MEDIAWATCH: All you need to know about Meghan & Harry based on how they set up Jacinda

..Harry and Meghan represent the self absorbed millennial generation and their snowflake triggered world that rewards wounds and victimhood as an identity.


I love how the Millennials see Meghan as a feminist icon, when of course the Queen was the most powerful Matriarchy on earth. If there’s an award going for feminism here, it’s the Queen who wins it!

The Queen fought the Nazi’s FFS! Meghan starred in Suits.

I have been fascinated by the clash of culture between the public service duty orientated Greatest Generation who the Queen represents and the Millennial  me me me shallowness of those supporting Meghan and Harry.

When you see everything through the lens of identity politics, you end up as tribal as a Qanon fanatic.

The woke argued that Meghan smashed the heteronormative cis white colonial patriarchy by marrying into the cross burning klansman of the Royal Family, and that all the Piers Morgan like hate directed at her is evidence of the vast misogyny of privileged white men.

What the vast majority of those who watched it thought however was that Meghan blundered into a family with no idea of the obligations in a gleeful spectre spectacle of ignorance and once there, didn’t like it, threw a princess and the pea tantrum and broke up a family that everyone loved.

I don’t want to relitigate the Oprah interview,  but I want to point out again, her own words leave us with no wriggle room when we are apportioning blame here…

Right at the start of the interview, Meghan said she was unprepared for the reality of being a working royal when she married into the family.

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“I went into it naively, because I didn’t grow up watching the royal family,” she said.

“It wasn’t something that was part of conversation at home. It wasn’t something that we followed.

“I didn’t do any research. I’d never looked up my husband online. Everything I needed to know, (Harry) was telling me.

“What does it mean to be a working royal? What do you do? What does that mean?

“I didn’t fully understand what the job was, what was needed of me. There was no way to understand what the day-to-day was going to be like.”

…put aside the enormous hole in her basic general knowledge in not knowing anything about a 1200 year legacy like the British Royal family, but she didn’t even bother researching what she was getting herself into means it’s all on her surely?

She had no idea what she was getting into, didn’t like the working Royal responsibilities and felt she wasn’t given enough support so just broke up a family because you know, hashtag mychoice hashtag empowerment.

In the wake of watching that Oprah interview, an almost majority now have a very unfavourable view of Meghan and Harry, and the language of catastrophe promoted by the woke to generate grievance traction is falling terribly flat.

Add to that the awful Netflix series, Harry’s unbelievable book where he admits killing 25 while complaining his brother pushed him and now this new documentary that misled Jacinda into appearing in it!

Jacinda Ardern blindsided by Harry and Meghan Netflix doco – has not spoken to Duke and Duchess about it

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had no idea she would be participating in the latest Harry and Meghan Netflix vehicle when she recorded her interview for the project.

Despite Ardern featuring prominently in the trailer released this week, she has never spoken with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, about the series.

The episode nearly sparked a minor constitutional crisis with Ardern, a sitting Prime Minister, appearing to take the side of the renegade prince against his father King Charles, New Zealand’s Head of State. However, Ardern’s office has confirmed the footage was taken from a November 2019 interview for an earlier project, sparked by the legacy of Nelson Mandela – not Harry and Meghan.

..Harry and Meghan represent the self absorbed millennial generation and their snowflake triggered world that rewards wounds and victimhood as an identity.

Watching it implode is glorious.

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  1. She married Harry, not his family. Their expectations and “obligations” have frankly nothing to do with her. The publics expectations have nothing to do with her.

    As for the “royal family” why would anyone know or care anything about them? Why should they? Defund the german parasitical back room dealers.

    • To many British people they are of interest as they are part of the make up of us . They earn a lot of money for UK from tourists as people from around the World particularly the Americans love the pomp and pagentry that Royalty represent .
      NZ has many British immegrants so there is a passing interest in their goings on and I believe many are upset by the disloyalty of Harry to his family . Now he has offended his service family by bragging about his Afghanistan exploits .

      • leeching dole bludgers for hundreds of years, the ‘civil list’ is just the dole under another name…fuck em all I say

      • Trevor. Agree 100%. Loved the Brits, love the history, loved my miscellany of friends and colleagues, and it’s much less racist than here.God save the king.

          • Gagarin Yes, really. King Charles, scoffed for being one of the first environmentalists, great saviour of classic British architecture, is a big picture man. You may need to consider bigger pictures gagarin , but were it not for Charles, half London could resemble Te Papa, rather than the Dunedin railway station.

