Government urged to be proactive in protecting aid workers in Gaza


PSNA has written to the government urging it to be pro-active in protecting aid workers in Gaza.

This week six international aid workers were killed by an Israeli Defence Force drone attack (three British, one Canadian, one Polish and one Australian)

“These killings were 100% predictable”, says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “If the government had spoken out condemning Israel for the prior killing of 196 Palestinian aid workers over the past few months Israel would not be continuing to target those providing humanitarian aid.”

“It’s our failure to hold Israel to account for its slaughter of Palestinians, including Palestinian aid workers, which is the reason for this latest tragedy”

“Our government has taken a blatantly pro-Israel/US stance on the war and has refused at any point to condemn any of Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza – including the wholesale killing of Palestinian aid workers.

Anyone paying attention knows that Israel has been targeting aid workers and has killed hundreds in recent weeks. It is part of Israeli plans to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza.

“The most important thing New Zealand can do is use a clear moral voice to call out Israel’s war crimes and in this case Israel’s actions to create a human-induced famine for Palestinians”


  1. John – How exactly is the NZ Government going to protect aid workers 10,000 miles away in a active conflict zone?

    • “How exactly is the NZ Government going to protect aid workers 10,000 miles away in a active conflict zone?” Nathan

      Easy As

      The New Zealand government inform the government of Israel, that any harm that befalls New Zealand aid workers currently on their way to Gaza at the hands of the Israeli forces, will result in the instant cancellation of Israel’s diplomatic status and the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador on the next flight out of Wellington. The embassy and all its contents to be handed over to the representatives of Palestine.


      Kiwi Aid to Gaza
      27 March 2024

      …..This year we are again joining with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition and the Save Gaza Campaign and planning three separate actions that will deliver much needed humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as well as challenge the illegal Israeli blockade and siege of the enclave.

      Kia Ora Gaza is planning to send a medical team from NZ on this flotilla.

  2. Given the acceptable civilian death toll calculated by the IDFs AI targetting system, the original HAMAS attack is far more proportional than the Israeli response to it.

  3. There are simple reasonable responses that any responsible government could take to the crimes of the zionist entity.
    1) Raze the zionist ‘consulate’ to the ground, in response to their terrorist attacks on embassies worldwide.
    2) Arrest all ‘israeli’ diplomats (spies) and their sayanim ‘helpers’- anyone involved in the IINZ, and their other Mossad front groups like the ‘Indigenous Coalition for Israel’. These scum have been involved in assasinations and blackmail operations against our politicians.
    3) Arrest and try for treason any New Zealander who- not being a 1948 Palestinian- holds dual citizenship with ‘israel’. Anyone who has taken part in the israeli occupational forces terrorist group should face the highest punishment.
    4) Send the NZDF to Palestine to assist the Palestinian military and police in defending aid shipments and civilians against the zionist murderers.

  4. Our coalition of chaos wants to fine parents for not sending their kids to school in the meantime we are supporting an evil regime dropping bombs on women, children and aid workers, this hypocrisy is alarming.
    The evil Israelian leaders targeted those aide vehicles they do not want goody to shoes people feeding their enemy. And this killing of seven aid workers has worked now no food aid is happening exactly what the evil regime wanted. As for America its supplying the weapons another fucken bunch of hypocrites.

  5. Our coalition of chaos wants to fine parents for not sending their kids to school in the meantime we are supporting an evil regime dropping bombs on women, children and aid workers, this hypocrisy is alarming.
    The evil Israelian leaders targeted those aide vehicles they do not want goody to shoes people feeding their enemy. And this killing of seven aid workers has worked now no food aid is happening exactly what the evil regime wanted. As for America its supplying the weapons another fucken bunch of hypocrites.

  6. Our coalition of chaos wants to fine parents for not sending their kids to school in the meantime we are supporting an evil regime dropping bombs on women, children and aid workers, this hypocrisy is alarming.
    The evil Israelian leaders targeted those aide vehicles they do not want goody to shoes people feeding their enemy. And this killing of seven aid workers has worked now no food aid is happening exactly what the evil regime wanted. As for America its supplying the weapons another fucken bunch of hypocrites.

  7. Israel is dealing with an evil terrorist entity that uses every trick in the book, including hiding in aid convoys, ambulances and UN vehicles. It’s an enormously complex, challenging battle front. if Hamas surrender, hand over the hostages, it’s war over.

    • Bollocks Gaby. This latest incident looks like it’s part of an overall approach. Take out the hospitals, and stop the aid getting in.

      These were marked cars that the IDF knew about and systematically attacked. Don’t give me some bs about complexity. Shoot first and work out who you are killing after is not acceptable.

