ABOUT THE ONLY thing the National Party has got going for it at the moment is the Labour Party. National’s AGM, held in Wellington over the weekend, achieved worse than nothing. It proved conclusively that the political structures created by the post-2002 constitution are impervious to National Party membership pressure. It showed New Zealand how far the party’s talent pool has shrunk since John Key vacated the leadership in 2016. Worst of all, in the speech of National’s President, Peter Goodfellow, New Zealanders got to hear the vile neoliberal narrative in which the party has trapped itself. Were it not for the similarly delusional mindset evident in the leadership of the Labour Party, National could expect to remain out of power for at least the next 6-9 years.
When Judy Kirk and Steven Joyce set about re-writing the National Party constitution in the aftermath of the disastrous 2002 General Election – when National attracted just 20.9 percent of the Party Vote – the resulting document betrayed the extent to which the political imperatives of neoliberalism had superseded those which drove the party’s formation in 1936.
Back then, the urgent need was to create a mass political party to match the formidable strength of the Labour Party. The political historian, Barry Gustafson, quotes Tom Wilkes, one of the National Party’s most important ‘founding fathers’, describing Labour as “numerically and financially … the greatest political organisation that has ever existed in the history of [New Zealand].” In Gustafson’s own words: “National needed to match it with an effective but more democratic mass-based party, whose members would control candidate selection and play a major role in shaping policy.”
Even the right-wing parliamentarians and former army officers driving the merger of the United and Reform parties – predecessors of the National Party – understood that a mass organisation could not be built on anything other than a constitution which guaranteed a large measure of democratic participation and control to the rank-and-file membership.
Eighty years on, however, the neoliberal concept of “governance” elevated the concepts of professionalism and organisational efficiency well above those of the often chaotic and unpredictable outcomes associated with democracy. Accordingly, Kirk and Joyce did their best to transform National from a political party into a political corporation – complete with a Board-of-Directors. At the time, even Blind Freddy could see than the latter was bound to become self-selecting and self-perpetuating oligarchy.
It is interesting to speculate as to why the Electoral Commission approved the Kirk-Joyce constitution. The Electoral Act requires all registered political parties to have recognisably democratic rules. No genuine democrat could possibly mistake the National Party’s constitutional arrangements as the basis for anything other than oligarchy. Yes, there were provisions that permitted members to cast votes, but the core democratic principle: full accountability of those at the top to those at the bottom; was almost entirely absent. Clearly, the Commission is not prepared to call to account any political party that might one day be in a position to have it abolished! Alternatively, its members, like Kirk and Joyce, may also be of the view that “good governance” should always trump democratic accountability.
Certainly, there was no concession made to accountability by Peter Goodfellow. A reasonable National Party member might have anticipated that a president who led his party to the second-worst defeat in its history would feel obliged to fall upon his sword in recognition of the scale of his failure. Such a member would have been disappointed.
Under National’s old constitution, the membership might have responded to Goodfellow’s failure by voting him out of office. But, under the Kirk-Joyce constitution, that sort of root-and-branch change is no longer an option. Power flows down, not up, in the National Party of 2020. Presidential patronage takes precedence over presidential proficiency. No National Party members with parliamentary ambitions are going to put themselves off-side with the Board.
It is precisely this unwillingness to take risks – this enforced sycophancy – that explains why it has become so hard to attract persons of principle and courage to National’s ranks. When the only behaviour that counts is the sort of behaviour that wins the Board of Directors backing at candidate selection meetings, then it should come as no surprise that politicians of John Key’s calibre no longer seem to make it in the National Party. That Key was selected under the rules of the old National Party constitution – as were Bill English, Don Brash and Judith Collins – is surely no accident. Likewise, that Simon Bridges and Todd Muller were selected under its neoliberal replacement!
At the heart of the neoliberal mindset, now seemingly unchallengeable in the National Party, is the belief that capitalism and democracy are essentially incompatible. Democracy begets more democracy. “Certain inalienable rights” if honoured, have a way of discerning additional inalienable rights. If allowed to develop unchecked, democratic institutions will, eventually, arrive at the gates of private property and private profit and demand admittance. Hence the neoliberal obsession with “governance”: which is more truthfully rendered as “democracy on a tight leash”, or, even more truthfully, “decision-making that – at all costs – protects capitalism”.
Goodfellow’s speech to the AGM fairly reeked with this antagonism towards any political leader and/or political institution failing to protect the interests of capitalism. In National’s world, the rights of private property and private profit must always take precedence over every other consideration: even the health of the population; even in the face of a deadly virus and a global pandemic.
Jacinda Ardern’s clear and uncompromising decision to put the interests of her fellow citizens ahead of the interests of the individuals and corporations Goodfellow is so good at extracting donations from, earned her his own, and to a degree little short of repellent, his party’s, sneering contempt. Oh yes, he dressed it up in euphemistic language like “celebrity politics” and “temporary tyranny”, but what he meant was: “You broke the rules. You put people ahead of profits. You have identified both yourself and your party as unfit to manage a modern capitalist economy.”
The tragedy, of course, is that Ardern half-pie agrees with him. With Covid-19 stamped-out (for the meantime) and the need to act instinctively no longer in evidence, the Prime Minister has reverted to the political and moral default position of her generation: neoliberalism. Led by her head, Ardern’s path forward is practically indistinguishable from that which National would have followed had it, by some miracle, ended up commanding a majority of the seats in Parliament.
Led by her head, the Prime Minister, like her party, subscribes to the notion of “good governance”. Why else is she refusing to take the steps necessary to address New Zealand’s rapidly worsening housing crisis?
Presumably, because that would involve requiring monetary policy to serve the interests of the homeless – not property investors. Presumably, because that would require those at the top of our society being accountable to those at the bottom.
But, most of all, because it would require Jacinda to do what “Jacinda” does best: respond to a crisis by following the urgings of her heart.
A very balanced and considered critique of the problems that the centre right face. You are correct that the structure of the National Party resembles a corporation and arguably is most closely aligned to that of a bank.
