FINAL TU Curia POLL: BOOM – Last chance to stop the National/ACT/NZF Deathstar

Party Support Change from last month
National 35.9% ↑0.9
Labour 27.9% ↑1.4
ACT 9.1% ↓5.2
Green 10.6% ↓2.1
NZ First 6.9% ↑3.0
Māori 3.7% ↑0.8
Other 5.8% ↑1.1




To the breech dear friends!

Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day! At Dawn look to the East at Helms Deep!


We are one lone X-Wing Fighter against the dread of an ACT/National/NZF Death Star!

TDB Recommends

We told you this was the outcome!

TDB made the call that the only shot was a Labour/Green minority with Supply and Confidence with the Māori Party.

There was no other way!

Every single day, new National, ACT or NZ First policy gets released that will cause social carnage + voters are now realising the extremism of the Rights venal selfishness!

Barely 3000 will gain the full Tax cuts National have ben spouting!

They are taking from the poor to give to rich landlords after receiving millions in real estate industry donations.

Voters feel embittered towards Labour because of their Covid response and that is utterly unfair.

Let’s remind everyone about the shared universal experience of Covid.

Jacinda and Labour’s leadership saved us from 20 000 dead!!!!!

New Zealand’s Covid-19 response saved 20,000 lives – research


You are angry at Jacinda and Labour for saving us from a mass death event, she prevented 20 000 dead!

Yes the rebuild has been painful, Labour’s sins were lack of vision and refusing to tax the rich to rebuild the infrastructure better, those are sins the Greens and Māori Party will rectify during negotiations!

We all sacrificed but the sacfrice was uneven in an unequal society.

Ramraids, Murders, street violence, domestic violence, these are all stresses of a bigger symptom and they require careful policy consider, not ZB talking point emotional knee jerks!

But let’s be crystal clear, Labour, Greens and Māori Party on a bad day are a million times more preferable than National, ACT and NZF on a good day!

Look at how has been positive and who has been negative! 63% of Labour’s Facebook posts included positive self-presentation. Meanwhile, just 5.5% of National’s posts are positive.’

The sheer scale of malice and spite ACT, National and NZ First intend to inject into our social policy is so vast it can’t be under stated!

I’ve never felt scared for NZ before, but the toxicity of National, ACT and NZ First combined make me fearful for this country.

Their desire to slash jobs, throw the poor onto the streets and punish everyone who isn’t them is so ugly and needless and most importantly, totally counter productive.

If the Left vote, the Left wins!

COME ON DAMN IT, stand and fight! We will not allow this malaise of petty right wing ignorance navigate our country for 3 years!

There is hope and that hope is worth fighting for!

We are a better people than National, ACT and NZ First think we are!


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      • They should rename themselves really. It’s quite a catchy moniker.
        Rogue Party, yes I like the sound of that.
        Or Rogue and Clown Party, RCP. Almost sounds like something else!!!!!

    • It’s all over for Luxon..

      The momentum has shifted and Kiwi’s dislike a coward…

      Running and hiding from Hipkins and the Press leader’s debate is a ‘canary in the coalmine moment’…

      He’s a shirker and clearly lacks the kind of courage required to be a good Prime Minister for the citizens of New Zealand…

      The electorate can see this now..

      National’s fraudulent behaviour has been exposed….Luxon’s ‘comfortable’ with being dishonest…already!….he will say/ do anything just to win….playing the ‘win at any cost’ game…

      The Curia Poll is behind the internals
      and had a lot of ambiguous questions…i participated in it..

      The internals suggest a different picture …the gap is closing….fast!

      • If Labour had lived up to the expectations of so many even by 50 percent there would be no chance of National get into power and regaining the 30 odd seats they lost 2020. Admit it they have been woeful in the last 3 years with little achieved .This combined with the poor performance of the ministers means the voters have lost faith in this current government .
        Luxon is not as polished as Hipkins but when he was elected there was no expectation of him leading a party into victory until 2026.

  1. Vote on the 14th I say unless you have essential reasons for voting earlier. Things could change more yet in terms of Nashnull, Act and NZ First dramatics, or other parties inputs.

