Waatea 5th Estate – Can Trump win?


Joining us tonight top discuss if Trump can win…

Seeby Woodhouse

Mitch Harris

Professor Steve Hoadley 


  1. Good line up and engaged discussion but wasn’t keen on Professor Steve Hoadley’s comment to vote for Clinton as she will bring us TPPA which he said was good for NZ!!!!@##$%^&*() BLOODY FOOL

  2. The USA is not the greatest country on earth, and it’s a waning power. Clinton is not the only one who will flip flop over the TPPA, Trump will too. Behind the scenes, when push comes to shove, Trump will do what he is told, he’s a front man in a reality tv show of his own making, and it will be others who handle the work. Just like we see here with John key. Whether it be Clinton or Trump, NZ will get screwed over either way. I’m with Willy and Mitch. And I think Americans will hold their noses and vote for Clinton, because they are too scared of Trump who btw, has never paid tax..

    I thought dodgy Rodney was a joke and a hypocrite when he spoke of his disgust over US political corruption, given that’s how his dodgy corrupt law breaking Act party and the dirty corrupt Nats managed to cling to power over the last 8. and a half years.

    Prior to John key gutting and hollowing out the Act party for his National party, there were at least 19 Act party members who had conducted some form of criminal activity. Remember David Garrett who used a dead baby’s name to make a passport when he was a PRACTICING LAWYER?

    Gobsmacked that Mitch Harris couldn’t bring himself to say John key is a bold faced liar, so instead he said key “stretches the truth quite a bit’ Well, that’s stretching it, isn’t it? Quite the understatement!!!!! It appears John key inspires a lot of fear particularly to those within the media, who can’t or won’t tell the truth.. NZ has become just as bad as the US and UK.

  3. Lol, love the guy on the couches body language reaction
    (uncomfortable) at the 9:00 mark as the guy next (Seeby) to him talks about 9/11 tower 7 & Hillary’s ‘unseen’ forces at play!!!


  4. I always find it hard to take anything Rodney Hide says seriously given that he doesn’t believe in man made climate change. If he can’t get that, what can he get.

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