The identified issue of ‘groupthink’ is clearly afflicting National at the moment. Rather than being brave (ironically the right time to be brave) the current response is a meek Walter Mitty type denial wedded in the belief that sometime soon the middle will wander back like some long lost tribe wandering the wastes of Egypt. They won’t – you have to win them back with good, clear, articulated policy with a coherent Government-in-waiting parliamentary wing.
Goodfellow is a symptom and not a cause however a symbolic cause that needs to go. I suspect nobody had the numbers with the ‘fundraising’ excuse a red herring. Clearly there is still no ascendant faction between National right and National left at the moment, Goodfellow being the consensus candidate till that is determined.
Until National can successfully wed their party principals such as personal responsibility, rewards for achievement and individual freedom/choice into a coherent 2020-onwards philosophy and policy framework then electoral success comes down to a popularity contest. As much as I like Judith there is no way she wins a popularity contest against an attractive, younger PM that arguably adopts a National-lite policy framework.
The only chance National has in 2023 is due to government incompetence. Arguably even in this space the current Government is getting better at this.
You’re a funny guy Chris…ok, lets not milk the “Goodfellas” references…this piece however is sobering reading, and prompts any number of “ahas” and “Of courses!” re the Election Campaign. From “Merv”, to sexts, and disappearing MPs and leaders, the Nat operation stands freshly revealed.
Patronage, cash handovers, secret dinner meetings, calling in substantial favours, all part of the glorious NZ National Party in recent years. Looking at the Nats structure is naturally left for post election consideration, as the dust settles. “Born to rule”, “don’t you know who I am!…, “she’s F*****g useless” come into focus when you consider the Governance/Board model. It is the unquestioning, hierarchical mode of the business world.
Labour has management structures too, and ignores rank and file members as much as it can get away. But not to this extent. The Greens are actually the only main Parliamentary Party that has a high degree of membership consultation and involvement.
Maybe Goodfellow offers the Labour caucus hope they can be government for 6-9 more years by occupying the centre. Which might realise what the centre that once ran National pre 1990 (when Rogernomics opened the door to ambition amongst the oligarch class) would have wanted.
As to housing Labour has to wriggle out of its tax straight jacket and argue for measures selectively applied on investors buying up existing residential property – such as stamp duty and mortgage surcharge. saying as the goal is not to raise revenue but to direct investors to financing or buying new builds, it is not really a tax move. A stamp duty on the investor when they bought an existing home would help the owner occupier buyer win the auction. And a mortgage surcharge on any loan the investor got from the bank to buy an existing property would reduce their leveraging of CG on other property to bid up the value of housing.
If the government limited this to those who already owned two homes (or at a pinch two homes plus a bach), it would not impact on those who only owned a home and bach looking at making a first rental property investment.
It would be nice if the LTV applied by the RBG were 10% for a home owner, 50% for an investor in existing property and 25% for an investor in a new build.
Otherwise, the governments options include claiming a share of “new money” – its certainly one way to afford as many state houses that can be built to meet demand.
Very good Chris. That is all backward looking. But going forward what is the answer?
I am reliably informed:
Of the candidates for board selection, David Carter had the highest number of votes
When Carter spoke to the 500 or so gathered to witness a change; he received by far the biggest applause.
Very clear messages to the board which elects it’s own chair aka President.
Vicissitudes of managed democracy?
No wonder Labour don’t want to do anything transformative when they know ze gnats are this disfunctional.
Pity because surely now is the time to do that, even if it didn’t go down well the opposition are so entrenched in their dellusional world they won’t get back in next election.
Opportunity wasted
How our Covid Wardens (Labour MPs), and Wrong Turn Ardern got into Government in 2020 was due to two things:
1. The National Party fell apart, and elected a leader that scares people away from voting National
2. Using Covid as an election strategy.
Please remember that in February/March 2020…the National Party was ahead in opinion polls.
Next opinion poll will (I am guessing) record a big drop in support for Labour because of their decisions not to support Cannabis Law Reform — therefore directly opposing 1.4 million Kiwis (mostly Labour/Green voters), ruling out Christmas Benefit Bonus Payments….opposing another 45,000 Kiwis on those benefits…and watching House Prices skyrocket — without bringing in CGT/Land Tax — anything remotely useful for first home buyers (make those first home buyers except from the CGT/Land Tax)…upsetting more people.
Has Jacinda appeared at one of the 1pm Covid briefings since the election? I didn’t think so. Sums her up really.
She terrified the nation and then milked Covid for all its worth. TBH great play to her. For all those accuse anyone else of doing anything to cling on to power, just remember Jacinda is a politician, no different to all the others.
So what do you actually think about the subject at hand, as in…
“Goodfellas”: The Neoliberal National Party Shows Its Ugly Face?
We know your disdain for Ardern but years of Key’s mug shot at every passing glance and still wheeled out at every opportunity is enough to make Ardern’s appearances look like Haley’s Comet.
Change your record bro.
As I’ve always believed, it was a national party tactic to infect labour with neoliberal values, if that’s what they could be called, those 30 odd years ago.
It’s been National all the way. National have unleashed the hypno toad of brainwashery on our primary industry farmers who now believe that more abuse in the guise of the myth of National Party support is the thing to perk them up when the reality is our farmers know no better. And our farmers are not alone. We, all of us, are well down the Professor Stanley Milgram drain plug of National Party abuse and neglect. One could, in fact, argue that we’re the victims of abuse and like many in abusive relationships, we have no idea that while we hope things will get better we think we’ll deserve it if things get worse. National and their quasi-political hangers on are abusing us and the proof you need to believe that? Homelessness? Child poverty and poor health? Maori incarceration stats? The predatory nature of the four foreign owned banks busily tangling people into unpayable mortgage debt which will become an entrapment device to sequester our urban property and enslave us to do their bidding? I could go on, could I not?
@ Lainz asked above asked “But going forward what is the answer?”
Well, certainly not by doing the same things over and over again while earnestly expecting a different result.
Tomorrow’s changes happen now. Today.
Here’s what a malcontent farmer without a farm with more chips on his shoulders than a Bluff woodchip worker has would do.
