Waatea News Column: Why all the hopes of the Left are now on Green/Māori Party and what their 10 bottom lines for Labour should be


The tightening of the polls that we are seeing suggests a very clear political divide between Labour + Greens and National + ACT.

Increasingly it looks like the Māori Party are going to end up being the Kingmaker or Queenmaker.

I don’t believe the Māori Party are serious about propping up an ACT/National Government which leaves them with Labour + Greens.

I’ve already written that the Greens and the Māori Party should be talking to each other now so as to provide a united front when negotiating with Labour post 2023 if they are in a position to form the majority.

ACT have already told National that their referendum on co-governance is a bottom line, the Māori Party and Greens should also consider bottom lines.

10 possible Green/Māori Party bottom lines could be:

Free Public Transport – poor people pay an enormous percentage of their weekly wage on public transport, making it free would put money directly back into their pockets while making roads more efficient.

Free Dental Care – poverty prevents many people seeking dental care and because oral health is a pre-indicator of health issues, free dental care would save lives.

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GST off fresh fruit and vegetables – anything that makes healthy kai cheaper should be adopted.

Sugar Tax – Big sugar continues to get a free pass without paying for their health damage.

Mass State House build – we need green homes that are warm and safe for life.

Minister for Sustainable Growth – We need to start considering what a post growth economy looks like.

New competition in Supermarket duopoly – If Labour are too frightened to make real change in this space, the Greens and Māori Party can and will.

Compulsory Te Reo in Primary Schools – If the seed is planted early, it has the best chance of growth.

Free Internet via schools, Marae and libraries – The digital divide keeps locking many poor people out of a part of life that has become essential for everyone else.

Solar panels on every school, Marae and public building – Secure the energy supplies of tomorrow with big vision ideas.

If the Greens and the Māori Party are not strategic now then Labour will manage to get away with doing as little as possible.

First published on Waatea News.


  1. I like all your bottom lines. They should be bottom lines for all political parties. Except the Ministry for Sustainable Growth. We really don’t need yet another fucking useless ministry staffed with 100s of big salary layabout….their new boss of growth probably being Potatoe or the likes. In any case, king or queen making will be all academic Martyn, because the big election issue will be rapidly growing crime and the scary state of our inner cities. Which means Labour and the Greens are completely toast.

  2. Problem is with sugar tax. I feed native birds all winter long sugar water. They lick up large sacks of sugar a week when it is really cold. Literally hundreds of birds come into my feeders over winter from all over the nature reserve I live in.

  3. Great ideas, BUT, we are demanding too much from those piss poor parties…I truly believe those two parties, in their current forms, are not ready to govern…why? because they cannot govern their own parties, let alone a country.

    • just to be clear they are all good and useful but the chances of any action other than a LINO ‘mission statement’ is negligible

  4. Most of the wish list makes sense for a fair Nation. I would point out though there is a shortage of dentists as it is the wait time for a check up is at least 3 to 4 weeks and that costs $120 dollars for a 15 minute slot. Free floride toothpaste at school would be a better start. While dropping GST ON fruit and veg is a easy say the savings would be small as administration would gobble them up . Having the Greens and Maori Party in charge of any commercial sector like supermarket would be an expensive exercise and I would be surprised if it did not turn out to be a disaster for all parties. They would spend a fortune on deciding the management structure eg the ratio between male female maori pakeha gay straight then the background of every produce

    • “the savings would be small as administration would gobble them up .” That’s maybe Trev but the savings would go thru to the buyer, that’s what matters me thinks.

    • Gee what a terrible condescending comment our Maori people were sailing large schooner in the 1850s overseas to sell wheat, pork and flax etc they were entrepreneurs, nek minute Pakeha wanted more and more land fast and the land wars were with us. And down the tube went our businesses so I suggest you stop being so patronising like only certain groups have the ability to run our country.

      • My comment was not directed at the general Maori population but at the 2 show ponies that front the Maori Party and the female leader of the Greens and their ilk . Normal hard working Maori do not seem to get a look in when they are looking for people to head these entities.

      • what you mean like the ‘ability’ to have a special connection with the land…that kind of ‘patronising’ attitude. covid?

      • Interesting points Covid is pa…my concern is does the current Greens/Maori Parties have the ability to govern the country…right now, their political messages are in a bit of a wasteland.

        • Well we know they will not be able to govern without one of the two major parties that is foreshore. I think many of Acts messages are divisive and also in political waste land however we have a huge underbelly of entrenched racist in our country who vote for the likes of Act.

    • Covid is pa — do you reckon those two parties could govern the country? if so, please write it down…I will read it with interest…honest

  5. There’s great beauty in simplicity. ( Not my paraphrase. I think it was R. Waldo Emerson’s opinion, most famously.)
    That’s why I reckon MMP sucks. MMP was specifically drafted to blur the focus of we, the people, so’s cheap crooks and con artists, of which there are many and in various disguises, shapes and nasty sizes can, and do, infiltrate our hearts, minds and wallets in support of their masters higher up within gubbimint. Think The Witty Lizard aka david seymour? His puppet master, roger douglas, is still alive, I’m sad to report and so will still be exerting his ( its ) influence over the rightfully despised Wellington Auto-Pluto- bureaucracy who will, without a doubt, have their tentacles up every foreign bankster who fly in like Gulls on the tip face to scavenge our precious moments within this wondrous realm we’ve come to think of as ‘Life’. That, and our money.
    I’ve learned, the hard way, that there are only two kinds of homosapien. Human, human-beings and arse holes. From that moment of realisation on, from all the places I’ve traveled, of all the people I’ve met, of all the experiences I’ve had involving people I’ve come to trust my simple appraisal born of experience. All human, human-beings laugh, cry, feel grief, feel joy etc no matter their origins, cultures, beliefs etc.
    Inhuman, or arse hole human beings have learned ‘to display’ empathetic emotional responses but underneath, behind their intricate camouflage, they’re cynically appraising the human-human situation to gain leverage and control, to gain, then maintain, a level of servile dependance from their target. They are the masters of the situation and we are their slaves under the smoke, mirrors and myths and mists of MMP.
    We only need two political factions within our democracy. One representing human, human-beings and the other representing arse holes. If only arse holes were bright orange in skin colour with purple hair and a bad smell. We’d see them a mile away, but unfortunately, they come in dapper rags and pricey do’s. They flounce and fancy and pout and preen. They’re witty but it’s wit not born of warmth, kindness, love and empathy. It’s a wit that suggests a cruel determination to dominate any conversation, which is why God gave us human humans the skills to throw rocks.
    All we need is a simple government managing a social-capitalist democracy which focuses on the most vulnerable, unlovely and unloved and move up. If there’s a couple a bucks left in the public wallet? Let that trickle up, see how that works out for them.
    I just read: That old shit bob jones is AO/NZ’s newest billionaire!
    ( It’s in here somewhere. )
    Peter jackson! Didn’t jonky give jackson more than $130 million of OUR tax money! This tax payer want’s it fucking back!
    See what I mean?
    Chloe Swarbrick should jump ship to Labour and speak some fucking truth for a change, wouldn’t that be nice?

    • Don’t forget the $1.6b given to South Canterbury Finance to bailout Bill English and Steven Dildo Joyces mates!!

  6. Great bottom lines, I would add a ruling which bans foreign ownership of residential housing and no person/thing/trust to own more than the house they actually live in plus one holiday home. That’s how they do it in Norway & it seems to work fine.

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