      • You need to rein in your rank hypocrisy, Wheel, and stop stupidly insisting that a battle zone is a crime scene. Israel is thoroughly investigating what happened and will offer compensation, like the civilised country it is. All of the deaths in this conflict are the responsibility of Hamas.

        • Yeah sure Gaby. I am sure it will be thorough investigated, and the synagogues will do a daily special on pork chops. No doubt we will need the Israeli equivalent of a Nicky Hager to get close to the truth. You know, one of those Israeli’s that has worked out that Netanyahu doesn’t give a toss about the hostages. The only thing “rank”, is the enormous pile of bullshit that spews from the IDF top brass and the Israeli administration.

    • Nowt complex about it , youse conquered Palestine and moved the natives off the land. If you did it to my motherland of Scotland I’d kill you too,

  8. Another letter to government to be ignored Mr Minto, you must be used to it by now eh?

    Blah…blah…blah, I hate Jews….blah… blah… blah…Hamas are not terrorist…blah… blah…blah.

    • The classic. You are not ok with killing thousands of people who are nothing to do with Hamas, therefore you must hate Jews. Perhaps you could remind us about the holocaust just for completeness. That’s the usual brain dead response

  9. At the moment our government is gutless in this area killing aid workers knowing they were aid workers equates to murder.

    • The zionist entity has, at this point, killed nearly 200 of them. Just like children, doctors, policemen, aid workers are a primary target of the zionists, who are too cowardly to face the heroes of the Palestinian military.

  10. One of the reasons that Israeli forces kill aid workers, is to prevent humanitarian aid getting to Gaza. A crime in which New Zealand by also cutting off aid to Gaza is deeply complicit.
    New Zealand along with other countries cut off aid to Gaza on the allegation made by Israel that UNWRA aid workers took part in the October 7 attack on Israel.

    Commonwealth countries Australia and Canada have since renewed their aid to Gaza when Israel failed to substantiate their allegations against UNWRA.
    New Zealand has continued to help Israel commit a war crime,

    No more aid for UN aid agency until Peters satisfied – Luxon
    RNZ 12:41 pm on 30 January 2024

    “Winston Peters you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide”

    (Protester’s chant outside Winston Peters State Of The Nation speech, venue.)


  11. That’d involve a hell of a lot. Gideon Levy has just said we can’t do it. It would involve morality, which we haven’t looked at since after WW ll.

    I said on Twitter I hate Israel and they need to move off the land of the native people. Nil response on the Fascist guy’s site? And suddenly on his shaveless wonder bruv’s site, Facebook, can’t write. Is that Zuckerberg? Anyway, the usual billionaire idiot that owns everything.

    To my great-niece I can twist around a letter about my g.grandma’s silver-set dessert fork.

    Israel is apparently the main thing ! Who but Israel knew.

  12. Gallant, speaking as the Israel Defense Minister, . “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly,” ,,,,

    It seems in their killing the ‘aid workers’ that the Zionist ubermensche ghetto liquidators forgot to put up their warning signs ,,, the ones with “DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS ., or we will kill you” on them.

    The truth about Zionist Israel summed up ……

    ,,, They lied about decapitated babies so that they could kill babies.

    They lied about rape so that they could rape.

    They lied about Hamas using civilians as human shields so that they could use civilians as human targets.

    They lie about being victims so that they can victimize.


    Even though we have a corrupt dirty politics Govt in AoNz ,,,, the Zionists are dragging them down and into their rouge nation lawlessness….

    Luxon wanks on about law and order while being a co-offender in the very worst crimes that people have been rightly hung for.

    I’d like a reporter to ask him if he ever voiced any criticism of Air New Zealand participating in the siege and starvation of Yemen a few years back ….

    The evil clown has the Christian values of the Spanish Inquisition…imo

  13. As the horrific horrors of Gaza, and the war crime, of those Aid CARE WORKERS, and not forgetting the slaughter of the innocent youth and parents adults continue to be daily, past over, over by the present Jewish, culprits, war criminals going to today, on our tele, the Jack Tame, show, with our new Minister what they call her employment, you said, when the the Entitled one mentioned entitled, how many times this morning, did this hapless minister mention employers, and how many times mention employees.
    Health and Safety, what does this minister know about that,oh, im taking advice about that, that will be employers your wage for this job, we will expect you as a employee, to have your own personal health, and safety insurance.

  14. Those 3 NZ Palestinian doctors going back — such a good chance they’ll die.

    I seem to have been censored for what I would do to protect such people. But, yes, enraged. And how else can we protect them?


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