To me dearest fellow New Zealanders – learning to live Kia Kaha in a time of Pandemic 



Kia kaha is a Māori phrase used by the people of New Zealand as an affirmation, meaning stay strong. The phrase has significant meaning for Māori: popularised through its usage by the 28th Māori Battalion during World War II, it is found in titles of books and songs, as well as a motto.

To me dearest fellow New Zealanders

If you are feeling frightened, anxious or depressed about the pandemic,


Those are perfectly natural & normal feelings because this is a frightening, anxious & depressing time!

If you are not feeling frightened, anxious or depressed, you are not paying attention,


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This won’t last forever Comrades.

We WILL overcome.

We are the harvest of strong elders, our roots are with the mountains and our depth with the Southern Oceans.

Our forebears overcame adversity and universally paid the price of citizenship for the civilisation we have inherited.

There will be dark days dear friends, there will be enormous sorrow and there will be terrible pain.

But we will persevere and we will not disappear into the garden of midnight.

Stand strong brothers and sisters, lift your face to the Sun and plant your heels to the ground.

We shall overcome.

Kia Kaha Comrades.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice going into this pandemic and 2020 election – please donate here.

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TDB Team 2020.


  1. Thank goodness you are with us Martyn. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui. Arohanui Aotearoa me to Ao. Be strong, be brave, be patient. Much love to NZ and the world.

  2. I’m hoping for the end of Capitalism and neoliberal governments.

    Is this where all the real Socialists hang out?

  3. The comfortable politician without zeal is revealed as Winston Peters tells NZ overseas that they might as well stay where they are. What are they supposed to live on. Who is going to pay their hotel bill. If they have money for tickets and use that for accommodation, who is going to pay to get them home. Not everyone has a rich parent or relative. Winston’s new name for the country is No Zeal-and. Does he care about anyone – not immigrants and now not stranded NZs.
    Government-assisted flights home were being considered but there was no guarantee they could take place.
    The government would provide consular assistance overseas where possible.

    If they could get to a meeting place in the UK say in the north and snuggle down at a Britannia Hotel or other cheap accommodation where they could have separate rooms, that might be best for those stranded in some countries. Of course UK is pretty foreign these days, but at least you could understand the plain language they dish out. It puts people in a very difficult position if they can’t get back here. Can’t NZ offer a nice holiday away from it all to some influential and bribeable person in the UK?

    Of course then we have to ensure self isolation for large numbers but we owe it to our own citizens; though we do seem to have become second-raters once that gummint decided that overseas trade was all the rage. Home-made is just to quaint.

    • Yeah , got to admit we need to look after our own here… efforts towards stranded KIWI’s need to be stepped up. – lets get em home.

      Bring em on home.

      We want them back here pronto, not stuck without cash in a foreign land… many of them young and damn well vulnerable. Its terrifying for so many of them. Lets get em on home.

      Iron Maiden – Stranger In A Strange Land

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