BREAKING: Taxpayers Union Poll predicts Hard Right Government


There is a closed circle of right wing interests who combine to form a clique that is focused on corporate control of politics.

Their polling predicts the hard right of NZ winning an outright majority.

Welcome to your future NZ

I don’t believe for one second that the vast majority of Kiwis have any true comprehension of just how hard right a National/ACT Government would truly be.

If it’s a National/ACT Government, it will be Seymour calling the shots.

The quick yellow fox will jump all over the lazy blue log and David Seymour will get all his crazy policy passed without Luxon caring.

  • Māori going to the Waitangi Tribunal over cancellation of 3 waters: The moment the National/ACT Government scrap 3 Waters, Māoridom will go straight back to the Waitangi Tribunal, win the Court Case and force Luxon into his own Helen Clark moment and be forced to pass law to simply confiscate the water. This will cause an enormous eruption of violent protest.
  • Mass immigration: National will simply implement John Key’s pump and dump policy of open door immigration to inflate growth rates while causing enormous stress on the groaning underfunded infrastructure and send rents soaring. This will cause enormous social dislocation and a rise in race relation tensions.
  • Expansion of Oranga Tamariki Big Data Experiment: National created the Oranga Tamariki Frankenstein and wants more welfare decided by algorithm as a means to de-invest welfare. Luxon has already championed this model.
  • Mass Dairy intensification: It’s all National have as an economic policy.
  • Mass Property Speculation: They will remove any of the bare tinkering Labour did and help the speculators spin prices higher.
  • Mutilation of the State: ACT are serious about wanting to amputate the Ministry for Women, Youth, Māori, Pacific People and Ethnic Communities while slashing the Human Rights Commission. The resulting Public Service strikes will gridlock Wellington. If there’s one thing the Public Service can do well, it is protesting for their own interests.
  • War on Crime: Expect the paramilitary police expansion to occur quickly with a whole dump of new civil liberty breaching powers to supposedly keep us safe but will almost immediately be abused as they increasingly get used on the protesting Left.
  • Prison riot and explosion in numbers: The war on crime will see far more in prison and National prefers puritan counter productive prisons so expect them to be crammed full and explode in a seething chain reaction of prison riots once National grant Corrections new powers to beat prisoners with. Corrections are very corrupt and once they gain new powers to bash prisoners with, they’ll be some prisoner who gets beaten within an inch of his life which that will trigger prison riots.
  • Rise of more Mass Surveillance & Political protest: The protests such a radical conflict policy agenda creates will demand the State turn its attention back on the Left while National supporters clutch their pearls appalled at the aggression the Left are protesting with and rally around Luxon rather than criticise the policy. They will call on Luxon to spy on the radical lefties.
  • Higher Government Debt: Luxon is no free marketeer, he believes he has 7 properties because Jesus loves him, if debt goes up to pay for the extra prisons, extra Police, extra dairy intensification, extra welfare experiments, extra fake growth, then so be it, he doesn’t care. National’s tax cuts aren’t costed and he intends to sack 14 000 public servants. David Seymour will hate the higher Government debt, but he’ll be so fat and full on his amputation of 6 State agencies that he’ll only be able to mount a burp as a protest. This is likely to cause a Lizz Truss styled run on the economy.

The full scale of the conflict policy that a National/ACT Government are about to be empowered with will shock the collective Left into a response that will generate conflict that will make the Parliament protests look mild.

The only curveball to this is the possibility of NZ First crossing the 5% which Talbot Mills Poll has him close to.

The election next year will be very polarised and exceptionally bitter.

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The left have to dump the woke pursuits of pronouns, militant Te Reo pronunciation and hate speech laws and focus on the material needs of struggling kiwis or we will have only ourselves to blame when ACT/National go romper stomper on us.

You know, the stuff I’ve been pointing out since we won the 2020 election.

Voters are still waiting for that transformative change that Jacinda promised us in 2017.

It’s funny, if the woke left spent as much time demanding the Government do something transformative on the material issues confronting NZ as they do trying to destroy Sam Uffindell, we wouldn’t be losing in the polls.

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    • Left wing blog gets jittery about a right wing win and tries to scare the natives. We can read and hear the policies of both sides and to say people cannot make their mind up if they rail against the mess we are getting into is an insult.

      • Nope Trevor … the right wing bastards like Zippy Williams and the Taxpayers Union are a right-wing outfit, further stick together, like scum around the edge of the bath…

        John Key would vote Trump and Bolsonaro? Tories stick together! Tax cuts for the
        rich in Britain almost collapsed the economy and cleaned out pension funds.

