Libertarian Liz Truss resigns – not only was the Lady for turning she was for quitting as well!


Oh how glorious, Libertarian Liz Truss after attempting to adopt far right free market mythology as actual policy so damaged the UK economy that she has had to quit barely two months into the job!

When Truss first won, I predicted the following

Liz Truss is a free market acolyte who hated BoJos windfall taxes on obscene profits because she is pro corporate profit.

Ideologically she is Margaret Thatcher on meth combined with all the ill deserved smugness of Tony Blair.

She will be a disaster for the UK and her free market solutions will cause a crippling wave of unemployment at a time of 13% inflation and energy prices exploding beyond peoples ability to pay.

…lo and behold, Kwasi implemented a crazy far right agenda that was so off the charts that the market itself said ‘no way’ and plunged the UK into a self inflicted economic death spiral.

TDB warned this would happen when she first won, we argued she and her clique were libertarian extremists and we predicted that Boris would be begged back into the job as the Tory disconnect with working class electorates Brexit had won for them made holding them impossible.

Labour has an enormous lead but the Al Jazeera revelations of how Starmer and his clique manufactured false claims about ant-semitism to smear Corbyn have sent the activist Left into a feeding frenzy against Labour.

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National wants to implement un-costed tax cuts in NZ, which will generate the same market panic, turns out we were all Keynesian socialists after all!

Anarchy in the UK. Wait untill winter and Putins war really bites.

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  1. One of the most evil people ever to be PM of Britain, without even starting a new unnecessary war- pretty good going for less than two months in power.

    • yeah zelda lets bring back a lying douche who couldn’t open his gob without lying…that’ll be better…do grow up … the tories have no one left who could hold down a team leaders job in a small insurance call centre never mind an office of state.

      • Oh Rosie, I’m sorry to offend you. But I’m in a very naughty mood, could you come over, dress up as nanny and spank me….

        • We are trying to hold a society together with fewer rules but not none. Would that please your naughty little child within you? Have a search for your older side as we tend to talk and jest at adult level here.

      • RosieLee. Yes, Terry is offensive and Terry is silly. So is that master of the King’s Speech, Gagarin, who does well not to gag on his own sweeping ignorance.

        Call Centre workers are the front line people, now located more often than not in the Philippines or Mumbai, taking all the abuse and flak for the policies of their bosses, and undeserving of being dragged down to the level of politicians.

        • I belive I was referring to competence of call centre managers not ethnicity holly…which kinda illustrates the depth of your own ignorance holly.

          • Gagarin Team leaders work on behalf of the management who outsource work to cheap exploitable populaces, ethnicity irrelevant. That is one reason I make conscious effort to use businesses who locate their call centres within New Zealand and provide work opportunities for New Zealanders, even though it may mean lower profits and dividends.

            • again you miss the point of the post team leader ‘competence’ and it’s comparison to UK pollies…

              run or work in a call centre holly?

  2. This must qualify the UK to be recognised as a Banana Republic!?

    4 leaders in less than 6 years!

  3. Adjusting tax brackets is not a tax cut. The government is collecting more tax than ever before at a time when kiwis are struggling with the cost of living. Adjusting brackets for inflation, putting a bit more money in people’s pocket is a good thing. Naturally, people on higher salaries get the biggest reductions in tax paid, but they also pay the most tax. Nationals plan is nothing like the Tories.

    • And if it was only that, most Kiwis would agree because it is insane to keep those brackets – BUT it’s not just that is it? National also want to lower the top tax rate too eh, let’s not forget about that. An average worker will get $800 back, Luxon will get $18000 back. Why do you think working people are stupid enough to accept that?

      • It was Robo’s $100b Bazooka that did it. Cash for the wealthy landed gentry muddle class and Austerity for the rest.

    • Whatever you describe it as (and I am not disagreeing) more money in peoples pockets is just as likely inflationary as the hardship payment…….which National were hand ringing over ( as being inflationary)!

      • Like minimum wage increases Wheely.

        The trick is always getting bang for your buck in terms of spending. Both sides are guilty of wasting Billions on vanity projects over the past 3 decades.

        I do laugh when people are looking at a symptom (inflation) as the disease when it is in fact the neo-socialist/liberal economic system the west has developed that is the disease and now like when a fat bastard gets diabetes and we try to solve this with a jab of insulin a day and let the fat bastard still have a pizza a day.

        The system is rooted when “change” and “diversity” managers in central and local government earn >$140k p.a. and Nurses, Teachers, Police Officers and Fire Fighters significantly less.

        • impoverishing the poor further doesn’t put a break on inflation, we KNOW that much frank..trickledown never could work so we are left with windfall taxes(making 5percent profit rather than 10 isn’t a disaster…we are talking bottom line PROFIT) and distributing that to people who will spend it with local SMEs rather than horde it off shore – panzer boi…

      • wheel, except in NZs low wage/flatlining wages economy the inflation in the system isn’t from the bottom but from gouging…and we do have some of the lowest taxes in the developed world.

  4. Politics in the UK is the new Italy/ Australia of revolving door Prime Ministers.

    I see Boris is looking at a comeback!

    Labour have been so repellent that’s these turkeys have hung on in there, year in, year out. Maybe lessons for NZ!

