Political Caption Competition


An actual Fiscal Cliff


    • Oh come on. First good idea for yonks and they have to ride the wave till it dumps them on their noses. It gives the erroneous appearance they are thinking and doing – the ‘life happens while you are busy planning other things’ syndrome.

    • mary-a Indeed. It’s quite cheap and tacky for political leaders, but they may have the same PR advisors. I think Luxon’s was/is Mary L. It’s nice when shop staff do it to merry up the customers, but this is chillingly patronising and I doubt they are smart enough to realise this. I think KMart used to have shopping-in-pyjama nights, and Bill English works for them, so this could be a Nat thing now.

      It’s a hell of a kick in the teeth for the Christian family community who dress in their best for Christmas photos when politicians demean it all poncing around in pyjamas. Matching pyjamas is deliciously Freudian. Parliament itself resembles a fancy dress party now, even when they’re sober.

    • mary-a. This isn’t quite as nauseating as the Luxon family with their inane Meghan Markle posing. Justin Trudeau, the human slug, is the politician-gone-celeb most likely to make me vomit. The celebrity dynamic might be a WEF/ Klaus Schwab requirement. Ardern, another Schwab protégée, with her freebie designer clothing grab was pretty repugnant. That nice Prince William as Davos as his eccentric dad, could be another. It’s a mad mad world.

  1. This can be the Christmas 2023 uniform for Natzos holiday snaps. They can show these to their offspring as the celebratory garb (garble) after their grand win that year leading the electoral term that restored NZ/AO to its true place in the world – bootscraper.

  2. There’s those of us who try to remember to put a can of food in the charity collection at the supermarket, and there’s the others who say “ Look what a fun family we are”, and they are meant to be our leaders. God defend New Zealand.


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