Bad luck Grant – The PSA & CTU need a new scam


The Unemployment Insurance, a scam sop constructed by the CTU for the PSA to gain the PSAs support for Fair Pay Agreements, a new universal unionism that would radically undermine the influence of the PSA, is the new $750million Bike Bridge, and it’s falling to pieces just as fast…

‘Little, if any evidence’ income insurance schemes improve job-market outcomes

Academic studies do not appear to support the claim that income insurance schemes help the newly unemployed land better jobs, a labour economist says.

Dean Hyslop, a senior fellow at Wellington research institute Motu, said research also suggested people who had access to such schemes took longer to rejoin the workforce after being made unemployed.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson set out detailed plans for an ACC-style Income Insurance Scheme on Wednesday that would pay workers who lost their jobs due to lay-offs or health conditions 80 per cent of their pay for six months, on top of a minimum four-week period paid for by employers.

The insurance scheme’s expected $3.5 billion annual cost would be funded by a 2.77 per cent pay levy, split between workers and employers.

…$3.5billion to ensure the Wellington Bureaucratic Class get to tag a 6month taxpayer holiday onto their long list of gold plated perks just to get a Universal Unionism across the line?

Isn’t that an outrageous scam?

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Unemployment Insurance doesn’t help workers on the ground floor, this is for the elites!

Hilariously Michelle Duff demands ‘where were the women’when constructing this. Oh ‘Chelle, the women in the Union’s were there, they cooked this up and as Eric Crampton points out, pregnant Woman in the Wellington Bureaucratic Class get to use this most for their pregnancies.

This is obscene middle class welfare for the Wellington Bureaucratic Class, it’s a political sop to the PSA to get the Fair Pay Agreement passed.

It’s the exact same middle class interests that pushed for that $750million Bike Bridge, as more and more attention comes on this jaw dropping level of self interest that creates a two tiered welfare system, the poor who are getting screwed over will get angrier and angrier.

The bad faith Grant Robertson is pushing here is extraordinary. He argues that most people can’t access welfare when they become unemployed.

That’s true, and it’s true because WINZ are spiteful pieces of shit who make the unemployed crawl over broken glass with enormous stand downs and a pittance at the end. To avoid the poor widdle Wellington Bureaucratic Class having to go through the trauma of visiting a WINZ Office, we are going to give them a 6month taxpayer holiday they can easily manipulate for their benefit.

If only Labour cared about the actual poor the way they care about the Wellington Bureaucratic Class.

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  1. I had figured Grant for one of the more competent of this government, they tend to stand out, as performers are very few and far between, Wille Jackson probably being the top performer nearly all have never noticed, toiling quietly in the shadows as far away from the cold cleansing light of day as he can.

    But this middle class scheme, the billions of dollars printed off to be poured directly into the housing market to scorch it to record unaffordable highs that has welded the coffin lid shut on many a prospective home buyer forever, really has got me wondering.

    And surely the Minister of Finance ran his eye over that credit legislation that has sent ordinary people to their nearest loan shark rather than their bank, I.e. the polar opposite of that legislations intent. But it appears not, or at least he didn’t know what he was looking at. Not exactly a vote of confidence however.

    Labour aren’t what they claimed they were are they? More of a National Party runner in a neo liberal batten race!

    • He knows what he does, he also knows his paymasters, and its not the tax payer who fund his current salary as ‘finance minister’. Everything he does benefits him first and foremost and then maybe some other by accident rather then by default.

      • I thought one of the rationales of our poverty row benefit levels was to force people into jobs and furthermore higher levels (like the middle class dole suggested) would encourage people to lounge around living the life of reilly….if they are saying higher benefit levels get people into work faster…well they know what to do, and I don’t mean another 20buck con trick.

        …and most importantly just giving a survivable income to unemployed, disabled and pensioners isn’t just the decent thing..but dare I say it the christian thing.
        ….I’m looking at you fester.

    • A very good description of the major problems from this government although it still leaves the problem of who would do any better? The thought of National/ACT being in charge is no better & could well be worse.

      • That’s the reality we have all been grappling with over the last 12 months. Doesnt even look like Winston’s coming back. The very definition of FUBAR.

    • I thought one of the rationales of our poverty row benefit levels was to force people into jobs and furthermore higher levels (like the middle class dole suggested) would encourage people to lounge around living the life of reilly….if they are saying higher benefit levels get people into work faster…well they know what to do, and I don’t mean another 20buck con trick.

