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TDB Christmas Contributions drive – please donate if you believe we need a counter media and an update on funding

12/22/1961-Salvador Dali, Spanish painter, wearing Santa claus beard and a hat of his own creation called "Dali's Complex." Photograph. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

12/22/1961-Salvador Dali, Spanish painter, wearing Santa claus beard and a hat of his own creation called "Dali's Complex." Photograph. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Comrades, it’s that time of the month when we put out our begging bowl and ask you our dear readers to contribute cash if you believe the NZ media landscape desperately needs a counter voice. This project of a blog takes up an immense amount of time and it costs us to bring it to you.

We have a large drop off in revenue over Summer from adverts and we really want to be in a serious position for the election in 2017 to challenge what will be a vicious propaganda war to see who will lead our Country. If you see how important it is that we have a much broader voice than the mainstream media are providing, we need you our readers and supporters to help us do that.

Putting together exclusive left wing/progressive live streamed content every month and co-ordinating 40 of the best progressive voices each month don’t come cheap. The Daily Blog is one of the largest left wing blogs in NZ and with the dire state the mainstream media finds itself in, these few platforms left to fight back at the Government, media elites and corporate power are more essential than ever before.

If you are in a position to contribute financially, this week is our last days of the December donations drive – please do so here. If you want to help us but can’t do so financially, please retweet and share all our work on social media.

We also need to update you all over the many kind comments we have received in the wake of the NZ on Air funding decision to not fund Waatea 5th Estate next year. The incredible generosity of so many working NZers who saw Waatea 5th Estate as mandatory current affairs viewing overwhelmed us all. We have decided to sit down with some people over the Summer and look to do a crowd funding proposal to produce Waatea 5th Estate for the election and build up The Daily Blog’s bloggers so that their work can get the resourcing it deserves.

2016 was a painful year. Not just the artists, musicians and creative geniuses we lost, but the Brexit vote and Trump win has seen our enemies win and heroes burnt at the stake.

And then John Key resigned.

I want a better NZ. I’m sick of seeing the damaged mutant our state services have become and how they serve only to hurt and malign those trapped by desperation. We can’t just get a change of Government, I want a changed Government, so no matter how hard we will be on National and their allies, we want to demand real change from any Opposition that courts our votes.

2017 is an election year, we have seen how the mainstream media manipulate and spin for their hidden interests, our interests are all out in the open. The Daily Blog wants change in 2017 and if you want change too, help us remain one of the few platforms left open.

If you can donate now, please do so and if you can donate with our crowdfunding next year, please do so once we have released the details and if you can’t afford to do either of those things but still support our kaupapa, please share our content on social media here on Facebook or here on Twitter.

In solidarity comrades – hope to see many of you at our Christmas Party on Monday 19th.

Once more to the breach dear friends!

TDB Team


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Malcolm Evans – At the end of the day…



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Guest Mental Health Blog: David Macpherson – Coleman’s Pork-Barrelling highlights mental health deficit



One of the more unusual sights in the post-Key scramble for top jobs was that of nonentity Health Minister Jonathan Coleman putting his hat in the ring, and following up with the promise of more cash for the mental health sector.

After two years of insisting there were sufficient funds for mental health, Coleman’s claims that the Nats were on top of the issues in that sector were undone with almost his first campaign media release promising significantly increased community mental health funding.

Although he never had a show of becoming PM, his promises of extra funding for mental health and other areas of the public health (and education) sectors briefly shone a light on the funding deficit in those areas.

The truth is that both community and inpatient mental health services in the public sector are dramatically overstretched, if available at all, and recent Government denials of the need are viewed derisorily by both those who need the services, and those who work in the sector.

In the recent awful Otorohanga quadruple death, Waikato DHB mental health services patient Ross Bremner was denied critical support when his mother alerted the DSHB to his deteriorating state, and was sent back under the care of a ‘key’ worker who, from accounts I have seen, was a junior, inexperienced Occupational Therapist – not a trained mental health professional. In the whole of the Waikato rural areas, with about 2 centres outside Hamilton and nearly 200,000 population, there are only two rural mental health care teams, both of which struggle to attract and retain staff.

In a case I’m helping with at the moment, another junior Waikato DHB Occupational Therapist was tasked with deciding if a seriously ill mental health patient should have access to residential care, and when that was declined, family members were told it would be several weeks before the ill person could be re-assessed by a psychiatrist.

