2023 Winners and Losers – New Zealand beaten by Old Zealand – Welcome to Q Zealand

The Luxon family gather in matching pyjamas to festively burn workers, renters, Māori, the environment and beneficiaries this Christmas. May the blood of the lamb cleanse you. Season’s Greetings.

2023, what a shit year!

Social Media platforms using hate algorithms to suppress actual journalism in favour of AntiVaxx conspiracy theories distorted citizens into book burning acolytes with all the charm of your average Ku Klux Klan rally.

Mainstream media were crucified for taking journalism funding and threatened with sexual assault daily by incels.

The antivax transphobic collective rejoiced that their Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom myths were being implemented as actual social policy.

And the Woke screamed ‘Pure Trans Joy’ and found they had cancelled everyone who might have voted for us and the electorates fury at Jacinda saving 20 000 lives with her Covid leadership resulted in a grudge fuck against Labour that birthed this hard right racist Government bonded together only by a shared glee of bashing beneficiaries, renters, workers, Māori and the environment.

It’s been a train wreck of a year with climate change storms that have made everyone realise catastrophic climate change is no longer a theoretical threat at the end of the century.

It’s here, it’s now and we’re fucked!

600 000 Kiwis need food banks each month, 300 000 kiwis live with housing and energy poverty, 26 000 on the social housing wait list and hundreds of thousands more in poverty. Renters and Workers have been smashed by this Government’s first act of legislation and the corporate interests that donate to the Right are all getting the payday of their life.

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We have a rigged capitalism, a fanatical hard right Government implementing culture war revenge fantasies and an aesthetic Left that is more interested in cancelling anyone who suggests female comedians aren’t funny than do anything materially meaningful in the lives of those the Left claim to champion.

On the bright side, if you thought 2023 was bad, it ain’t nothing on what will go down in 2024.

There are of course political winners and losers.


NZ Mainstream Media:

The newsrooms are flooded by attacks from the woke for daring to challenge woke dogma and overwhelmed with threats from feral antivaxx conspiracy incels and gender critical feminists for daring to breath.

Winston threatened to sack hosts for asking hard questions and claimed the entire media were bribed.

The. Entire. Media.

Good story Winnie.

On top off this legacy media, (who were reliant on joke ratings systems), were decimated by online ratings which provided far more detail than a radio diary, newspaper poll or TV box ever could. Advertisers want online stats, not  radio diary, newspaper poll or TV box stats which were always more art than science. The resulting fall out will see mass layoffs throughout the media industry.

The Environment:

Isn’t it hilarious?

The first extreme climate events smash New Zealand and we elect a Government hellbent on rescinding all the tiny steps taken to mitigate and by reintroducing gas and oil speculation, killing the EV rebate system and removing subsidies for public transport!

NZ First are openly climate deniers despite data showing temperatures jumping…

September 2023 Temperature Update

The following is a summary of global temperature conditions in Berkeley Earth’s analysis of September 2023.

    • Globally, September 2023 was the warmest September — and the largest monthly anomaly of any month — since records began in 1850.
    • The previous record for warmest September was broken by 0.5 °C (0.9 °F), a staggeringly large margin.
    • Both land and ocean individually also set new records for the warmest September.
    • The extra warmth added since August occurred primarily in polar regions, especially Antarctica.
    • Antarctic sea ice set a new record for lowest seasonal maximum extent.
    • Record warmth in 2023 is primarily a combined effect of global warming and a strengthening El Niño, but natural variability and other factors have also contributed.
    • Particularly warm conditions occurred in the North Atlantic, Eastern Equatorial Pacific, South America, Central America, Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East, Japan, and Antarctica.
    • 77 countries, mostly in Europe and the tropics, set new monthly average records for September.
    • El Niño continues to strengthen and is expected to continue into next year.
    • 2023 is now virtually certain to become a new record warm year (>99% chance).
    • 2023 is very likely (90% chance) to average more than 1.5 °C above our 1850-1900 baseline.

Jesus wept.

The jump in heat is beyond anything we’ve seen in modern times.