Tax the foreign owned banks into receivership.
Write off all mortgage debt to them and our own lot too. All of it.
Then, in about two weeks when all that sinks in and suddenly your house is now a home, not an investment, look around and see what the world looks like without debt ?
Radicle ? Nuts? So what? As I’ve written above. Change must happen now because ‘now’ is tomorrow and now? Under this current lunatic asylum politic and economic? Tomorrow’s looking very fucking scary. We’re entirely without defence and we’re trying to pay mortgages on houses that some dodgy foreign investor reckons is worth millions.
Oh? I forgot to add a royal commission of inquiry into the likes of jonky, fay, richwhite, hart, chandler, gibb etc. Lets see what they’ve got on their laptops ? We know what was on ron brierly’s if the arresting Australian police are to be believed.
I was going to write in response to CT, but certain of your posts always compel me to write…
…’ The predatory nature of the four foreign owned banks busily tangling people into unpayable mortgage debt which will become an entrapment device to sequester our urban property and enslave us to do their bidding, -Here’s what a malcontent farmer without a farm with more chips on his shoulders than a Bluff woodchip worker has would do.
Tax the foreign owned banks into receivership.
Write off all mortgage debt to them and our own lot too. All of it.
Then, in about two weeks when all that sinks in and suddenly your house is now a home, not an investment, look around and see what the world looks like without debt ‘…
And Chris’s final parting shots:
…’ The tragedy, of course, is that Ardern half-pie agrees with him. With Covid-19 stamped-out (for the meantime) and the need to act instinctively no longer in evidence, the Prime Minister has reverted to the political and moral default position of her generation: neoliberalism’…
Really sums it all up. She is a third way Blairite. As is her Minister of Finance. Its all they’ve ever known or passionately believed in. Thatcher was a complete and utter bitch. The Queen loathed her. And rightly so.
Long Live the Queen !!!
Despite all the accusations and charges of being a family of bludgers sucking on the English taxpayers tit, the Queen saw right through Thatcher and her crass American counterpart Ronnie ‘baby boy’ Reagan for exactly what they were: a couple of social climbing sell outs to the nouveau riche’s wealth and riches on the backs of, – and sweat, – of her subjects.
And in NZ, – there was Douglas. The odious Roger Douglas. Playboy and stool pigeon of the Mont Pelerin society of London. Along with his mate in the opposite political party, Ruthy ‘the champ’ Richardson. Both in key positions as ‘ Finance Ministers’. Perhaps Ministers of national sovereign destruction , grand theft and treason would have been more appropriate titles for them. Along with their ‘outposts’ of the Mont Pelerins in the colonial regions: the Business Roundtable aka the NZ Initiative as they like to call themselves these days.
And in a message to the fake woke and their smug self serving and condescending bullshit.
I’mmmmmm really not interested in your’ OK boomers’ meme’s or your token number of women or people of colour in parliament: what I’m interested in is social need, not your inverse discriminations. I’m old school. I believe that no matter who you are, a firm foundation for social equity ,social participation, and the opportunity of our bright young people to succeed is a realistic wage and or salary tied in with inflation and the true costs of living, of an award rate guaranteed, – that shall not be surreptitiously undermined by the unscrupulous and the lawless by penalty of hefty fines and imprisonment,- in short, – a guarded and regulated economy that is at once unapologetic in its nationalism coupled with its regard for the sanctity of ALL members of that society no matter what social rung they currently occupy.
The trick is to stop for a minute and observe those people doing the jobs you dont want to do. The rubbish collector, the road worker, the cleaners and the factory workers. See past that to the CEO behind them that pays such low wages to them,… so they can profiteer off of them. And take a holiday in Fiji when it gets cold or too boring. Then think of the family’s of those workers wives and children. And an exhausted husband or wife who arrives home ( often doing well over the normal hours ) and is expected to nurture that family, cloth and feed them and continue to put food on the table despite food banks running overtime with Bill English’s WANKY neo liberal ‘minimum wage economy that encourages foreign investment’. In a so called ‘first world economy’. Which is actually more like a ‘second world economy’. Like Albania. Or Mexico. An exploited economy. Because that’s what it is. A true blue Bill WANK English legacy.
With whole family’s STILL sleeping and living in cars and vans.
And yet you bleat on about freedom campers.
For some, perhaps that blunt reality is too much to countenance. I don’t care. In fact I hope something happens in your personal life that challenges your worldview and your smug self satisfaction. Your ‘Damascus’ experience,… your ‘watershed’ moment,… your epiphany,…
So lets start with dismantling the Reserve Bank Act to enable a govt to command them to print money to finance large infrastructure rebuilds like Savage did, the reintroduction of tariffs to protect our small business and their employees,…the beefing up of trade unions and award rates,- and while we’re at it , – apprenticeships and free education for ALL NZ citizens… how about we nationalize water and power and rail and airports?…
I’m sure you get my Keynesian drift.
In short , – how about we look after our own FUCKING people for a change?
Instead of some bludging , sponge arsed overseas foreign fat bloated bloody scrub shitter who can never spend his / her cash in a lifetime while our people struggle to make ends meet from week to bloody week?!!?
69 years!!
” It showed New Zealand how far the party’s talent pool has shrunk since John Key vacated the leadership in 2016 ”
Yeah that kind of ” talent ” we can do without and shows how hollow our country has become when 45% of us supported someone who was a pathological liar and got away with some of the worst , blatant illegal underhand behaviour not seen in this country since Muldoon. He ran this country for a select few while pretending to govern for all.
The fact that David Carter gets rapturous applause just shows how far the party has fallen considering Carter was an utterly appalling speaker who ran allowed Key’s government to get away with some very serious misdemeanors.
…’ The fact that David Carter gets rapturous applause just shows how far the party has fallen considering Carter was an utterly appalling speaker who ran allowed Key’s government to get away with some very serious misdemeanors ‘…
Common Assault?
Tax havens?
Green lighting the murders in Afghanistan?
Lying to the public about USA surveillance of the NZ populace via the GSCB?
