How could either we social welfare ministers when they failed dismally with their own relationships and failed marriages?
Um – do you mean ‘Can I sell you a bridge’?
We two women have used every opportunity in life to turn a lemon into a lemonade, using life’s little problems as stepping stones, hoisting ourselves by walking on the heads of others so we don’t get our feet wet. That thing about ‘a rising tide lifting all boats’ is for losers, a soggy idea from the past.
did benett fidle the benefit?
…… as though butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths…..
“ Do as we say, not as we do.”
Smiles on the faces of the hyenas.
“ What big teeth you have, Grandmothers…”
“ All the better to bite you with, dearies.”
How could either we social welfare ministers when they failed dismally with their own relationships and failed marriages?
Um – do you mean ‘Can I sell you a bridge’?
We two women have used every opportunity in life to turn a lemon into a lemonade, using life’s little problems as stepping stones, hoisting ourselves by walking on the heads of others so we don’t get our feet wet. That thing about ‘a rising tide lifting all boats’ is for losers, a soggy idea from the past.
did benett fidle the benefit?
…… as though butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths…..
“ Do as we say, not as we do.”
Smiles on the faces of the hyenas.
“ What big teeth you have, Grandmothers…”
“ All the better to bite you with, dearies.”
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