weeks after WikiLeaks began publishing secret files on the war in Afghanistan – he ended up in a rape investigation in Sweden. Today, of course, all investigations against Assange are closed.

Our investigation with FOIA uncovered crucial information, including the fact that, from the very early stages of the Swedish case, it was the Crown Prosecution Service that advised the magistrates with the Swedish Prosecution Authority (SPA) against the only legal strategy that could have brought the case to a rapid resolution, i.e. questioning Julian Assange in London, rather than insisting on his extradition. This legal advice was provided to the Swedish magistrates by Mr. Paul Close, a lawyer with the Special Crime Division – the division of the Crown Prosecution Service that prosecutes high-profile cases. Mr. Close’s advice helped create the legal and diplomatic quagmire that kept Assange arbitrarily detained in London from 2010. Some of the key decisions on the case, such as advising the Swedish prosecutors not to question Assange in London, were made by the Crown Prosecution Service between 2010 and 2013, when the CPS was headed by Keir Starmer, then Director of Public Prosecutions and now prime minister of the British Labour government. What role, if any, did Starmer play in the Assange case?

The highly anomalous handling of the Swedish case by both the Swedish prosecutors and the Crown Prosecution Service resulted in justice for no one, contributed to the devastation of Assange’s health, cost British taxpayers at least 13.2 million pounds to keep Assange under surveillance from 2012 to 2015, resulted in the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention decision that Sweden and Britain had arbitrarily detained Assange from 2010 and, finally, led the UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, to claim 50 perceived due process violations and to denounce that Assange was being psychologically tortured.

US-UK conversation on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? Shrouded in secrecy

To unearth what happened behind the scenes, access to correspondence between the Crown Prosecution Service and authorities in the United States, Sweden, and Ecuador is essential. Yet every attempt we have made to obtain the exchange between the British and American authorities on the case has failed. That exchange remains completely shrouded in secrecy. In nearly a decade of our battle, neither Washington nor London has ever released a single page to us of their relative emails or document exchanges. And no judge has ever ordered them to do so.

As regards the correspondence on the case between Britain and Sweden, on the other hand, after years of legal battle in London and Stockholm we did obtain a few hundred pages, but those pages contain gaps related to crucial stages, such as the period when a warrant for Mr. Assange’s arrest was issued, or when Mr. Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy, or when Ecuador granted him asylum. It is simply not credible that the Swedish and British authorities did not communicate during those times. When, in November 2017, we asked for copies of documents related to those stages, the Crown Prosecution Service replied: “All the data associated with Paul Close’s account was deleted when he retired and cannot be recovered”.

Since that admission, we have been trying to obtain explanations from CPS authorities on how, when and why the account was deleted. The Crown Prosecution Service has always maintained that the destruction was carried out in accordance with standard procedures, when attorney Paul Close had retired, and in November 2017 Judge Andrew Bartlett of the First-tier Tribunal ruled that there was “nothing untoward” about its destruction.

To British Labour Party MP John McDonnell’s request to know if there is a backup system to retrieve deleted accounts, the Crown Prosecution Service replied that there is not, and that one “cannot ‘know’ that all relevant emails were transferred to the case file” before Close’s account was destroyed, though that was “standard practise”. Last May, a cross-party group of Members of Parliament, which included Labour MP John McDonnell, Green MP Caroline Lucas, Jeremy Corbyn and Conservative MP David Davis, submitted a request for an inquiry in a letter to the chair of the Justice Select Committee of the British Parliament. A few days later the parliament was dissolved, however, and new elections were held, so the initiative did not move forward.

Judge Foss: the Crown Prosecution Service has not undertaken adequate searches

The British authorities at the Crown Prosecution Service are not the only ones who destroyed the documents: in February 2023, we learned that the Swedish Prosecution Authority had done so as well. And we learned this only because their English colleagues at the CPS affirmed this during a hearing in our legal battle. For years, the Swedes too had put up a brick wall to our requests and appeals in the Stockholm courts to obtain the documents the Swedish Prosecution Authority stated did not exist. They did not exist because they had destroyed them.

As for the Crown Prosecution Service, it was not until June 2023 that the first crack in the wall of secrecy appeared, when the First-tier Tribunal chaired by Judge O’Connor ordered the CPS authorities to confirm whether they hold information about the destruction of documents.

