The madness of Billy TKs conspiracy theories and the growing danger of Jami-Lee Ross


Advance NZ co-leader Billy Te Kahika Jr lies about 5G claims, denies he’s a conspiracy theorist

Advance NZ co-leader Billy Te Kahika Jr has denied claiming 5G technology causes cancer, despite a video on his party’s own website proving he did.

When Billy TK first burst upon the scene, I originally thought that he wasn’t coming from a malicious place and was instead a product of our times.

I no longer believe that.

I’ve seen him wilfully misrepresent too many facts into a conspiracy theory narrative that is deeply destabilising.

He’s a con man.

A snake oil salesman who is openly manipulating people’s fear to gain political representation.

That Jami-Lee Ross has empowered his fantasies…

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MP Jami-Lee Ross referred to committee over anti-vaccination video

The Speaker has referred independent MP Jami-Lee Ross to the Privileges Committee for misusing edited parliamentary TV video for political ads.

Trevor Mallard ordered the anti-vaccination video – posted by Ross’s party and that of Billy Te Kahika’s NZ Public Party – to be removed from social media, but that’s been met with a blunt refusal.

Parliamentary footage of an exchange between government minister Megan Woods and National’s Erica Stanford was edited for use in the political ad, posted on several sites.

…is incredibly dangerous.

Billy’s audience are people who take their news from Facebook…

…but it’s a global audience so the high level of interaction he attracts shouldn’t be read as genuine domestic support.

The sudden ratcheting up of emergency powers and curtailing of our civil liberties has been frightening and this pandemic is scary. It is a complex thing with many real time adaptations that can feel intimidating and trigger anger. But to manipulate those legitimate emotions into a narrative that insinuates the virus is a bioengineered weapon spread by 5G to bring about a shadowy one world government that only QAnon can fight is fucking insane!

I don’t think there’s any chance of Billy TK and JLR entering Parliament, but it does gloriously waste right wing vote that will be reallocated to Labour on election night, but there must be a serious rethink of public broadcasting to stop this sort of flat earth delusional politics gaining a popular foothold.



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  1. Billy Te Kahika corrected this statement saying on Facebook that he had made this statement about 5G but that he had forgotten he had made it. Billy Te Kahika sent an email to the station admitting his error. But no Martyn, you have to rush into print to stick it in.

  2. Why don’t you buckle up and interview him mate.
    After whom (if there’s anything left in your tank)
    Robert Kennedy Jnr – Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree…Richard Gage.
    You can have a go at ’em all with your ‘fact’ sheet.

    See how go in the hot seat.

  3. I am sure that Billy is offending Nga Puhi with his poster that declares, “its time that te tai tokerau reclaimed our sovereignty”
    Nga Puhi have just spent a considerable time and effort to establish with the Waitangi Tribunal that they never ceded sovereignty. then along comes Billy.
    but of course Billy never meant sovereignty for Nga Puhi. from his previous speaking he seems to be claiming sovereignty back from the UN, and back from the government. presumably so the people can rule by majority vote referendum. too bad if you are a minority in your own country.
    when will he start to feel ashamed of how often he is caught out saying the wrong thing?
    then there was the photo on stuff which showed them fighting for our sovereignty while flying the american flag at the front of the march yesterday.
    gotta laugh really. i can’t wait for the movie:
    “NZ people save the world from some un-real things”

  4. I agree that he will take votes from National. But NZPP/Advance Jami-Lee has a very large Maori support base and he will also take votes away from Labour, and the Maori Party. What we do not know, is how many will that be? Perhaps they will cnacel each other out, but I would say, going by the large Maori support Billy enjoys, that it will be Labour that will suffer more losses.

  5. We find that JLR is willing, in order to serve his own political purposes, to ally himself with a conspiracy theorist. How could someone of this character have risen to the position as whip that he occupied in the National party in Govt?

    • It’s the National Party. Scruples and ethics render you ineligible to join, so he was in good company. This shouldn’t be a mystery to anyone. JLR is basically trying to retain the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed, and if he needs to hitch his rickety wagon to the Insanity Express, he seems quite happy to do that.

  6. Have you ever spoken to Billy TK before slandering and slurring him?
    Have you bothered to ask him questions about his role? Of his purpose? Bloke to bloke?
    Have you asked him how he reached his conclusions? What evidence has he to support them? Show me some journalism before resorting to name calling.
    This call to totalitarianism sounds ominous .

  7. I have a relative who believes silly Billy. Probably because he smoked so much dope in his teenage years and his brain is fucked so he’s into every conspiracy theory, Clintons have a paedophile island, 5g is a conspiracy, Bill Gates Wants to microchip him..I offered him some tinfoil but the more wine he drinks the more stupid he talks. Sad because he was a good kid who got a university degree before joining stupid.
    Billy should be given to David Seymour for diagnosis and prognosis.