Another Waikato DHB patient I’m supporting at the moment had to wait 7 months before his assessment for support of a psychologist was completed; and the most recent occupancy figures for the DHB’s in-patient Henry Bennett Centre was 97% – effectively over-full.

And the word from other areas of the country is that very similar experiences are to be had almost everywhere.

So Coleman’s Road to Damascus conversion to being a champion for extra mental health funding is probably a damn good move – if only he wasn’t such a hypocrite!


Dave Macpherson is TDBs guest mental health blogger and a Waikato DHB Member

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The Daily Blog End of Year Christmas Party – Monday 19th 6.30pm @ IKA



Comrades, we close 2016 with drinks and food at Ika, 3 Mt Eden Rd at 6.30pm on Monday 19th.

If you are a reader or supporter feel free to come along and gossip with our bloggers before we plunge into yet another election year.

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TDB Top 5 International Stories: Monday 12th December 2016




5: Mosul Dam collapse ‘will be worse than a nuclear bomb’

As Iraqi forces continue their military operation to take Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), another equally important battle to save the Mosul Dam, located 60km north of Mosul, is under way.

After six months of frantic security and logistical preparations, an Italian company has kicked off the repair works to beef up the dam, under the protection of five hundred Italian soldiers and Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

The Italian company,TREVI, will have about 18 months to prevent the foundations of the dam from plunging deeper underground, averting an impending catastrophe. Experts warn that if the dam collapses, up to 11.11 billion cubic-metres of water known as Lake Dahuk, will submerge Mosul and create an inundation that will affect the lives of millions of people living along the banks of the Tigris river.

“I don’t know if it’s a race against time, but we have the know-how and the technology to make the dam safe for the time-being,” said a company source on the phone, on condition of anonymity for security reasons.



4: Trump Makes America Goldman’s Again! #MAGA

IT’S NOW TIME for us, as a nation, to come together and congratulate the winner of the 2016 presidential election: Goldman Sachs.

Many Donald Trump voters likely believed his victory would be a loss for Goldman. At the Republican convention, a man who seemed to take Trump’s twitter attacks on Goldman seriously screamed “Goldman Sachs!” at Ted Cruz’s banker wife as she fled the convention floor. Trump’s own final campaign video declared that he would do battle against the “global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations” — as personified on screen by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

But that was then. As Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund manager and top adviser to Trump, as well as a former Goldman Sachs banker himself, put it Thursday: “I think the cabal against the bankers is over.”

The Intercept


3: Intelligence figures fear Trump reprisals over assessment of Russia election role

Legislators overseeing the CIA and other intelligence agencies have told the Guardian they will be vigilant about reprisals from Donald Trump over an internal assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to ensure Trump’s victory.

Fears of retaliation rose within US intelligence agencies over a tense weekend that saw Trump publicly dismiss not only the assessment but the basic competence of the intelligence apparatus.

“When the president-elect’s transition team is attempting to discredit the entire intelligence community [IC], it has never been more important for the IC and Congress to guard against possible political pressure or retaliation against intelligence analysts,” Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told the Guardian.

The Guardian 


2: Quarter of inmates could have been spared prison without risk, study says

A quarter of the US prison population, about 364,000 inmates, could have been spared imprisonment without meaningfully threatening public safety or increasing crime, according to a new study.

Analyzing offender data on roughly 1.5 million US prisoners, researchers from the Brennan Center for Justice concluded that for one in four, drug treatment, community service, probation or a fine would have been a more effective sentence than incarceration.

“The current sentencing regime was largely a knee-jerk reaction to crime, not grounded in any scientific rationale,” said Inimai Chettiar, director of the justice program. “While it may have seemed like a reasonable approach to protect the public, a comprehensive examination of the data proves it is ineffective at that task.”

The Guardian 


1: Can Sanctuary Campuses Really Protect Students from Trump?

Ever since Donald Trump was elected to be our next president, Andreé Franco Vasquez has carried her passport around Harvard College, where she’s a student. If Trump does decide to deport all undocumented immigrants, as he’s said he would do, she doesn’t want to be sent to the wrong country.

Franco Vasquez, who came to the United States from Guatemala 15 years ago, is currently protected from deportation under DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. But Trump has promised to repeal DACA and other executive actions by President Obama, which is why she’s hoping Harvard will take additional steps to protect her and the other 40 undocumented undergraduate students who attend the Ivy League school by declaring it a “sanctuary campus.”

Vice News



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GUEST BLOG: Ben Peterson – The truth about Winston Peters.