    Legislation says…

    “Your employer must give you time off to vote in general (parliamentary) elections on polling day if:

    you are (or are qualified to be) registered as an elector of the district where the election is, and
    you haven’t had a reasonable opportunity to vote before starting work.
    The amount of time you can have off to vote depends on whether you’re required for essential work or services:

    If you don’t have to work after 3pm on the polling day for essential work or services, your employer must allow you to leave work by 3pm for the rest of the day without deductions from your pay for this time off work.
    If you’re required to work for essential work or services after 3pm on the polling day your employer must allow you to leave work for a reasonable time to vote. Your employer can’t make deductions from your pay for time up to 2 hours that you spend off work.”

    These polls under represent non bal’heads, so talk to those you know and at least encourage them to vote.

      • You are well within your rights to NOT vote early.
        Vote on the day, as Tiger suggests.
        In fact, you are well advised (as Martyn has clearly stated already) to wait. After all, it is your responsibility as a voting citizen, to make the best decision possible. And for that you need as many of the facts as possible.
        Because NActs campaign is crumbling, having failed even the lightest of scrutiny (it turns out not only do the numbers not add up, but….there are NO NUMBERS!), they want you to commit before even more of their scam is exposed, & more folk realise the danger at hand.

  2. TOP might win Ilam and polled at 2.9% in that poll. Surely they deserve to get a listed in the above results?! They are in the mix as a coalition partner of Raf wins Ilam.

  3. To suggest it is because of Covid that voters feel embittered is a nonsense.

    All the ones I know some of whom were life time members in their seventies and have not cut up their cards are like Me. Transformational bullshit.

    Despite the tories in Britain introducing a tax for excessive profits, Labour couldn’t even do this.
    Despite 70% of kiwis think we should have a variety of new taxes targetted at the rich Labour couldn’t even do this.

    They deserve what they are going to get, I mourn mostly for the loss of David Parker the best minister they have and streets ahead of Megan Woods (who constantly lies about their housing stats) Chris Hipkins, Carmel the do nothing helpful minister………..

    Vote Te Pati Maori the only party with a real eye on the future.

    Fancy having a better Climate Change policy than the Greens.

    • Michael. Carmel did do something. She jettisoned the Commissioner of Children, that’s what she did. She jettisoned the only independent advocate children have ever had, that’s what she did. Against all independent advice, the Commissioner was tossed away by Carmel, and theoretically replaced by backroom bureaucrats from the government department responsible for kids falling behind in the basics and having genderID ideology foisted upon them instead.That’s what Carmel did.

  4. lol you guys are insane.. Winston is going to be deputy PM.. seymour is bleeding votes to NZFirst .. act will be confidence and Supply the left will be out for 3 elections .. see ya !

          • Considering one comment is fact and one is only speculation, we’ll have to revisit it in 3 years time to make any assertion like that. Quite frankly I think in 3 years we’ll both be saying ‘Hmmm…that was lots of nothing, doesn’t it remind you of the last term under Labour.

            Not to mention Labour promised to get those fing annoying little stickers off fruit, I have some in front of me with stickers all over them. Fuck, if you needed a reason to vote there it is right there 😉

            • What facts are you considering? Your alternative facts. Fact is many, many people have done very well out of a Labour government, but that seems to have slipped your mind when making irrational statement. Nurses now are on a level pay salary with Australia, never happened under National.
              You must have been irritated by National leaving those fruit stickers on too Peter?
              Fact is that we had 9 years of a previous Nact government when the countries wages went backwards as promoted by Bill English.
              Fact is you use generalizations to get your right wing view across. Fact is your own laziness gets in the way of researching this governments achievements and instead you use the medias soundbites which sensationalize stories.
              But I do agree on one thing, your comment that the country is suffering is speculation.

    • Consider that Winston could decide he can’t work with a guy he considers is not an adult, a guy who appears to hate him and who says he is prepared to exert power over supply on every parliamentary vote. Would Winston go left if offered the Prime Ministership? Would Labour Green offer it to avoid a death star ravaging the population?


    Barring a fist fight breaking out between David Seymour and Winston, Peters, at this point, there there seems to be little hope of Christopher Luxon losing this election.

    As I have said from the beginning, this will be one of the most important elections of our lives.
    So how can such God awful Right Wing coalition with terrible policies, that they make no secret of implementing, winning it?

    Why aren’t Labour offering the electorate, polices they can vote for?

    What’s the thinking behind Chris Hipkins and Labour’s apparent surrender?

    Is Chris thinking; ‘The incoming Nat. ACT NZF government will be so awful that if I can just hang on as leader of the opposition for three years, I will be Prime Minister again?’

    I still feel that Chris Hipkins could still turn this around if he did something dramatic to make the voting public sit up and take notice.

