Cough, cough – if the Greens have finished self mutilating themselves – the planet is melting 

The Green Party Jedi Academy resembles the Ewok village from the Moon of Endor.

Have we all finished taking a pound of tofu out of James Shaw?

His funding of a Private Harry Potter Environmental Academy with cocooned school rooms that looked like the Ewok village from Endor was a political mistake, but if the Greens have paused in their latest micro aggression policing struggle session, the planet is melting…

Climate change may make extreme hurricane rainfall five times more likely, study says

According to a new study, “considerably” may mean a 5 times greater likelihood of extreme hurricane rainfall in a warmer world.

…As Northland recovers from a once in 500 year storm, as fires in Siberia thaw massive amounts of methane into the atmosphere, news reaches us that Greenland’s glaciers have passed the point of no return…

Greenland ice has shrunk beyond point of no return – study

Greenland’s ice sheet may have shrunk past the point of return, with the ice likely to melt away no matter how quickly the world reduces climate-warming emissions, new research suggests.

…this matters as the fresh water into the Labrador Sea will shut down the desalination oceanic pumps which draw temperature away from the equator and drags it north making Northern Europe temperate.

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Why does that matter?

It matters because the time it takes for these sudden climate events to occur are as abrupt as what we are seeing with the Pandemic.

And what does the latest science on abrupt climate change tell us?

It’s not good…

New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting

Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed. Today’s climate models have yet to incorporate the steep rise in temperatures that have occurred over the past 40 years. This, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen and other institutions.

“The abrupt rise in temperature now being experienced in the Arctic has only been observed during the last ice age. During that time, analyses of ice cores revealed that temperatures over the Greenland Ice Sheet increased several times, between 10 to 12 degrees, over a 40 to 100-year period,” explains Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen.

He emphasizes that the significance of the steep rise in temperature is yet to be fully appreciated

…we are seeing this now in Canada.

While our immediate attention is on the pandemic, the reality is extreme global warming and even more extreme weather events speeding up, not slowing down.

Human pollution, free market capitalism and naked consumerism has polluted the biosphere to the point of no return.

This will force our hands in terms of adaptation in society, the economy and our culture.

The truth is that the inconvenience of the Pandemic is but a taste of what we have ahead of us and that a radical rebuild of the entire economy and community is the only way forward.

The longer the system takes to force that radical change, the more violent the breaking of the political spectrum by the people when the structural shut down reaches a level our collective apathy and denial can no longer ignore.

Revolutionary change is coming whether we like it or not.

Can we get the Greens back on the field please?


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  1. Human pollution, free market capitalism and naked consumerism has polluted the biosphere to the point of no return.

    Even without those the massive human population of the world would inevitably destroy the Earth’s ecosystem. With them, the destruction is faster.

  2. The NZ Green party are a socialist party first and an environmental party second.
    How can you call them environmental when they walked away and not fighting for fishing boats having cameras, the marine reserve and allowing an increase in water being used at a water bottling plant.
    Only 3 examples, but pretty important ones that they failed on, but were pretty vocal about them when not in power…I understand they are not actually in govt but their numbers still keep the current govt intact and in power.

    • A socialist party? Any evidence to back up that statement? To my mind they’re an identity politics party first and an environmental party second. I don’t see a lot of “socialist” ideas coming out of the Greens.



  4. Good article from Martyn reminding us that global events are subject to rapid change compared to the slow processes that are currently believed by establishment institutions to be the cause of our current world. I expect to be condemned for suggesting it but maybe the rapid change also proves that our world is not as old as people think.

  5. Good post Martyn – keep reminding us – we are so easily distracted because of our principles hah, and our decisions which must be adhered to, even though circumstances have changed past tipping point. The pointy-heads pontificate and critique and the answer is – ‘Do nothing till you hear from us’. And if they are conservatives – ‘You never will’. Good quote in the Nelson Mail:

    George Bernard Shaw – People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.

  6. “…Cough, cough – if the Greens have finished self mutilating themselves – the planet is melting …”
    Yes. The planet IS melting. And while the planet’s melting we must eat and the last time I looked we eat things that come from the soils and the oceans.
    Now? While I’m no rocket surgeon even I know that farmers and farming must surely be involved in the way we survive; I.E. By providing that which we must eat.
    So? James, you fucking crook’s mouth piece? What are you up to? You sleazy little shit.
    Running defense for your masters, would be my guess.
    Nothing to see here, aye james? Move right along and don’t you worry your silly little heads about none of that there, aye james? Get in b’hind! aye james?
    Before intellectual debate, breakfast.
    After intellectual debate, dinner.
    Everything else is High Wankery brain farted out of low life’s.

  7. Greenpeace is doing its best by running a fundraising drive to protect the Amazon that is on fire on a par with the recent bush fires in Australia.
    I don’t think it will make any difference as the Brazilians voted in Bolsanaro to drive right wing economic policy and that involves clearing the Amazon as quickly as possible to free up land and make certain Brazilians very rich.
    The Amazon will become like the Australian outback in a very short space in time and the destruction of precious habitats , animals and the tribes that have survived without the interference of the modern world for thousands of years will be gone forever.
    The effect of removing the lungs of the world will be catastrophic and will only hasten the end of life as we know it.
    We entered the point of no return inmo about ten years ago.
    This pandemic and its intrusion into our comfortable lives and the anguish of not being able to fly off on holiday is just a small preview of what is coming very soon.
    The Greens i thought were our last defence in at least preparing for the inevitable climate destruction of life as we know it.

  8. ‘As Northland recovers from a once in 500 year storm,’

    Does anyone believe that kind of shit any more? More like biennial (every other) year at the moment. And soon to be biannual (twice a year).

    It’s all panning out much as expected when you look at the numbers…atmospheric CO2 135 ppm above the pre-industrial level [of 280 ppm] and 180 ppm above the 800,000 average [of 230 ppm], and rising at an unprecedented rate.

    ‘Revolutionary change is coming whether we like it or not.’


    And when you consider that a large sector of NZ society is in total denial of reality, and even larger sector is totally unprepared for what is imminent, and the politicians only even make matters worse, it is quite scary.

    It looks like we’ve dodged the bullet of an ice-free Arctic Sea this year but once the last vestiges of super-thin last-season ice melt we will witness abrupt climate change on steroids.

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