Man Trespassed For Unlawfully Entering Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarkes Home


An elderly Pākeha man has been issued with a trespass notice by the Police after unlawfully entering Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke’s home this morning.

This incident is another in a string of attacks on the candidate within the past week.

“It is clear the incident today was politically motivated as the perpetrator is a well known advocate and campaigner for the National Party” said Te Pāti Māori President John Tamihere.

“There should be no doubt now in anyone’s mind that National and ACT’s race baiting has empowered and emboldened a dangerous type of human being who is hell bent on silencing Māori by targeting who they think is our most vulnerable”.

“The police have performed poorly by their failure to take these matters seriously and by refusing to investigate all incidents thoroughly. They could have taken criminal proceedings further by laying charges for unlawful entry knowing that Hana and her home has been a target. Instead, they chose not to.”

“We are left with no choice but to elevate this matter to the Commissioner.”

“If it was an Māori man, unlawfully entering the home of a young Pakeha woman’s home, it would be a different story.”

“We will not allow for any of our mokopuna to be treated as a target and we will not allow the Police to dismiss us or treat us any differently because we are brown. We will always be relentless in our fight for justice for our people and especially for our mokopuna.”

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Hana-Rawhiti is unavailable for comment as this matter is currently before the police.


  1. why is it that the left don’t pull this shit whereas the intellectually disabled rightists think it’s legitimate…throwing a dildo is one thing home invasion completely different.

    • The police are smart enough to know what the truth is, and they have issued the trespass notice, as was appropriate. Whether or not you believe the story that the guy just wanted to say hello, and somehow found out where she lived, you NEVER enter a strangers house, even if the door is unlocked, unless it is an emergency. Particularly a young womans house, buy an old guy, is just creepy.
      A good lesson for the wider election, in that the guy appeared likable and reasonable, but actions speak louder than words. The right block courts racism and the uglier sides of human nature, but usually in camoflague covert dogwhistle moments, often softly spoken by an apparently likable candidate, but again the actions will speak louder than words Brooke.
      Has the sudden break out of these underhanded incidents, and the reappearance of Sir John, and putting out the welcome mat for Winston, all indications that despite huge donations from real estate moguls, throwing the kitchen sink at this election, who would like nothing better than to push up house prices, and keep people in rental or mortgage servitude as long as possible – that the earlier momentum of the right is inexplicably waining, and the result is not garanteed.


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