Luxon chased from Big Gay Out after speech promising cruelty: The ‘Tough Love’ of someone with 7 properties


Christopher Luxon leaves Big Gay Out after heated protest

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has abruptly left the Big Gay Out festival in Auckland’s Point Chevalier after being confronted by Gaza protesters.

The annual Pride event is being held today in Coyle Park as a celebration for Rainbow communities and their allies.

Luxon ran like a coward from Big Gay Out because National seem to be under some delusion that Luxon could shit on beneficiaries and the poor with his punching down speech in the morning and then just wander along to Big Gay Out.

National seem to be under some delusion that Luxon could do sweet fuck all about denouncing Israel’s ethnic cleansing war crime and then just wander along to Big Gay Out.

National seem to be under some delusion that Luxon could sign off on halting public funding for any community group with a trans player and then just wander along to Big Gay Out.

Luxon’s speech was an absurd obscenity:

TDB Recommends

Getting NZ back on track, unless you live near an actual rail station, in which case it’s probably been cancelled or privatised by the time I end this speech.

Getting NZ back on track requires 8000 Tobacco Deaths, 13000 children pushed into poverty and cutting disability payments by $2300 each year just so our rich landlord mates can get a tax cut.

We are bashing beneficiaries, state tenets, renters workers, Māori and the environment all in our first 100 days plus a new American war to play along with!

Did I say, ‘Back on Track’?

I meant ‘Screw you Jack’.

There are 2 kinds of National voter – Billionaire Exploiters and idiots.

Check your bank account to see which one you are.

Thank you NuZilind!

We want to be lectured on ‘tough love’ by a multimillionaire with 7 properties and a Hawaiian holiday home while he literally takes money from the poor for his rich mates!

Luxon should not and can not move around this country without receiving protest, if Jacinda could inspire vicious protest for simply trying to save us from Covid, then Luxon should get it for punishing and robbing the poorest amongst us so he can give his rich mates a tax cut!

8000 tobacco deaths, 13000 children pushed into poverty and taking $2300 per year from the disabled all so Chris can give rich landlords a tax cut – he deserves to be protested for such a cruel agenda and those who support his cruelty should be shamed!



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  1. Getting New Zealand sidetracked down the road where Luzon’s rich mate interests rule and the rest of New Zealand pays their price! Sounds “right”.

  2. These are the economic geniuses right? So they must have plenty of money to spend on public services. Unless they are stealing it all.

  3. To be fair to Luxon, he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and the gay out event shouldn’t have been hijacked for political purposes. If every community celebration has to be infused with political manoeuvring, the joie de vivre which many do need, will dissipate even more. Politicians turn up at these things to show how ‘tolerant’ they are when they might be better advised to stay at home.

    The awful lack of compassion shown by Louise Whatshername towards our own children of the poor negates the efficacy and purpose of these sort of photo op appearances which dumbo advisors think will impress the plebs when the plebs would just as soon just have a good time every now and then without them there. These jerks will be blighting blossom festivals and children’s end-of-year-concerts next.

    • He eas sharp rough to get Jobs that paid him millions which he invested wisely. You may bluff your way into a top job but you are soon let go if you for not make figuresHe came into politics as a novice and in 3 years learnt enough to take the helm and win an election against a seasoned but usless opposition.
      I know who I would want in my corner

      • “He came into politics as a novice and in 3 years learnt enough to take the helm …”

        lols. He simply had the most or almost the most money. NActzos automatically line up behind the richest knob in the room. As demonstrated with Key.

        It’s instinctual.

      • Trevor The fact that Key made himself a lot of dosh in a not particularly socially useful way, isn’t the greatest recommendation. I understood that he was pre-chosen as leader, by one of the powerful painted Nat ladies, and he’s not the first politician to become a leader by default, when both sides, or all sides, have leadership issues. He’s the ignoramus who said that this country was settled peacefully when the ramifications of that settlement still rumble on today. Why you would regard a person who serially torments young persons in lowly jobs as a suitable national leader, says more about you than him. That young waitress was as entitled to be treated with respect as anybody else, even if there are still so-called men who think it’s ok to have their bit of fun at the expense of powerless persons. His response to Hager’s various documentations dirty politics was to smear Nicky Hager, rather than to address the issues. What a man.

      • In 3 years? Shows how useless anyone else in the National party is eh Trevor?
        Luther sounds like a 13 year old reading from his hand written speech competition.