      • Different countries different problems different solutions. Changing tax brackets is a lot different to what happened in England because we would not need to borrow to pay the increase in power costs at the same time.

    • Yep, Truss on her own petard, makes Boris look good. Kind of like the Ardern/Luxon scenario we have going on here.

      Hubris and Stupidity with a healthy dose of self interest.

  5. The series on T.V called ‘This England’ is excellent. I’ve just finished binge watching it. You will need some tissues it’s really sad.
    You just have to sit through stupid ads especially the worst ad I have ever seen, the goose taking a plane to migrate. Wrong on so many levels it hurts.

  6. Was the whole thing set up? The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Kline outlines exactly the strategy followed by the UK Tories.

    Step 1. Generate an economic crisis that defines the narrative and leaves “no alternative”.
    Step 2. Reduce government spending in response to the crisis.
    Step 3. De-regulate protections for workers and lower wages through immigration.
    Step 4. Announce tax cuts in time for the next election.

    It’s almost too perfect and its a strategy that the right in NZ will be looking on with glowing admiration.

    • indeed but that was talking about those weird little banana republics now the UK and NZ fit that catagory peter

    • Pretty sure that closely outlines Labour’s 1984 strategy that we’ve been stuck with ever since. It was so successful that both major parties adopted it.

    • except stevie since brexshit there is no freedom of movement between a 3rd country like the UK and an EU member like italy….so not as easy as it once was ask any british illegal immegrant in Spain.

  7. A happy, secure and prosperous working class is a happy country. A happy, secure and prosperous upper class is a signal that war’s coming. Nothing has momentum like greed.

  8. Love it.

    The Nazgul Queen of soulless neoliberal doctrine taken out by the hidden hand of the market.


  9. The ‘Markets’ have spoken! The ‘Markets’ rejected trickle down economics because the ‘Markets’ know ‘Trickle Down Economics’ died at the GFC!

  10. Well, actually it isn’t so much Putins war as a war on commonsense. Putin’s war is a war of opportunity for the West’s craven greed at all costs. It’s really a game. A game of wealth-grab played by using military industrial mechanisms to build dollar values on both/all sides. Putin’s fortunes will be mounting, as will the west’s with every innocent person minced into a stain on the ground.
    Truss is a dull minded pawn in an ancient game of thrones. We’ve seen it fought here by a greedy, ludicrous little pig farmer by the name of roger douglas. And did you know? That having one’s name written whereby the first letter of the first letter or of subsequent names is a mark of respect born of the rise of intellectuals who we’re proud, perhaps, of their name/s and their learning. That’s why I refuse to use capital letters when writing about cunts like douglas.
    Truss isn’t to be trussted, perhaps now more than ever. She didn’t go in there all dumb guns blazing like she did. She went in there to throw chaff about to distract the little media sparrows fluttering about looking for a chance to pick holes in the concrete bunker that’s neoliberalisms battleground shelter AKA an all bought and paid for cadre of greedy sociopaths AKA government. Democratic in name only. capitalist-fascism by example.

  11. Boris will be licking his lips. The return of a glorious leader, will be enough for a rise in the polls

  12. Maggie, your thought clone, has done its dash,now see the true Maggie clone shine. the opposition calling themselves true Labour progress, as they with Sir KEIR,not care, washes away all those socialists who dare question Sir and sir!s. Starmar,black listed banned Ken Loach,from the Labour party, cause his socialist caring.Ken Loach,our most still modern socialist film director,on minimum budget socialist caring film directors of our time and aslo modern times, actors street, can you act, got this scipt, not going to make you a star,just let the world understand about corporations, and their unbelievale uncarring of their abuse about us and you.

  13. Come on Martyn, Boris doesn’t have a hope in hell! He is toxic to too many Tories – he will not get 100 supporting his nomination. Mei Heron on TVNZ was banging on about Boris but is such a lightweight that she knows nothing about the more likely contenders. Penny Mourdant has a reasonable chance Braverman none at all and Sunak has pissed off too many MPs to have a chance. My guess is that a moderate – a ‘One Nation’ Tory will win as they don’t want to frighten the markets any more. The ‘activist Left’ are irrelevant in UK politics these days and I’m sorry Martyn but Corbyn was anti-Semitic and pig headed, would not recant and that is why he was tossed out of the party and justifiably so.

  14. cantab braverman has a real chance she she is the epitomy of everything bigoted slimey and ignorant in the UK tory party..

  15. MMT.

    Step 1: Increase tax(es) to take the steam out of inflation and spend that on infrastructure, pay down Debt and Build some Fuckn Houses!

    Step 2: Rinse and repeat.

    Step 3: Repeat 1&2 until inflation starts to fall and keep on building houses.

  16. Not that I would support Truss’ economic policies, but is the backfiring economic sanctions that brought her down, as well as Johnson and whoever takes over next. Nothing will improve until the sanctions are lifted

    • Same here in NZ . Inflation is blamed on the leader although the difference is Arderns economic management, allowing a lifestyle to manage inflation. Truss’s hard right policy got her chucked out.

  17. which sanctions david the ‘blowback’ ones against russia…or the brexshit ones the UK inflicted on itself?

  18. grey, pie is excellent that’s why he’s confined to youtube and not on the beeb….try out matt green flatter delivery but just as truthful and sarcastic.

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