The Daily Blog Open Mic – 27th October 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


    • (Can’t get that link to open for me OWT)

      What is managerialism in public sector?
      Managerialism combines management knowledge and ideology to establish itself systemically in organisations and society while depriving owners, employees (organisational-economical) and civil society (social-political) of all decision-making powers.
      Managerialism – Wikipedia › wiki › Managerialism

      What is the concept of managerialism?
      The definition of managerialism is the belief in or reliance on the use of professional managers in administering or planning an activity. It’s ideological, an approach that sees businesses and organizations as the core building blocks of society, rather than citizens and their needs and wishes.
      Managerialism and Decision Making | Organizational Behavior and … › chapter › manageria..
      From Mandarin to Valet Public Service?
      State sector reform and problems of managerialism in the New Zealand public service :
      Managerialism – the notion that the primary skills required to manage any specific organisation are a generic set of managerial skills – is now widespread in the New Zealand public service. Managerialism was enabled by the 1988 State Sector Act, especially that part establishing the fixed-term contracts and appointments of chief executives.

      The consequences have been a decline in departmental expertise and a public service which acts as a secretariat for the government of the day. Thus, New Zealand has shifted from a mandarin to a valet public service. Managerialism is identified by top appointees who lack specialist skills and sector experience, short employment durations, and the manner in which the State Services Commission has managed the reform process thus far.
      24:07 Is South Africa on the Brink of Collapse?
      Will the lax or unfocussed attention of administrators infected with a know-all, know-better attitude lead to us falling apart as in South Africa? I no longer have heightened optimism. Have a listen because Simon Whistler has gathered and presented a lot of stunning facts. Listen now as I feel he will wear himself out and not have a long life. So enjoy? and support if he seems worthwhile – what a pleasant change to the dragging half-lies that we get from so many.

  1. How come Karen Chour from the Act party did not come out and speak against the Dickason case when this case has costs us taxpayers so far 700k and she had top lawyers’ courtesy of our taxes. She was found guilty, but Karen did not say one word about her killing her 3 children. Also, our legal system can pay for foreigners when many NZers don’t have access to decent lawyers our entire justice system needs to change its racist, discriminative and inequitable.

    • And then there’s the Stuff ‘front page’ website as at 16:52 27/10/2023

      Baby who was killed by blunt force injuries died without an official name
      Nadine Roberts, Tom Hunt, Blair Ensor and Shilpy Arora
      (can I recommend Sue Grey to represent if and when it gets to court)

      Man with 150 convictions, including manslaughter and killing pet dog, granted parole
      Hamish McNeilly 15:30, Oct 27 2023

      Homicide investigation launched following ‘suspicious’ house fire
      Karanama Ruru 15:18, Oct 27 2023

      Teen wore electronically monitored bail anklet while robbing jewellery store
      Marty Sharpe 15:23, Oct 27 2023

      (just for fucking starters)

      Then imagine my disappointment, as one of RNZ’s staunchest suppotas at the really shoddy coverage yesterday at midday of the death of Jon Trimmer. What a fucking abomination. His grieving wife was hardly mentioned. (Thnakfully they’ve started to clean up their act)

  2. What the hell are we about? Those interested in gaining personal insights might read –
    Rafe Champion (Australian philosopher)
    Champion has written a number of nonfiction books, two of them collaborations with his mother in law, the well known writer Ruth Park. They are Ruth Park’s Sydney, a guidebook, and Home Before Dark, a biography of Australian boxer Les Darcy. He has also written a book of collected essays and reviews related to Karl Popper, Reason and Imagination (2000).

    What do you think of this? Champion believes our lives gain meaning and purpose from the morals, mythology and metaphysics of our cultural heritage and that a society that loses the capacity to subject these myths and traditions to imaginative criticism is likely to die.

    NZ/AO will be watching this no doubt – but now is the time to follow, follow…
    Fiji’s coastal defence to the rising rate of cyclones is a natural seawall that combines mangroves, rocks and vetiver grass. The natural seawall brings the benefits of hard protection – a barrier separating sea and land – without the erosion that often comes with conventional seawalls.
    It is a nature-based solution, one of many opportunities in the Pacific to draw on organic resources to address climate change, with benefits to mitigation and adaptation.
    This form of ‘green-grey infrastructure’ is an attempt to merge soft engineering with the natural ecology of the region, basing adaptation efforts on solutions that reflect the place in which they are embedded.

  4. But as you know, there’s a simpler answer @ Covid. It has something to do with her being so utterly, incredibly, thoroughly, uncontestably fucking gorjisss. She walks where no other specimen has walked before – other than it’s leader.
    Hark! I think I must be either in awe of Her presence,jealous of Her wonderment, or possibly just a hater.
    I really want to be just like Her

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