Political Caption Competition

Goose kills bird that lays golden eggs


Goose kills bird that lays golden eggs


  1. I can’t think of anything funny or ironic or smart to say about this. I’m trying so much to think about human futures that I’m not using twitter or facebook or something else…. that is the in-method of communication and fast. I’m looking back at past inventiveness such as the Clacks in Discworld. All the world’s a stage so why not live in the dreams of book authors when they seem to make more sense than reality.
    The clacks in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels is a network of semaphore towers stretching along the Sto Plains, into the Ramtops and across the Unnamed Continent to Genua. It was introduced in The Fifth Elephant and has become the Discworld’s first telecommunications network.
    Clacks | Discworld Wiki – Fandom
    https://discworld.fandom.com › wiki › Clacks

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