Scum Pig owns illegal home/garages and scum WINZ send desperate people to illegal home/garages – this is NZ in 2016


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No. Way.

Senior cop owns illegal garage rentals

Two illegal garage rentals let to tenants for hundreds of dollars a week are owned by a senior police officer, Newshub has discovered.

Auckland Council confirmed the garages don’t have any permits or consents to be used as a dwelling – they are illegal conversions and can’t be lived in.

Yet south Auckland property manager Debbie Iskandar is letting the garages out.

And in some cases, tenants are being referred to Ms Iskandar by Work and Income, which is also paying their bonds. Ms Iskandar also receives accommodation subsidies.

Let’s get this straight. A senior cop is illegally renting out his garage to desperate people while the fucking WINZ refer desperate people to him?

We have State Agencies now who are the problem, they are not the solution. People fear WINZ, Housing NZ and CYFS the way they fear cancer.

This is civil servants gouging the poor.

This housing crisis, this desperation, this corruption is on every National Party voter.

This is NZ in 2016.

We should all feel ashamed of our Government right now.

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  1. Unbelievable WinZ should be sacked for this, as it is clear cruelty to humans for this type of housing is known too be a hazard to health.

  2. Yes, welcome to the “Blighter Future”, I suppose.

    We will probably learn a bit more tomorrow about WINZ finding excuses for them sending clients in need of urgent housing to rip off property managers, subletting homes they were not even allowed to sublet, and also acting as agent or property manager for a police officer landlord.

    It is the responsibility of the tenants, for what they sign, was a comment I heard being quoted on TV or radio tonight, that was in relation to WINZ sending tenants to the slum property manager.

    What a sick joke.

    And John Key has a meeting lined up with Joe Biden, Vice President of the US, who just arrived here, while air space was cleared for his plane to land. I wonder what the two will discuss.

    Key has already “solved” a beef export issue with Indonesia, by offering them to import our cattle breeding stock, for “breeding purposes”, so they can produce more and better cattle and cows themselves. What a great, “smart” solution to advance New Zealand’s interests.

    It is time to take this man out of his office as PM, he is selling us all down the drain, he is like one committing economic and social treason.

    • Key has already “solved” a beef export issue with Indonesia, by offering them to import our cattle breeding stock, for “breeding purposes”, so they can produce more and better cattle and cows themselves. What a great, “smart” solution to advance New Zealand’s interests.

      Actually, it is. Absolutely brilliant in fact as it means that we will have to stop trading at some point.

      Can’t trade with people who already have what you have and it’s cheaper.

  3. We should all take up arms, form irregular militia and forcibly remove the “government” right now. It’s not a NZ government, but rather a government for foreign colonists.

    • Why does this troll get to post this nonsense?

      It’s clear that Castro is trolling and trying to make the site look violent and extreme. You’ll have WhaleOil taking a screenshot of this and claiming the TDB promotes a violent overthrow of the government.

      Different views are useful for debate, but Castro has never posted anything worth debating.

  4. unfuknbelievable Martyn, WINZ, HNZ et al have become more tools for this National government who like the GCSB and the SIS as you say are becoming the most feared state agencies for the most vulnerable in NZ society, are WINZ trying to incite violence/shootings? Paula Bennett’s red herring of P in HNZ houses allows her to tar all state house tenants with the same brush, justifying her demolition and selloff of HNZ stock.

    • I dare say again, the man behind the Ashburton shootings has been portrayed as a dangerous, intimidating and manipulative man, but former work mates and others had a different story to tell:

      “Russell Tully was born in Ashburton Public Hospital on March 14, 1966, to Eileen Patricia, a registered nurse, and Patrick Noel, a railways clerk. His mother was then 33 and Patrick, a strong Catholic, was 45. They already had a son Kevin and a daughter Catherine, who now live in Australia and have made their lives a success.

      Patrick Tully died in 1980 when Russell was only 14 and his mother did not remarry. In 1984 the two boys were living with Eileen. Kevin worked as a farmhand and Russell was a storeman.