      • No Trevor he was hand picked as the great white savior for the National party. He was groomed into the job and handed a safe seat. His role as leader came with multiple donors and donations. He didn’t come with street cred. He has no portfolios in his mind he is chairman of the board all care no responsibility. He doesn’t go to question time, in fact he not allowed out on his own because he doesn’t know enough about his own government and the portfolios. He said Aotearoa is fragile and here we are already blaming the most fragile beneficiaries,cancer patients children for this said state of affairs. All this for the fu**ing filthy rich donors.

    • The rich paid for him to become our PM he has been saying silly STUPID things and is too easily swayed. Luxon is now saying we need damns Ruitaniwha damn comes to mind yet millions of rates payers’ dollars wasted, and this was for growers and farmers in Hawkes Bay. We are in deep trouble with a leader who shows he actually has no clues and is all over the place.

    • Jack. Nicola is wearing a piece of a Wellington City Council pedestrian crossing. WCC is majorly into inclusivity and diversity except when it comes to water, drains, sewers, and safe lighting for the plebs who pay the rates.

    • It’s a synthetic faux leather number with a matching design, but with a very small addition to accommodate Her heterosexual partner’s penis – the use of which must only occur using the missionary position.
      Both costumes having been specially constructed in the slums of Kolkata as a mean to Her, and His commitment to the downtrodden, and to justify Her mantra that work will set them free. No sanctions were applied, and no animals harmed in the making, although the contract went to the slaves on condition they provide a dominatrix’ whip

  4. The most inappropriate “Big Gay Out” Pt Chev appearance by a senior politician since Banksie’s. Baldrick Luxury Luxon is thick, arrogant or both to think he could turn up at such an event and be widely welcomed.

    I don’t go to Mystery Creek Field Days to mix with sheep shaggers, waterway polluters and tractor spruikers because I know I will be in for unproductive trouble.

    The Natzos Bennie Bashing speech was truly appalling in 2024.

  5. I’m pretty sure his church condemns gay people out of hand even though he doesn’t – for political reasons I guess. That’s another reason why he should be hounded out.

    • Had a look and The Upper Room tries to fudge their attitude to gays like Jehovahs Witness does–don’t openly condemn individuals for being gay, don’t indulge in sex if you are gay, and God via the Bible texts makes it very clear that marriage is only to be between a man and a woman–so they are slippery. The couple of internal survey and membership forms I saw were pretty clear though–no poofters allowed!

      But that was a brief look, and there were regional and city variations. The Upper Room has been operating in many countries since the 1920s. I view it as having elements of a Masonic Lodge operation, chaps business network.

      • A bit like Tamaki’s Destiny. Don’t be openly gay. It’s all OK on the “down low” as long as you “Man Up”. You can even be one of Hannah’s little disciples and go after other ‘a gays’ – destroy their lives even.
        Bloody little poofters. If I had my way, I’d put ’em all in the Army to show them some B&D and discipline

        • Once was Tim.” Bloody little poofters”, is last century, and plain silly.
          Weaponising gender and sexuality is this century, and much worse when it rules pollies, the public service, and commercial enterprises. Buying into any such bullying dynamic serves no useful purpose except to enable the ‘divide and rule’ practitioners. Not a good idea.

      • The Bible texts make it quite clear that a marriage could be between a man and 300 women. That’s just typical fundamentalist cherry picking. I don’t think Jesus ever said a dicky bird about homosexuality.

    • It should be love the sinner but hate the sin. If you needed to be without sin to be saved then Jesus would be the only person saved.

    • Beneficiaries could lie on the pavement opposite Luxons church and see if he will cross the road take them into his house, bandage and heal them with wrap around service. Will he wash the feet of the unemployed?

  6. I for one love been talked to like I’m a petulant 64 year old schoolboy. Willis is pretty good at the school maam lecture as well and I see Bishop is up to his pathelogical lying again re state house sell off plans under Labour. Pathetic.

  7. What a fucking scum bag. And, the prick wears his sunglasses on his bald ugly fucking head too. A sure sign of no class dahlings. I see Plate Face and The Mono-brow in the background. YUK!

    • GNatz haven’t had any class darling since their ‘old school’ departed in despair.
      Problem is that so far, they haven’t had the intestinal fortitude to step up and give their successors shit – preferring to pontificate and marvel over the years gone by in gorgeous little Khandallah cafes where lattes and apricot flavours make them feel important.
      Actoids have something similar going on in the Aro Valley, although that is strictly on the down low, even though there cough be an Epuni Street uprising.
      Hark people. We’re going to have to view them of victims when it all turns to shit and offer sympathy (oops, I meant empathy in that space, going forward). I’m all out of it soz. God (my higher power) only gave me a finite amount, and prioritising it all has been a real mission but gNctoid muppets were easy to rank as the bottom of the pile,

  8. Why any MP/PM bothers with these pride parades is a mystery, sure be all means attend as a private citizen and enjoy the day….but going as an MP/MP is just a photo opp and publicity.

