Billy TK vs Vinny Eastwood vs Counter Spin vs Chantelle Baker vs Free Speech


In the wake of middle class propaganda docudrama Fire and Fury, the Police have suddenly woken up to online extremism and clamped down on Chantelle Baker and Counter Spin…

Police arrest and charge far-right Counterspin Media pair in Christchurch with allegedly distributing objectionable material

Two people with links to a far-right and conspiracy theory website have been charged by police with allegedly distributing an objectionable publication.

Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer were arrested by police in Christchurch today, the Herald understands.

The duo has links to Counterspin Media, which broadcasts conspiracy theories and discredited Covid-19 misinformation.

In a statement from police tonight, a spokesperson said two people were arrested in Christchurch today over alleged offences under the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993.

…in the same week Billy TK and Vinny Eastwood were on trial for being dicks during lockdown…

Covid-19 lockdown breach trial: Defendants Billy TK, Vinny Eastwood testify

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Lockdown critic and former political hopeful William Te Kahika acknowledged in the witness box today that police had given him two warnings prior to an alert level 4 protest that he risked arrest if he went through with it.

But he was surprised nevertheless when he was taken in custody while among a crowd of about 100 supporters outside TVNZ last August, on the first day of the strict nationwide lockdown for the Delta variant, he told an Auckland District Court judge today as the testimony phase of his trial wrapped up.

That’s because the prominent conspiracy theorist believed the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, which calls for protections of freedom of speech and assembly, should have superseded any lockdown orders, he testified.

“I could not be silent,” he said as lawyer Paul Borich QC eventually stopped asking questions so that his client could deliver a long, impassioned soliloquy about his controversial Covid-19 views, including the frequently criticised claim that the Delta variant was no worse than the flu.

…For the record your honours:

I knew Hannah Spierer 15 years ago. She was a passionate environmentalist and progressive activist who was admired by a lot of her friends and peers. Some time ago she left the activist community and went bush and never came back to the trail. The person I see now is almost unrecognisable from the person I knew.

I’ve never met Kelvyn Alp. As far as I am concerned, he’s a far right lunatic with the skill set to cause harm who has turned his hand to hate grifting. A most despicable fellow.

The only interaction with Chantelle Baker was a recent Platform interview where I said I had no respect for any of her work and that she was a religious fear grifter. As far as I am concerned she’s not a a Dr or scientist or even a journalist, she’s just a person with an opinion, and it’s not a particularly well thought out opinion. The attempt to upbraid her to the level of superstar journalist fearlessly crusading for truth is about as realistic as Donald Trump the gymnast.

I’ve bumped into Billy TK once by accident when he was seated across from me at a breakfast and I over heard him talking strategy on his phone. Oh Billy you rascal.

I’ve known Vinny for years around the activist community, he’s a pain in the arse but not an enemy of the State, he’s far more of a threat to himself than anyone else.

The sudden detention, trial, arrest and censorship of these people demands scrutiny and clearly defined values protected because the sudden stomp of the State’s boot on anyone of us with this amount of knee jerk political reaction caused via middle class media echo chambers demands of us that this isn’t mob justice.

Baker, TK, Vinny and Counterspin are wrong on almost every point of delusional nonsense they argue, but they have the right to argue delusional nonsense!

For those demanding the book be thrown at these people, remember how quickly that can escalate to the boot and how quick it can come back the other way.

This isn’t about right or left, this is about fundamental principles that underpin our democracy, and we should be resilient enough to examine clearly what is going on and be brave in articulating what should be protected.

Chantelle Baker – Fuck off! Instagram and Facebook are private companies, if they decide you breach their community standards (and let’s be honest, those standards are pretty fucking broad), if you can’t maintain Facebook level civility then there’s the door and don’t let it hit you in the arse!

Vinny Eastwood – He’s fucking harmless. He’s the kind of performance artist activist any basic democracy should be able to tolerate. Yes he shouldn’t have done that stupid protest, but the Black Lives Matter protest also went ahead during the lockdown so let’s not start playing coy games of who is the most virtuous protester here. Slap him on the wrist and give him some PD. This is where State leniency matters and mercy is the strongest hand we can play.

Billy TK – He’s more problematic, Vinny’s a puppy, Billy TK is the one that teaches the puppy to piss on your couch. He’s clearly more of the King Grifter here, but again, he’s someone who got caught up in the sweep of events, Facebook live fame (the worst kind of fame) gave him a sense of power, the cash flowed in, he grifted, the whole thing imploded, he suddenly finds God. Again, I argue for mercy. Billy TK was a product of a sweeping hysteria of fear that is natural and normal in a. once in a century pandemic. Yes he manipulated people, but they were the people on the fringes whom Jacinda had failed to be transformative for. He didn’t happen in a bubble eh? Fine him a lot, give him some PD and again show mercy. Don’t jail him, that will martyr him. For the love of Christ, don’t martyr him.

