MEDIAWATCH: The media to follow this Election


As this election barrels along, it’s important to stick with media that are fair, balanced and intelligent.

In NZ we have less a fourth estate and more a juvenile glee club, but we do have the TDB list of media to follow this election.

These are domestic NZ news sources who are covering the election better than anyone else.

News media that refer to themselves as ‘whip-smart’ tend to be tedious self absorbed arseholes and life is too short for that.

Te Ao with Moana: Māori TVEasily the most intelligent Current Affairs on TV, Moana’s must see weekly current affairs show on Māori TV is the smartest broadcasting this country has. This country would be a vastly better place if this was on prime time TVNZ.

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BHN: Weeknightly live Podcast Great week nightly podcast review of the days news from a staunch Left perspective.

The Hui: TV3 – There are so few Broadcasters with the mana of Julian. From his effortless polish and old school broadcasting performance skills to his ability to ask well researched questions and gaining answers that speak to the lived experience of his audience. He is such a class act and The Hui remains one of the most important current affairs shows on TV.

Claudette Haiti: Waatea Political Senior Journalist – Aunty Claudette is a senior Māori journalist almost unparalleled in her contact list of flax root organisations throughout Māoridom. Her experience, expertise and time working inside NZ Current Affairs marks her as one of the most important voices in NZ Broadcasting!

Paddy Gower Has Issues: TV3 – He’s better than The Project and Seven Sharp by a billion light years!

NewsRoom – Easily the best journalism in NZ.

The Working Group –Come on! With the very little we have we are the best weekly political podcast not funded by NZ on Air! Who else is bringing you 7 live-streamed debates with 5 unique electorate polls? We would never refer to ourselves as whip-smart!

John Campbell: TVNZ – God defend New Zealand (and John Campbell). When my black cynical splinter of a heart hardens and doesn’t want to be compassionate, his journalism and empathy melts my anger with insight. His recent expose on ram raiding youth was heartbreaking and deeply poignant at a time when political parties are openly fighting over how young they can put ankle bracelets on them. His journalism makes this country a measurably better place. We are a poorer people without his work. Whenever I need hope, he delivers.

Matthew Hooton: Herald Paywall – He is the best political gossip in the game.

Simon Wilson: Herald Paywall – I paid my paywall subscription to support Simon when Wayne brown tried to ban him. Simon is an excellent writer and true voice of progress.

Andrea Vance: Stuff – Must read weekly.

Luke Malpass: Stuff Political Journalist – Always very smart analysis.

David Fisher: NZ Herald Journalist – Everything the Fish does is great insight.

Clare Travett: NZ Herald Political Reporter – Excellent contacts within National.

Audrey Young: NZ Herald Political Reporter – Always important to see what she is saying.

Thomas Coughton: NZ Herald Political Reporter – Great insight and criticism.

Chris Lynch: Christchurch Journalist – Searingly sharp opinion, always worth consideration.

Ryan Welles and The AM Show – He is very funny and has that unique talent to listen to an answer and ask a response question. He is a devastating interviewer at times and the rest of the team are 1000 times better than the grim TVNZ Breakfast Show that is still mourning the loss of John Campbell.

Kill Him: RNZ – SHE IS RETIRING! Oh sweet Jesus, the best thing Public Broadcasting ever produced is retiring from the only must listen RNZ show. The glee with which she eviscerated everyone dumber than her, which was 99.9% of the country was unlike anything else in NZ. Anything Kill Him has to say are words from God.

Jack Tame: Q+A – All year Jack brings true insight into our political landscape via Q+A and his journalism marks Q+A as the Jewel in the Public Broadcasting Current Affairs Crown of TVNZ.

Rebecca Wright: Newshub Nation – Her interview with Chris Luxon is currently the best of the Election season.

Damien Grant: Stuff Keep your eyes on your libertarian enemy at all times!

Verity Johnson: Stuff – Important soft Labour weathervane.

Bernard Hickey: Kaka – Simply the best analysis of what is actually happening in the political economy.

A View From Afar: Podcast – Selwyn and Paul present the only serious overseas analysis of current affairs NZ has. Old school ‘Foreign Correspondent’ from TV One level critical analysis. Why the fuck isn’t NZ on Air sponsoring this?

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

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  1. I would also add Lloyd Burr to the mix..
    He was a fantastic overseas correspondent when in the U.K , clearly takes his work seriously, clearly has a moral compass and clearly does his job properly for the citizens of New Zealand by investigating and shining lights where others choose not to go.

    We are seeing a good example of his work right now, and his “silence amongst the lambs” comment of Luxon being in Karaka patting lambs whilst not answering any questions on the foreign buyers tax has got be be the funniest, cleverest, best play on words so far this election campaign.

    Just brilliant!

  2. Kim Hills interviews with John Pilger and Kellie J Keen were absolute shockers after which she went down in my estimation.

    • The recent interview with a representative of those affected by February’s flooding in Hawkes Bay was particularly nasty and petty. The woman mentioned problems with looting and Hill said it was just the have nots taking from the haves so she couldn’t see a problem – as if those whose homes were destroyed were some sort of entitled opressor class or something. Unbelievable.

    • Two bad interviews in 20 years – not bad. Just because I don’t like every interview I still listen, sharp, intelligent and the best we have.

  3. Bernard Hickey at The Kaka – the most insightful economic analysis in the country – actually the only economic ananlysis in the country. He actualy understands the problems with neoliberalism and can easily dismiss the “you want to take us back to socialism/communism” line because he’s also up with the latest thinking.

    His article on what caused 3 Waters was the most insightful thing I read all year. The thing he saw that no one else did: Labour was trying to set up entities big enough to borrow the money needed to fix our infrastructure crisis so the loan wouldn’t appear on the government books. This slight of hand is necessary because Labour fears being accused of being bad at finance. Because they couldn’t admit why they were really doing it they were defenseless against all the attacks from the right and the whole thing fell apart.

  4. Well I got it here first in the above post – Kim Hill is retiring! I blame that POOtin!
    No doubt about her stellar qualities as an interviewer/broadcaster. I can ignore her various lapses.
    But who will be Integrity Initiative’s replacement? Who will interview Browder, Gessen, Higgins, Harding etc in the future?

    Thanks for the list of recommended media.

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