        Todd Muller and his MAGA hat … the site … same right-wing shit, same old tory outcomes for the Kiwi poor and strugglers …

      • The whole country should be jittery about a right wing win given the shambles they left the country in and most of Nationals front bench did a runner because they damn well new it.
        Leaky homes
        Broken infrastructure
        Unaffordable housing
        Massive immigration ponzi scheme
        A broken health system
        Wages not matching inflation

        But that’s okay, the mess they left behind wasn’t an insult, it was right wing business as usual.

        I gather by natives you mean born and bred kiwis not immigrant tories like yourself?

        • Apart from leaky homes you could put the name Labours legacy at the top of that list and who could argue they had got it wrong.

        • The reason a lot of professional people are leaving NZ is that while the below issues were ballooning under the Natz, this has not stopped under Labour and Greens and in many ways has got a lot worse! Have any of these stopped under Labeen or are they worse???

          Leaky homes
          Broken infrastructure
          Unaffordable housing
          Massive immigration ponzi scheme
          A broken health system
          Wages not matching inflation

          Forgot to mention stupidity and propaganda with the blind leading the blind in NZ for politics under Natz led and Labour led.

          AKA propoganda about rents. Not sure that $633 as an average rent in Auckland is so bad (Sydney rents in CBD is $1253 almost double) but because so many people are not working or on various minimum or below wages we have a huge poverty problem.

          Labeens solution of putting them into motels at $1200 per week which the taxpayer pays 3/4 of, is clearly a much worst solution for our economy and worst renting situation to be in for renters!

          Too much cancellation of the current, while making things worse.

          Labeen will probably not get in, because their unworkable plans for 3 waters etc – they have not learnt from housing or health care that they need to focus on a practical real solution that can be implemented quickly, not another layer of centralisation costing a bomb, propaganda and marketing, full of identity related division and making things worse for the people they claim to be helping.

          • I understand 4 nurses have entered the work force from overseas while many more than this have gone to Victoria in the last 3 months..
            In Chch in a very prominent position is an enormous bill board advertising for Mental Health Nurses to work in Victoria . Nurses going home from doing double shifts at Chch Hospital could not fail to see it .
            My hope is National learnt from 2 terms of opposition to not take for granted and under pay teachers and health professionals .

            • OZ does not allow people who are not OZ citizens and not working people to stay and go on OZ welfare. There is no free OZ health care, education or pension. They deport anybody with signs of criminal activity who have dual nationality back to their original country of origin.

              It is hard to get OZ citizenship but they just expect their business to pay proper wages and comply better to consumer laws. That is what working migrants want! Thus OZ scores much higher than NZ on working migrant satisfaction.

              NZ has huge social problems now because they encourage the opposite type of people to come to NZ, poor, non working, needing high levels of welfare, engaging in criminal activity, low skilled and easily caught up in exploitation and criminal activity.

              The NZ government seems to want NZ to go to third world with high levels of poverty and criminal activity, low skills, falling health care and falling education… then you have NZ’s immigration policy which seems to be shunning well paid people in favour of people with high needs, lots of dependants, low skills or not working, mentally ill, terrorist or crim. Settle here!!!

              At the same time ignoring the local people who seem to be out punching, knifing and mall ram raiding, burgling, car jacking, drug & alcohol using in response to government policy from the last 30 years and it’s getting worse.

              No wonder the Greens can’t be bothered debating anything, things seem to be getting worse the more they enable the terrorists and gangs.

            • “My hope is National learnt from 2 terms of opposition to not take for granted and under pay teachers and health professionals .”


            • Wages improve but everyone is complaining about increased prices .Who do they think pays the increase in wages .If the government dropped tax everyone would be better off with less cost to business.

  1. Is Labour/Green the hard left?
    There is very little difference between Labour and National. Both fail the country, the one because they don’t think anything is broken, and the other because they don’t fix what is broken. Thus everything around them crubmles bit by bit.

    When Act is the leading Party and National is reduced to minority status then you might be able to call this a ‘hard right’ government.

