The wholesale abuse of power as this hard right racist climate denying Government blitzkriegs Parliament by misusing urgency


This a thousand times…

…this new hard right racist climate denying Government are misusing urgency to ram through the spite policy they promised their redneck voters and it’s all happening with zero oversight at the outcome of this rushed malice masquerading as social policy.

Their legislative abuse so far as seen 8000 tobacco deaths for tax cuts, 13000 kids pushed into poverty for tax cuts and the disabled losing $2300 a year – again so rich landlords can get a fucking tax cut!

They’ve rammed through repealing 3 Waters so that water rates jump 20% and called that a solution while gutting public transport and smashing up anything that helped Māori!

Saying, ‘we won, fuck you’ is not responsible Government, ramming through an anti worker agenda, anti renter agenda, anti beneficiary agenda, anti Māori agenda and an anti environment agenda isn’t Democracy, it’s a Plutocracy!

This hard right racist climate denying Government don’t want scrutiny, they want obedience and intend ton use the State, not to build people up, but to punish them.

TDB Recommends

This is what we are now, this isn who we is.

The next 3 years will be very grim comrades.

Kia kaha!


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    • Of course not. Building things takes time, foresight and planning. Things National are not good at.

      Wrecking things and tearing things down is so much easier and traditionally much more their style.

  1. There was an old Jasper Carrot joke from years ago about water – I’ve forgotten everything but the punchline which was something like “and now we have a bunch of sharks selling as our water.” Seems to sum it up pretty well to me.

  2. One must let this detail sink down through the muddy sponge that’s all the MSM’s left of our overall awareness.
    ‘National’, et al, was never a politic. National formed, as a blood clot might, back in 1936 inside the hearts and minds of an unsuspecting populace who were already far too well off, even back then, to see the mafia clan coming that National became. All that free and easy honey-money will always attract ruthless flies.
    Read this if you haven’t already.
    The Guardian
    “Trump’s hubris has brought about the downfall of his family’s business empire
    Sidney Blumenthal”
    The piece is certainly off-topic in the detail but the overall picture is the same fucking thing you’ll find in the little National Party, and that is crooks doing crooked shit. Personally, I was gobsmacked at ol’ Fred Trumps reach into The White House.
    If you’re a beneficiary or simply a working poor person trying to make rent, ask yourself? Has luxon ever mentioned 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with in excess of $50 mil net or how come the four now foreign owned banskters can take $180.00 a second 24/7/365 in net profit from you and me while promising to reduce government spending on filthy bennies just to get NZ Back On Track?
    You Gay people on your Gay march! You’re fucking awesome! You’ve more guts and smarts than all the homophobes in NZ lumped together.

  3. ” The next 3 years will be very grim comrades. ”

    Aren’t you glad we still have a three-year term Bomber ?

    Imagine the additional damage and austerity they would be responsible for with an additional twelve months.

    And the neo liberal parties are all going to vote for it.

    • Back at ya Mosa…from the right, imagine another year or two (4yr terms) with this Labour mob in charge, NZ would be bankrupt!
      Works both ways, depending on what side of the fence you are.

      • Yeah that’s why I was making this point at the end ” And the neo liberal parties are all going to vote for it. ”

        It makes no difference if its LINO or the Nasties. The adherence to neo liberal free market unregulated capitalism without safeguards is a serious problem and we are seeing the disintegration everywhere.


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