I think we better look once again on ‘Honest John’ and his 300 BIG FAT LIES, dont you?
The great big list of John Key’s big fat lies (UPDATED) | The …
Did you mean: honest john’s big fat lies the standard
The great big list of John Key’s big fat lies (UPDATED) | The …thestandard.org.nz › the-great-big-list-of-john-keys-big…
So here we go with NZ’s most corrupt PM’s to date. Brace yourself….
I promise to always be honest
I will not be hiring Crosby/Textor
The Government I lead will be a Government of good standards.
we are not going to sack public servants, the attrition rate will reduce costs
we are not going to cut working for families
I firmly believe in climate change and always have
We seek a 50% reduction in New Zealand’s carbon-equivalent net emissions, as compared to 1990 levels, by 2050. 50 by 50. We will write the target into law.
National Ltd™ will provide a consistent incentive for both biofuel and biodiesel by exempting them from excise tax or road user charges
National Ltd™ will increase the number of front line police officers by 600 before the end of 2011
there is no truth in Nicky Hager’s book “The Hollowmen”
I didn’t know about The Bretheren election tactics
If they came to us now with that proposal [re trans-Tasman Therapeutic Goods regime], we will sign it
I can’t remember my position on the 1981 Springbok Tour
Tranzrail shares
I did not mislead the House (1)
Lord Ashcroft
National Ltd™ would not have sent troops into Iraq
Standard & Poors credit downgrade
the double-down grade doesn’t really matter and its only about private sector debt
I did not mislead the House (2)
I didn’t say I want wages to drop
I can’t remember why I voted against increasing the minimum wage
lifting the minimum wage to $15 an hour will increase unemployment
the real rate of inflation is 3.3 percent.
the tourism sector has not lost 7,000 jobs
no I have never heard of Whitechapel
I won’t raise GST
people who are on the average wage and have a child are $48 a week better off after the rise in GST
the purchase of farmland, by overseas buyers will be limited to ten farms per purchase
the Pike River Mine was consented to under a Labour Government
no promises were made to get the remains of the miners out of the Pike River mine
I did not provide a view on the safety of the Pike River coalmine
I did not mislead the House (3)
capping, not cutting the public service
raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour will cost 6000 jobs
north of $50 a week
privatisation won’t significantly help the economy
wave goodbye to higher taxes, not your loved ones
I never offered Brash a diplomatic job in London
Tariana Turia is “totally fine” with the Tuhoe Treaty Claim deal
National Ltd™ is not going to radically reorganise the structure of the public sector
tax cuts won’t require additional borrowing
New Zealand does not have a debt problem
New Zealand troops in Afghanistan will only be involved in training, not fighting
the wage gap between New Zealand and Australia has closed under my National Ltd™ government
It took 9 years for Labour to make a complete and utter mess of the economy
National Ltd™ has changed the Overseas Investment Act to include 19 different criteria
the price of goods and services has risen by 6 percent since the last election, while the after-tax average wage has actually gone up by 16 percent
no, although its a week ago and here I am being interviewed on television about them, I havn’t seen Gerry Brownlee’s comments regarding demolitions in Christchurch and which caused such outrage, but I can talk all about them
our SAS soldiers were not involved in the Kabul Hotel gunfight
the use of the Vela brother’s helicopter was required so I could attend meetings relating to national/international security concerns
the DPS makes the decision about accompanying the Prime Minister or not, I had no choice but to take them on holiday to Hawaii
I did not mislead the House (4)
oh, maybe our SAS soldiers were in the Kabul hotel gun fight but they weren’t wounded by friendly fire
New Zealand has lost $12 billion from GDP due to the Christchurch earthquake . . . oh, it might actually be around $15 billion from GDP due to the Christchurch earthquake . . . Blinglish said what?
10,000 houses will have to be demolished in Christchurch due to the earthquake
14,000 new apprentices will start training over the next five years, over and above the number previously forecast
our amendments to the ETS ensure we will continue to do our fair share internationally
we are committed to honouring our Kyoto Protocol obligations
any changes to the ETS will be fiscally neutral
New Zealand has grown for eight of the last nine quarters”
National Ltd™ will tender out the government banking contract
we will be back in surplus by 2014-15
Nicky Hager’s book “Other People’s Wars” is a work of fiction
unemployment is starting to fall
we have created 60,000 jobs
we have created 45,000 jobs
the 2011 Budget will create in the order of 170,000 jobs
I don’t know if I own a vineyard
no, I did not mislead the House (5)
the Isreali spy killed in the Christchurch quake had “only one” passport
the Police will not need to make savings by losing jobs
I voted to keep the drinking age at 20
New Zealand is 100% Pure
I’ve been prime minister for four years, and it’s really 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year
baseball in New Zealand is attracting more government support
the decision to buy brand new BMWs was made by the Department of Internal Affairs without reference either to their minister or to me
I didn’t have a clue that Ministerial Services, which I am in charge of, was going to buy brand new BMWs
even though four of my ministers knew all about it, I didn’t have a clue that brand new BMWs were being bought.