            I suspect his own life hasn’t exactly been a bed of peonies, but even horrid Henry is now stating that the royal family is not racist, and you may have lived a narrow life over there, je ne sais pas. Long live the king.

    • Yeah defunding the Royal family means handing over the royal estate to the King. This is worth billions upon billions. I’m sure some in the extended family would be up for that

    • “She married Harry, not his family. Their expectations and “obligations” have frankly nothing to do with her.”

      At the same time she was quite happy to accept the money and palaces all looted from the public purse over the course of centuries, no questions asked. She’s a greedy airhead, they deserve each other.

    • This won’t get by… So you’re all for “ Harry Plotter and the Broken Necklace “ are you? Trivialising a quite popular constitutional monarchy because one dumbo princeling might have fallen into his dog dish, and has a sexed-up Californian old wifie, is a locker-room level reaction, but that’s ok. I seem to recall that a Nat leader hung around locker rooms too, amongst other places.

  2. USA will quickly tire of them both, just as the UK has.
    I see them moving out of the US in a year or so as the cash for ‘spilling the beans’ dries up and they move to Aussie or heaven forbid NZ.
    They will soon fade out of the public view and psyche once their stories are told….and unless they start making up fantasies that story has now been told in its entirety.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if she leaves him soon, then another book and interview season can be ripe for her…’I married a royal, what’s it really like’, that’s the book title sorted anyhow.
    Tick…tock…tick…tock Harry, your days are numbered.

  3. Good post Martyn. One suspects the Ginger Whinger has been led by his dick

    Silly boy – he’s burnt all his bridges now.

  4. Harry the Bastard… vanquish them all and take the crown. Now that would be worthy of a book and an interview.

    • billid. Hate speech! Hate speech! Where are you Professor ( ha ha) Kidman ? Come in Kidman, this is worse than Trelise Cooper’s magical ethereal frock, and further, vanquishing is the prerogative of Trevor the Sprinkler.

      Shakespeare’s Edmund has never been bettered by any other bastard and certainly not by any ginger whinger. Next thing is the Arts Council will be clamping down on careless English speakers altogether and comment become as clandestine as a Wellington bus. Where’s Kidman ?

  5. The list of lies from these two are continuous. I’m surprised the media hasn’t gone through the list and corrected them.

    Anyway, unfortunately the poor boy married a narcissist. She went into the marriage with her own ideas of what a “Princess” would be and how she would fit into the “family business”.

    I’ve had to deal with a couple of entitled Karens marrying into my family and then expecting a seat at the directors table.

    We had previously set some very clear boundaries and rules for family involvement within the business. Which everyone had accepted, family members had a share in the distribution of profits, but those who were not employed in the business had no say, except at shareholder meetings.

    Unfortunately Karens being Karens, believe that the rules don’t apply to them. After repeated stepping over the boundaries, and then being told to stop, both Karens threw tantrums and effectively left the family, taking husbands and children with them. Interesting that once the family money was cut off, both of the Karens found new victims.

    I’m guessing something similar happened with megan, senior royals kept on saying no to her, so she did narcissists and she ran away.

    I highly doubt that she was ever suicidal, this was just another tool she used to try to get her way.
    I’m fascinated at how the megan and harry situation has played out, it mirrors my family experience with both of the Karens.

    Women like this are highly manipulative, and at the beginning very believable, they can play the fragile victim with ease, and can leave you doubting yourself, even when you know that you are being manipulated and lied to. They feel no guilt, no shame and will lie to your face.

  6. I have not watched one minute of the TV stuff, or read one line of Harry’s book. But my ears did open when my partner told me yesterday about the 25 dead Afghans!

    A couple of people I respect have been defending Harry online, and I got their point about the self serving British media channels which both depend on the Royal Family scam for an earn, and nastily attack individual members, like Diana, Harry and Meghan when it suits them. But all in all Harry seems a bit dim frankly.

    He did not ask to be a Royal, in the public eye, but when non entities like the Kardashians make a good living on TV you can see where he may have got his inspiration for his media career. But really it is just an embarrassment to publicly attack your own and then bleat about the response. Has not learnt much from what his mother went through.

    Everyone should just ignore British Royalty and they will eventually vanish up their own country estates.