After this order, for the first time the authorities with the Crown Prosecution Service brought out a document which, going by their version of events, justified having destroyed the documents: it stated that email accounts would be deleted thirty days after a staff member had left their post. Thirty days? And yet they had always claimed that Paul Close’s account was deleted three months after he retired. And if that document really did show the documents had been destroyed in keeping with the rules, then why had no one ever mentioned this in six years, and why had no one ever thought of giving me a copy, despite my repeated requests and appeals in the British Tribunals?

In order to understand when that document was created, it is important to have the associated metadata, but the CPS refused to release it to us, because we did not ask for it when we submitted our request.

While judge Foss ruled against us when it comes to the metadata, her ruling is a full victory when it comes to the destruction of documents: “Overall, based on the evidence before us”, writes judge Foss in her ruling, “our concern is that over a number of years the CPS has not properly addressed itself at least to recording, if not undertaking, adequate searches in relation to the CPS lawyer’s emails”.

This time, will the Crown Prosecution Service finally shed light on that crucial documentation in the Julian Assange case?

…if you believe in the Fourth Estate holding the powerful to account then the manner in which Assange has been tortured, abused and smeared should anger you and concern you.

The entire case against Assange was punishment for highlighting the war crimes of powerful countries and he was smeared as a rapist by woke activists wanting another male scalp.

Assange has stood for the values of journalism from day 1 and the manner in which he has been abused for this is an obscenity.

While we are looking for justice for Assange, isn’t it time we should Kim Dotcom some mercy…

Kim Dotcom reveals wheelchair use and memory loss following life-threatening stroke

…Kim was caught up in the same attempt to silence Snowden and Assange but became more important to capture because Corporate Hollywood threatened Obama with a drop in donations if Biden and Obama didn’t make him into a symbolic Kangaroo Court scalp.

Assange has been let go, Snowden fled to Russia, shouldn’t we grant Kim clemency and refuse to hand him over to the Americans?

Since when did NZ become America’s bitch?


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

Political Caption Competition

A polar bear in Greenland responds to America

The Daily Blog Open Mic – 12th January 2025

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird Blshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.

In Occupied Palestine – 09 January 2025

In Occupied Palestine

Zionism in practice

Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land

08:00, 09 January 2025 until 08:00, 10 January 2025

[Source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group]

Gaza Strip

Attacks: There are no safe places for the militarily-dominated population in Gaza, who find themselves subjected to airstrikes and other missile attacks on buildings, homes and many essentialfacilities, as well as constant gunfire and invasions by Israeli forces. The Israeli Navy continues to fire missiles, targeting facilities and buildings along the entire Gaza shoreline.

US Government isn’t just bankrolling genocide —

it’s actively targeting the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Yesterday, 10 January, the House voted to sanction ICC officials for issuing an arrest warrant against Netanyahu. The vote reflects mounting fears among genocide supporters in Congress about the incoming wave of arrest warrants and prosecution initiatives to hold Israeli war criminals accountable – and the risk of them reaching the US next. This is just one of many upcoming votes on whether the US holds Israel accountable, or whether it continues to enable Israel’s genocide and war crimes. It’s critical we show our representatives that we are watching. 

From the Adalah Justice Project – a Palestinian-led advocacy organisation based in the US that builds cross-movement coalitions to achieve collective liberation. Their work is rooted in the conviction that drawing the linkages between US policy abroad and repressive state practices at home is crucial to shifting the balance of power.


See also: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-lawmakers-vote-sanction-icc-officials-issuing-netanyahu-warrant

West Bank

[Palestinian Monitoring Group]

Since midnight on 07 October 2023, Occupation forces have been imposing a complete closure around the whole of the West Bank, preventing people (including even permit holders) from entering both the city of Jerusalem as well as Israel otherwise than for especiallynegotiated exceptions. Permanent military checkpoints impose severe travel restrictions within the Occupied West Bank.

Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Nablus – 18:2020:15, Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition, stormed the town of Sebastia, wounding a resident: Islam Ahmed Mahmoud Awda Ghazal.

Home invasion: Qalqiliya – 21:0523:40, Israeli Occupation forces raided the town of Azzun and searched a house.