even though my Chief of Staff met with officials to discuss purchase of the the brand new BMWs, I didn’t have a clue
even though I personally signed papers discussing the matter, I still didn’t have a clue
Labour forced us into buying the brand new BMWs, its their fault
ummm, look, sorry about that BMW thing , it was because I was so upset
I did not describe David Beckam as thick as batshit
I did not mislead the House (6)
the public demanded that we change the labour laws for The Hobbit
“The Hobbit” created 3000 new jobs
we have delivered 800 extra doctors in the public service
I did not mislead the House (7)
I wasn’t working at Elders when the sham foreign exchange deals took place
I was starting School Certificate exams in 1978
I don’t know who arrived on the CIA jet to visit the spies I am responsible for
reducing barriers to property developers will increase the availability of affordable housing
Labour left the economy in poor shape
forecasts show unemployment will fall
we have closed the wage gap with Australia by $27
Ngati Porou and Whanau Apanui are not opposed to mining
I have not had any meetings with Media Works
our [NZ’s] terms of trade remain high
the TPPA is an example of democracy
the TPPA will still have to be ratified by Parliament
National Ltd™ will use the proceeds of state asset sales to invest in other public assets, like schools and hospitals
New Zealand troops will be out of Afghanistan by April 2013
overseas investment in New Zealand adds to what New Zealanders can invest on their own
overseas investment in New Zealand creates jobs, boosts incomes, and helps the economy grow
National Ltd™ will build 2000 houses over the next two years
there are only 4 New Zealand SAS soldiers in Bamiyan and all working in the area of logistics and planning only
selling state assets will give cash equity to those companies
the Sky City deal will provide 1000 construction jobs and 800 casino jobs
all five bidders for the convention centre were treated equally
my office has had no correspondence, no discussions, no involvement with the Sky City deal
I did not mislead the House (8)
I can’t remember what was discussed at my meeting with the SkyCity Chief Executive on 14 May 2009
I have no record of the 12 November 2009 email from Treasury advising that the SkyCity deal was dodgy and needed to be referred to the Auditor General
there was nothing improper about the Sky City deal
SkyCity will only get “a few more” pokie machines at the margins
any changes to gambling regulations will be subject to a full public submission process
Sky City has approached TVNZ about the purchase/use of government-owned land
I did not mislead the House (9)
this government has been very transparent about all its dealings with SkyCity
I did not mislead the House (10)
the Auditor General has fully vindicated National over the Sky City deal
I did not mislead the House (11)
the Deputy Auditor General supports the view that there was nothing inappropriate about the Sky City deal
I did not mislead the House (12)
I did not breach the confidentiality of the Auditor General’s Report into the Sky City deal
the Labour Government did exactly the same sort of deal back in 2001
Labour has promised to not revoke the Sky City legislation
the construction of the new SkyCity convention centre will not cost taxpayers or ratepayers a cent with SkyCity meeting the full project costs in return for some concessions from the Government
there’s a 50/50 chance the Hobbit is going off shore unless we do something
David Shearer has signed up for the purchase of shares in Mighty River
Solid Energy asked the government for a $1 billion capital investment
National will not be using $100 million from the sale of Mighty River Power shares to bail out Solid Energy
fracking has been going safely on in Taranaki for the past 30 years without any issues
no frontline positions will be lost at DOC
Iain Rennie came to me and recommended Fletcher for the GCSB job
I told Cabinet that I knew Ian Fletcher
I forgot that after I scrapped the shortlist for GCSB job I phoned a life-long friend to tell him to apply for the position
I told Iain Rennie I would contact Fletcher
I haven’t seen Ian Fletcher in a long time.
I did not mislead the House (13)
I have no reason to doubt at this stage that Peter Dunne did not leak the GCSB report
I called directory service to get Ian Fletcher’s number
the new legislation narrows the scope of the GCSB
the GCSB has been prevented from carrying out its functions because of the law governing its functions
because the opposition is opposed the GCSB law amendments, parliamentary urgency is required
the increasing number of cyber intrusions which I can’t detail or discuss prove that the GCSB laws need to be extended to protect private enterprise
it was always the intent of the GCSB Act to be able to spy on New Zealanders on behalf of the SIS and police
National Ltd™ is not explanding the activities of the GCSB with this new law
cyber terrorists have attempted to gain access to information about weapons of mass destruction held on New Zealand computers
the law which says the GCSB cannot spy on New Zealanders is not clear
it totally incorrect that the Government effectively through GCSB will be able to wholesale spy on New Zealanders
we self identified that there was a problem with the GCSB spying on Kim Dotcom
the illegal spying on Kim Dotcom was an isolated incident
The advice I have had in 4 years as a Minister is that in no way ever has there been an indication of unlawful spying
the Ministerial Warrant signed by Bill English did not cover anything up
I wasn’t briefed about the raid on Kim Dotcom’s home.
first I heard I heard about Kim Dotcom was on 19 January 2012
first I heard about the illegal spying on Kim Dotcom was in 17 September 2012
I did not mislead the House (14)
I won’t be discussing Kim Dotcom during my Hollywood visit.
The Human Rights Commission couldn’t get its submission on the GCSB legislation in on time.
it would cost too much to for the police and SIS to carry out the spying on New Zealanders that this new legislation will permit
critics of the GCSB legislation, including the Law Society, the Human Rights Commission, and the Privacy Commission, are all uninformed
no, I did not mislead the House (15)
I do not know how Mr Henry is conducting the Inquiry
no, I did not mislead the House (16)
the Henry Inquiry had permission to view Ministers’ emails
no, I did not mislead the House (??)
we do not spy on journalists
the passing of phone records to the Henry Inquiry was an error on the part of a contractor
I wasn’t aware that my own Chief of Staff was instructing Parliamentary Services to hand over information concerning journalist Andrea Vance
National Ltd™ has never tried to impinge on the role of the media
I had nothing to do with information on a journalist being handed over to the inquiry into the leaking of the GCSB report
the terms of the inquiry made it clear to everyone that it was only the phone records of parliamentary staff and ministers that were to be provided
I have the utmost respect for the media and the role it plays in New Zealand’s democracy
the Henry Inquiry did not access a journalist’s building-access records
the Henry Inquiry did not ask for phone and email records
no, I did not mislead the House (17)
the Greens are opposed to the GCSB and the SIS even existing
the GCSB needs to spy on New Zealanders because there are al-Qaeda terrorists in New Zealand
the GCSB is not sharing meta-data with the NSA
John Minto is in the Green Party
the GCSB needs to spy on New Zealanders because of the terrorist threat, even though official reports released over my signature say there is no risk and the SIS has the matter in hand
the GCSB Bill does not give the GCSB the power to look at the content of communications as part of its cyber-security functions
no, I did not mislead the House (18)
Edward Snowden hacked into the NSA data base to obtain the documents which show details of the GCSB setting up a mass surveillance system
I will release documents which show that an operation to provide mass surveillance data only ever made it to the business plan stage.
Ummm . . . now that people are paying attention, the programme got underway but I stopped in in March 2013 or, askshully, it might have been September 2013.
