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Waatea 5th Estate – Why is Cannabis reform not going anywhere?


Joining us tonight to discuss why cannabis reform has somehow slipped off the political radar

The president of NORML – Chris Fowlie

and former Green Party MP – Nandor Tanzcos



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The horror of Turkey


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I have to be honest, the more Turkey responds harshly to the attempted coup, the more convinced I am that the Coup was either faked or another failed CIA operation.

The speed with which Erdogan blamed long time political opponent, CIA asset and multi-billionaire cleric Fethullah Gülen was as fast as Gülen blaming Erdogan of staging  fake coup.

Gülen is a curious character, he runs the largest chain of Charter School’s in America   and his closeness to the Bill Gates Foundation suggests a very well connected American asset.

Whether the CIA were behind the failed coup is neither here no there right now though as Erdogan starts a crack down that is now beyond any legitimacy…

Thousands of Turkey coup prisoners ‘raped, starved and hogtied’

Amnesty International says it has ‘credible evidence’ Turkish police are holding detainees, denying them food, water and medical treatment and in the worst cases some have been subjected to severe beatings and torture

…tens of thousands arrested, no trials. This is looking like a cleansing and the rise of a Theocracy rather than a legitimate response to treason.

Where Turkey may have once wanted to be involved with the EU, I think Erdogan’s aim now is to create his own religious state and he’s using this failed coup as a chance to eliminate secularists.

This has the potential to birth a new authoritarian Islamic regime, if the CIA were foolish enough to have started this, it will be just another example (like Iran) of failed interventions that have blown up in America’s face.

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TDB July Contributions drive – last days



Brothers and Sisters, if you think The Daily Blog is an important voice in the NZ media landscape, then we need your contribution.

Putting together a 5 night a week 7pm current affairs show and co-ordinating 40 of the best left wing progressive voices each month don’t come cheap. The Daily Blog is the largest left wing blog in NZ and you know how dire the mainstream media has become so these few platforms left to fight back at the Government and corporate power are more essential than ever before.

If you are in a position to contribute financially, this week is our last days of the July donations drive – please do so here. If you want to help us but can’t do so financially, please retweet and share all our work on social media.


In solidarity.


TDB Team

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The Daily Blog Monthly Drinks – this Friday, 7.15pm @ IKA


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The Daily Blog monthly drinks this month are on Friday, 29th at IKA, 2 Mt Eden Rd from 7.15pm. Mix and mingle with TDBs bloggers and friends and gossip about Politics.

We have a small bar tab and lots of yummy nibbles so twist Bomber’s arm to buy you a drink

Look forward to seeing you there

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Waatea 5th Estate – Will Waitangi Tribunal decide if prison system is racist?


Joining us tonight to discuss the week-long urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing into a claim that the Crown has breached Treaty principles by failing to make a long-term commitment to reduce Maori re-offending.
The Corrections Officer of 25 years who has taken this case against the Crown – Tom Hemopo

Spokesperson for Just Speak – Julia Whaipooti
And constitutional lawyer and Treaty of Waitangi expert Moana Jackson.

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Political Caption Competition



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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 27th July 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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Waikato DHB’s discovered employing its 3rd dodgy USA Psychiatrist


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For the 3rd time in a little over two years, Waikato DHB has been ‘outed’ employing a dodgy USA ‘psychiatrist’.

The latest in the DHB’s Dishonour Roll is Dr Robert Ivan Fink, lately of Everett, Washington State.

Fink was employed by Waikato DHB’s Adult Mental Health Services in August 2015, despite having an outstanding complaint against him in the USA – a complaint he has now been placed under disciplinary procedures for.

He was employed by the DHB at exactly the time the bogus “Dr” Mohammed Siddiqui saga was playing out at the DHB and in the Hamilton courts.

Siddiqui was employed shortly after Dr Paul Fox was sacked by the DHB, having been discovered to have been disbarred in two US states.

Both earlier cases worked with Adult Mental Health Services, and Fox had been the principle psychiatrist for our son, Nicky Stevens, and set up the ‘treatment’ regime he was under at the time of his death after being given an unescorted ‘smoke break’ from the DHB’s Henry Bennett Centre.

