ACT Party Farmer Thug goes rogue and Trans National Mining interest believes in magic

ACT Party Farmer Thug

ACT Party Thug Farmer tells Councils to ignore the law and then is forced to retract it because he’s a stupid redneck thug…

Andrew Hoggard walks back SNA announcement experts say is unlawful

An associate government minister has walked back advice to councils that they can ignore a set of rules protecting the environment.

Legal experts have said the government is breaking legal precedent, and asking councils to break the law too, by suspending the requirements.

Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard announced on Thursday the government was suspending rules around Significant Natural Areas, known as SNAs, for three years while it replaces the Resource Management Act.

The statement said: “For now, the government has agreed to suspend the obligation for councils to impose SNAs under the NPS Indigenous Biodiversity, and we’re sending a clear message that it would be unwise to bother”.

On Friday, he released a statement saying his comment had been misunderstood:

There was no misunderstanding you dumb redneck Farmer Thug, you told Councils to ignore the law and you got caught out and you are desperately trying to back peddle.

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Meanwhile, the Trans National Mining interests believe in magic…

Seabed miner Trans-Tasman Resources say imagined ‘crystal ball’ system will avoid pollution

All sounded rosy until Slyfield delivered the bombshell.

“Now the point about the OSPM is that it doesn’t exist yet — it hasn’t been developed.”

…Farmer Thugs and Mining Interests that believe in magic.

This is what NZ is becoming under this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government, a country of Thug Farmers and Magical Mining Companies with leaders like this…

…God Defend NZ, because the voters sure as Christ didn’t!


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  1. Yes, we wondered at the UK for electing Boris, then Lizz and now Rikki, we laughed at the US for electing Trump, we scoffed at Brazil for electing Bolsanaro . . .
    now we’re in danger of becoming the laughing stock (in a sad, sad way) of the whole world!
    One can only echo Bomber’s words: God defend NZ!

    • …Not in danger of becoming the laughing stock…we are already the laughing stock!!

      Politically educated friends, from various other countries, cannot believe how New Zealand has gone from ‘hero to zero’ in such a short space of time..

      From the Ardern era, well respected on the world stage for many reasons, to this rag tag bunch of crude, bullnecked, brainless, no class thickos…

      Having said that, there are so many people here frying their brains on drugs, alcohol, saturated fat high nitrate fast foods, and endless social media trawling, that it’s little wonder that they can’t think logically and coherently…

      The U.S. and U.K. have also got the same problem!

      In the end, rapid catastrophic climate change will be the leveller..

  2. How does he keep his job? Openly encouraging breaking the law, as an MP, should mean dismissal. Are we going to get some bullshit about having a mandate?

  3. The election was heavily influenced by newer NZders who don’t know the history of right leaning parties in NZ. They heard what they wanted to hear and decided it was better than what they were used to and Labour was upsetting them, so go right.
    Now, of course, they find things haven’t worked out so well despite what they were promised for their votes.
    In fact it’s 100% worse than what they expected.
    We sure did laugh at the weirdos being elected in other countries and now it’s been done here.
    If you voted for any of those crazy right leaning parties and the scum they drag in to be MPs, you have a lot to answer for.

      • They wanted protections for selling their rubbish and haven’t got far with that.
        They wanted price drops to make themselves less of a target.
        Still complaining.

  4. Yes, this particular fat reactionary bastard who likely stuffs his face with stacks of meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, is one to watch alright.

    There are farmers that are trying to do the right thing with reestablishing wetlands, native plantings, fencing waterways, better treatment of animals–but this fuck is belligerently not one of them!

  5. andrew hoggard is precisely what’s toxic and rotting about AO/NZ agriculture and indeed our economy. I’ve been to Fed Farmers Tea sipper and Biscuit Nibbler meetings where there was always a dominant turnout of the andrew hoggards. Dumb clumps of greedy lard puffing about like Lairds hunting for Class.
    The greatest risk to AO/NZ’s agrarian endeavours and indeed to AO/NZ itself has always been that certain kind of farmer. Greedy national party ball-cupper traitors quick to capitalise on a neighbour’s misfortunes then once cashed up they’ve scrubbed up to head off to Wellington to bend it like Beckham with the Pros and criminals.
    Hoggard the Ox should never, ever, ever be allowed anywhere near anything political. (No disrespect to actual Oxen intended.)
    AO/NZ had a Farmers Union once but that was murdered down a dark ally to be replaced by the criminal alignment of Federated Farmers hoggard types and the National Party criminal elite. Aye Boys?

    • Which is perhaps why he made the switch to politics, before he was completely exposed for what he was.
      Probably a familiar scenario round Parliament.

  6. When it comes to NActionals way of actual Governing AoNz, Hoggard said the quiet part out loud ,,,,, or more fittingly given his surname, he squealed like the pig he is and his squealing got noticed.

    Before they get around to scrapping regulations ( or in Atlas speak, ‘cutting red tape’) the Nactional Governments have a long history of ignoring/allowing the breaking and flouting of regulations …

    ie ,,,,1) the (illegal ) export of swamp Kauri, where 80% was found to be non-compliant with regulations ,,, “Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the NEPS are claimed to show that in fact, mandatory information was missing from some 80 per cent of MPI intention-to-export notices processed in 2013.”

    ie 2) Pike River ,,,, where the mine was allowed to operate despite not completing/complying with safety regulations and consents

    ie 3) Uber being allowed to set up and operate while ignoring/flouting Land Transport passenger service regulations

    ie 4) The overseas investment office ignoring the corruption associated with Malaysian forestry companies and allowing them to invest/launder their stolen money here

    etc etc etc

    Hoggard squealed the quiet part like a dumb pig ,,, if he’d shut his yap it would be (corrupt) business as usual ….. its how NActFirst operate.

  7. Looks like he’s shovelled one too many pizzles down the gullet and has entered a state of extended torpor.
    You have to wonder how many cockies signed up for ACT (more guns and no environmental laws) due to this 4 horned redneck goon.
    These people wreak havoc on farming more than they add to it, as they destroy the social licence to farm, destroy the environment in return for bottom of the barrel commodities, destroy export markets, and all in order to line the silk pockets of the Parnell farming fraternity.

  8. It bothers me that dullards like this get into parliament and unbelievably they actually become ministers.
    How is it that with a population o 330million the best the US can do for a president is a choice between Biden and Trump.( and I’m a Biden fan) but surely with our population of 5 million we can come up with some right wing candidates with at least a modicum of intelligence and dare I say it a smigeon of integrity.

  9. He is one of these men whose brains have put on weight and slipped down to their neck. Looks like a bull, and possibly thinks like one too.

    Not a good appearance if wanting to promote anything as being for the public good. Not first choice for his Political Party or for any farmer group, one would think but perhaps there was no choice

    • Tut tut, Bob I! Your PM just today condemned name-calling like you’ve done, saying it was divisive and unnecessary et etc. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to upset him by your name-calling, would you?
      He is, after all, your hero whom you worship (though god knows why)!

  10. ” ACT Party Thug Farmer tells Councils to ignore the law and then is forced to retract it because he’s a stupid redneck thug…”

    Only the plutocracy matters

    We have been here before with the appalling approach to the rule of law and sovereignty under the shyster’s premiership and during the Muldoon governments tenure when the National party’s dissident MP Marilyn Waring was physically manhandled into the aye lobby in parliament to be forced to vote for contentious legislation she did not support.

    The right has always inherently believed that this country and the serfs within it belongs to them and their plutocracy and when they are in government the rule of law is there to be ignored to implement their own and their donor’s agenda.


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