  9. I’m wondering if this guy is even fit to be a parent. The public service requires someone with compassion, empathy and vision. We know now he doesn’t have that so he’s not fit to represent communities. But I’m worried for his kids. Their father is complicit in the mass killing of defenseless people overseas and the subjugation of people at home. Here he attacks the people he is supposed to serve, dehumanizes the most vulnerable, steals from the poor to give to the rich, and then nonchalantly carries on with his day. If this guy wasn’t privileged and rich then his kids would be taken away from him and he would be committed.

  10. Again, on point. But Luxon is an easy subject about whom to write. He cannot read the room. In fact, I am beginning to wonder if he can even read. As the say, the hubris is strong in that one! What an utter fool and waste of expenditure he truly is…..I hope we see huge crowds at his PR photoshoots in the future.

  11. By the way, who started this “Nu-Zilind” monstrosity? Even the local elites no longer sound erudite and well bred, which seems suggest that the whole project of dumbing-down the education system and the press has backfired spectacularly.

    • Kristoff R. John Key started this “Nu Zilind” monstrosity; an immigrant with an eye for the main chance, but one who did extremely well out of New Zealand. Language wasn’t the only thing that he mangled.

    • No votes there for Baldrick, Bob the nut job, he was booed off the property if you bothered to read or see the news item!

  12. I’d rather see the pm dishing out meat 2 veg and gravy at the city mission xmas dinner than hang out with chris trotter at the big gay out.

    • That too, but I’d quite like to see the Trotter explain to His BFF how and why he went “Off the rails” – alongside that plagiarist that now works (works -I use the term advisedly) for “ZB”.
      DEFINITELY could be wrong, but I have a proposal for funding from various sauces I discovered in my attic. (Old school mechanisms where you send a propoasl off to Nu Zull on Ear to yourself to get it date abd time stamped0. Not that the originator and idea of the concept would have been concerned.

      I know His farts smell considerably, CONSIDERABLY more redolent than mine, OR many many others, but I’d quite like to know how the Trotter is going to explain Himself as He meets His maker. Not sure His excuses are going to carry any sort of weight if and when He claims “leftie” creds.
      Oh well. Too Bad. Not a Big Issue
      Max Headroom andnMedia personalities’ wardrobes are far far impoRtent.
      Pfffffft Next

  13. His SOTN speech offered no vision, no plan, no talk of his ‘cosy coalition’, ignorant of climate change (god help us when he gets a catastrophic climate event under his watch – and it’ll happen for sure).

  14. Capitalism, has always relied on this amount of unemployed, why capitalism is a construct of debt, and human capital labour exploit.
    The care came from another side, with Jacinda, who!s parents i believe ARE Mormons. I think our present leader is a closed Brethern thing, no talk allowed ABOUT OUR RELIGION.
    So educate those who he! seems to think, have been riding the social care humanity whirlwind, with of course remember to point the finger at the past Government.

    So, 90 days back, of course. AND DRUG TEST AND CRIMINAL RECORDS , what about those on social care,who cannot past that test, ah! Tologa Bay, needs some slash cleared, they can be told to clear the slash, and if not.THEIR welfare care will get the slash.

  15. Our country/economy is “fragile” What does that mean? Are there SI units of fragility how is it measured?? Just a meaningless dribble.

      • By fragile I think Luxon means his position as P.M.

        He’s as plastic as the shine on his head.
        Expect the S&P rating to drop dramatically and unemployment and crime rates to soar with National’s social development policies.

  16. We assume Luxon will lead by example and walk the talk himself.
    If we have to tighten our belts, he’ll need to persuade his wealthy friends that they really don’t need those tax cuts. They too will need to contribute to the big effort of making us less’ fragile’.

    If he doesn’t do what I’ve mentioned above, we can safely conclude that he doesn’t have a clue what the State of the Nation is, because he’s failed to pick up the very obvious hints. He needs to be more concerned about the Mood of the Nation.

  17. As I expected Maneesh in the Lochiel Rd dairy was replaced by his old mate today.Greg and I were out of smokes and we didn’t have enough money to pay for the smokes but if Maneesh wos their we could of got a coupla bucks credit to pay for em.


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