One Year on from Cyclone Gabrielle and the biosphere is shutting down – why we are in total climate change denial


We are in utter denial about the reality we face from extreme weather events.

Cyclone Gabrielle is the start, it is the new norm, it is the omnipotent future.

This blog has been arguing since its creation over a decade ago that we face an existential threat from climate change, that the c02 and methane we pump into the atmosphere will warm that atmosphere until we warm the seas and Siberia enough to generate enormous burps of once frozen methane.

These massive burps of methane will cause the planet to dangerously spike in global temperatures by 10 degrees over the space of a decade.

This sudden spike in heat will melt Antartica and Greenland, which will generate enough fresh water to shit down the Atlantic current, which in turn will plunge the Northern Hemisphere into a mini ice age as the polar vortex slips and the Atlantic current no longer feeds Northern Europe with the heat it needs.

From 10 degree heat spikes to a mini ice age, all within decades, that is what drive the mass extinctions because very little can evolve quickly enough for that time frame.

Bad news is that the Atlantic current is showing signs of collapse…

Atlantic current shutdown is a real danger, suggests simulation

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Is there a serious risk of the Atlantic current that warms Europe slowing to a halt as the planet heats up? Yes, according to the most detailed computer simulation run so far – but the likelihood of this scenario is still very uncertain.

…the counter critique is that you can’t get massive Greenland or Antartica melt, but that doesn’t take into account the methane burp that will occur from frozen methane on the ocean floor and trapped in Siberia.

We are already seeing massive burps of methane occurring.

We refuse to connect the dots on climate change and the damage it is going to cause and instead have a climate denial Government more focused on exploiting natural resources than preparing us for what is coming.

The heat spikes we are seeing, the collapse of infrastructure that can’t cope with these temperatures,  industry getting sweetheart deals from the political organisations they donate to, the dismantling of regulated capitalism and a denial of what we are seeing with our own eyes in terms of catastrophic climate change.

We are a nation of fatherless children raised by bitter solo mothers, a low imagination horizon juvenile settler culture built upon stealing indigenous land and polluting it without restraint. A rugged individualism dependent on exploiting a low wage economy and rigging under-regulated capitalism for the rich.

Cyclone Gabrielle is our future, it isn’t a past event we bounce back from.



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  1. The best and only thing we need to concentrate on is adaption. 99% of the effects of climate change on us come from offshore. Every man for himself.

    • That’s silly. If everyone concentrated on just adaption (which is what that thinking will lead to) we are screwed, because if we don’t mitigate the change, adaptation will always be playing catch up with an ever growing problem. Without mitigation, the effects will accelerate faster than we can adapt … so

  2. We are a nation of fatherless children raised by bitter solo mothers.

    I totally agree with that Martin, it is a topic that needs more print space on here.

    • 5 cents are not currency now. You need to change your focus to the effect of government’s demands and practices on ordinary people and the money made available for help. Fathers have been drunken bums and absent on the sports field and pubs, and not responsible for their dissemination while women still craving connection have not been high in their concern.

      Women have been thrown a bone, the domestic purposes benefit, but not given enough support to do a good job. Sometimes it has worked out but the men in charge in government have never cared about kids much, and the opportunity has been lost to do better. Really it’s believing in the money system as paramount, instead of looking at the religious, spiritual, value system, also high-fiving each other within social classes. Get money, get into the higher class, don’t give a damn about others not coping. Single mothers/fathers not doing well are a symbol of a self-centred, money-first, callous society.

      Part answer stop hating humanity, men and women together considering each other, helping each other in whatever is going forward; that’s the way for life, jut not survival on the planet. Cleanse our minds, try not to hate, control negativity – it’s wasted personal energy and time. Try for happiness from inside; be resigned, we are a faulty lot, look for things going well, the positives – we are lucky to have some! Some people are too bent to change, and arguing with them makes them worse no matter what factual points are aired. Sigh and look for the best path, discuss with some wise, helpful person. Put your goodness and energy, when you find it, into some project that will be good for you and help someone else too. Don’t forget your children, they may in years to come feel good to know you were there for them, if only they had understood. But don’t let them lay a guilt-trip on you when they do. The past can’t be changed; resignation and remembrance go together.

