The Daily Blog Open Mic – 17th December 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


    This is just what we would expect when a public service is being run by the government; now if only private enterprise could be left to handle it, we would see efficiency and the needs and wants of the public being met. (In case you didn’t realise this is me being sarcastic. And if it has become necessary because of developments that for safety and satisfactory service not being sure, the system has had to shut. Buuut.. why could these things not have been envisaged and planned for? I actually have not read the reasons but the above comment stands. Government should be on the spot and answerable, private are like mosquitoes, dodge around, take a bite of some meaty subject, and then buzzz off leaving a very sore place behind. Private encourages the simple to overreach themselves. They go for simple on the basis of what is needed, best and affordable, not because they are lacking in brains. We all need a jolt and to improve but bounded towards the best outcome and efficient.

    Remember our old railway story:
    The Raurimu Spiral is a single-track railway spiral, starting with a horseshoe curve, overcoming a 139-metre (456 ft) height difference, in the central North Island of New Zealand, on the North Island Main Trunk railway (NIMT) between Wellington and Auckland.
    It is a notable feat of civil engineering, having been called an “engineering masterpiece.”[1] The Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand has designated the spiral as a significant engineering heritage site

    • “In case you didn’t realise this is me being sarcastic”
      You’d have to be really fick, or incredibly tribal not to have picked up on that straight away @ Grey.
      It reminds me of all that bullshit about the inefficiencies of the MZ Post Office running telcoms, (and how long one had to wait to get a landline) Instead, we had to do much the same after privatisation enabling a long line of ticket clippers taking their cut before an exploited worker came along at (often below) minimum wage to do the work. And as we did, we were expected to worship a Bet Lynch lookalike swinger – now enabler/influencer.

      • That’s how people’s needs are executed in NZ/AO these days.

        Harry Nilsson Everybodys talking at me ..
        HARRY NILSSON Everybody’s Talkin’ (+lyrics) – YouTube
        YouTube · Jeffrey Frentzen
        117.4K+ views · 3 years ago 2:46
        I turned 75 today. Feb 8, 2022 and this song from Midnight Cowboy with the Harmonica solo as separate…Still brings tears to my eyes.

        The matching song that fits in the head of all the anti-hopefuls, the anti-vaxxers. the ‘my rights’, perfect freedom … etc.

  2. After I’ve read a series of articles here I like to seek out the opposite kind of perspectives, to clean my palate, so to speak. If you’re the kind of person who isn’t over involved with your own ideas it’s a good way to regain some mental balance. Don’t over do it, though.

    Just now I was somewhere else reading open discussion type stuff and had to end my session. Most of the talk I see is the usual prejudice, projection and hate, but sometimes the horror of what is said, or at least the horror I see in it, needs comment to settle the disruption it causes. I don’t have accounts in these other places and have no say, and I don’t want to join them. What I saw just now was an old guy trying to get rid of the guilt associated with being a pointlessly, perhaps ignorantly, rigid father. It set me off, because owing to a series of completely common events I never got to be a father. As I approach middle age, (if I live long enough) sometimes the idea of what any child of mine may have been like, had I had the resources to make it happen and do at least a half decent job, I wonder what they’d be like. I really hope that it wouldn’t be like my life was, at least. This person I was reading was essentially saying that they ditched their child because at an early age they weren’t smart in the way our economy values intelligence. Can anyone imagine that? The implications of that statemant? Jesus christ. I’ve a met a lot of messed up people who’ll spend forty years trying to find centre because of bad parenting, drugs, alcohol, generational abuse, the bad luck of a parent with mental health issue, but to ditch someone for looking like they won’t be able to run with the jet-set before they even reach their teens? Holy smokes. Anyway let’s not get too carried away in the emotion.

    Here is my plea to you if it relates: If you have done something like that, for godssake admit you made a mistake – to yourself – and before the big christmas this year when the rest of your successful family will get together at your palacial homestead and not talk about the person who everyone knows isn’t there, see if they will agree to meet you and have a short private christmas meeting. If you’re at the stage where you can admit you were part of the problem, that is. You don’t need to plan to talk about the problem, just admit to yourself the problem exists. You’ll never fix the damage that was done in a 30 minute meeting, but just try it if you can.

    I dunno why people have families, or what they are supposed to do other than screw everything up and hurt everyone as deeply as possible, but if I had been blessed with a child, I would not throw them away for economics and social status. Come on now. The people I’ve seen die, everything the person was just vanishes into the noise. Enjoy and engage with life while you have it. Status and riches are ultimately worthless.

    • Yes multiplied RW. If we step back from the everyday routine regularly and think how marvellous everything is, and ponder how did it get to be, we can enjoy and/or appreciate being alive and having the experiences of life and will that come our way or occur to us.

      The more we find out and try to copy, synthesise, mechanise and perfect, we still get screwed up in our supposed best efforts, religion for one. We try and are highly motivated to do certain things that give a buzz but not do others that are really important but seem more mundane, eg housework, yardwork childcare and cleaning. And eventually desires and obsessions can trip us up.

      And are we different in our psychology from the pigeon-pecking study? Being able to keep our psychological trends in mind would be an example of using our higher brain to limit
      our less analytical lower brain, not fall to grandiosity.
      What is Skinner’s behavior theory?
      Skinner believed that all learning was the result of conditioning processes. Skinner’s theory suggested that children learn as a result of the consequences of their behavior. If children experience a positive consequences after a behavior, they are more likely to repeat that behavior again in the future.12 Mar 2023
      B. F. Skinner: Biography of the Influential Behaviorist – Verywell Mind › b-f-skinner-biography

      Can animal training. operant conditioning, be used on humans, on ourselves? Or are we too proud to be objective when we are the subjects? This academic talks about Skinner and the pigeons, and it’s very interesting I think for us to know. If we don’t inform ourselves, we won’t know when we are being influenced in a measured way!

      Pigeons, Operant Conditioning, and Social Control
      Hack Education › 2018/06/15 › pigeons
      15 Jun 2018 — The pigeons were trained by Skinner to peck at a target, and they rewarded with food when they completed the task correctly. Skinner designed a …

    Does this mean that I won’t be able to get my Nestles Czech chocolates. And what about my eco dishwasher tablets made in Italy, or soap made heaven knows where. When Ricardo’s system, blindly followed by smarter people than me, goes haywire where does a poor little country under the smart people’s control and manipulated into making little for its own needs and exporting most of its chosen products – how do we manage? Well I reckon we sink below peasant level. Smart thinking folks! – but What Me Worry?

    And also not forgetting those precious exports on which we trust how will we get them to market, to market. Well the Japanese took Singapore crossing difficult boggy territory on bikes (unreliable historical memory there) so let us use our No.8 wire mentality and work our way out of this mire.

  4. I don’t see a quality determined incessant concerted effort around the motu to get rid of invasive weeds. Rather one gets to be flavour of the year and then possibly not funded further. I have bindweed and see old man’s beard around a lot but it’s not the chosen weed of the day. Yet these other weeds are bad, and we have to look after our plants as all this world membership and tourism brings new pests on top of the ones we already have – thinking myrtle rust which I am seeing everywhere – it’s become an obsession.

    The image that goes with this headline shows a man in a suit demonstrating what could be a petard to some interested Gnashionals. The information purveyed could be of a sensitive nature to these jejune politicians given the solemn task of adjusting the country’s Pisa-like lean which appears to be veering to a wretched angle. Base isolators may even be needed, which probably they have never heard of.

    But with a cheery ‘She’ll be right’ the cavalcade goes on. But thinking back Blerta were more entertaining and effective.

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