After 8 years of Prime Minister John Key has stepped down. Bill English will be the new PM but an election is due next year. The sudden departure of Key leaves a political space that must be filled. All politicians will be trying to make the most of this unexpected opportunity, and chief among them will be NZ longest serving MP- Winston Peters.

There are many myths surrounding Peters. For some people, these myths can make his party (NZ First) appear like a project for a new, more progressive politics in New Zealand. The truth is very different. NZ First isn’t committed to protecting New Zealand from powerful foreign interests. And it’s certainly got no meaningful claim to supporting governments of the left. NZ First is a contradictory collection of individuals around the personal ambition of Winston Peters.

So, Winston might be an entertaining politician, but he is no friend of working people.

The Peters Myth vs Reality

The Winston Peters myth is constantly evolving, but he often likes to paint himself as a political outsider. Winnie likes to portray himself as straight talking, and standing up to the establishment. To give him credit, the fact he can sometimes pull this off is a master class in political spin. The reality is, Winston Peters has more claim to being the political establishment as any other New Zealand MP. He is the country’s longest serving MP, and has been a minister three times, including being Treasurer between 1996-1998 and Foreign Minister between 2005-2008.

While Winston wants to appear to be the chief critic of economic neoliberalism and NZ being a pawn in American imperialism, while serving as a minister he failed to make any dramatic departures from political mainstream. He has had his opportunity to raise an alternative, but has failed to do so.

It is important to judge politicians based on their actions, not just their words. The more you look at Winston’s record, the larger the gap between perception and reality.

For some activists, NZ First’s stance against the TPPA has given them some credibility. NZ First has publicly stated concerns about the effect the TPPA would have on working conditions in NZ. While it is true that NZ First has generally been economically nationalist, concern for working people is a new phenomenon. It needs to be remembered that NZ first supported the employment contracts act in the 1990’s. This directly led to an assault on the wages and conditions of working people and the Union movement. Today, NZ First maintains a policy to create provisions for permanent ‘casual’ employment, which would bring back and re-legalise Zero Hour contracts.

To build a mass following, NZ First has tried to channel something darker- xenophobia. Winston Peters consistently appeals to racial divisions to further his own career. Peters has been one of the most vocal critics of ‘Maori privilege’, and consistently blames the Auckland housing crisis and unemployment on migration.

It’s nonsense.Rather than being privileged- Maori are over represented in prison and unemployment numbers. Housing prices increases and unemployment stem from changes in government policy going back to the 80’s, trends extend over decades, and cannot reduced to immigration. For Peters though, the facts don’t matter. It doesn’t need to make sense, it just needs to pander the the superficial fears of some voters. He has perfected this politics of fear.

Understanding this phenomenon is important for leftists for two reasons:

Firstly, false debate takes attention away from the real radical alternatives we need. To fix housing we need to take on big money investors. Most of which are Kiwis, not foreign investors.

Secondly, if the political conversation focuses on distractions, the solutions that working people need will not be discussed and fought for. It makes it harder to build a movement for change. This needs to be a movement that can provide solutions that work for the majority, not those with money. Working people are divided, it makes it harder to put the blame back on the root cause- a political and economic system that puts profit ahead of people.

Working Communities First

Aotearoa/New Zealand needs a new political project. There needs to be an alternative to the growing poverty and environmental destruction today- the world depends on it.

When building this bold vision for the future, do we want a former National MP with an axe to grind to be front and center? Do we need someone whose politics is self promotion, or do we need a new politics that promote ourselves?

Do we really want to trust a politician who tries to tell you that your problems are caused by your Maori and migrant neighbors, all the while he’s wining and dining with the racing industry and the rich?

Do we really believe a politician who’s been in parliament for 4 decades, been a minister three times, and took jobs with both Labour and National, when he tells us he stands for ordinary kiwis?

Is this the best that we can do? Some people, be they desperate or deluded, believe that it is. I beg to differ.

I believe that a movement of people in Aotearoa/New Zealand isn’t just possible, it’s necessary. I believe that it’s not important where you’ve come from, but what change you want to see. When ordinary people come together, another world is possible.

But that will only be possible if we don’t settle for bullshit and bullshit artists.


Ben Peterson is a Union Activist based in Auckland 

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday 12th December 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



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Families close Pike River road – time for the Government to deal – Stand with Pike



Pike River families have been gifted legal control of the road to Pike River mine by the landowner and will not allow Solid Energy access to seal the mine.

