The Daily Blog Open Mic – 16th October 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. So down on day to day Leftism. See the paltry Yank Left vlogs. Sensationalism and earning money. We have integrity and nowt much else. Why we bow before Reich and Sanders and Corbyn, and no one else much.

  2. 12 years of Austerity and look where that has got us?
    We’re still locked in the 2008-2012 GFC Austerity funk.

    We’ve had the global social revolutions for all sorts causes. Social upheaval, cost of living upheaval, environmental upheaval, political upheaval and economic upheaval.

    Now we’re in the final stage of a military solution and the break up of globalisation and a bipololar split.

    Not one of the political parties have a clue about what is going to happen next so much so, that they’re not even considering any of this in any of their planning forward other than making shit up and hoping all will turn out ok.
    This shit is here for at least the rest of the decade unless the world gets blown up.

    What next….

  3. Words, and more words. And so hard to utilise their energy to get the right things done.
    But keeping on trying – might get there.
    This is Martyn from his post – link below. I think he makes a good point. But here is a promotion for it – in case it gets missed – it’s pure gold.

    I appreciate that there is a lot of anger from many on the Left at the incremental ‘progress’ of Jacinda’s Labour Party.
    I appreciate there is a deep resentment to the Covid response and an anger towards another round of being told what to do by people who have work from home privilege.

    I get all that.

    But not one of you can seriously believe that National’s economic and social ‘plans’ are anything other than total bullshit that won’t in any way shape or form solve the complex problems in front of us!…

    He’s threatening welfare sanctions on the disabled, the ill and the sick.
    That’s the kind of needless spite masquerading as tough love that National Party supporters love.
    They crave this mean spiritedness. The more punitive, the better.
    It doesn’t matter if it’s counter productive, in fact the MORE counter productive, the more excited National Party voters get.

    Remember the State House Meth scam?
    National used false science to breach Housing NZs own regulations to throw State Tenants out on the street. In the middle of a housing crisis, National created a homelessness crisis by throwing hundreds of State Tenants onto the streets for false Meth harm contamination readings.

    No one got sacked, no one was punished, fuck it, Paula Bennett who was the Minister responsible gets to play charades on fucking TVNZ now!…

    Here’s how the ‘Social Investment’ model works.
    National will take $50million from MSD, give it to 3rd party contractors who will get a bonus by removing people off the list.

    The 2 ways those young people get off the list is if they get a job OR they are sanctioned off the list.
    You can all see the game being played here.

    Taxpayer money to 3rd party contractors who get paid when they find them a job or they are cut off welfare.
    National want to drive sick people back to work, that’s how this country will lead into the future???

    This sort of bullshit shouldn’t be allowed to fly when there is so much academic research that this draconian welfare approach doesn’t work!

    • Funny when you consider that btw 37%-40% of the entire NZ economy is on welfare. Reliant on the distribution of taxpayer’s taxes cohorted by the Crown and Appropriated every year in the annual budget.

      So tell me how they will cease welfare of this colossal magnitude? They won’t. And that’s where Martyn’s theorem falls over.

      • Don’t start making challenges. The PTB just might decide to take you on. Having read some facts about the Irish famines and the Jewish/ Gypsy/? holocaust and the Cambodian effort to return to nature etc there is doubt in my mind that anything one’s mind can think is an impossibility, is better to keep mum about. Who would want to plant a weed seed in a fertile mind! B.Tarrant – was small but oh my. As the song goes –
        It Ain’t Necessariily So.

  4. I have found a woman on the internet who never seems to breathe and can talk your ears off. If you are weary of the world, listen to her and let her talk your head off, problem solved – but if your head stays in place you will have great difficulty finding room for thoughts about eating, drinking, going to the lav, paying bills – in that order probably.
    munecat – ‘I Debunked the Entire Manosphere’

  5. Sting will return to New Zealand in March 2023 for the first time in 8 years, on his critically acclaimed My Songs tour. Sting’s My Songs concert is an exuberant and dynamic show featuring his most beloved songs, written throughout the 17-time Grammy Award winner’s illustrious career both with The Police and as a solo artist…

    Sting will give us a lift. Good that we can see these great musicians.

  6. Interesting past history of Vikings and Scotland.

    Later occupation In the post-Viking era Rubha an Dùnain was the hereditary homeland of the clan MacAskill, a sept of Clan McLeod, for whom they were coast-watchers and bodyguards. The peninsula contains the ruins of a farming community, including an 18th-century tacksman’s house. At its zenith during the early years of the 19th century, the Rubha an Dùnain farm extended to 37,500 acres (15,200 hectares) and directly supported 70 men and scores of families.[7] The area was occupied until the clearances when many of the clan leaders emigrated to the US and New Zealand and Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. There is no reference to any occupants after the census of 1861.[4]

    There isn’t any livable space in the world left for people uprooted from their traditional, customary lands. There must be no enclosures again, no swooping of wealth-oriented advantaged people on lands, livelihoods and buildings to occupy and dispossess the occupants./Aotearoa and how do we turn it around. Limited immigration to those we need, and some family openings?


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