GUEST BLOG: Professor Jane Kelsey – Trump’s tariffs are nothing new – NZ’s real problem is the failing free trade system itself
US-DRIVEN IPEF – “what is this thing?”
NZ UK FTA “Inclusive Trade” Agenda Does Nothing To Redress Failed Free Trade Model
RCEP – A Wake Up Call To Rethink The Failed Hyperglobalisation Model
Open Letter To Maori MPs Please Vote Against Covid-19 Public Response Bill
Is NZ about to break its promise again by accepting investment disputes in RCEP?
Add ‘Trade for All’ to the list of government sell-outs
Farewell and Thanks to a Rangatira
Why NZ must get rid of ISDS now
Big Tech & Free Trade
NZ Joins Breakaway Push for WTO E-Commerce Rules that Protect Google etc from Regulation
Food for thought as we work to re-set NZ’s trade and investment agenda
Launch of heralds a new campaign for a 21st century trade agenda
Labour-New Zealand First government should be ashamed of hollow TPPA promises
Rethinking the trade and investment agenda in turbulent times ‘What an Alternative and Progressive Trade Strategy Should Look Like’,
Post-TPPA, we have to make the changes happen
Lessons for the Left from NAFTA Mark-II
Converting resistance to TPPA into a new agenda for change
Unions and NGOs announce Two-day hui on “What an Alternative & Progressive Trade Strategy Should Look Like”, Auckland, 19-20 October
MUST READ: Trade for All is a lie
“Trade For All” consultation lacks credibility while negotiations on old model continue
“Trade for All” in the EU NZ FTA Offers No New Direction