      After his job as a storeman, Russell worked for an Ashburton machinery company which refurbished tractors and the like and sold them overseas.

      A workmate from the time, who did not want to be named, said Tully was a good worker and “you couldn’t have met a nicer bloke”.

      Tully was a quick learner and had a good mechanical aptitude. They went rabbit shooting together.

      “There was never any sign that he was anything other than a good bloke. He was always smiling, always joking. He had a really nice girlfriend.””

      So how was this man turned into what he is known for now? A failed life, a destroyed life, now locked away for 27 years.

      The large increase in trespass notices and alleged abuse and assaults on WINZ workers over recent years tell us there must be a reason behind this change to the worse. Tully was just one of many facing a hard line treatment by WINZ staff, despite of the BS propaganda we are told.

      He was one who would not put up with it, but of course chose the wrong way in dealing with it.

      As we have a rather less sympathetic population, brainwashed into more selfishness and neoliberal competitiveness, there is little support for many. Some despair, some self harm, some get abusive or worse, others just walk away and try surviving without state “support”, that is now hard to find.

      Here we have more proof of the true face of WINZ, a BS agency or department, that does all to get rid of clients, and even send them to virtual illegally acting “slum landlords” and their “managers”.

      I bet Barfoot and Thompson are hiding stuff too.

      • Yes I believe Mr Tully was pushed too far and treated like shit as Winz does now and gets away with it. Very sad really Pull the benefit has a lot to answer for. She is one nasty bitch. And I really don’t know how she sleeps at night. I bet she is one of the most hated politicians in this country. She may need to make herself scarce when they get kicked out. Her and the rest of those nasty rats sitting in the beehive make my stomach turn.

  5. unfuknbelievable Martyn, WINZ, HNZ et al are more tools for the National government like the GCSB and SIS are among the most feared state agencies that the most vulnerable in NZ society are forced to deal with, are WINZ trying to incite violence/shootings ?, Paula Bennetts Red Herring of P in HNZ houses allows her to tar all state house tenants with the same brush to justify her demolition/selloff of HNZ stock taking the gentrification of Auckland to new heights, quite possibly Upper Harbour Heights

  6. Yes, we should ALL feel ashamed and guilty.
    But some will actually be proud of this and will show their pride by voting National and ACT next year.
    Just like the obscenity of yesterday’s Republican convention invoking memories of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington (both of them would shudder with horror to see what has become of their Republican party) National, ACT, and the 1% will see it as a quiet achievement.
    The achievement for them is the curtain falling on the great New Zealand egalitarian show. The show is over, inequality is here to stay.
    The rich will become richer, the poor will become poorer. The trickle down policy that they conned us with has become the surge up.
    By basing their entire political philosophy on the vice of greed they have become successful as only evil can.
    I hope their is a special place in hell reserved for them. If not I will gladly create one if I can.

  7. A shocking and disgraceful situation, in a country which once led the world in enviable social reform!

    This one is a huge important issue for NZ, particularly Auckland, so why isn’t this been reported in the nation’s major newspaper NZH? Has the publication been instructed (National govt, via John Key’s mouthpiece Steven Joyce) not to publish anything on this topic? I’d say it has, judging by the silence of NZH.

    State manipulated media is becoming more obvious in NZ now!

    Hopefully, this government will be judged on how it treats its most vulnerable, at the election next year.

    • You have ALL been saying that since Key won in 2008, 2011 was going to be Labours victory and National will know that the country is against them…D’oh. OK then 2014, Key is evil and the people have had enough and will kick them out…D’oh! and you guys really think Little and Turei will win over the NZ voting public next year?….sheesh, this is what happens when you live in an echo chamber Mary_A you all actually believe the rest of NZ agrees with you all, but actually no…they don’t, and haven’t for last 3 elaections and the way it’s going, a 4th also. (just the facts, no point in shooting the messenger, but it’s how you guys roll I guess)

  8. One thing to be aware of is that Debbie Iksander is the tenant in the property who is subletting the garage to others for ridiculous rates.

    The property manager is apparently Barfoot & Thompson. Apparently anyone can call themselves a property manager! Rental agents should have to be licensed and there should be a disciplinary and complaints you can do. Personally I hate property managers.

