Best NZ Left, Independent and Progressive Political opinion daily reading list
Because so much of the mainstream media is polluted by right wing free market ideologues pushing corporate interests:
TDB daily collates the best NZ Left Wing, Independent and Progressive Political Opinion and includes the best international voices.
Unlike Victoria University’s The Democracy Project, this will never be behind a Paywall.
Otaihanga Second Opinion – Ballooning hospital specialist appointments and bureaucratic boondoggling
RNZ – Prison reforms: Government ditches reduction targets and cultural reports
Newsroom – Democracy in danger when lies go unchecked
Against the Current – Tracy Chapman:Talkin’ about a revolution
The Daily Blog – Waatea News Column: Waitangi 2024 is an inflection point in our political history
The Daily Blog – Iwi Leader Wins Against NZ’s Biggest Climate Polluters In Court – Mike Smith
The Guardian – Why is there still no Gaza ceasefire? Because self-interested world leaders are obstructing it
Haaretz – Explainer: Who Are the Israeli Settlers Sanctioned by the U.S. and What Does Their Targeting Mean?
The Washington Post – Did Trump commit insurrection on Jan. 6? The Supreme Court could decide.
Jacobin – Rashida Tlaib Is Showing Pro-Palestine Politics Are Popular
Caitlin Johnstone – The Empire Depends On Our Unwillingness To Look At Its Crimes
Crikey – Australia’s outcry at China’s death sentence for Yang Hengjun is vital — and hypocritical
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