Home invasion: Nablus – 18:50-20:20, Israeli forces raided Tal village and searched a home.

Home invasion: Hebron – 08:50-11:25, the Israeli Army raided the town of Tafuh and searched a house.

Home invasion: Hebron – 22:2523:55, Israeli troops raided the town of Surif and searched a home.

Israeli police and settlers’ mosque violation: Jerusalem – 08:00, Israeli settlers, escorted by Occupation police, invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and molested worshippers.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Qalqiliya – 10:15, Israeli Occupation forces took prisoner a man, Anas Saeed Darwish Abu Adhba, when he reported, as ordered, for interrogation at Israeli Military Intelligence.

Israeli Army armed robbery: Salfit – 11:50, the Israeli Army seized a bulldozer being used to build a home in the village of Sarta.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Salfit – for the fourth consecutive day, Occupation forces continued to close the western entrance to Deir Istiya.

Israeli Army violence – injury: Jericho – 20:00, Israeli troops set up a checkpoint, near the village of Ein al-Dyouk, severely beating-up and hospitalising a man: Nicola Andrei.

Israeli Army violence – 2 injured: Hebron – Israeli soldiers severely beatup and hospitalised two people at a checkpoint setup on the road to the old market and the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Occupation settlement development: Jerusalem – On 09 January, the Israeli Occupation announced the start of the implementation of the Silicon Valley settlement project in the Wadi al-Joz neighbourhood that threatens the demolition of around 200 properties and the seizure of 200 hectares of Palestinian land.

Occupation settler arson agricultural sabotage: Ramallah – 00:35, Israeli Occupation settlers invaded Khirbet Abu Falah village agricultural land and set fire to a building, leaving behind on its walls racist messages in Hebrew.

Occupation settler land-grab: Tubas – Israelis, from the Beka’ot Occupation settlement, seized an area of land east of Tammun, installing mobile homes on it to establish a new outpost.

Occupation settler stoning: Qalqiliya – 22:50, Israelis, from the Kedumim Occupation settlement, stoned passing vehicles at the nearby roundabout.

Occupation settler stoning: Nablus – 23:00, Israelis, from the Yitzhar Occupation settlement, stoned passing vehicles on the nearby bypass road.

Occupation settler stoning: Hebron – 01:30, Occupation settlers stoned homes in Susya village.

Raid – 2 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 22:5000:50, Israeli Occupation forces raided the village of Kharbatha al-Misbah, taking prisoner two people.

Raid: Ramallah – evening, Israeli forces raided and patrolled the town of Ni’lin.

Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 03:0004:40, the Israeli Army raided the town of Sinjil, taking prisoner one person.

Raid – 2 taken prisoner in refugee camp: Ramallah – 03:0505:10, Israeli troops raided the Jalazoun refugee camp, taking prisoner two people.

Raid – homedemolition orders: Jenin – 09:15, the Israeli military raided the village of al-Fanduqumiya and issued orders for the demolition of eight homes, considered by the Occupation as too close to the ruins of the Homesh Israeli settlement.

Raid: Tulkarem – 13:30, 8 Jan-10:40, 9 Jan, Israeli soldiers raided Tulkarem.

Raid – refugee camp: Tulkarem – 13:30, 8 Jan-10:40, 9 Jan, Israeli soldiers raided the Tulkarem refugee camp, taking prisoner one person.

Raid: Tulkarem – 06:4507:50, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Kafr al-Labad.

Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Nablus – 02:1503:35, Israeli forces raided Asira al-Shamaliya, taking prisoner one person.

Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Nablus – 03:5005:10, the Israeli Army raided the village of al-Badhan, taking prisoner one person.

Raid: Nablus – 03:5005:10, the Israeli Army raided Talluza village.

Raid – populationcontrol: Salfit – 19:0003:15, Israeli troops raided the town of Deir Istiya and interrogated 74 residents.

Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – dawn, the Israeli military raided the town of Tuqu’, taking prisoner one person.

Raid – 1 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – 09:00-10:30, Israeli soldiers raided the town of Za’tara, taking prisoner one person.

Raid: Bethlehem – 21:30, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled the village of Marah Rabah.

Raid stun grenades fired: Bethlehem – evening, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided and patrolled the town of al-Khadr.

Raid: Bethlehem – evening, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled the village of Husan.