    • It’s been my experience that a university degree is no indicator of either a sound mind or an ability to think critically. Some of the dumbest people I’ve known have been university graduates. (And some of the smartest too.)

  8. Billy Te Kahika, a now-experienced politician of (maybe) three months, is calling for an official enquiry into 5G. I for one welcome this. All other party leaders calling for the same thing please step forward….. What are the dangers for us and our children? Do you know?

    • There is no danger from 5g whatsoever.
      You in all probability already have 5g in your house with your wifi router which all use 5g.
      The cell towers putout less electronic transmissions than your microwave does.
      This 5g crap is put out by the alt right yanks because Huawei the chinese company is kicking the americans ass. So they have created the controversy to try upset their business along with the Huawei is owned by the chinese military line.

        • Helena the woman has no real idea what she is talking about. Is she in Sweden as she doesn’t have a Swedish accent.
          Reporting hearsay especially from someone so confused is not worth listening to.
          4G was also a conspiracy topic when first introduced.
          Its easy to drum this stuff up and beware of confirmation bias and remain critical.

      • Many wifi routers operate on a 5GHz frequency band… this very different thing from 5G technology. You might like to research the difference. The issue around 5G technology is that it has never been thoroughly safety tested and the level of EMF radiation it causes is a considerable step up from 3G & 4G. World health organisation (WHO) has officially declared EMF a ‘possible human carcinogen’ – see link below. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a request to governments to take a reasonable degree of precaution before allowing the telco industry to roll out untested technology that has been linked to cancer in humans.,associated%20with%20wireless%20phone%20use.

        • 5G like 4G and 3G operates on a nominated radio frequency according to the providers license and distribution plan.
          Its the radio frequency and power put out at the cell tower that is usually held up as being alarming.
          The actual power levels at your 5G phone are miniscule and measured in micro-volts. There is nothing “magic” or evil and the effects of electromagnetic radiation at all frequencies experienced by humans is very comprehensively tested for decades.
          Billy is well out of his depth.

  9. This party is totally based on conspiracy theories and fantasy…..Billy has caught his followers in his web and they are so embroiled in it that they can’t think straight…..he is a very good speaker and knows exactly what to say to them every day in his live videos…..they cling to his every word….he is dangerous in the way he talks about Covid, saying it is no more than a normal flu….he has put fear into these people also, whereby now those people think that if Labour wins the election, their lives will be horrendous, they will live in a communist state with no freedom or deocracy and the New World Order will control them….they think the only person to save them from this is Billy…..he is a false prophet and a sharlatan…..I can’t believe there are so many people who actually believe this utter rubbish, they are delusional….this party needs to be closely watched as they are now protesting and have so much hatred for Jacinda Ardern, it is worrying.

  10. This party is totally based on conspiracy theories and fantasy…..Billy has caught his followers in his web and they are so embroiled in it that they can’t think straight…..he is a very good speaker and knows exactly what to say to them every day in his live videos…..they cling to his every word….he is dangerous in the way he talks about Covid, saying it is no more than a normal flu….he has put fear into these people also, whereby now those people think that if Labour wins the election, their lives will be horrendous, they will live in a communist state with no freedom or deocracy and the New World Order will control them….they think the only person to save them from this is Billy…..he is a false prophet and a sharlatan…..I can’t believe there are so many people who actually believe this utter rubbish, they are delusional….this party needs to be closely watched as they are now protesting and have so much hatred for Jacinda Ardern, it is worrying.

    • I’m reasonably sure they’re being monitored as a potential threat, especially after Christchurch. Most of them are harmless cranks, but there’s always a capacity for escalation.

  11. I disagree.
    Mr. TeKahika is delivering a real public service by presenting the known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns of a covert global terror campaign developed under the loose NATO operation GLADIO banner., (P2OG and u.s. Phoenix IIO type programs); a ‘strategy of Tension’ terror campaign deployed against western populations by their own deepstate security systems; as social engineering events, since the 1970’s. Certainly from the 1980 Bologna railway station bombing onwards and big time post nine eleven false flag.
    That that is outside your scope of reference Is on you. Not Billy TK.
    What he is presenting is a threat to the governing narrative, yes; and of course those ‘monitoring the potential (threat)’ will know full well the accuracy of it.

    • Labour is for the elite. I know this by reason. Fantasy expressing the hopelessness of people is helpful in that respect. As a political fact these bleeding brains help the powerful.

      • Agreed. Create confusion and divide people by providing a range of beliefs that may satisfy fears or feelings of powerlessness. Belonging to a group of others who have read or heard what you have is a powerful binding force.
        Critical thinking, checking information and not taking hearsay as a basis for your “expertise” is fundamental.

        Many are not skilled in this area so are easily sucked in.

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