PSNA tells Foreign Minister Winston Peters to ignore ‘Trump’s bully’ on Israeli soldiers holidaying here


The Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa is telling Foreign Minister Winston Peters to ignore the bullying from pro-Israel Texas senator Ted Cruz and have the courage to stop welcoming Israel solders to New Zealand.

Winston Peters has claimed Israeli media stories that New Zealand has stopped Israeli military visiting New Zealand are false.  Ted Cruz had quoted Israeli daily Ha’aretz in a tweet which says “It’s difficult to treat New Zealand as a normal ally within the American alliance system, when they denigrate and punish Israeli citizens for defending themselves.”

PSNA chair John Minto says Peters should not buckle to a Trump-supporting senator who fully backs Israeli genocide.

“Ted Cruz believes Israel should continue defending land it has stolen from Palestinians. He supports every Israeli war crime. New Zealand must be different.

Last September New Zealand voted against the US at the United Nations where we sided with the majority of humanity to give Israel a year to fully get out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

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“So the New Zealand government has a completely different policy position to the US.  That should be reflected in the actions of the New Zealand government.  We must have an immigration ban on Israeli soldiers who have served in the Israeli military since October 2023 as well as a ban on any Israeli who lives in an illegal Israeli settlement on occupied Palestinian land.”

Minto says it is not clear what the current immigration rules are for different entry categories, but it does seem that some longer stay Israeli applicants are required to declare they have not committed human rights violations before they are allowed in.

“That’s what the Australians are doing.  It appears ineffective at preventing Israeli troops having ‘genocide holidays’ in Australia – but it’s a start.  We’d like to see a broader, effective, and watertight ban on Israeli troops coming here.”

“Instead of bowing to US pressure New Zealand should be joining the Hague group of countries, as proposed by the Palestine Forum of New Zealand, to take decisive action to prevent and punish Israeli war crimes.”

John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


  1. Big question is will Donald Trump as a convicted felon be allowed access to NZ? We among several other countries exclude crooks like him.

  2. Trump has now bullied 3 countries with tariff increases. They have all retaliated.
    The righties will now bear witness to Trump doing what he does best, bankruptcy of their country like all his other failed businesses.
    This is hilarious to think a failed TV mogul president of the USA is the righties savior. Fucking hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.
    Dictatorships always end badly.

    • Trump won a democratic election by a very wide margin so how do you reach Dictatorship Squeak?
      You repeatedly endorse in print your extremely biased ignorance.

      • Despite what you may have heard, the 2024 election was pretty close. President-elect Donald Trump won a clear victory in the Electoral College, but he lead outgoing Vice President Kamala Harris in the national popular vote by only 1.5 percentage points, 49.8 percent to 48.3 percent* — one of the smallest margins ever in a presidential race. Emphasis on *small* and the need to overcompensate somehow. Also dictatorship is when you demand to annex neighbouring countries then threaten with military invasion.

        • Bob heard Trump say ” I won by a very wide margin, a biggly margin” and believed him. That’s not Trumps fault only the very gullible.

    • Dictatorships and fascism are the last resort of the conservative right in times of percieved crisis. They may think it is winning but it’s really a sign of a movement circling the drain doing the same old with no real answers in the long term.

    • If you can’t tell the difference between soldiers commiting war crimes and Jews then you are not very clever or you think all Jews are war criminals, either way it reflects badly on you.
      You suffer from a common fault in that your reading comprehension is so bad that you only see what you want to see which explains your general ignorance regarding current events.

    • Incorrect. The crux of his campaign is to stop Israeli soldiers from ‘rest and recreation’ here, because of their actions in Gaza. You’re the one that has turned that into a j…. ..crap shoot. But your take on this is understandable, given that it is hard to argue against what the IDF have done to Palestinians under the guise of eliminating Hamas.

    • Nonsense you know as anyone with half a brain knows it is about IDF soldiers who are complicit in the murder of 47,000 Palestinians. These bastards have entry to Aotearoa for rest and recreation before they return to the killing fields. Lets make these bastards lives uncomfortable.

  3. Ooooh look, Nathan and Xenophon are intentionally distorting the issue – let’s make it about “Jews”, eh? Not about war crimes.

  4. “He said it was “unfortunate that someone on the other side of the world got confused between John Minto and an actual leader”. Nice one David Seymour. LMAO.

    • The entire world’s non Jewish human population now hates Jews and not just Zionist israeli baby butchers. Anyone who was on the fence re Jews is now convinced that not one single Jew or Israeli can be trusted ever again. Nice one netenyahoo. Keep up your support of the psychopaths @ gaby. LMAO.

      • Incorrect, by a long way. Those that care about this issue know that this a conflict between Israel and Palestine, not Jewry and Palestine. Or Israel + the entire West against Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iran. Sprinkle, lavishly, Zionism into this mix for the really interested. And those that don’t care, don’t care.

        • Except everytime any one says anything against the idf or Israel or a zionist politician or gaza conflict war criminals they are accused of being anti-semitic anti-jew. Who is it that always conflates all of worldwide judaism with Israel in the first instance?

          People who are just plain and simple antiwar, anti-all war are now accused of being anti-semitic and those doing the accusing are more often than not genuine racists.

          • The ‘A-S’ card seems to only hold relevance within the jungle (official circles) now days. Everywhere else, it has been overplayed to the point of near irrelevance. What isn’t irrelevant though, is that more and more people are starting to understand that ‘the A-S’ label, is more often than not used, as a means of smearing or shutting down criticism of all things Israel. Still, your point is valid but I don’t believe the ‘A-S’ term to be as divisive, now days, as it once was.

            • It’s a perennial prejudice.
              Comes in waves over the last two millenia, the Crusades, Black Death, Muslim invasions, Czarist pogroms, the Holocaust.
              Does it explain the Arab-Israeli conflict.
              But is one grossly under-estimated cause.
              It’s the ‘all purpose’ bias. Jewish space lasers. Global climate change. Oh yeah, international financial conspiracies!
              Like the man said underrated.

  5. Ted Cruz and loyalty? This coming from a Trump yes man who was fine to fly to Cancun with family for a nice holiday and leave Texas to fend for itself in one of the worst winter storms in Texas history.


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