This just as Labour and Green policy starts bearing fruit in NZ…

Analysis: New Zealand’s carbon emissions are on the way down – thanks in part to policies now under threat

It may have been largely overlooked in the election debates, but New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions are finally on the way down.

Annual emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels are the lowest since 1999 and the 12-month renewable share of electricity is back above 90% for the first time since 1981. The Ministry for the Environment has advised New Zealand is on track to meet the first (2022-2025) carbon budget.

…National, ACT and NZF will make these numbers worse.

Global temperatures will go up under National, ACT and NZF because they have no plan to lower them.

They will also reverse the things that have helped drive our emissions down.

We have no comprehension of what is coming and we are simply not prepared for the age of consequences.

Watching National, ACT and Corporate Farmers use their economic and political muscle to avoid responsibility for what comes next can only be resolved by civil unrest and a campaign of civil disobedience against those interests.

Just consider how the Corporate Farming Lobby have managed to avoid any tax on their pollution since mid 2004!

They have pushed and pushed and pushed it off for 20 years!

National have already promised ANOTHER 5 year extension which will mean the agricultural industry have managed to stop any tax on their pollution for quarter of a century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That photo of a National MP driving tractor up the steps of Parliament was a declaration of political war and they have lived up to that declaration.

National opposing climate change legislation

John Key sold 49% of our Hydro Assets to create a $400million irrigation slush fund that was used to intensify dairy farming while polluting our water and generating climate changing gasses!

The entire economy is forced to bend over backwards for a sunset industry that will crash the millisecond the fast food industry can create a synthetic milk powder!

Claiming that NZs emissions mean nothing in comparison to China and India isn’t a justification to do nothing, it’s an acknowledgement that radical adaptation is the only move left because those Goliath economies have already doomed us to a dangerous climate change future!

We are out of plays and the focus surely must be self sufficiency over trying to eternally trade on a burning planet.


The vicious nastiness dumped on Māori as the perpetual punching bag of NZ politics has set something off within this younger Māori demographic that won’t be stopped by frightened boomer crackers. Attempting this legislative confiscation of Treaty Rights to entrench 19th Century White Settler Privilege won’t wash ink the 21st Century. There were 80 000 Māori and 2000 Pakeha at the time of the signing of the Treaty, that Māori were supposedly handing over their sovereignty to this 2000 simply isn’t credible! The Treaty binds us all as equals, it is legal rights, not race rights! That Māori are once again getting bashed for the basic fulfilment of this promise will open a conflict that will not stop.

Middle class woke activists:

After handing so much culture war ammunition to the Right, our woke middle class identity activists literally drove male voters into the arms of the political right. In woke Wellington world, ALL white men are irredeemable cross burning racists, B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL women that ALL men are rapists and anyone defending free speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the trans community. Turns out that identity politics mentality alienates rather than brings together. ‘Pure Trans Joy’ probably helped cost us the election.


Landlords gaining the right to evict alongside a halt to all social housing builds will see Landlords with all the power. Include their tax loopholes and we have a class war without any of the class language oxygen to describe it.


New National Party slogan
No one ever lost votes bashing beneficiaries and when National wasn’t blowing the real estate industry, they were bashing beneficiaries. All the punitive measures about to be launched against our sickest and weakest will be the blueprint adopted to privatise welfare. Outside agencies will be paid a bonus when shifting beneficiaries off the list and that can be done two ways, 1) if you find them a job or 2) – you cut them off for some bullshit infraction on their ridiculous work ready conditions. Expect an enormous suffering to come out of this.
Not content to bash beneficiaries, ACT wanted to target drug addicts and the disabled as well and have promised terrible retribution for their ‘welfare fraud’. White collar criminals who take billions each year however will receive a free pass.


Are about to have their underfunded, corrupt and violent prisons jammed full to the point of prison riot with zero rehabilitation whatsoever. Expect ACT to call for private prisons as costs mount.