Kim Dotcom is paying Glenn Greenwald to come to New Zealand
There’s no ambiguity. No middle ground. I’m right and Glenn Greenwald is wrong,
I’ll resign if the GCSB conducts mass surveillance
there never has been any mass surveillance and New Zealand has not gathered mass information and provided it to international agencies.
The GCSB does not have the physical capability to carry out mass surveillance
New Zealand has not gathered mass information and provided it to international agencies.”
there will be no mining on Conservation land in the Corromandel
no, I did not say we would follow the US and Australia into a war against North Korea
New Zealand has an arrangement to have asylum seekers processed in Australian detention camps
I did not mislead the house (19)
I paid for that lunch and I’ve got the credit card bill to prove it
I am honest and upfront
the only way net new jobs can be created is by private investors putting their money into businesses in New Zealand
you can’t hide if yuu’re Prime Minister
an increase in the number of people looking for work indicates that confidence is returning to the economy
the 10 percent of taxpayers in New Zealand who are the top earners pay 76 percent of all net personal tax.
I did not mislead the House (20)
Aaron Gilmour was one of a number of people in a group who were badly behaved
the substantial wage growth under Labour was eroded by inflation
National Ltd™’s 2010 tax changes were fiscally neutral
I did not mislead the House (21)
the bulk of New Zealanders earn between $45,000 and $75,000 a year
Pike River Coal did not put profits and its production ahead of the safety and lives of those 29 workers.
Radio Live had sought advice from the Electoral Commission about my show just before the election
it is because of National Ltd™’s policies that the price of fresh fruit and vegetables has dropped.
the length-of-the-country cycleway will create 4000 jobs.
police training for next year has not been cancelled
National Ltd™ has only cut back-office jobs in the health service
The Crown’s dividend stream from the Meridians, the Mighty Rivers of the world is large and there is no motivation to sell assets; actually we’re about creating assets not selling assets.”
National believes employment law should treat all parties fairly. It should . . . Protect employees and employers.
I am not trying to tackle such issues in a “fearful” way ahead of the next election
Wellington City is dying.
National Ltd™ has been working on a number of things with New Zealand First on a number of things one of which has a financial component but I can’t talk about it
the best way to get growth in the economy is to reduce public debt
New Zealand mum and dad investors will be our number one priority in the allocation of Mighty River shares
we won’t let “cowboy” oil exploration companies operate here in New Zealand
the Green Party is racist by not allowing Chinese residents in New Zealand to buy a house
the Labour Party is promising a four-bedroom house in Auckland for $300,000
the food in schools programme is in the 2013 budget
the meat exports are being held up in China because of issues in relation to the Chinese looking to trace counterfeit meat
its notoriously difficult to win three elections in a row
I am deeply concerned about every child in New Zealand who is in poverty
there is no manufacturing crisis in New Zealand
the government’s exposure to MediaWorks’ going into receivership is reasonably limited
the money from the sale of state assets will not be used to prop up Solid Energy
I don’t see a place for a Winston Peters-led New Zealand First in a government that I lead. It’s not a matter of political convenience, it’s a matter of political principle.
The vast majority of the buildings in Christchurch came through the earthquakes in good shape
the commemoration of New Zealand’s involvement in the Korean War will not be used to bolster trade talks
third generation Chinese New Zealanders will be required to present their passport before buying a house under the Labour government
the Labour housing policy is an attempt by David Shearer to save his leadership
the Labour housing policy is in breach of free trade agreements
only 2% of the proceeds of the sale of Mighty River will be spent on the sales process
David Cunliffe is lying to you
Labour wants to nationalise the super market industry
The government will engage in no further negotiations with Rio Tinto
Without a government subsidy of hundreds of millions of dollars Chorus will go broke
No, I did not mislead the House (??)
the justice system is already adequate for handling situations involving new evidence
my Minister Nick Smith was not aware of the content of the leaked draft submission on the Ruataniwha situation until 17 September
New Zealand First will nationalise a host of industries and businesses
I have no responsibility for the statements I make
Mark Mitchell was just gossiping at a cocktail party when he tipped Webster off about Len Brown’s affair
it was a lack of external analysis and accountability which put Solid Energy into its debt crisis
the Commerce Commission misinterpreted the law when deciding the price for access to the Chorus copper infrastructure
no analyist predicted that the cost of access to the copper infrastructure would go down
there has been only one problem with oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
If it was my vote, it would be no pay increases for Mps
Greenpeace are just scare mongering about any oil leaks off the New Zealand coast
For every election for the last five elections , we have had royal visitors to New Zealand.
No decision has been made on the timing of the sale of Air New Zealand shares
its not true that in New Zealand the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer
This summer is the most active season ever for oil and gas exploration, with the industry spending up to $750 million. At the same time, the Government is strengthening the regulations that govern drilling, particularly in deep water.
Labour is trying to mislead people about eligibility for Best Start because they don’t get the payment while they also get paid parental leave.
A mountain of evidence shows that the quality of teaching – inside the classroom – is the biggest influence on kids’ achievement
Governor General Jerry Mateparae has been jostled while walking onto Te Tii Marae at Waitangi .
Cameron Slater, who I speak to regularly and who told me about Winston meeting Kim Dot Com, has got absolutely nothing to do with the National Party.
Cameron Slater rang me
What I do know is that when this Government came in, there were predictions that unemployment would rise to over 10 percent.
The Cabinet Office had cleared Judith Collins of a conflict of interest
The golf tournament in which I played the chairman of Oravida was for charity.
The Cabinet Office has cleared Collins of a conflict of interest after it translated comments on Oravida’s website which stated that she had praised its products
My Justice Minister, Judith Collins, didn’t lie to Parliament, she just didn’t understand the question.
The [MFAT] paperwork shows right through this that not only did the Minister have a very busy programme, all on judicial and justice issues, but, secondly, all the way through it talks about a private dinner.
No, I did not mislead parliament. (??)
No, I did not mislead the House(??)