    It is still not too late for Chris Hipkins to reverse his ‘Captain’s Call’ and bring in a wealth tax to fund some seriously progressive policies to offer to the electorate.

    Barring that, on losing the election to National, to allow his party a chance to properly rebuild, Chris Hipkins needs to seriously consider stepping down as his party’s leader..

  6. What did Peters say to Seymour during the debate “you guys have been around 30 years and never once been in cabinet” Ouch. Imagine a result with Nats 40% Act 8% and NZFirst 7%. Post election I can see Peters becoming Luxons best friend providing all Act get is 2 or 3 associate ministers outside of cabinet. “I’ve got no bottom lines Christopher. All I want is to help National form a stable united government”

  7. Dear NZ – DON’T VOTE EARLY. Its not over just yet

    ” I told you the Real Estate Pimps were buying this election – the conga line of Right Wing privatisations and crony Capitalism is building ”

    ” If Labour is not making headway over the economic debate, it has also stalled over its attempts to scare voters off Winston Peters and NZ First being part of the next Government. POLITIK has been told that it was Peters who insisted on the Government introducing the ability of commercial building owners to claim depreciation as part of the March 2020 Business Continuity Package designed to help business cope with Covid. The proposal was estimated to cost $2.1 billion. That has raised questions about whether he was under pressure from the property sector to push their case. “Obviously, there have been accusations, and I’m not going to be the one that makes them, but they’ve been made by others around Mr Peters, his view of property and who’s supporting him,” Robertson said.

    ” Robertson said Labour had worked very hard to make the relationship with Peters and NZ First work. “It certainly wasn’t easy. And there were a lot of things that we didn’t get done during that period of time,” he said. “But I’m focusing on the Winston Peters of today. I don’t think Christopher Luxon’s got the political skills to manage Winston Peters or David Seymour. “ But it is clear National doesn’t want Peters in any government they form.”

    Continue reading at | Politik

  8. Another mother of a budget

    As long as you have wealth then definitely vote National.

    If you lose your comfortable financial position and it can happen to anyone then you experience what it means to all of us that don’t have wealth and privilege of what life is like under a National led government.

    ” A National government would make spending cuts on a scale not seen since the 1990 – 96 Bolger government. That much was confirmed with the release of their Fiscal Plan on Friday. Government spending is currently high as a percentage of GDP — as high as it was during the Muldoon government. The question will now be whether an incoming National government might face the same wall of political opposition that the Bolger government did when it made the “Mother of All Budgets” cuts in 1991. Polls showed that nearly one in every three of National voters at the 1990 election had abandoned the party after that budget by July 1992.”

    Continue reading at | Politik

  9. Newsroom has declared its support for Luxon and the National party. As if there was any doubt with former Herald editor Tim Murphy being involved.

    Its wall to wall blue and the the election is already over before its begun.

    Mr Air New Zealand is the only contender.

  10. Luxon on the radio is confident that he can manage a 3 headed snake. He said he has managed many companies with difficult people “ he used to run an airline don’t you know “ !!!. I call it overconfidence and this will come back to haunt NZ. Luxon is already lying, his famous tax policy is a fake based on smoke and mirrors. He is consistently running down NZ and the economy. The fly in the ointment is Winston Peters and call me a conspiracy theorist but I wonder if the call has already been made to Winston Peters . David Seymour is fast becoming irrelevant. Luxon wants power at all costs and he is proving this every day with his weasel words. And what is it with these National women MP’s ,why are they so atrocious Willis and Stanford comes to mind. Is it because thats the only way they are heard in the misogynistic patriarchy of the National party

  11. Stop talking bullshit rat and mate helen we must vote and we must get our whanau out to vote. I’ve been busy getting as many of my whanau as I can maybe I can offer them some kfc.

  12. So after last nights minor leaders debate I have come to this conclusion…

    Labour have done well in the last 6 years under extremely difficult circumstances.
    National continue to do what they have always done….promise tax cuts.
    NZ First looking at the past and the winebox inquiry.
    Act looking at the past with Charter schools and divisive rhetoric.
    TePati Maori looking at the past with the Treaty of Waitangi.
    The Greens, looking forward to a sustainable future.

    If you are insular in your thinking and wealthy vote National

    A vote for the future…Greens and a vote for stability Labour.

