Election Pledges for Palestine find strong support


Last week the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa sent out three election pledges to all candidates in all parties standing in the 2020 election.

We want candidates to sign up to the pledges which aim to turn New Zealanders’ strong support for Palestinian human rights into effective policies requiring Israel to follow United Nations resolutions and international law.

New Zealand votes the right way at the United Nations but takes no effective steps to back this up with practical policies. The outcome is 53 years of brutal military occupation of Palestinian land by Israel – the longest military occupation in modern history.

Meanwhile every day Israel steals more Palestinian land, bulldozes more Palestinian homes and murders anyone resisting its cruel occupation.

This must be stopped – and our pledges show the way forward.

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Initial responses have been very encouraging. For example most Green party candidates have got back to us already including all current Green MPs supporting all three pledges.

As we say in the introduction to the pledges:

New Zealand has been here before. In the 1970s and 1980s New Zealanders gave strong support to the struggle of black South Africans against apartheid.  

In 2020 the focus has shifted to Palestine and the racist, apartheid policies of the Israeli government towards Palestinians.


Pledges for Palestine

14 September 2020


Dear election candidate,


The Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa is asking all candidates for the 2020 general election to pledge support for the human rights of all Palestinians based on international law and United Nations resolutions.

New Zealand has been here before. In the 1970s and 1980s New Zealanders gave strong support to the struggle of black South Africans against apartheid.  

In 2020 the focus has shifted to Palestine and the racist, apartheid policies of the Israeli government towards Palestinians.

Nobel Peace prize winner and South African Archbishop, Desmond Tutu, says in relation to Israeli policies “we should name it apartheid and boycott”.

“I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing in the Holy Land that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under apartheid,” says Tutu.

“We could not have achieved our democracy without the help of people around the world, who through… non-violent means, such as boycotts and disinvestment, encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the apartheid regime.”

Candidate pledges for Palestine

I support Palestinians’ rights to self-determination in an independent Palestinian state in historic Palestine and I support the application of international law and United Nations resolutions in achieving this goal.

In particular:

  1. I oppose the illegal annexation by Israel of large areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territories under the so called ‘Trump Plan’.

The Trump Plan is strictly between the US and Israel to bypass well established international law principles and United Nations resolutions for resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict.  It has been condemned by governments throughout the world with the New Zealand government expressing serious concern.  To achieve diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates, the Israeli government has recently delayed its annexation plan, but has explicitly not cancelled it.

  1. I support New Zealand relations with Israel being conditional on Israel’s compliance with its international law responsibilities, in particular the issues of occupation, human rights and the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

Until Israel complies, I will support the New Zealand government;

  • suspending its range of bilateral agreements with Israel
  • prohibiting the importation of products of illegal settlements made in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
  • instructing the Superannuation Fund to disinvest in any Israeli company complicit in settlement activities or land confiscation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
  • ending arms and military equipment purchases from Israeli companies
  1. I oppose the use of Israeli military detention for Palestinian children and the use of “administrative detention” of Palestinians whereby they are incarcerated for prolonged periods without charge or trial.

Therefore I pledge to support the recommendations of Defence for Children Palestine and will support a government public statement, tabled in the New Zealand parliament, condemning Israel’s use of military courts and military detention for Palestinian children and for New Zealand to work with other countries at the United Nations to stop these inhumane practices.




  1. It is time that the NZ Government and All Candidates, and those who become MP’s, stood up for Equal Human Rights for ALL in Palestine/Israel.

    For far too long, our sucessive governments have paid lip service to Human Rights and UN resolutions on Palestine and then looked the other way as Israel ignores basic UN Human Rights conventions and abrogates on a daily basis – Convention that can be found here – https://lettersforpalestine.weebly.com/international-conventions.html

    The idea that Israel is “Defending” itself as it’s Snipers gun down Children, Medics, Journalists and other Civilians at the Gaza Concentration Camp fence is laughable. Yet our Government says it backs Israel’s right to “Defend” itself. But in this manner?

    Speak up New Zealand. Call on our MP’s to oppose Israeli Racism and Apartheid as we did South African Racism and Apartheid.

  2. It is such a relief to see that some New Zealand MPs and candidates are exercising their consciences, and pledging support for Palestine’s legitimate demands to their rights based in international law. Palestinians also have the right to security, self-determination, and statehood – and most importantly, to live without apartheid.

  3. Great to hear the Greens are so supportive of these pledges. They already had my vote but this makes it doubly sure. Party vote Green and support Palestinian rights! End apartheid in Israel!

    • Agreed Spike.
      The NZ Govt need to be outspoken on this regardless of the repercussions from the cowardly US/Israel lobby.
      The Apartheid is appalling and human rights are being ignored.

    • Israel never aquired land in Palestine, they took it by force. Do a search on “nakba” , !948, but the planning was done in Britain during the first world was with no consultation with Palestinian natives. Also look up the Balfour “agreement” 1917.

      • Good old Westy, can always be relied on to excise vast chunks of history that don’t suit the anti-Israel agenda. Jews legally bought the land in Palestine, mostly swamp and desert, which they subsequently made flourish, their developments attracting huge Arab immigration, 420,000 of them between 1919 and 1938. The ‘nakba’ resulted from 5 Arab states invading Israel in 1948 with the stated intention of destroying the new state and perpetrating genocide on the Jews. They lost. For the next 19 years Jordan and Egypt occupied Palestinian land but not a peep from your ilk about that. Rewriting history is what you, Minto et al do best.

        • Mmmm 600 Palestinian villages.

          Well of course that is what the colonisers said about Aotearoa , sparsely populated… AND?

          In my lifetime it will be one state with a democratically elected government by all its citizens!

        • “In 1897 the rabbis of Vienna sent a fact-finding mission to Palestine, they famously reported back that the bride ‘was beautiful but married to another man.'”

          Early zionists Knew that Palestine was Not Sparsely Populated. That All Arable land was inhabited and cultivated.

          You are simply Wrong. Or Lying.

  4. Initial responses have been very encouraging. For example most Green party candidates have got back to us already including all current Green MPs supporting all three pledges.

    Party Vote Green.

  5. This is a real positive but we need stronger support from parties. This government should also openly condemn the treat of whistle blowers and journalists like Julian Assange who expose crimes against people in amongst other places the Middle East. If Argentina can do it why can’t we?

    • What exactly does NZ have to gain from supporting terrorists? We are one of the countries that have designated Hamas as a terrorist group. The PA pays terrorists to murder Jews. No party with any sort of moral compass will have any truck with these horrible people. Even the Arabs have abandoned them.

  6. “What exactly does NZ have to gain from supporting terrorists?” You tell us Gaby, and for once, please eschew the use of propaganda that has been disproven by credible and qualified researchers. It seems that apart from the odd blip, NZ has been pretty benign with regard to the terrorism perpetrated by the Zionists. As you say, but more applicable to the Israeli Government and its enablers and agencies, “No party with any sort of moral compass will have any truck with these horrible people.” This is especially so when one considers the magnitude of death, damage and destruction perpetrated by the State of Israel that far exceeds the more morally justified protests of the victims of its subjugation and apartheid policies, who have the right of self-protection.

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