Labour – Look, I’m not saying there wen’t some gains over the last 6 years: Free school lunches, trust tax, new top income rate, free prescriptions, most state houses in 50 years, record investment in housing, healthcare and investment, regulate property managers, clean car discount, apprenticeship scheme, benefits to wages, FPAs – all great first steps, but after 6 years of ‘first good steps’, you realised you were just jogging on the spot! We were promised transformative, what we got was less left wing than the British Tory Party! Labour are over run by the Professional Managerial Class, they see the solution is better bureaucratic structures rather than an upgrade of the Capacity of the State and so spent 6 years recreating bureaucratic structures without the necessary upgrade of capacity. Labour refused to explain what the hell 3 Waters or Co-governance meant because Jacinda hated conflict (her Cabinet meetings were nicknamed ‘The Good Ship Lollypop’ because she wouldn’t tolerate any negativity) and wouldn’t engage on co-governance or 3 Waters which allowed astroturf dark money to take over the debate and manufacture it into an existential race issue. Fundamentally Labour needed to tax the rich to pay for the social infrastructure we needed, but because Labour at heart are intellectual cowards, they refused to engage in that, which left voters asking, ‘why bother voting for Labour’.

Why indeed.



They had Fair Pay Agreements stripped from them and the corporate bosses now have the right to sack anyone in the first 90 days. Migrant worker exploitation will soar and downward pressure on wages will come with the jump in unemployment.


Naked white fragility racism – Never before have so many fragile white egos all risen at once to scream, ‘but what about cracker’ quite like this election. Because Labour are cowards, they never explained what the fuck 3 Waters or Co-Governance was and on the odd occasion they did try to explain it, like the fishhook laden 3 Waters and the ludicrous Tamati Coffee induced attempt to weight votes more to Māori, it only fuelled white fragility fears even more. Because Labour wouldn’t engage, Astroturf dark money filled the void and convinced white voters that this was an existential race war secretly developed by Radical Nationalist Māori to steal da water when it was nothing of the sort. As raw sewage pumps into Auckland Harbour and water contamination rises with 70% of rivers unswimmable, watching fragile white egos forced to boil their water before they can drink it after muttering ‘but He Puapua is apartheid’  seems a perfectly acceptable outcome.
You can lead a Cracker to water, but you can’t make him think!

Property speculators: 

The lobbyists who wrote National’s property policy are all having drug fuelled orgies in celebration of this devastating win for Landlords and obscene inequality. The Real Estate Pimps paid $2million in donations to the political right to remove the Foreign Buyers Ban, give Landlords massive tax loopholes that’ll benefit mega landlords to the tune of hundreds of millions and give Landlords the right to evict, and what a pay day the Real Estate Pimps have gained! They couldn’t get the Foreign Buyers Tax past Winnie  but the trick of announcing National were removing the Foreign Buyers Ban and selling that grotesque manipulation as a revenue source rather than locking another generation out from home ownership is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the people of Aotearoa, and the sleepy hobbits of muddle NuZilind swallowed it hook, line and sinker because of WEF Jabcinda and the Plandemic! The Real Estate Pimps are the true winners of this Election and using Paula Bennet as their proxy in the mainstream media was a stroke of genius.

Privatisation agenda:

Alongside the Real Estate Pimps, every consultant wanting less regulation and more juicy public private contracts are rejoicing at this win. We can already see anyone who donated to National are now in a conga line for a tsunami of crony capitalism the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

…National’s conflicts of interest are about to make all Labour’s collective sins look like child’s play. We will yearn for the day Stuart Nash sent Cabinet briefings as the highest point of ethical standards in comparison.

Boomers with untaxed capital gains:

Culture War Boomer is coming for you.
The Culture war Boomers will be thrilled their God Winston is back. Hilariously Jacinda saved 20 000 of them from early deaths with the covid lock down and they have rewarded her by voting for Winston. NZ First is little more than a list of Boomer grievances handed out before the early bird dinner meal discount at Cobb and Co.