Nicky’s parents Jane Stevens and Dave Macpherson said “It seems clear that this outfit couldn’t manage its way out of a wet paper bag.”

“They are incapable of learning from, let alone admitting, their mistakes; and people are being harmed by their systemic management failures.”

“Our son paid the ultimate price – how many more will be hurt?”

“It’s time the expensive CEO of this hopeless outfit was got rid of, and his Yes Minister Board.”

Stevens and Macpherson said “Last year, Health Minister Coleman ordered a Claytons’ review of the DHB’s mental health services, which predictably said everything was hunky dory – how will he explain this one away?”

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We have built a prison nation that produces damaged people then act surprised when they are released and do damage



NZs a funny place isn’t it? We are so easily manipulated it’s embarrassing.

Take our prisons.

We changed parole conditions as part of a knee jerk law and order campaign in the early 2000s so that those who don’t do rehabilitation programmes can’t get parole. What this has morphed into are larger and larger numbers of prisoners refusing their guilt, getting no rehabilitation and thus serving their full sentence and leaving prison more damaged than when they went in. We have built a prison nation that is counterproductive so why are we surprised when the results show more and more damaged people being released?

With ACC owning 30% of the private prison at Wiri. we have a Government Department seeking revenue streams from incarceration.

We have allowed cheap anger and media peddling the worst elements of our nature as entertainment to cloud our judgement and produce spiteful social policy.

NZ doesn’t need a Trump to inspire this hate, we’ve managed it all on our own.

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Todd McClay misled the media, the public AND John Key – so how come he still has a job?



Why hasn’t McClay been sacked yet as Trade Minister?

His misleading of the media, public and apparently John Key, means he should go.

Yet he hasn’t.


For China, losing face is a big deal, chopping off McClay would help appease them, so why hasn’t Key given him the chop?

I think it’s because of this…

Prime Minister John Key said his office was told of Chinese threats to New Zealand exports, but he had not been informed because it was not “official advice”.

For Key to not have been informed of this seems ludicrous right? We have to believe that NZs largest trade partner is angry and threatening large NZ businesses and the PMs Office is informed, but they don’t tell Key?

Yeah Right.

McClay isn’t going anywhere because McClay could reveal that Key was well aware of everything he was aware of so there’s no killing off of McClay for fear of him pulling Key down with him.

We’ve seen this game played a million times by Key and NZers seem to love him more for it. Remember how Key met the GCSB 15 times and they apparently never mentioned Kim Dotcom to him once?

Remember how a dirty trick campaign was being run out of Key’s own Office but he apparently had no idea.

Remember how the SIS and his Office met to smear Phil Goff in the lead up to the 2011 election and no one told Key?

They amount of things Key doesn’t remember or isn’t told makes him looks less like a Prime Minister  and more like an alzheimer’s patient.

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BTW – the planet is melting



With the madness of an orange fascist taking over America, BREXIT backlash, human rights abuses across the ditch, the Pacific being ripped apart and desperation growing in our own country, it’s easy to sometimes forget the biggest story of our lifetime.

The Planet is melting…

NASA: Hottest June on record continues 14-month global heat wave 

The first six months of 2016 were the hottest ever recorded, NASA announced on Tuesday, while Arctic sea ice now covers 40% less of the Earth than it did just 30 years ago.

Temperatures were on average 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.4 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than average between January and June this year, compared to the late nineteenth century.

In total, the planet has now had 14 consecutive months of the hottest temperatures seen since records began in 1880, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said.

Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Spain were some examples of places where temperatures soared more than a degree above average, as New Zealand had its hottest January to June period since records began.

…the problem is that most of our political, media and business interests are owned by Baby Boomers who won’t live long enough to see the impacts of global warming.

The moment when Gen X and Gen Y outnumber Boomers in the electoral demographics (set to be post 2020 in NZ) will be when the younger generations have the power to force change. Until then recycling is just symbolic.

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MUST READ: Turning private troubles into public issues


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The internet is liberating, it gives me choice, a chance to connect, unlimited access to information and it makes me feel powerful to know it is at my fingertips.

A variety of candidates are building their digital power base for this year’s local government elections because they want my vote. However, between Facebook and my vote there’s a yawning digital divide where the power to bring about real change evaporates.  

