TDB told you this was a hard right racist climate denying Government implementing culture war revenge fantasies as policy – how’s it going?

Right Wing Settler Cracker Kiwi - I listen to The Platform when I'm mad, Reality Check Radio when I'm angry and ZB Plus when I'm furious

TDB was very vocal right from the beginning that a National/ACT/NZF Government would be a toxic brew of beneficiary bashing, Māori bashing, Worker bashing, Renter bashing, climate denial with Qanon culture war revenge fantasies as social policy and lo and fucking behold has this hard right racist climate denying Government delivered!

They are abusing urgency to ram through Parliament unscrutinised counter productive policy to satisfy the redneck bloodlust of their angry and ignorant voter base.

They have robbed 2 year olds, gutted public transport and stolen from climate change funds to give their rich land lord donors tax cuts!

They are allowing 8000 tobacco deaths to give their rich land lord donors tax cuts!

They are pushing 13000 children into poverty to give their rich land lord donors tax cuts!

They are cutting $2300 per year from the disabled to give their rich land lord donors tax cuts!

The Tobacco Pimps, Real Estate Pimps and Polluter Pimps are all getting more deregulation while Trans National Mining Interests line up as National rush to allow mining on Conservation land while giving Dr Pork Shane Jones fast track powers.

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Of course Luxon wants more ‘dams‘, you need those for mining!

This Government are attempting to kill off the Treaty Principles so that there is no obligation to work with Māori once those Trans National Mining interests get in here!

All the while the Atlas Network is providing the culture war hot buttons to push to keep the people fighting bullshit phantoms rather than their corrupt corporate agenda.

TDB told you this was a hard right racist climate denying Government implementing culture war revenge fantasies as policy – how’s it all going after a mere 4 months?

NZ, you need to take a good hard long look at yourself and ask if all your Covid anger has twisted you into something terribly bitter, warped and fucked up because allowing 13 000 children;

Thirteen! Thousand! Fucking! Children!

To push 13 000 children into poverty so we can fund tax cuts for the rich is an abomination and we should all be collectively ashamed of!



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  1. The first rule of Atlas Network is never talk about Atlas Network publicly. Notice how Seymour purposely avoids answering question of Mihingarangi Forbes interview 6 Feb 2024 concerning ACT and his relationship with this multi-billionaire dollar junk tank organisation specifically targeting indigenous populations globally. They use people that are native to the targeted country making claims that there policies have an indigenous groundswell support ie.. (Seymour & two of his MPs are part Maori) even the Voice Yes/NO vote in Australia had two indigenous people Jacinta Price, Warren Mundine advocating for the NO Vote and lying throughout the VOTE campaign.


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