Jacinda vs Judith – the very clear cut choice you have this election NZ


Jacinda’s performance today was a reminder of the very different styles being offered this election.

Jacinda offered clear best practise public science messaging to people spooked by a mainstream media who yelled fire by ramping up the promotion of an incorrect testing message they were told was incorrect.

She did so with grace, confidence, compassion and authority.

Today she called on the better angels of our nature to don masks, practise minimal socialisation and maintain social distancing to maintain the bond of solidarity for the common good.

It is because of this leadership that I believe a tectonic political shift has occurred in the electorate in majority favour of Jacinda.

So what does Crusher Collins offer the electorate?

The grim steel Chancellor promises vexatious ruthlessness against the virus where public servant heads will roll with all the regularity of a Queen of Hearts garden party.

In a fast moving environment, people want a Government that is flexible and nimble enough to adapt and most understand that perfection isn’t possible.

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They just don’t want the same mistake made twice.

This virus isn’t going away, if anything it’s getting more intense globally.

This election the ultimate decision is who makes you feel safer?

Jacinda’s compassion or Judith’s ruthlessness?


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  1. We want only Aunty Jacinda with NZF as our future leaders, NZF support for the so far ignored ‘large voting base of over 65 yr old’ to get us over the line as the Green Party are not reliable any more.

  2. I disagree – something has spooked the government back to L2.5 as if we accept the baseline when we went back into L3 this surely hasn’t changed.

    The management of the border has been a shambles and if it continues the middle will associate it more with kiwibuild than the team of 5 million. Should the bumbling continue we will have Trump 2016 relived.

      • Trust in unelected nobodies who may be running government departments like their own little fiefdoms doesn’t matter when you’ve got someone like Jacinda ruling from the top-down, justly.

        • Would this have happened under Key, English or Clark – no. It appears this government still doesn’t understand assurance and audit neither systems management.

          Blaming the bureaucracy rather than the government is like blaming the deckhands rather than the captain for the Titanic crashing into the iceberg. This is obviously the new “nine years of neglect”.

    • The management of the border has been pretty much impeccable. The only things that have gone wrong has been simply because the human race isn’t friggen perfect.

      Of course, National doesn’t want anyone to believe that so that attack simple human error as being the government’s fault when its no ones. Its part of their attack routine to destroy confidence in the government and thus allow them to get elected in.

      The problem with that is that we all know that, if National had been in power, we’d probably worse off than the USA. We actually would have ~2000 people dying every day.

      In other words, National are lying. This is, of course, perfectly normal for them as they lie all the time. The National Party does, after all, represent the corrupt.

      And then there’s people like you who believe their lies.

      • Correct Draco, on one hand we have our PM, compassionate and caring for all. On the other we have Collins, corrupt, uncaring and concerned for a select few.

        The choice is yours NZ.

      • Your version of impeccible is different to mine. 117 cases have been identified at the border. We have 2 potential breaches from those 117 cases. So just under 2% of infected people have created (no blame attached) a breach.

        The 117 total is from the heath.govt website updated 30th August. I think we can probably agree that this number is on the low side. It would have been more but as we know we weren’t testing everybody at the border until 2 months ago.

        • Nope. Just the standard dictionary meaning in that the government has done everything as well as could be expected.

  3. Yeah while you sing the praises of Jacinda, don’t forget to keep objective and hold her govt to account. That’s the democratic way isn’t it? We don’t want to get typecast , do we?

    And as an aside. Don’t blaspheme either. In doing so you make yourself just as bad as the other lot who you alienate. We see your bashing of the Greens. Yet you insult Christians and turn them off by your condescending belittling of Christian beliefs. Such as ‘sweet baby Jesus’ ‘for the love of Christ’ etc. I don’t see you doing the same for Vishnu nor Buddha nor Allah. Knock it off.

    And just remember, Christians form a large voting block either hard right right or socially Left wing.

    And what those people believe and who they choose to vote for is their choice.

    • Admirable Mr Bradbury.

      Now publish the others. They have political relevance in a weird roundabout sort of way as well. I’m impressed. All I ask is stop with the blaspheming thing. It hurts those with earnest beliefs. And that is supposed to be part of the ‘caring sharing Left’. The South Americans know this instinctively.

      “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.” .

      Che Guevara.

  4. What some people on this forum haven’t worked out yet is you are not voting for the leaders to get this country through the next three years, you are voting for their collective government policies. The leader race is the book cover not the book. Jacindas job is to sell the policies. She doesn’t write them. She may push some policies but in the end her collective cabinet make those decisions and then they get watered down by the coalition partners. JA has used good leadership skills to keep the population on side during Covid but for the rest of the government’s job of running the country she’s a mouthpiece only, as is JC.

  5. If CoVID continues be a thing (i.e. there are new outbreaks) I think Jacinda could be in real trouble of losing the election. If the virus continues to spread in New Zealand, despite all the draconian government measures to date, then NZers can and will punish Labour come election day because all our “shared sacrifices” (let alone the damage to the economy) will seem to have been for naught.

  6. Sad that it only took Maori a decade to forget what aunty helen and her labour goverment did to rob Maori of their rights as indigenous people of Aotearoa by the taking ofthe forshore and seabed. And still it is the same position of the labour party that everyone has the same right to it regardless if you have been here for 800 years or 2yrs yet im sure aunty Jacx will spin you some lovely story about cleaning it up after ten years of abuse and neglect.

  7. Constantly hear that “Judith would not hv done as well” the reality is if the actual party that was elected in 2017 with the majority was in, it wouldn’t be Judith it would have been Bill English… that aside its not National that is making the decisions its Labour…. so this is a ridiculous non-arguement. The future though is not about one unqualified lady. Please look at the full package and what is on offer its the only sensible thing to do….

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