The Unions decide the leadership of the Labour Party and picked David Cunliffe
Unions give the Labour Party millions of dollars a year
The economic mess inherited by the Abbott government in Australia can be likened to the economic mess inherited by National Ltd™ when it came into office in 2008.
National Ltd™ inherited an economic mess from Labour
National Ltd™ inherited an economic mess from Labour in 2008
No, I did not mislead the House(??)
Twelve percent of New Zealand households pay 76 percent of all net tax in New Zealand
Natinal Ltd™ ignored the plight of babies living in the poorest famililies because there is other assistance available
the Malaysian government declined to waive diplomatic immunity for the man charged with burglary and attempted rape
the UN officials visiting down south are focussing on sustainable agriculture
I would apologise to the woman if I knew who she was
My government has led the charge on the transperancy of MPs’ spending
Only 1 percent of New Zealand farm land is in foreign ownership
Internet Mana put together the video depicting a burning effigy of me.
Under National Ltd™ the prison population has gone down.
National Ltd™ has been nowwhere near the Labour party computer system
The OIA request to the SIS about Phil Goff’s briefing on the Isreali spies had nothing to do with my office.
National Ltd™ talks to the blogs exactly the same way we talk to the MSM
The allegations in Nicky Hager’s book are all wrong.
Nicky Hager has got nothing to prove any of the allegations.
All this stuff in “Dirty Politics” is coming from the left.
National Ltd™ is not using blogs as attack sites any more than anyone would do
The release of “Dirty Politics” is part of a coordinated attack from the left because it is unable to win the discussion on the issues that matter.
Very little of the book “Diry Politics” is about me.
Most of the assumptions and allegations made by Nicky Hager in “Dirty Politics” are dissolving before his eyes.
All of Nicky Hager’s allegations are unravelling.
Nicky Hager didn’t check the facts before publishing “Dirty Politics
When National came into office the economy was in tatters.
Over the last year an extra 84,000 jobs were created.
In our party we believe in supporting families.
The Greens have two co-leaders who want to be co-deputy-prime ministers in some kind of bizarre job-sharing experiment.
“Internet-Mana put the burning efigy video together
No one other than Cameron Slater asked for the SIS document confirming that Phil Goff had been breifed on the Israeli spies in Christchurch.
I wasn’t informed that the SIS was going to release the information about the Israeli spies in Christchurch to Cameron Slater.
Under Labour, family homes held in a trust will attract the Capital Gains Trust
More than 300,000 New Zealanders have their homes held in a trust
New Zealand already has a Capital Gains Tax
2014 Election
There will be no New Zealand military intervention in Iraq, barring an unlikely United Nations Security Council mission
There will be no more asset sales
David Seymour did not ask for a Ministerial position with the National Party
The New Zealand military personnel are just attending a regular ordinary meeting in the United States (x 13 times)
New Zealand is not involved in any coalition to fight in the Middle East
It is not currently illegal for someone to fight overseas for a terrorist group
When it comes to requests for official information, my ministers always act within the law.
I have never called or texted Cameron Slater in my capacity as Prime Minister
No, I did not mislead the House. (??)
I did not admit to having abused the OIA process.
I did not mislead the House(??)
The Gwynn Report into the handling of OIA requests by the SIS completely exonerated me
Its not true that the process I put in place for the SIS reporting to me was politicised
The review into Judith Collins has got nothing to do with the release of information to Cameron Slater
My office had nothing to do with the release of information to Cameron Slater
No, I did not mislead the House (??)
I can’t remember all the phone texts I exchanged except when I say I can
I did not engage in an exchange of text messages with Cameron Slater, I just acknowledged one unsolicited message from him
The DPMC head attended the Roger Sutton PR conference because his department is taking over Cera next year.
New Zealand was one of the very few countries in the world that were settled peacefully.
I was being asked a specific question about the Chisholm report when I said I had had not contact with Cameron Slater
No, I did not mislead the House
When the particular question was asked there was quite a lot of noise in the house and so I only heard the first bit.
I have not been in contact with Cameron Slater ahead of the release of Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Cheryl Gwyn’s report into the SIS’s role in Slater’s 2011 political attack on former Labour Leader Phil Goff.
No, I did not mislead the House (??)
The number of children in those low decile schools which I have visited who actually require lunch is the odd one or two
The Greens are responsible for the rise in income equality within New Zealand
I don’t want to overly concern or frighten people about the threat of a terrorist action in New Zealand.
Labour is promoting a separatist approach to dealing with the Treaty of Waitangi which could result in Northland becoming an independent republic
The owner of Oravida, Stone Shi, won a round of golf with me after he placed the winning bid at a charity auction
I didn’t know until late January 2015 that Mike Sabin was facing family issues which may lead to his resignation
My meeting with Donghua Liu was not a Cabinet Club meeting, oh, hang on, yes it was, oh, maybe it wasn’t
Labour did not seek a Parliamentary vote when sending SAS troops into Afghanistan on a combat mission and didn’t even tell New Zealand they were going
When I said “the price of The Club” I meant “The Club” was all the 62 nations in the US-led coalition of troops to fight in Iraq
New Zealanders gave National Ltd™ a two year mandate to send troops into Iraq as part of the US-led coalition
News about repairing bridges in Northland is just the standard release of policy
Nicky Hager and Kim Dotcom prevented National Ltd™ from announcing the decision to upgrade ten bridges in Northland.
New Zealand gas emissions have not increased since I became Prime Minister
If you think about iTunes, if you download a song and it’s $1.29, there’s no reason the GST shouldn’t apply to that. In reality, GST would be 2 cents
The timing of the release of information about GCSB spying on Tim Grocer’s WTO rivals was deliberate and all part of a particular agenda by Nicky Hager and some others
Major roading projects and the free trade deal with Korea will be at risk if Winston Peters wins the Northland election
It was my office, not the police, which was the first to be told about the 1080 infant formula blackmail threat.
There is no housing crisis in Auckland
I promise that “metadata” will be defined in legislation
You are allowed to use the resources of the officials during an election in terms of what would be Government policy
No, I did not mislead the House (??)