Bernie Monk, whose son Michael was killed in the disaster, says locals are building a checkpoint overnight. “Thanks to the support from all over the Coast we’re now able to totally stop them going ahead with concreting up the entrance to the mine.

“Solid Energy and the Government have tried to ignore us and push us aside. Now they have to listen to us.

“We’ll be in Wellington on Tuesday to take our new expert plan for re-entry to Bill English. He has the chance to do what his predecessor wouldn’t and call off the sealing of the mine.

“Pike River is a crime-scene and we want to get into the drift to recover our loved ones’ remains and the evidence that might be down there. We’ve got a plan to do it and we’re not going to let the opportunity to get answers get buried under hundreds of tons of concrete.

“We’re happy to let DOC through and anyone who needs to do safety work, but sealing up the mine isn’t going to happen.”

Protest action on the occupied land on Logburn Road will begin at dawn tomorrow. Family members will be releasing a new report on re-entry at Parliament on Tuesday.

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Shades of I Daniel Blake



So MSD have been forcing investigation staff to get at least one prosecution a month, often for the non-crime of ‘relationship fraud’.  They have quotas to recover at least $30,000 in debt per month!

Legions of women just barely surviving financially have been prosecuted, often sent to jail, even when they have had young children. Some have become suicidal, others have had their lives and those of their children ruined.

As AAP say clearly WINZ punitive approach to relationships is toxic and even lethal

“Many of the fraud cases AAAP deals with involve women being accused of not declaring a relationship in the nature of marriage.  Fraud investigators do not have the ability to distinguish between a relationship in the nature of marriage, and a relationship based on violence, abuse and threat. Ongoing fraud investigations punish beneficiaries and in many cases contribute to the ongoing trauma experienced by women.”

CPAG has written endlessly about this, as well there is  Kathryn’s story. Surely, good relationships should be encouraged and sole parents who try to repartner be free from persecution?

Being a sole parent is sheer hard work, lonely and totally undervalued.  While every conceivable support should be wrapped around our vulnerable young mothers who are bringing up children on their own, instead, society demonises them and denies them enough to live on.   Harmful policies, relic of the 19th century trap them in a miserable untenable depressing existence where neither they nor their children thrive.  The children disproportionately suffer third world diseases as the 2016 Child Poverty Monitor shows.  The schools they attend are also grossly under-supported.

Any whiff of sole parents getting any support, emotional or financial from anyone especially a ‘man’ is treated like a crime.

The absurdity is that even if the man has hardly enough money to support himself  let alone her and her children, she can be  deemed to be in ‘a relationship’ with him. MSD can determine when that starts and deny her the benefit, accuse her of fraud and demand full repayment even when a jail term is served.

Imagine the outcry if we did not have tax on a purely individual basis so that two people flatting together have to pay more tax on their incomes if the IRD determines they are ‘in a relationship’. Why do we not have an outcry for what we do in the welfare system?

Suppose a sole parent on $325 a week is deemed by WINZ to be in a relationship with her flat mate (after being dobbed in by nosey neighbours who think, horrors of horrors, she might be sleeping with him).  Say he is on the single rate of jobseekers ($210 per week). They are likely to be barely surviving but as a couple ‘living in the nature of marriage’ they would be entitled to only the married rate of benefit, which is about $140 a week less.

Moreover if either of them earn extra they can have only $80 between them before each of their married rate of benefit is reduced by 35% for an extra dollar earned.   So they are trapped in poverty.

Why are ‘married’ benefits lower? The logic is very flawed.  Married people are supposed to enjoy additional economies of scale.  Instead of encouraging this, essentially MSD says “We cannot have that, any advantage must be taken away!”

So how does the MSD justify its 19th century policy?  In the latest paper for the retirement policy review 2016 they say

“Couples living together in a married, civil union or de facto relationship are paid less than double the single rate because it is considered that they can take advantage of certain economies of scale that individuals in shared accommodation cannot. “

Here’s the best they can come up with.  They say a couple could

  • be able to enjoy lower accommodation costs than two single people
  • be able to have their personal household effects on one insurance policy whereas two single people who are sharing accommodation would be more likely to have separate insurance costs totalling a higher amount
  • share vehicle expenses, while two single people may be more likely to have their own individual transport and vehicle costs
  • generally share meals, while two single people sharing accommodation may not have merged their lives to that extent.”

Please, even by today’s low standards of policy making, surely a policy that entraps so many struggling sole parents is completely unacceptable?