    The real issue, I think (and the media is trying to deflect it) is the governments policy of selling social housing, their inability to regulate property managers and their ridiculous privatisation and immigration and welfare policies that are driving people into $2000 motel rooms and $500 garages.

    But, it is better to be in a garage than homeless! The whole saga on housing just keeps getting worse and worse.

    Bottom line is that there are too many people in Auckland for the amount of houses. Wages are too low for most Kiwis to afford the rents and mortgages. Developers are not building affordable houses but large houses for richer people. In doing so, they are often demolishing more affordable houses. The are lowering the supply daily of affordable houses so that people now live in garages with 3 ‘chains’ of command on the tenancy – the current tenant who calls herself a property manager, Barfoot the property manager, and the landlord who’s paying Barfoot to manage the property. Then there is the tax payers who are subsidising the accommodation supplements on the tenancy. Does this sound like free market efficiency?

    Surely it is easier, safer and more cost effective to just have renovated that state house???

    Housing NZ are apparently in surplus.

    But never let ideology get in the way of common sense.

    • A garage is better as far as the pnats are concerned better we can’t see them ( the homeless ) at least they are hidden from the public eye. Out of sight out of mind. Reminds me of the Olympic games
      (China now Brazil) how many poor peoples houses were knocked down just so people can play sports disgusting!

  9. So what do you suggest Martyn those who are working for WINZ, Housing NZ (which is now part of WINZ) and CYF (all part of the Ministry of Social Development) should resign in protest? They need to work to live also – the culture working within MSD is hardly agreeable and many withing within this organisation are FAR from happy about the direction it is following.

    The problem is NOT the departments but the government and government philosophy which drives operations. I actually think CYF do a great job for the most part in very trying circumstances working with the most vulnerable in Aotearoa. Not so sure about WINZ (which hsan’t actually been called this for a number of years now – but that is another issue) and the inclusion of Housing NZ within the Work & Income structure is not a great idea – as they have contradictory philosphies – but again not the time or place.

    Sure, there are some that have difficulty with CYF but without it things would be a great deal worse.

    • “The problem is NOT the departments but the government and government philosophy which drives operations.”

      Same in Health, across the countries DHB’s

  10. Greed, Rogernomics,Neoliberalism and the Nats have destroyed this once decent land. Nothing for it but to end it all Bye!

    Loud bang in garage end of alienation, horror, disgust and sadness,

  11. The homelessness crisis is becoming like a sick Monty Python sketch.
    You remember the one about the old men trying to outdo each other in how poor they were when they were young?
    “It was only a hole in the ground with a tarpaulin over it, but it was a house to us!”
    If a garage is a “house” according to WINZ, next they will be claiming a house can be a garden shed or greenhouse, and why not a tent?
    National has set the bar for WINZ policies, therefore it is to blame for this disgusting situation.

  12. as john campbell on rnz summed it up:we have winz paying direct credits into landlords bank accounts without any checks or inspections.

    to be fair, this is the way the game is played in our property port-folio paradise.

    • This morning on Radio NZ’s ‘Morning Report’, Ministry of Social Development national commissioner Penny Rounthwaite said that it was not up to WINZ to check on properties offered to the homeless.

      Yet, it was only May 2014 that MSD (WINZ) took over responsibility for social housing in this country:

      So they can’t duck responsibility. They are party to National’s policies and it’s direct consequences.

      • It may interest you, Frank, they also want the right (MSD and WINZ) to automatically pay rent to social housing providers without the consent of the beneficiary, as they propose to get authorisation for under the new ‘Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill’.

        The argument is, that way they can avoid beneficiaries misspending benefit money, as they allege that many cannot manage their finances that well.

        It is bizarre really, why do they then bother sending people to budget advisors, or even demand that, when they think people cannot manage their affairs.

        From that arrogant stand, one must also ask, how can MSD then say, it is up to the tenant to check the standards and legal requirements of tenancies they may feel forced to enter?