Counter Spin – Whatever fucking clown is responsible for knee jerking the arrest of these two should be taken out the back and slapped until the stupid comes off them! This reeks of a knee jerk with no forethought. These two are the real fucking deal, to snap them with this bullshit is like arresting a Mafia Boss on a driving infringement. They’ve been charged with refusing to provide their computer passwords, so fucking what! Anyone with half a fucking brain would refuse to give the cops your passwords and fight it out in court, charging them with that is bullshit. The objectionable material sounds like a copy of the Christchurch Terror attack, that’s hardly earth shaking in any way shape or form. WHAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED Is the SIS get judicial warrants and have spied on them legally, put together a strong and clear case and arrest them for that, what has happened is some bullshit ill thought out knee jerk to generate charges which they will fight and gain even more legitimacy from. It’s like the State can’t help but make things worse here! If they had been seen as the real legitimate threats that they are, this would have been handled with the professionalism and care that it demands, instead of that we’ve had a panicked Police anxious to look like they are doing something because woke Twitter is getting angry.

Comrades, we need to be careful here, shit be cray out there and identifying what’s a real threat and what isn’t could determine enormous and sudden avalanches on the steep slopes of democracy in the melting snow blankets of late stage capitalism.

People saying shit we don’t like and protesting isn’t a threat, people with capacity and platform to act out their violent revenge fantasies against a society they despise are a threat.

You can stand for free speech while standing against political violence.

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  1. Wait a minute Martyn…here is a list of what makes you are conspiracy theorist according to the USA Government, if you believe the following:
    – Wuhan Viral Institute was the source of Covid
    – The death projectors by the modelers were wrong
    – WHO did not do a good job
    – Dr Fauci advice range from crap, to good

  2. Fuck these Qnon BS clowns!! And good job to Kelvyn, Hannah voices for freedom garbage making outrageous comments that the Lab govt is committing genocide???? Just a fucked joke

  3. so nat how are the 5g space lasers vapour trail magnetic nanobots working, keep slugging the bleach and swallowing the sheep dewormer…you must keep safe from the wto jewish world govt.

  4. William Te Kahika? Is he called Billy TK because his supporters are too dumb to know how to spell his name? Or say it? Or he doesn’t know how to spell it himself?

    • Billy TK junior actually because his father was Billy TK famous blues/rock guitarist. TK jnr. is a good technical guitarist but he has no soul

  5. Billy TK for PM
    Chris Luxon as DPM
    John Key as DPMIW, if Chris or BTK resigns for “Family Reasons”
    Brian Tamaki as Minister of Information and Minister of Religion and DPM if BTK, or Chris or John are “unable to continue”
    David Seymour as Minister of Finance, or Brian Tamaki, or JLR, or David, or Chris. or JK, in respect of their born-to-rule privilege?
    Derek Tait as Minster of Housing and Maori Affairs,
    Philip Arps as Minister of Maori Development and Immigration
    Philip Arps as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Tolerance (and Honorary Member of the distribution of Pigs’ Heads into Aotearoa/ New Zealand!)
    Hannah Spierer as Minister of Women’s Affairs, Minister of Tolerance and Minister of Truth and Reconciliation.
    Sue Grey​ as Minister of Law, with Antivaxx oversight.. Hannah Spierer as conduit for Steve Bannon and Counterspin!

    Have I missed any f#cking-nutty-m0therf#cker-QAnon, anti-vaxxers? – Reply here- – – – — —

    Sorry, if it’s hard to name them, but they have invoked the 5th (US Constitution 5th Amendment) and (Maxwell-Smart-Cone-of-Silence) clauses and are trying to infiltrate themselves and ‘make New Zealand Ungovernable’.

    Fucking nutters should all be locked up in Eden…… Mt Eden, NOT Garden of Eden! F#cking Centre-Right, Right-of-Centre Right, f#cking conspiracy Luxon lunacy and rabid ACT and ultra-right-nutjobs, who deserve to be detained…..indefinitely

    This is playing into the hands of Labour/Greens. Get your anti-sweat lotion on for Tuesday’s ‘Chat with the Electorate on Breakfast TV’

    Count the number of times that Chris Luxon s starts a sentence with “The reality is….” to win a first prize 1 week trip to Hawaii, or a 4 week trip to Te Puke…..

    eply here by copying and Pasting your email email address here —>!!

  6. Martyn, the material that the CS morons seem to have been charged with ‘distributing’ is some loony ‘documentary’ by a failed British comedian which suggests the mosque attacks were actually carried out with airsoft (toy) guns by several different people.

    There’s no reason to believe this material is in their possession, and the only ‘distribution’ that they did of it was linking to the website for the video. This is not exactly what I’d call a good precedent.

  7. The doco also showed a darker side to Voices For Freedom.
    Far from just being – in the words of that Newsroom video – the project of “three mums”, Fire & Fury portrays a group which puts up an approachable, folksy front to draw people into a more radical, potentially violent agenda.
    The baseless strong views, convincingly held by the three everyday blogger mums, have allowed me to better understand the injustice of Peter Ellis.
    “FIRE AND FURY” needs to be compulsory viewing at Police College.

    • This is such a crucial point Pete – thank you for describing how the dark side hides in full view. We need to remind ourselves not to be taken in by a bland surface, which might be genuine or could disguise great ugliness.

      ‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.’
      Sir Walter Scott, 1808

  8. In a truly free world, anything and everything would be allowed to be discussed – anywhere. For those that question – you already know what type of world we are in.


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