Of course Aloha Luxon’s tax cuts are a scam for the rich – where have you all been?

Welcome to National - I'll let you lick this ice cream, but not join a Union.

Someone woke the CTU up and told them there was an election next year and that resting on the Fair Pay Agreement passing won’t mean much if National win the next election and cancels it all.

Nearly $6b in National’s planned tax cuts for richest 5 per cent according to union analysis

National’s tax plan will give $10 in tax cuts to the top 5 per cent of income earners and landlords for every dollar of tax it cuts for the bottom half of earners, according to new calculations from the Council of Trade Unions.

If you take a fairly costly interpretation of National’s policy, the changes would give people earning the Prime Minister’s salary about $54,000 over the three years of the next Parliament, while people on the minimum wage would get a bit less than $350 over the same period.

National’s finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis said she completely rejected the figures.

The centrepiece of National’s election promise is a tax plan that will bin a raft of Labour’s taxes, including the new 39 per cent bracket, the extension of the bright line test and the removal of landlords’ ability to deduct interest costs from their tax bills.

Of course Aloha Luxon’s tax cuts are a scam for the rich! The average worker will get $800 a year while Chris will walk home with $18000!

National is simply not being honest about their tax cuts and that should concern you as a voter.

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National have no idea what policy they will cut to fund their tax cuts, they haven’t been able to show any journalist how they square that circle and when pushed for actual details, National have none.

All Luxon has said is he’ll slash 14 000 workers from the public service. How does that make better services? They are already underfunded, how the hell does slashing jobs make things better?

National are selling Luxon on his self certainty, not his command of policy.

Luxon is an evangelical Christian who believes in prosperity theory, that means his 7 properties are evidence Jesus has blessed him. It is this self-certainty of Christ’s favour that National are selling to an uneasy and frightened electorate, not Luxon’s mastery of policy.

Luxon cares about the passengers in first class and when he wants to get down with the workers, he chats to the Pilots and first class cabin crew.

People who can’t fly are bottom feeders.

National have no fucking idea how to get NZ out of the post pandemic damage and are relying on nothing more than economic pain to get the rest of us to vote for them.

Riding resentment when you have nothing else to offer isn’t a solution and we can’t reward National while punishing Labour when National have even less to offer.

$6Billion in National’s Tax cuts will go to the richest 5% while the majority of workers will get less than $2 per week!

If you think National are the solution, you aren’t paying attention!

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  1. If National were smart, and by this regurgitated tired policy, they aren’t, they’d reduce GST and fuel excise tax, not PAYE. Rather than flat lining in the polls and worse, losing voters to ACT, they would romp home, doing more for ALL New Zealanders and the economy in general, especially those at the bottom of the economy than Labour ever has in the past 40 years, or ever will.

    Thing is with their current taxation policy it shows their thinking is devoid of imagination and so very uninspiring and worse, they look as talentless as Labour. That takes some doing!

    • The election is still a year away. No point peaking early. The current govt has yet to announce its election bribes as usual. Yet to see if Labour stays true to its record and gives out more handouts or adjusts tax brackets. Luxon can only respond afterwards.

  2. The trouble with National is they are talking with a forked tongue one minute they are saying too many NZers are struggling, and not enough homes have been built nek minute they are wanting to give tax cuts t the rich many who have accumulated wealth (like multiple houses) by having well paid jobs
    (in good times) National will need to say how they will pay for those tax cuts cause last time they did this the sacrificial lamb was run down health services and public schools. National also used HNZ as a cash cow instead of reinvesting in more social housing. Now people might say this was many years ago, so what, it takes a very long time to fix these issues and even more time when you have been through a major pandemic. We only have to look at how many local Councils have neglected water infrastructure another big mess.

    • INFRASTRUCTURE THAT WAS NEGLECTED UNDER THE NATS to keep rates down…not spending this year looks good in this years accounts but it WILL bite you on the bum in the future.

      and yes the LINOs devotion to cycleways does divert from more essential projects…oh like y’know fixing the sewers maybe?

  3. He might be doing a ‘U-turn’ shortly. His mates in the UK, Rishi and Co have just binned Crazy Liz Truss’s tax policy and fiscal strategy.

    Isn’t that where Tepuke Thunder Luxon got the idea from?

    • Nah, the cut taxes schtick has been National’s only policy (accompanied by cut public services) for 20+ years

  4. Happy for a progressive tax system when others are paying more. But when those same “others” get more of their hard earned in a tax cut, you all bitch and moan.


    • Yea how is it ‘giving’ when these people have worked for it in the first place and you’ve just taken it off them. It’s like stealing $100 off someone and expecting to be praised for giving $10 back

      All Tax is theft.