  7. The Sparry and Meagain propaganda is an archetype (word used in its correct sense) of elite power players trying to direct social discourse for nothing other than cash cash cash. It also exposes the saturation of mental illness across humanity and that it permeates the elite as well as the poor. It sux to be a narcissist these days coz now everyone knows the signs. I can’t help looking forward to their wrecking ball return moments, gathering speed right now. Popcorn moments.

    • Sinic It’s all about the money with Meghan and Harry, and who cares, except that narcissists are terrible destroyers of other people, and don’t care a whit. Combined with dumb, they’re beyond bad.

  8. I have been shot down by fellow ‘leftists’ for my criticism of Meghan Markle and the now seriously unwell, Harry Windsor. I suspect the #SpareUsFFSHarry memoir release will see their brand much tarnished. So pleased to see you quote the lies Meghan uttered during the odious Oprah interview. In news at the time of the much lauded wedding, images of a young Megan dressing up as a Princess and quotes from friends saying she adored Diana and wanted to be a Princess when she grew up. Didn’t do any due diligence, google or other online search engines to learn about Harry and the Royal Family?? Balderdash!! In the USA, celebrity PR is a science and I am acquainted with some who have been in the biz for a while. Citing a need for ‘privacy’ the deplorable self serving little Meghan sought out and hired the best PR consultants Hollywood could offer. Then came the affair with Netflix. Meghan pulled out the race card with which to flog the nasty British press. Everyone wonders what their babies will look like and who they will take after most. If one’s partner has skin of a different hue one might enjoy some banter about the baby’s features and colouring. It isn’t frocking racist at all! What really angers me is that all the brouhaha and the ‘shock announcements’ broke the heart of a dying man and I have no doubt hastened the inevitable death of the Queen, as her heart broke in two. Now this ill advised load of codswollop being referred to as a ‘memoir’. As they say, spare us, Harry!

      • Agree. And I really don’t think Hollywood should renew the series. It’s a dud worthy of only a few episodes.
        There’ll be a lookalike proposal along soon enough starring characters of the same ilk, but just with a different stink.
        Oh Prah! seems to have gone a bit quiet, and if I were advising Gloria Vaderbilt’s little boy, I’d tell him to take a step back before he catches Cuomo disease and gets relegated to some hick town affiliate in Guam, or worse still on the Mexican border

        • OnceWasTim. They have two or three more books to come out as part of the multi- million dollar deal with Penguin Random House, apparently including Meghan’s auto, and apparently a film about Meghan. Apparently he’s saying in an interview today that psychedelics can be a good idea in some circs.

          I don’t and didn’t watch Netflix, but this should squash any ideas about letting them take up residence in New Zealand as they’ve previously expressed interest in doing. We got our own troubles. So sorry for both of their beleaguered old fathers.

          Mexico’s a great place- wonderful Spanish music – not that there’s anything wrong with Elgar or Vaughan Williams; Guam has a high incidence of horrific motor neurone disease. The Taliban may take care of Harry, but not on this soil, thanks all the same.

          Scouring Op Shop books I used to automatically pull out Penguins, because Penguin never published anything bad. Not now. That shocking dehumanising Taliban kill boast should never have been published, and it probably isn’t true anyway.

          My son lost his dad at the same age as Harry lost his mother. Zilch support. Right now I feel very proud of my children.

  9. “Watching it implode is glorious.”
    Watching a conceited, arrogant grifter leading her cock-struck, not-very-bright social appendage is glorious.
    So what else was, and is it for them to do but play the victims.
    They both need some wraparound services, and they shouldn’t find it too hard to find people willing to deliver them.

    • OnceWasTim. Nope. You are too kind. Horrible Harry’s the outcome of wraparound services. Do the Chairman Mao thing and dump the little sod in the countryside where he has to work to live. She ‘s so much a distortion of a good woman, that Lesbos might be the best place for her, or forever in a harem, or the plaything of an Arab sheik with no access to social media or a mirror.

  10. So Harry exposing the going ons of the Royal family has upset the peasants and low classes of Brit and those that have ended up in Aotearoa. Charles and Camilla and William and his family should be the focus of the mongrel press and the peasants. They do not need the distractions caused by Megan and Harry. There are too many hangers-on in the royal entourage sucking on the taxpayers tit. Good on Harry and Megan pissing off to the USA and leaving the limelight to Charles and William. Imagine Megan and Harry having to put up with the “different father” and racist comments from within the royal family and the mongrel/feral UK press. Good luck to Harry and Megan and their corporate success in the USA.

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