As long as Simon Bridges didn’t get any policy advice from his officials about developing the “10 bridges for your vote!” bribe, then there’s no possible problem under the Cabinet Manual.
Labour did the same thing as Bridges when it used “officials actually in my opinion actually” to get policy advice as they did in the 2008 campaign with deposit guarantees, but they actually maybe they shouldn’t have done it”
I assumed that all ten bridges up for double-laning in Northland were justified on a cost benefit analysis
Claims the GCSB was planning to hack into a data link run by the Chinese embassy are unproven.
When it comes to the GCSB you’ve got a bunch of people who’ve been out there propagating information that’s actually been proven to be incorrect.
When I gave her the two bottles of wine, the cafe worker thanked me for that and said ‘that’s all fine, no drama’”.
At the Hip Group’s coffee shop we have lots of fun and games, there’s always lots of practical jokes and things.
I will talk to the King of Saudi Arabia about women’s rights including the right to vote
House prices rose faster under Labour
The $1,000 kick-start for new KiwiSaver members will remain as it is now
There will be no new taxes
Over the next two years we are going to create 150,000 new jobs
The average wage will move from $55,000 to $62,000
We spent $11.5 million for a Saudi Arabian to set up a farm in order to avoid potential legal claims
Andrew Little has been set up by Annette King and Phil Goff
The problem requiring the $11.5 million bribe was caused by Labour’s previous Minister of Trade, Phil Goff
No, I did not mislead the House (???)
I was not aware of any potential legal action by the Saudis involved in the live sheep trade.
Labour was looking to make the same sort of deal with the Saudis and knew all about the possibility of legal action.
Details in cabinet papers confirming what I’ve said about Labour have been redacted by officials.
Signifcantly reducing New Zealand’s green-house gas emissions would be disastrous for the economy
We don’t have to give iwi first right of refusal on the Auckland land the government intends for private housing development
No decisions have yet been made about future housing developments on specific pieces of land
Nick Smith Smith was helpfully providing journalists with a “conceptual” view of the amount of vacant land in Auckland, not necessarily places where houses might be built.
Between 3000 and 4000 refugees were welcomed into New Zealand every year once the family reunification scheme was taken into account.
New Zealand is sixth in the world when it comes to accepting in UNHCR refugees.
Australia takes in 20,000 refugees a year and has been doing so for a long time.(2)
Milk is more expensive in the UK than it is in New Zealand
Milk powder prices won’t stay down for long
Formal advice from the Inland Revenue Department states that the removal of the $1,000 kickstart contribution will not make a blind bit of difference to the number of people who join KiwiSaver
No, I did not mislead the House (??)
I never said that a whole month of Maori language would make people bored.
I would never give an answer with “an intention to embarrass someone or make someone upset”
Yes, my team of crack ministers are going to give Mr Al-Khalaf $11 million or whatever it is, but he’s putting in $80 million
National Ltd™ has been way more transparent than any other Government that’s been around
Treasury was consulted about the details of the Saudi sheep farm deal
the Saudi sheep farm deal was for the purchase of services, intellectual property, and a network of contacts
When asked by Radio New Zealand about what exact services, intellectual property, and contacts New Zealand gained from the deal I answered the questions absolutely but Susie Fergusson didn’t want to hear that the whole issue was Labour’s fault
The problem which led up to the Saudi sheep farm deal was caused by Labour.
The Saudi sheep farm deal was never about compensation even though I said earlier it was because Labour left the government liable for a claim for compensation
Labour misled the Saudi investors about the live sheep trade
No, I did not mislead the House. (??)
There was no suggestion made to a Saudi businessman that he could sue the New Zealand Government
Protesters against TPPA are misinformed and only about one-third of them are genuine
There isn’t a single Canadian on this planet who would want to change their flag back to the old one
Changing the flag will deliver billions of dollars to the New Zealand economy
Maurice Williamson wasn’t acting in his capacity as a member of parliament when he made his series of disgusting jokes
My government’s target of reducing 100% Pure Clean Green New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions to 11 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 is not inadequate.
New Zealand cannot take any more refugees until we have sorted out the process and had a look at housing stock.
National will set up two recreational fishing parks, one in the Haukraki and another in Marlborough sounds
If the “Red Peak” design does not get on the ballot paper the sole person responsible for that is Andrew Little
New Zealand doesn’t need a policy on dealing with climate change refugees because that’s not an issue we are going to need to deal with in the next year or two
“To accept any other flag … we would have to change the law, and we’re not going back to Parliament to change the law.” John Key Sep 7.
Assets bought out of the Future Investment Fund will be long-lived, here in New Zealand, and owned by the Crown on behalf of all taxpayers
I promise to spend $1 billion on health, $1 billion on schools and $400 million on irrigation from the proceeds of asset sales.
As the personal who signs off on sending troops to Iraq I feel very intimately involved with this operation. I take personal responsibility.
I did not know about the report into the conditions at Taji prior to my arrival there even though the report was released on 30 September
It was the Overseas Investment Office which refused permission for Shanghai Pengxin to buy Lochinver Station
My office and I both obey the word and the spirit of the OIA law
Labour prefers to protect the interests of rapists and child molesters rather than those of ordinary New Zealanders
New Zealand citizens detained on Christmas Island are there voluntarily
New Zealanders held on Christmas Island include murderers and rapists
“The question about broader detainees.”
Australia and New Zealand share common values, including a strong commitment to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.
Labour wants to fly the Christmas Island detainees back to NZ’
I’ve never been asked to apologise for saying the opposition supports rapists and murderers
I’m making sure New Zealanders are protected’
With regard to emission from agriculture and our high level of renewable electricity generation, New Zealand faces unique domestic challenges in reducing its emissions,”
Judith Collins was completely cleared by an independent inquiry
A major contributor to the fact that there are so many children living in poverty is because their parents are using drugs
The reason there is poverty in New Zealand is due to people not working
The science around climate change predictions is doubtful
The TPP has to go through our Parliament has to be ratified by our Parliament and has to bear scrutiny
Not a single part of TPP cuts across the Treaty of Waitangi
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