GUEST BLOG: Pat O’Dea – Don’t get the jab!


Don’t get the jab, if you love nazis,

Don’t get the jab, if you hate collective action, worker solidarity, safety in the workplace and unions,

Don’t get the jab, If you like tormenting health workers, and smashing up medical clinics

Don’t get the jab, if you don’t believe in the science, or the scientific method.

Don’t get the jab if you hate Jacinda Ardern.

Don’t get the jab If you like bullying families.

Don’t get the jab if you rather waste money on expensive quack alternative health remedies peddled by new age snake oil sales persons.

Don’t get the jab If you believe someone sending you unsolicited emails asking you to send money for wholistic natural herbal remedies and vitamin supplements to boost your immune system to ward off covid.

TDB Recommends

Don’t get the jab. if you think it is your individual right to cross striking workers picket lines and to take their jobs.

Don’t get the jab if you think it is your individual right to over ride the collective interests of the majority.

Don’t be a scab, get the jab.


Pat O’Dea is a unionist and human rights activist.


    • The connection is none what so ever….unless you’re a retired tabacco or fossil fuel lobbyist. They also lied thier arses off while being deceitful and maximum arseholes.

  1. Faaaar to simplistic Pat.

    Don’t get the jab if you do not want this stuff in your body.

    I know lots of people who have not be vaccinated, they are all intelligent, thinking people. Fortunately it is still their choice to refuse the vaccination.

    Bear in mind that their are vaccinated people at the protest, because like me they do not agree with the mandate.

    I see Ontario is stopping the ‘proof’ of vaccination on 1 March.
    Our government needs to also.

    Two classes of people is not great, not being able to go to a cafe, movie theatre, keep their jobs. I have never favoured the mandate at all.

    I am vaccinated.

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