        They clearly want to have it both ways, the Minister Bennett, the MSD and their department WINZ, so they can get off without being accountable for anything.

        Read Part 3 of the RIS on this:

        • Mike – very interesting.

          Paras 105 and 107 especially so.

          105 – refers to 650,000 superannuitants who would, I strongly suspect, become mightily pissed off if the State chose to interfere in their lives in such a way. Superannuatition is considered an entitlement by the middle classes – and they vote with vengeance.

          It would be a government with a serious death-wish that took on the greying Baby Boomers.

          107 – states that;

          “the Ministry must consider how much a client will have left after redirections of benefit. For some the benefit payment is already reduced by required deductions for example to pay court fines, or child support, so there is little scope for redirection.”

          Which is a politic-way of admitting that the benefit is simply insufficient for beneficiaries to live on. After paying for food and power, there is often bugger-all left.

          Para 114 Suggests that “there is a risk that the ability… for mandatory redirection could cause other suppliers of goods and services to demand similar treatment, eg, private landlords, gardeners, counsellors, power companies.”

          The report says that is “unlikely” – but those reassurances are worthless. In the end, a National Minister can add any service provider s/he wants to, for a redirection of benefit. There is nothing to stop such a process from widening, and I find the MSD assurances to the contrary tragically naive.

          But the whole essence of this report is revealed in para112, where “compulsory redirection for social housing tenants is appropriate to… assist social housing providers to receive their rent in a timely manner.”

          And there you have it.

          The raison d’être: to guarantee income for those outfits that decide to buy state housing from this government – guaranteed income.

          It’s like promising – by Cabinet or Ministerial decree – “X” number of passengers per year to Air New Zealand, so private share-holders are guaranteed a dividend.

          My suspicion is that this is what it all boils down to: to facilitate the privatisation of state houses to “social housing” providers.

          Interesting document. I have filed it for future use.

          • You have got it, Frank, and this all comes on the back of a so-called “rewrite bill”, which is a poor description, as we have further cunningly hidden significant law changes, that will affect many thousands of beneficiaries in many ways.

            Also look at the added principle (see clause 4) they want to bring in, to justify and enable their “investment approach”.


            So they are sneakily trying to introduce further major “reforms” that the public have little knowledge of, as the MSM has been asleep at the wheel, or simply does not care.

        • It’s interesting that the people who are so concerned about people taking personal responsibility for themselves are also so enthusiastic about taking the power necessary to enact that personal responsibility from everyone.

          • I find it more interesting that the same characters who spout off about ‘ personal responsibility ‘ are also the same shitty characters who ensure they impoverish others through lobbying and think tanks like the NZ Initiative… in which case emissaries like Jennings comes to mind…

            If we were to put a pair of jackboots on them and a Nazi insignia around their arms we would not be too far from the mark.

            ‘Personal responsibility ‘ my fucking arse…

            Who do they think they are? …

            My great Fanny Fat Aunt ?


            Maybe the same fascist bastards would do well to stop holding out their hands for a hand out and pay a decent fucking wage to people.

            NOW THAT ,… would be taking ‘personal responsibility’ , now wouldn’t it…

            No more corporate welfare from the budging bastards… well , well , well…

            Until then?… they are not worth listening to.

          • Indeed, it reveals the contempt they have for the poor, they are just “failures” to them, no matter how you look at it, and “failed people” must be “looked after”, so one day, we will be back to the “final solution”, that is if “camps” that may “correct” “poor behaviour” may not bring the expected results.

            MSD and WINZ have a touch of “NAZI” attached to themselves, I guess.

  13. Senior cop owns illegal garage rentals

    Two illegal garage rentals let to tenants for hundreds of dollars a week are owned by a senior police officer, Newshub has discovered.

    Well, I look forward to the cop being jailed and all his possessions confiscated under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

    The WINZ people who helped him should also be jailed. If anyone should know the law about dwellings they should. If bribes can be proven then they should also have the Proceeds of Crime Act thrown at them.

  14. Can we just be sure, just for the sake of truth that the cop who owns the properties seems not to have been aware of the subletting arrangement this woman had entered into.

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