  5. Rinse and repeat of the John Key handbook. Tax cuts paid for by cutting spending on infrastructure like hospitals. Luxon says nothing about how he intends balancing the books.

  6. I think the National leader means he will slash 14 k of middle MGMT / change Manager/ senior manager s of which far to many exist in central government.

    & Then give the real Government workers a pay rise and expand budgets to employ more people operating at the coal face on close to minimum wage.

  7. ” Of course Aloha Luxon’s tax cuts are a scam for the rich! The average worker will get $800 a year while Chris will walk home with $18000 ”

    Nah Bomber I think his legs are painted on he will arrive to one of his properties in the Merc.

    Obviously that stint at Maccas was pure theatre and he thinks that he can get away with this offensive tax policy any the Hobbits will vote for it just like last time with the shyster’s promise of a brighter future for the privileged.

    Just look at his performance on Radio National New Zealand. Even Dann couldn’t resist blaming the unions for raising it.

    Just like the rights campaign for tax cuts in 2005-08 which was sold repeatedly by the New Zealand media.


  8. ” Of course Aloha Luxon’s tax cuts are a scam for the rich! The average worker will get $800 a year while Chris will walk home with $18000 ”

    Nah Bomber I think his legs are painted on he will arrive to one of his properties in the Merc.

    Obviously that stint at Maccas was pure theatre and he thinks that he can get away with this offensive tax policy and the Hobbits will vote for it just like last time with the shyster’s promise of a brighter future for the privileged.

    Just look at his performance on Radio National New Zealand. Even Dann couldn’t resist blaming the unions for raising it.

    Just like the rights campaign for tax cuts in 2005-08 which was sold repeatedly by the New Zealand media.


  9. I think 2022 should be the year of the ‘double down’. Labour’s hard out doing it and stupid Aloha is doing it with the tax cuts.

    The index linking to CPI is long overdue and crucial and a vote winner. The top rate tax cut is not but there could be a 1/2 way house if he was prepared to compromise.

    Add to that the sheer lunacy of him ruling out his intention to leave as Leader before the next election. We all know that when a National Leader says ‘Of course, I am not going” its odds on, they’re on their way out. A veritable ‘Kiss of Death’!

  10. I guess it comes down to what you believe rich is. Yes at the top end those earning $15000 + may not need extra. But they pay tax like those on half that. It’s not a gift it’s the government deciding not to take so much of peoples money. Money they earned. Those on $80000 will get $1000 or so which for those people with mortgages will help with interest payments. If you think they won’t like a little help you’ll agree with Martyn. The beneficiaries aren’t the only ones doing it tough.

    • At some point envy comes into the equation and anybody who has made it is a rich prick . What you say is correct but effort is not rewarded by this government and to add salt in the wound they spend the tax collected on crazy idea like a cycle bridge light rail in Auckland the list could go on .If it was spent on health /teachers/ police/ firemen it may not be so bad but do not hold your breath

  11. The proposed tax cuts haven’t gone down well with the majority of the voting public, it seems. Perhaps if Chris Luxon’s policy regarding benefits were to be beneficial to long term beneficiaries who simply cannot work, then they the tax cuts would have been received a bit better. You can’t work test and drug test and attitude test and all sorts of test people all the time. It doesn’t matter if they’re on a benefit or not, it’s degrading.

    • Daniel Lang Good man talking degrading. There’s much evidence, anecdotal and otherwise, of beneficiaries being subjected to unnecessarily degrading or stressful experiences by WINZ, for no useful reason.

  12. We have so much bracket creep thanks to inflation that everyone in the country has seen an effective tax increase. The result is that the Treasury is awash with cash and this government is pissing it away on fantasy projects and consultants.
    So indeed, we need to sort out tax rates and their brackets. It’s obvious.

    • Tax creep is bullshit. If it isn’t show me the figures on say an allied health employee going from $54,000 a year to $62,000 a year in the recent salary increase under Labour? Inflation is at 7.3% with wage increases at 7.5% this quarter, the highest increase on record. These are actual figures not generic ” so much bracket creep” ( how much is that actually?)
      Trotting out a fantasy statement like this is embarrassing.

  13. It’s my money. Mine. I earned it, the govt took too much of it and I want it back. Yesterday. Mathematics states that a higher earner will benefit more than a lower earner from bracket changes. Any whingeing to the contrary just shows that people don’t understand how progressive taxes work.

    • Exactly right. I have never understood ‘the tax cuts for the rich’ mantra. If Luxon genuinely gets 21 times the benefit from a tax cut than the average guy then Luxon pays in vastly more than the average guy and, in all probability, has been doing it for years. If people don’t understand that then, you are right, they don’t understand how graduated taxes work.