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KOA Will Be At Christchurch City Council Meeting This Thursday, December 15th

The Christchurch City Council finally saw sense and abandoned its plan to sell City Care, earlier this year.

But Keep Our Assets Canterbury’s (KOA) fight to save City Care is not over yet. At its November meeting the Council decided that, unlike with Enable, it would not restore City Care to its strategic assets list.

Instead it deferred any decision on City Care until after it had received a staff report on what constitutes a strategic asset. That report will be discussed by the Council at its meeting this Thursday, December 15th.

Being on the strategic assets list (which currently comprises the airport and port companies, Orion, Eco Central and Enable) means that those assets can’t be sold without a process of public consultation.

It doesn’t mean that they can’t be sold – it simply means that we, the people of Christchurch who own them, have to be “consulted” first.

If City Care is not on that strategic assets list, it can be sold by this or any future Council without further ado.

And what about the other assets that aren’t on that list? What about Red Bus?

What about the city’s huge portfolio of public housing? Christchurch City Council is the second biggest landlord in New Zealand – that public ownership must be protected.

The Council’s assets collection is many and varied. In the last few days the Mayor has announced that Lancaster Park is uneconomic to repair and must be demolished. So, what will happen to the publicly-owned land it sits on?

KOA will keep on keeping on until the Christchurch City Council completely removes asset sales from its policy agenda.

And we will keep on calling for a proper public engagement process about what does and doesn’t happen to these assets that belong to the people of Christchurch and surrounding areas.

Murray Horton


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Anti-Corruption Day: Journalists on front line at risk – Pacific Media Watch


screen-shot-2016-12-12-at-9-33-31-amPARIS (Reporters Without Borders / Pacific Media Watch): On International Anti-Corruption Day today, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is highlighting the important role that journalists play in exposing scandals, sometimes at the highest government level, and the grave dangers to which this exposes them.

In countries where it is endemic, corruption is often one of the biggest taboos for journalists and the most dangerous story to cover. Nonetheless, in both rich and poor countries, journalists are usually on the front line of anti-corruption efforts, paying a high price for investigative reporting that helps to prevent corruption from undermining democracy and fuelling human rights violations.

“Wars, political and economic crises and authoritarian excesses are the main factors that favour corruption,” RSF editor-in-chief Virginie Dangles said. “In countries such as Turkey, Eritrea, Somalia, Mexico, Russia, Malaysia and Iran, this curse often choses its victims in the ranks of journalists and citizen journalists. We call for more protection for media and journalists who, by combatting corruption, defend the very foundations of democracy and the rule of law.”

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Pacific loses shortwave radio that dodges dictators – warns of disasters – Pacific Media Watch


screen-shot-2016-12-12-at-9-33-31-amDr Alexandra Wake
MELBOURNE (Asia Pacific Report / The Conversation / Pacific Media Watch): As a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck off the coast of Kirakira in the Solomon Islands yesterday, triggering a tsunami warning across the Pacific, many residents of the country would have turned to shortwave radio for more information.

The tsunami warning has since been called off, though assessments of damage from the quake are not yet complete.

Sadly, this vital communication service is under threat in this already under-resourced region.

For almost 80 years, Australia has provided such shortwave services, including vital emergency service information, to Asia and the Pacific.

But government funding cuts saw Asian services turned off in January 2015. And now the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has decided to cut the remaining services to residents of remote parts of the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and parts of northern Australia by ceasing its shortwave radio services to the Pacific from the end of January 2017.

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Basher Bennett and Bully Boy Bill – meet your new Prime Minister and Deputy



Now the farce of a coronation is over, we have Basher Bennett and Bully Boy Bill as our Deputy and PM.

How depressing and ugly.

In that order.

Key’s empty optimism and vacant aspiration at least had its charms, but a Conservative Catholic with a God complex and a former beneficiary hypocrite whose only claim to fame is to have pulled the ladder she used to get up behind herself so that others couldn’t benefit from what she has seems like a bad trip after hearing some distressing news.

Their combination is a political freak out.

Let’s remind ourselves of the horrible people now running the country…




…and as for the pro-Key propaganda, here is what respected Economist Rod Oram had to say…


…and let’s not forget the real legacy of Key…



…our country has just witnessed the biggest con job of a Political manoeuvre to immediately replace a Prime Minister who suddenly ended his career and stepped aside for two politicians whose political thuggery towards the poorest and weakest amongst us are a matter of public record. Not only is this false coronation accepted but there is no scrutiny as to why Key has suddenly stood down.

How long can this status quo continue?


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