  13. Another sizzling article Martyn, I believe it’s actually a lot closer & possibly numerically even between Labour & National, from my experience with voting early, people are splitting their votes, giving the Greens & Te Pati maori their Electorate votes & Labour getting the Party vote but it’ll be close? NZers are waking up to the disaster that the Alliance of Arseholes will inflict on this Nation if they get into Govt, the Working class people, Nurses & Teachers, you can kiss goodbye to anymore pay rises so wake up Voters, Nationals $3 Tax cuts won’t compensate for prescription charges increase, cuts to basic services & everything else Martyn has displayed here on the Daily blog! The Rights support is collapsing, that National Party Tax cut plan, their flagship Policy has proven to be a scam, a fraud & a joke, helping out the squeezed middle, they criedwhat utter bullshit & they know it, this Policy will sink the Nats now that the Truth has come out that only 3000 Households would benefit & that’s only depending on National selling $20 billion dollars worth of Houses to Foreigners, it will never happen, its a aspirational hopeism policy not grounded in reality, just bullshit voodoo economics? And the recent Jack Tame minor Party debate in which the Greens & Te Pati Maori shone like a diamond while Act & NZ First shone like a Turd, it showed you how the Alliance of Arseholes would run the Country with the bitterness, squabbling & venal nastiness of the unlikable David Seymour & the Con artist, Career Politician Winston Peters who has achieved nothing with no accomplishments to brag about despite having spent 40 yrs in Parliament & being part of Govts, he couldn’t even provide details of his own 2023 Policies despite it in being printed in his own NZ First Brochures! Hopeless! You are right Martyn, if the Left mobilises & gets out & votes, we can win this!

  14. Chris Hipkins will be PM post election. He’s the Ace of Swords. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins will see us through a time. Thanks Chippy! Crack on!

  15. With a Curia/Taxpayer’s Union poll my first thought is to figure out how Farrar has cooked the numbers to favour his side. Because in this arrangement, it is a National Party operative doing a poll for a National Party front organisation. There is no reputable client in the mix who has a real interest in hearing the truth and has parted with real money to get it. However, the case for that scenario is less obvious with this poll.
    Clearly, the overall tactic on the right is to scare voters away from NZF and back to NACT. That paragon of greasy opportunism, John Key, was conjured up to do this. This poll certainly does have that effect, but not enough to induce outright panic. Curiously it has the Greens declining, when everybody else has tended to show their vote share growing, The effect is to keep LabGRN about the same. It looks like a poll that’s on message: “we’re going to win, but take care over the composition of the government. We can’t unleash our brutal austerity on the bottom feeders and enrich ourselves if Winston is in the mix”.

    • Are any of these polling companies subject to independent audit or is it just all bought and paid marketing results?

      If they ask the same questions and have a significantly large sample size wouldn`t they all get the same result?

  16. Kia Ora Martin , you have a point lot of NZers forgot Jacinda Adern leadership in the Covid Crisis .I now live in Munich Germany which has 1.6 million people the same population as Auckland .During the Covid epidemic 21000 people died of Covid in Munich compared to a few hundred in Auckland .So you are right on the money when you say Jacinda saved about 20 000 lives. I don’t know how Luxton would handle a Crisis. I am 65 years old and because I live outside NZ the NZ government only gives me 70 percent of the full pension based on how long I lived in NZ since the age of 20 .Even though I pay for my own private health insurance here and am no burden to the NZ tax payer My Austrian Australian wife gets bugger all because she lived in NZ 20 years So the overseas portability pension discriminates against immigrants as well as NZ born citizens We both work here.i am a tour guide but would love to retire back in NZ as long as the health system is improved and not f#*ked any further.It nearly killed me few years ago when a serious red flag of shitting blood was ignored by the NZ health system Who ever allows Aotearoa NZers to get the full pension living overseas could get my vote .As well as the party who will lower the bowel screening age to 45 to save lives .As well as having a policy not to lock up asylum seekers on arrival .I have friend who arrived in Munich as an asylum seeker escaping a war zone and death and now is being trained to work in the German health system As NZ health system is understaffed we could learn from this approach A strategic party vote in this election would be ti parti Maori to create an overhang In Parliament to become the real king maker .Peter Marra Munich Germany No Ngamotu Aotearoa ahau

    • You are wrong about nz forgetting what Jacinda did to keep covid out. She was rewarded with an absolute majority in the 2020 election, the current election is all about how she wasted that majority in stupid ways.

  17. Chris Hipkins continuing on as leader of the opposition would be a travesty. Handicapping Labour’s recovery.

    “Captain’s call”?

    Yeah, Nah


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