      …and most importantly just giving a survivable income to unemployed, disabled and pensioners isn’t just the decent thing..but dare I say it the christian thing.
      ….I’m looking at you fester.

  2. yes, if your partner earns more then a certain allotment accroding to Winz you will not receive unemployment benefits. This affects mostly the things that used to be known as women.
    Dear Martyn you need to understand that you need to define the type of women you speak of, lest you become exclusive to Men who have women feels, lady penises and a penchant for lippy and short skirts.

      • Women is what is recorded on your birth certificate amended or not. But. Gentle Annie, everyone knows it is not possible to change your sex. It’s biology. Not extreme at all. Just the plain old biological truth.

      • nope, Women is now a very contested word, tht can not befined anymore and anyone who self IDs as a women can change their birth certificates accordingly, and thus there are men now who have lady penises and are lesbians. 🙂 Thanks progressives.
        ” Thursday’s law was the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Legislation Bill, which includes the ability for people to correct the gender on their birth certificate without requiring evidence of medical intervention or a court process. ”
        And yes, all of hte parties currently in government signed on to this abomination.

    • No it wont if you cant access healthcare or medicines.
      It is nothing but a sop for ruthless employers and well off middle class.

      • You do realize that low income workers will get way more than the dole under this scheme.

        Anyone who opposes it is inhuman.

        I suggest that weekly ACC wouldn’t have gotten through under this environment. Back in the 1970’s we understood that losing everything was unacceptable.

        • It’s not for people on the benefit. It’s only for the middle classes. A 7 month holiday.

          Beneficiaries don’t qualify for this subsidised holiday perk.
          They’re the 2 tier, second classed citizens.

        • Your blind support for this bill is so blinkered that it is laughable. Even the Greens can see it will lead to a two tier system and they are not that bright. This scheme will be milked for all it is worth by unscrupulous employers and employees. They tried a similar scheme in Canada in the 90s and they were forced to shut it down. I am sure your heart is in the right place and know one wants sickness or redundancy to lead to the lose of assets but there are better ways of support . A simple increase in benefits would help.

  3. The PSA has always been the parasitic union of leeches!

    They always suck up to the employer and most always take the employers side in a dispute if they ever have one.

    They rely on their membership being subservient to their employers.

    That’s why they’re the shitiest union in NZ.

  4. To stop the willy nilly redundancy all government need to do is implement compulsory redundancy payments, and surprise surprise companies will not make use redundancy as a way to lower wages. and get rid of people only to hire them back shortly afterwards. Companies who make employees redundant will need to pay out, not have everyone else paying for poor behaviour, such as the proposed flat tax.

    Would be easier to reform the ERA system so that any worker can make a claim and have simple cases heard without lawyers (aka under $50k) like the tenancy or disputes tribunal, quickly and easily.
    Then another worker court over $50k where people can use lawyers.

    At present the length of time for ERA cases to be heard, ERA not representing all workers (technically you have to be employed to be represented at ERA which drives companies to not hire employees but contractors and gig workers), long delays, small payouts that fall below the amount of time/legal costs. ERA is not fit for purpose.

  5. hang on just one goddam minute there….

    does this mean pollies who fail to get re-elected can get 80percent of their income from the state…..shit sign me up for the labour party now.

  6. The PSA is more concerned with providing discount holiday homes to the senior managers among its membership than actually looking after the interests of its lower paid workers. They have been thoroughly neutered.

  7. ” If only Labour cared about the actual poor the way they care about the Wellington Bureaucratic Class ”

    This is NOT A LABOUR GOVERNMENT it is a third way neo liberal excuse for a once proud workers Labour party before it was gutted and wore a mask with the colour of red that once represented the struggle of working men and women against a common adversary that Adern , Robertson and Little espouse to and that is free market capitalism.

    There is no lifeboat for the repressed class only more of the same dressed up tory bullshit.


    This is what happens if this scheme is not implemented.

    I dare you to look this couple in the eye and tell them that they should just lose their house because you want to not pay a bit more in tax.

    No wonder this country is on the rocks. It’s going to he like the USA , where people are allowed to live on the streets, no help or anything.

  9. millsey how about and I know this is a bit radical but bear with me…

    how about we go with adequate levels of income for all disability/sickness, pensioners, etc etc etc. rather than higher benefit levels targeted at the middle class…poor people, pensioners etc all can get cancer so why exclude them from ‘bourgeoises socialism’

    actually this system is exactly the US system that leads to poverty and homelessness, a benefit that runs out in 7months means you’d better get your cancer cured in 7 months or it’s back to poverty row benefits for you sonny jim.


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