The Christchurch Terror Attack coronial inquest can’t answer the most important questions


Christchurch mosque attacks: ‘Confronting’ footage from terrorist’s camera played to inquest

Over the six weeks, the inquest will look into the following:

  • The events of March 15 starting from the commencement of the attack through to the completion of the emergency response, and the terrorist’s police interview.
  • The response times and entry processes of police and ambulance officers at each mosque.
  • The triage and medical response at each mosque.
  • The steps taken to apprehend the offender.
  • The role of, and processes undertaken by Christchurch Hospital in responding to the attack.
  • Coordination between emergency services and first responders.
  • Did the terrorist have assistance from any other person on March 15.
  • If raised by immediate family, and to the extent it can be ascertained, the final movements and time of death for each of the deceased.
  • The cause of death for each deceased, and whether any death could have been averted had alternative medical triage and/or medical treatment been administered.

The Christchurch Terror Attack coronial inquest can’t answer the most important questions.

This is the list of NZ security apparatus, many acronyms you’ve never heard of, who are supposed to keep us safe with mass surveillance powers from this very type of terrorism…

  • The SIS (Secret Intelligence Services)
  • The GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau)
  • The NSG (National Security Group)
  • The Police Intelligence Unit
  • The CNSN (Cabinet National Security Committee)
  • The ODESC (Officials’ Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination)
  • The SIB (Security and Intelligence Board)
  • The CTCC (Counter-Terrorism Coordinating Committee)
  • The NICC ( National Intelligence Coordination Committee)
  • The IAD (Intelligence and Assessments Directorate)
  • The NRU (National Risk Unit)
  • The NSPD (National Security Policy Directorate)

…they collectively cost us in excess of $100million per year, and when it comes to spying on Muslims, Nicky Hager, Me, Greenpeace, Māori protesting oil drilling, environmentalists and the MANA Party, oh the State breaches our rights all the time without blinking, but a white supremacist terrorist who used white supremacy keywords online, with complaints from the Muslim Community itself and complaints from other gun owners,oh no, apparently our entire Intelligence Apparatus failed and didn’t have any idea whatsoever.

You can see why they’ve slapped a 30year secrecy clause on everything.

These Departments are supposed to be the ones who are asking ‘what if’, they are supposed to be the ones with the imagination to see where the next threat is coming from and they have enormous mass surveillance powers and resourcing to do this.

And yet, nothing.

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That is why this coronial inquest is so impotent because it can’t demand to know why the intelligence apparatus failed and how the terrorist managed to gain the guns passed a sleeping Police force.



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  1. Yes, big sad waste of time.
    If they want to show the truth then release the findings they already buried.

    But it’s even more simple: investigate the police mis licensing of a terrorist by not following the law, and also (then) recent changes to online gun purchase laws ( hint saint J A involved) and reduction in firearms license vetting.
    Also lies told by police, police association and government regarding the above at the time and who was held accountable (firearms owners).

  2. I totally agree, it seems like the coroner intends to give the victims the dignity they deserve however the agencies you mentioned are totally unwilling to face any scrutiny over their lack of response to any prior information they possessed. The evidence is clear that there warnings about the gunman so we need to know why they were ignored.

  3. Wait they specifically excluded anything from before March 15th, including if anyone helped him prior??!

    In this world of constant disinformation and govt spin I’ll take the worst possible view: this appears to go beyond Police & security failures, it may actually implicate them as co-conspirators. Which makes me wonder if he really was dumb enough to email the PMs office in advance, or it was forwarded by a state sanctioned co-conspirator. Dare I say it, maybe Winnie’s on to something?

    • You can say it, but no, Winnie is definitely not on to something. Perhaps you could say Winnie is on something. That would explain a few things.

  4. Oh yes Martyn!
    The state has covered up much of the activity of the shooter prior to the event because it makes them look bad. This will never be made public. The ‘alphabetti-spaghetti’ security agencies are only ever the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. What many of us want to know is what the cops (or weren’t) were doing:

    Why were complaints ignored from other shooters?
    Why did the Waikato firearms officer issue a licence to an applicant who lived in Dunedin?
    Why was a licence issued so quickly to a new arrival in the country? When a friend of mine, who was a serving army officer at the time, was told by form letter that the renewal of his licence would take six months.
    Why were the applicant’s references not interviewed?
    Why were the applicant’s parents not interviewed?
    Why were Australian Police not contacted?
    Why were his unusual travel movements around the Middle East, including Pakistan not flagged as a risk factor?
    Why was he issued a permit to bulk purchase ammunition within weeks of his arrival? And the person who brought this fact to the attention of the investigators verbally abused and shut down during his online video submission?

    Along the same lines we should also ask why:

    >501’s were able to obtain firearms licences soon as they arrived here, AFTER the Christchurch massacre!

    >Quinn Patterson was able to shoot those two real estate agents when he was already banned from owning a firearm and there had been various complaints made about his erratic behaviour with a firearm in the weeks before the incident.

    (And we’re supposed to trust these clowns to operate a firearms register!)

  5. The only pertinent question is: “how did a non-NZ citizen get a valid gun licence given that it is illegal under existing gun laws?”.
    Secondary questions: Who signed off on it? Is there just one person that signs off on applications? Are there no criminal background checks (i.e. was Australia notified that this guy was applying for a gun licence in NZ)?
    The whole affair reeks of a cover-up to me.

  6. ” …they collectively cost us in excess of $100million per year, and when it comes to spying on Muslims, Nicky Hager, Me, Greenpeace, Māori protesting oil drilling, environmentalists and the MANA Party, oh the State breaches our rights all the time without blinking, but a white supremacist terrorist who used white supremacy keywords online, with complaints from the Muslim Community itself and complaints from other gun owners,oh no, apparently our entire Intelligence Apparatus failed and didn’t have any idea whatsoever.

    You can see why they’ve slapped a 30year secrecy clause on everything.

    So much for Arderns ” we will be the most transparent government ever….even Andrew Little did not buy that one after the way he has been negligent in his ministerial role.

    Why in a country of five million people do we ned to spend $100 million on all these agencies with personal who no doubt are on huge salary packages and yet when we have to face a serious act of terrorism …..nutin !

    Its the typical laid back Kiwi way isn’t it ! Go to work every day but take no responsibility eat your lunch and finish early and collect an obscene amount of money with no oversight because your paid by the government to look like you are doing something.

    Then slap a 30 year suppression on the information that as taxpayers we are entitled to have access to after all we are funding these arrogant self entitled toe rags.

    Transparency should never be promised by novice leaders who think its a marvellous promise to make but don’t understand the security services operate with no transparent oversight.

    Ardern really was out of her depth.

  7. The reason nothing prior to the attack is to be investigated is :

    Jacinda was on the select committee that oversaw the the changes to the firearms licensing checks. Whereby they implemented an online system rather than a one on one police and applicant verification and meet and great .

    They; Jacinda and Paula Bennet decided to roll out the new system to cut costs .

    And Tarrant exploited this new way of obtaining a license using referees he had never met in his life only online .

    Jacinda has blood on her hands that’s why it’s hidden


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