Settler NuZilind

The drive to entrench 19th century white settler privilege and all the fun games of racism that inspires has propelled 3 hard right parties into power. The results of the cross burning banjo twanging racist redneck jamboree has convinced a chunk of Settler NuZilind that their culture war fantasies can be implemented and the battle won. Settler NuZilind bout to find out that ain’t the case. Watch Settler NuZilind impose all those special laws just for da gangs on an ever increasingly civil disobedience population. They proclaim they are about ‘Freedom’, but it always ends up as Fascism.

The Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom

The Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom of feral antivaxxers, Qanon conspiracy theorists, alienated Gender Critical Feminists and cross burning anti-indigenous Māori haters have coalesced with spiritual Karens who think crystals can sure cancer and the covid aggrieved. Their crazy social media inspired conspiracies have turned citizens into rabbit hole occultists parroting quack science nonsense to justify their superstitions and they now have Winston as their champion. Because Winston rules the Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom, NZ First have pushed culture war revenge fantasies as social policy and we as a country are a dumber more pathetic people for it.


Ultimately the biggest losers are New Zealand. NONE of ACT’s, Nationals or NZ First policy will provide well thought out consequences.

This wasn’t an election, it was a grudge fuck!

With a 78.4% turnout, so it was lower than 2017 when Labour barely won.

That’s over a million who could have voted but didn’t.

That’s a heavy rejection of the options presented.

An embittered and angry electorate wanted to hurt Labour and voted accordingly, Labour didn’t help by being hopelessly incompetent.  The poorest amongst us will fund a tax cut to rich landlords while the most vulnerable from beneficiaries, state house tenants, prisoners, drug addicts, the working classes and the disabled are all going to face insufferable and punitive sanctions.

A National/ACT/NZ First Government will only serve to compound counter productive policy that will deform, punish and mutate those stereotypes the Right despise and used to whip up the worst angels of our nature.

We are a poorer people for this change.

The Left needs a good hard long look at themselves.

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  1. Winston Peters is a complete wanker. He had a go at the media because they exposed him for bullshitter that he is.

    As for Bananas in Pyjamas Luxon, that photo is hugely symbolic. Standing in front of a screen with a fake fire. He’s all about illusion. All the smoke and mirrors to mask that he really represents a fraction of the population.

  2. When wokies are let loss to do as they please, away from the influence of men. They have not come up with a cornucopia of great inventions and discoveries. Instead, they have aborted humdreds of thousands of infants and tens of millions world wide. Blame all there problems on men. Voted extreme leftists into parliament. Become excessively promiscuous. Gotten worthless varsity degrees and demand equally worthless made up jobs. They believe that wealth falls like golden eggs from heaven. They believe marriage is temporary and destroyed children’s lives through easy divorce and single parenthood and rationalised every bit of it.

      • That’s cope. By the time woman hit the wall (35 years old when they enter into whats called Geriatric pregnancy) they realise that being a hoe was a big mistake. Guys don’t want to marry sluts. Why would any guy want to risk poverty just to watch a woman take there kids and manipulate children against men you’ve got to make more sense dr. doom.

  3. Labour Did It!!

    They blew a majority government and funded the NACTNZF political parties in 2023 with the main beneficaries of Robos $100b Bazooka! Good fuck’n job!! Add to that the 24% muddle class who pig’d out on that and went and bought houses that they cant afford to keep or sell with the mortgage worth more than the property!!
    Good fuck’n job!

    In the words of Ayn Rand, Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink and other Wall Street Bwankers. ‘You get what you pay for!’

    2024-2026 is when the world will blow up with global war(s) & the wokeratti will get a good reaming.

    Good fuckn job!

  4. I wouldn’t worry Martyn, because 2024 will be the end of the Western Neoliberal Financial system which NZ is now hyperdriven into with the Election of the Right Wing, Boomer Govt? Why do I say this? Because America & the EU are about to seize Russia’s Sovereign Wealth Funds of $300 Billion in February 2024, a illegal theft which is forbidden under International Law! When that happens, it will send shockwaves to every Country in the World & send the message that their Dollar based funds are not safe in the West, that the US can just steal your funds whenever it wants? The result is West that can’t be trusted & once you lose this trust it’s gone forever, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, which will result in a Tsunami of Capital flight out of USD dominated securities in the Trillions to other safe havens & signal the end of the USD as the World’s Reserve Currency! This one act will split the World’s Financial system in two & NZ will go into Financial collapse along with its Western Allies! It’s already started & God help us because the moronic National Party will be in charge when this Financial crisis hits & they aren’t good Economic managers or good at managing us thru a crisis because they are incompetent so we are going down with the rest of the West! 2024 will be the Year of the Black swan event that ends the US Empire & it’s Lapdog lackeys like NZ!

