Political Caption Competition


How many dead rats will ACT swallow for Winston’s ego?


      • Alas, like many Greywarbler, I have long been aware of the sordid history of ACT Party candidates and officials (theft, misuse of official documents, pedophilia …etc etc).
        It’s sad that their lies and sub-human behaviour are acceptable to their witless followers.

        • I’m aware that you are sharp Jase – I was not doubting that just trying to be funny and ironic. I try to get hollow laughs wherever I can find the elusive little bu..rs.

  1. I can’t help thinking that a split image would go well here – half dog and half the frog swallowing the mouse referring to capitalism. The dog looks amazingly similar to Winston in his planning mood? and the frog good for ACT but must have feet and tail hanging out!

  2. Perhaps Winston does have some canine genes when it comes to smelling out a good phrase and a good deal. Dogs have millions more scent receptors than humans Has anyone noticed if Winstone often has a wet nose?
    A dog’s nose is absolutely incredible. Where a human has 5 million scent receptors in their nose, a dog has up to 300 million. The part of a dog’s brain devoted to analysing smell is 40 times greater than ours. Their sense of smell is up to 100,000 times more accurate than a humans. https://www.k9md.org.nz/research/a-dog-s-nose

    Something about Dog! https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/2018914490/a-son-s-tribute-to-his-father-the-legacy-of-cartoonist-murray-ball


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