      • The tax cut proposed doesn’t mean Luxon is earning any more than he already is, it just means he is going to have an extra $18,000 a year through the tax cut, thus the tax cuts for the rich mantra. However, those on the lowest income will receive $104 a year.

        Tell me who is better off, if you don’t understand that then you don’t understand how the higher income earners benefit more in a graduated tax system?
        Actually, it isn’t rocket science.

        • Yes I do get that and I do understand why it is easy to pick up the ‘tax cuts for the rich’ mantra and run with it. But prior to the tax cut Luxon loses $18,000 per year and the average guy loses $104. If we assume the top tax rate has been in place for 5 years then Luxon has paid in $90,000 and average guy has paid in $520.

          Take me through the “higher income earners benefit more in a graduated tax system” statement again.

          • Oh dear, how does Luxon “lose” $18,000?

            Luxon doesn’t even deny it, everyone and his dog gets it except you?

  14. “Of course Aloha Luxon’s tax cuts are a scam for the rich – where have you all been?” ( I’m taking things personally here. )
    Where have I been? In AO/NZ trying to make sense of the nonsensical, that’s where. The only one’s who most benefit from tax cuts are those rich enough to never have to pay any. They’re GST registered so they don’t pay that. They have shell companies and other enterprises they run at a loss on the books so the don’t pay company taxes and their personal incomes are a myriad of tax avoidance scams tailor made by tax and fee-deductible accountants working hand in underpants with the IRD who tell them how to fuck us earner-payer’s on the deal. In Nationals case, the National Party also have our primary industry so enamoured by their fictional greatness and wonderfulness that our stupid farmers can’t see past the dollar-sign promises shinning off luxon’s highly polished ball bag, much less his chrome plated scammer-head.
    The national party is in sweet and deep with the cocked up cockie. They’re the parasitic besties of the muddy many who, when it’s needed run around in little tractor-circles being annoying as fuck to people who actually mean farmers no harm while making fools of themselves as National Party MP’s and sundry hangers on buy natty 8th or 9th house on the money stolen out of those same farmers maws as they gape, slack jawed at Luxon ” ’cause he’s the fuckin’ man, ‘an that. He’ll sort things out. He’ll show them lefty bludgers a fuckin’ thing of two. Go National. Go Luxon! Fuck yeah! ” There’s only one thing dumber than a cocky adoring their Natzo abusers and exploiters and that’s city people for not seeing the bleeding obvious and then at least trying to understand the crooked system’s processes. The National Party’s puffed out miasma’s of misinformation and disinformation seep out of the anus of every anti-tax crook as they bend over to pick up your wallet to go through later because you’re all terminally asleep and in there, you exist in a weaponised dream state, hypnotised like the Hypno-toad into thinking your outrageously exploited selves is as good as it gets.
    The Hypno Toad. https://youtu.be/hs0_87n_Mlk
    The relationship that exists between luxon’s Natzo’s, as it did between the Jonky and others leading down into history is essentially abusive. Our farmers think they deserve what they get from our politicians and the tax department, the msm and the very general , general public agree while paying the most taxes which buy less and less.
    We AO/NZ’ers urgently need a royal commission of inquiry into the last 140 years of our financial and political history.
    ( Yeah. ‘Haw-Haw’. Laugh it up chuckles but that’s the reality of the situation. Not a greedy, bald frog keeping us in a dream like state. )

    • “The only one’s who most benefit from tax cuts are those rich enough to never have to pay any.”

      If you don’t pay tax now then a tax cut is of no benefit. If you dont pay tax before a tax cut then you still dont pay tax after. Why is this so hard to grasp.

      If, in the example given, Luxon does not pay tax now (because he hides income, or whatever), then he wont be $18k better off after a tax cut – he will still not pay tax. Or do you think Inland Revenue will now send him a cheque.

  15. so chris, you won’t be phoning the fire service if your house catches fire….no/low tax nuts don’t get it that ‘their money’ is spent on things they benefit from….we can argue if this or that individual expenditure is wise…but the principle stands

    • Damn right I’ll be calling the Fire Service. I pay my insurance, which includes the fire service levy that pays for The Fire Service. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t object to paying taxes. I like having roads, hospitals and a defence force. What I object to is being shafted by an overtaxing government who piss away tax revenue on vanity projects (insert light rail, cycle bridges etc here), poor macro financial management and media handouts.

    • Why would they trim the fire service? Plenty of fat in the 6 figure ‘professional managerial class’ to fund fire, ambiance etc. How many comms staff does the New Zealand Transport Agency need?

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