  3. Other existential threats are the Hikurangi subduction zone earthquake, a Southern Alps earthquake, Lake Taupo eruption. All of which could happen tomorrow apparently (maybe not Lake Taupo). The Auckland volcanic field could wake up too. And a big meteor could crash into us. We are being poisoned by micro plastics turning into nano plastics. And the ozone hole could get bigger and leave us exposed to space radiation. That will happen as more methane is released.
    If the Gulf Stream stops it will cause a metre of water to rise almost immediately, and the reason it is slowing down is because all the fresh water melt is diluting the salt water, which slows the Gulf Stream (AMOC) circulation until it stops. It has slowed down so much it may be on the brink of stopping altogether. So that process is already in action.
    There is no question of ice shelf melt in the Antarctic and Greenland happening and as the ice shelf holding back the glaciers are melting at an unbelievable rate from underneath, eventually the glaciers will slip into the sea, probably rapidly. All these triggers to sea level rise are already happening.
    All of the signs of climate change caused by humans was known in the 1960s and the results of that -atmospheric rivers and wildfires were predicted. Nothing was done about it then and nothing meaningful is being done now.

    • Yeah don’t know how solo/single mothers got into the all-pervasive climate change discussion. Because as you say Lone Comet there are huge numbers of existential* threats.

      Personally I am going to buy a container full of boxes of assorted chocolates. Than when the stress becomes too great I will sit in a corner, by the container which will have a small door in the bottom. and gradually eat my way though all the chocolates. I’ll have a bucket of water and dipper, a toilet nearby, and a pen and pad and write feedback on which flavoured centre I like and how they could be improved generally. And whether they should have more or less sugar, and whether the growers of cacao beans are getting fair price (there used to be a real rort on payment as the beans passed through middlemen clipping ticket on their way to the manufacturers.) That will be my nirvana (a state of enlightenment, meaning a person’s individual desires and suffering go away.).

      Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
      /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃl/ adjective: existential

      relating to existence.
      “the climate crisis is an existential threat to the world”
      Philosophy :
      concerned with existentialism.
      “the existential dilemma is this: because we are free, we are also inherently responsible”
      Logic :
      (of a proposition) affirming or implying the existence of a thing.
      “the existential proposition that truth and reality are constructed fictions”

        • The rule is 60% of youth suicide come from single mother households. 90% of homelessness. 70% of children with behavioural problems are from single mother homes. 80% of rapists with anger issues are from single mother homes. That’s a hard pass.

          • Just shows how hard a task that single mothers face. Just think why would they stay in this difficult situation if there was a good partner around to share the tasks and their lives with? Some single mothers are mad, some are bad, and all of them and their sex partners too have been brought up in a declining moral culture, with poor effects from tv and films to watch for ideas about life. Their parents the same. Schools now enforcing new values, despite those that parents may want to convey – trans etc. Everything changing, and drugs and alcohol, self-indulgence eating away at steadfast commitment to the difficult tasks. Government hate of mothers and high social class unwillingness to consider children taonga and enable parents to be supported, they sending theirs to ‘good’ schools or boarding schools. Spending little time with their children just talking to them about values, probably they don’t have any anyway – money is the measure of being good. But go on Sam pick out scapegoats, that is what psychology and propaganda did to the Jews in the 1930’s.

            • Fathers are always blamed for the bad choices of woman. Woman have condoms, birth control, abortion. Woman get the lions share of custody and childsupport and a legal system that rightly or wrongly inforces the idea that the children should live with the mother when we know 100% that that produces the worst outcomes. Just look at the results of femism. It’s terrible.


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