The Living Wage Movement is going to be active in these elections. It will call for council candidates around the country to support a Living Wage so public money is spent to support healthy local communities. That call depends for its success not on a Facebook group but on social organisation, an infrastructure that enables us to act in unison for a common purpose. That’s not digital power, but power rooted in a social fabric of collectives woven together over time through conversation and joint action. Such a social fabric existed once.

In 1914 the Workers Education Association opened its NZ chapter to advance the idea that working people should have access to the learning that was only available to the moneyed privileged classes in our society.  

In 1939 the Back of the Yards Neighbourhood Council was founded in Chicago alongside the meat Packinghouse Workers Union led by Saul Alinsky. That neighbourhood brought together the organisations that played the biggest part in the lives of people there: the immigrant groups, the Catholic Church and the Union.

More recently in NZ, and within many of our memories, credit unions and union health services emerged across NZ for unionised workers, alongside workingmen’s clubs, churches and schools. “We are the union, the mighty, mighty union” we chanted on hotel picket lines in the ‘80s.

These were mediating institutions that provided the infrastructure for workers and their families to cope with the challenges of daily existence; that embodied solidarity or collectivity; and, that enabled activists, in the words of sociologist C. Wright Mills, to turn “private troubles” into “public issues.”

The 1991 de-regulation of the labour market signalled a new design at work in which the market would dominate, facilitated by the state, and civil society would founder. This was an age of individualism.  

The internet theoretically came to our rescue because it allowed us to turn our “private troubles” into “public issues” day after day, hour after hour and minute after minute, on Facebook and Twitter, creating the new network infrastructure in our increasingly private and insulated lives.

The only problem is that we no longer own the new infrastructure, we didn’t design it and we are not doing the work required to build, maintain, refresh or give life to it in the way we might have done in past neighbourhoods, churches and unions. The infrastructure is owned by the corporate giants, like Google and Facebook; they hold the power and we are its servants.

Critiques of Facebook and big data are common now and challenge the idea that we have a great new tool to organise mass rallies, connect in solidarity and challenge injustice. Dismembered, deconstructed, commodified, commercialised – all while we are sleeping in our beds – taking a few hours out before resuming the “work” of tapping into the corporate machine of social media with our likes, dislikes, activities, opinions – and maybe the “star” we most resemble after answering 10 key questions.  

Plenty of us worry about the growth of individualism and the exploitation of workers without union rights that bring some balance to the employment relationship.  Workers don’t volunteer to be exploited. They need money because they need to live, and so generally grab the work if and where they can, on the terms offered.  

But the work we do for our Masters of Surveillance and Big Data is entirely voluntary, and it’s free of charge.  It takes individualism to whole new levels where the fragments of our private selves (our likes, dislikes, and the “star” we resemble) are extracted and re-organised as products for use or sale to make massive profits.

We do this social media thing because we are freely connecting with people, events, and issues. There are so many people I don’t have time to keep up, so many events I am scared to look at the list, so many birthdays I am embarrassed I missed, and so many groups I didn’t ask to join but I couldn’t possibly leave. But don’t get me wrong here, I am not leaving – I am a willing victim.  That is the success of the Facebook machine. Perhaps the Romantic of the future will express heroism, mystery and idealism by ending their relationship with Facebook and Big Data.

The future Romantic will dream of reversing the atomisation of our private and public selves that has made us the exploited product of social media giants. In the future Age of the Romantic we may hark back to an era in which we were social beings talking and acting together in pursuit of common goals for the common good, and where the institutions, such as unions, stepped out into civil society to share the stage in our call for shared goal, such as a Living Wage that pays the rent or supports quality education and health care. After all we all pay for low pay.

One of our Living Wage questions that brings together different classes, races and faiths in a connection that build relationships, aspiration and hope is simply; “what matters to you and your family.” It’s a whole person question, it is the person in their whole context, and it’s best asked in person.

We want our individual freedom and the powerfulness we feel as an individual on the internet but we also need the emotion inherent in the real life relationships that strengthen our social solidarity.

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Waatea 5th Estate – Can Trump win?


Joining us tonight top discuss if Trump can win…

Seeby Woodhouse

Mitch Harris

Professor Steve Hoadley 

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Political Caption Competition


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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 26th July 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.


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