    Labour has a choice to make as a party and as the government. Continue doing without a care to the people, every now and then throwing a few dollars to the main benefit – watch the fringe benefits go down instantly – one hand giveth the other taketh – to shut critics and dissidents up and to keep pretense of caring for the poor. Performative Caring is not good enough anymore.
    What really is upsetting is that we are a. at a point of no return, b. the party might never come back from a loss, and c. we are not contemplating in earnest and with a clear sight the very upsetting future ahead of us, and thus we are wasting time that we should have spend preparing.
    Sitting in the middle of the road ain’t gonna cut it anymore.
    Personally i don’t think it will make one bit who wins, the next PM will be saddled with huge debt, rising and high unemployment, more homelessness as it will now be mortgage holders that will be homeless (and out of pocket) and never mind Europe freezing to death first and then blowing up, the US turning into a shitshow after the mid terms, and all that current global awesomeness.
    Buckle in, it is gonna be the ride of our life.

  2. Martyn, you forget the referendum on the Treaty. ACT says this is a “bottom line” in any negotiations with National.

    So, we will get a referendum, the result will vastly support the closure of the grievance industry. Based on this they will shut down the Waitangi Tribunal or greatly trim its scope and remove all references to the Treaty in law.

    Game over.

    • How f*cking ridiculous. We broke an
      agreement so let’s have a referendum on whether that agreement is worth anything. If National have any spine they would tell him no. National were at least setting grievances when they were last in power because they somehow had enough moral fortitude.

    • How f*cking ridiculous. We broke an
      agreement so let’s have a referendum on whether that agreement is worth anything. If National have any spine they would tell him no. National were at least setting grievances when they were last in power because they somehow had enough moral fortitude.

      • Historically the Crown was in breech in some respects, and the Crown has spent the last 30 years rectifying that with the Treaty claims process. At this point there is only one left and that is Ngapui’s. This has been delayed because of in-fighting within the tribe.

        I didn’t sign the Treaty and I don’t represent the Crown, nor do any NZ citizens except perhaps the Governor General. So, Maori grievances aren’t my problem; I wasn’t even here when they were committed!

        Meanwhile, the country needs a constitution that is race blind and provides a good basis for future development.

        • “Māori grievances aren’t my problem” Great it’s not your land (if you happen to own some) we are talking about, and you don’t represent the crown who did take the land ( in some respects my arse) in question, so it’s nothing for you to worry about Andrew. Guess what the Crown wasn’t there even if you weren’t. Hey everybody let’s not do anything about abuse of children in state care because it turns Andrew wasn’t there….

  3. Very hard to describe National as “ hard right.”
    I view Luxon as “ soft left. “ with nothing but opaque policies.
    ACT is the only party that has produced a fully costed alternate budget, mainly funded by a sylhet ripping through our bloated underperforming civil service.
    The Labour / Green “ hard left “ are nothing less than financially illiterate economic vandal’s.

  4. If your not shitting yourself about the economic shit storm the greedy have in store with a Tory victory. Your not paying attention.

  5. Woke’s calling for a rent freeze to pretend that’s that issue, rather than skyrocketing rips offs and 3rd world wages in NZ.

    I guess when you are too woke to turn up to debates or even do basic research on cost of living prices.

    Auckland rents are nearly 25% LOWER than Sydney,
    Auckland wages are 26% LOWER after tax than Sydney workers.
    Bank fixed interest rates are 36% HIGHER in Auckland than Sydney.
    Milk is 29% LOWER in Sydney than Auckland
    Cheese is 18% LOWER in Sydney than Auckland
    Gas is 24% HIGER In Auckland than Sydney

    Average rent in Auckland for 3 bedroom, $633
    Average rent in Sydney for 3 bedroom in city centre (NZ dollars) $1253
    Average rent in Sydney for 3 bedroom outside city centre $805

    Statistics show that the cost of living in NZ vs OZ are not around rents but wages and all the other rip offs here.

    But the woke and right wingers are invested in pretending it’s rents rather than poor wages and rip offs in food, bank interest rates, petrol.

    Cost of living crisis: NZ voted second worst country to move to

  6. A change would be nice.

    Our current crop of MPs have a candy-coated-shell of self-esteem – impenetrable to voters.

    When governments change; departments, ministries and funding gets shaken up – that’s the nature of democracy.

    It’s best to be grateful for the opportunity (often highly remunerated) to serve as an elected/appointed MP/official.

    WW3 is possibly on the horizon, if not today, perhaps in 5 years after various countries have military build ups in the shadows.

    I welcome more adults in the room.. will that be National/ACT..?? I’m not sure about that.. yet it’s definitely NOT this iteration of Labour and the Greens.

  7. This thing that you fear…Is it really that hard right? Some of their policies look pretty reasonable. You are using a lot of dramatic license in presenting them.


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