The Liberal Agenda: 12pm Sunday – Anti-War March To Commemorate Victims Of War In Ukraine


Anti-War March To Commemorate Victims Of War In Ukraine

Press Release: Ukrainian Association

Sunday, 5 June 2022, 12:00pm (please gather from 11:30am)

Marching from Aotea Square to the Auckland War Memorial, Auckland Domain

The march will honour all those innocent victims who have lost their lives, relatives, and homes in Ukraine, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of New Zealand, Yuriy Gladun says.
“We stand in solidarity with Ukrainians. This vicious and brutal assault by Russia on the Ukrainian people continues every day. We urge New Zealanders to send a clear message to our Government that we need to do more.
“Ukraine is fighting the force of a power-hungry dictator who wants to rule the world. We must not waiver in our unending support for the people of Ukraine.”




  1. and how many ukrainians here are descendants of the ‘operation paperclip’ ukrainian nazis distributed around the commonwealth by the UK?
    serious question I really don’t know.

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