  5. The Israel lobby, also known as the Zionist lobby, are individuals and groups seeking to influence the United States government to better serve Israel’s interests. The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel with over seven million members.[1] The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby, speaking on behalf of a coalition of pro-Israel American Jewish groups.

    see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer at


    See how innocent children are killed by the most poufel American arms at

    Al Jazeera English Live



    if you do not do something then you do not have a HART

  6. Q:”There must be some kind of way outta here
    Said the joker to the thief”. (~ Bob Dylan)

    To answer one song lyric with another………..

    A: “Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
    Do you know that you can use it?” (~ The Clash)

    Remember: 400,000 unionised workers in Aoteoroa. 10,000 cops to defend Cluxon & the establishment parasites.

    The rort only persists because WE let it.

  7. Go here. Look at this, the first image ? LOOK AT IT! A crying mother holding a bloodless little hand.
    That’s our future. The scum who’ve dragged us down to steal our money to build their fortunes are already planning The End Days.
    They’ve destroyed our farmers, they’ve killed our futures, they’ve slaughtered our hope. Now, they’ll be coming after our turangawaewae and they’ll walk over our bloodless corpses to get it.
    Thanks National and your loafer parasites. Well done. Good job.

  8. Bully boy Mallard getting a knighthood is a shocking start to the New Year. It debases those who may have actually deserved public recognition. Gives the royal seal of approval to men behaving badly.

  9. Blame the Boomers, so easy to demonize a sector of society. The idea that if born between 1945 to 1964, determines your personality and political beliefs are deemed to be self, greedy and vote solely on what’s in it for them, is simply propaganda. From what I’ve seen in society the younger generations seem to be more me me me and long live the independent person.

  10. Sadly I’m predicting more suicides by way of the new government, of which will be the worst government in our history since the Key years.

  11. Congrats to my landlady for her award. Unlike Bob the first she is an achiever, quiet and of the highest integrity. Never ever have I seen her on this site promoting herself. Bob could learn a thing on humility. Yet given his self adulation, there is never a chance of that happening.

  12. Summary from the Left:
    “The Election didn’t go our way so it wasn’t an election. Had we won, then it would have been a fair election.”

  13. wow. Trevor Mallard knighted. Politicians giving each other knighthoods is always nauseating (Sir John Key? Fuck off) but this seems a particular low.

    • You’re not just asking what left. You are saying that New Zealand’s history ends here. That the only solution is the least evil thing to do. That there are no other alternatives to that of neoliberalism. And because governments spending and large bureaucracy is bad we can not do nothing about anything. That there are no solutions except for minimising taxes and budget cuts and for the most part it’s true. New Zealand is fucked while the current government posts feel good pictures online displaying there opulence. Like do some fucken work before you start resting.

  14. Well I’m a boomer, born right in the middle, 1956, but if your definition is right then I’m decidedly atypical. In fact, if your definition is right, then I’m anti-boomer. And not just me. Probably, three quarters of my family, friends and acquaintances. Actually, I think your definition of boomers is so wrong, it’s arrant nonsense. Fully two thirds of boomers got shafted by the ACT governments of Lange and Bolger, so don’t you fucking dare lump us in with the other wankers. As far as climate change goes, who the fuck do you think educated and turned out the active millennials? We left wing boomers have been fighting the fight for decades before you johnny come latelies arrived. Now we’ve passed the torch, so less of the insulting generalisations, yeah? We know better than you do, that the planet has until 2030 to get CO2 emissions eliminated, before methane from the melting tundra pushes the mean temp above 3 degrees. If it does, then bye-bye civilization.


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