Tauranga Port fiasco another example of why Unions are our first line of defense against Covid


One of the important takeaways from the Tauranga Port fiasco is how important the Union was once again in explaining what went wrong, highlighting the solutions and putting staff safety first.

Those who are not unionized have been the bulk of the problem in terms of low vaccination rates, if you had stronger unions that issue could be worked on.

The importance of Unions has never been so urgent as a means to combat Covid.

The looming Fair Pay Agreements which will create universal unionism will be the most important legislation this Labour Party passes.

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  1. …’The looming Fair Pay Agreements which will create universal unionism will be the most important legislation this Labour Party passes’…
    This one of the things about this govt I am quietly excited about. I say ‘excitedly’ as we must reserve judgment until we see what happens. Aussie has big strong unions yet there are many, many millionaires there. The lies about having strong unions in this country are a pile of croc originally spread by the Business Roundtable ( NZ Initiative, now ) in order to keep downwards pressure on wages and conditions.

    Our wages and our tax dollars have been going somewhere else and being siphoned off for the last 40 years and it sure hasn’t been towards our infrastructure or providing a decent standard of living for our workers and their family’s.

  2. Pike River mining locked Unions out of advising on safety. National supported that deregulation creating a mantrap as we now all know.
    In the USA President FDR was forced by unions to impose hefty taxation on the high earners (90% tax rate) and fund the famous “NEW DEAL” breath of fresh air for the underclass along with every one else.
    Since then the right wing have made sure unions are never to gain power again. They slate them as “communist” which is absolute bullshit but the US mindset has been polluted with anti social fear through the MSM.
    The US has spent approaching 6 trillion on wars since 2000 and the misery created while foreign assets are being stolen in just not allowed to be talked about.
    Imagine what 6 trillion could do alleviating poverty, establishing free education and health care as well as assisting global social and poverty problems.
    Strong unions with good democratic grass root structures are vital. Go NZ.

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