Imagine if you were on the board of a major company.

Imagine if, over the previous 12 months, that the company’s share price had tumbled dramatically.

Imagine if, shareholders had been calling you regularly with concerns about the performance of the company in the market place.

Imagine if, shareholders and even people who had vested interests in other companies, started ridiculing the products produced by the major company of which you were a board member.

Imagine if, a general consensus was that the Chairman of the Board was one of, if not the major problem.

Imagine if, the CEO of the company agreed to second your nomination to roll the Chairman at the next Board meeting.

Imagine if, when the time came, the CEO failed to second your nomination.

What would you do?

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Ross Meurant, graduate in politics both at university and as a Member of Parliament; formerly police inspector in charge of Auckland spies; currently Honorary Consul for an African state’ Trustee and CEO of Russian owned commercial assets in New Zealand and has international business interests.



  1. You’d out the CEO because when he suggested to roll the Chair you had your iPhone on recording that suggestion? No seriously, what you describe sounds like a metaphor for the National Party? Or Govt in general? Or everyday corporate life? You’d resign of course because the whole thing was a plan to get rid of you…you are fucked either way. Ok Ross, which company was it? Let’s have it.

  2. Ross,
    Difficult at times to separate Governance and Management.
    In your example the CEO would seem to be a problem but with so little information I’m unable to say what I would do.

  3. Imagine that you roll the CEO and the share price remains low because the company persists in producing goods and services that people do not want because they have found alternatives that are cheaper and better quality?
    for example: A political party made up of dinosaurs that do not realise that their time is past.
    In that case you could just dissolve the company and do something else.

  4. Any corporation that’s within a capitalist democracy is, by and of itself, a fascist plutocracy. And we all know how that works out for the common tax paying person. ( In case you don’t? We tax payers carry the can for their greed, which according to capitalist AO/NZ’s very own capitalist mouth piece, mike hoskings, is good.
    Corporations which exist within a fascist plutocracy are interlaced. Think of them as being a nest of inbred vipers which, once in the absence of the common taxes payer person to prey upon they look to each other to devour.
    I think the imaginary corporate crumbling you write of @ RM is all of them.
    “What would you do? ”
    Why, I’d run and hide with your money in some safe and far away paradise.
    Jonky? Does he still have his Hawaiian mansion?

    • “What would you do? ”
      Why, I’d run and hide with your money in some safe and far away paradise.
      Jonky? Does he still have his Hawaiian mansion?’…


      Heheheehe…. after the fall of the British empire, the bankers and financiers set up trusts and tax havens in former British colony’s such as the Caiman Islands. All over the globe, and the wealth is surrounded by layers and layers and layers of front company’s and trusts with high end lawyers keeping the secrecy…

  5. One of the new board members has been shoulder tapped to replace Goodfellow. This individual has a superior skillset to Carter. Happens in corporate all the time as well.

    The worm is turning regardless. Wokeborg will lose the election – National won’t win it.

  6. Yep looks like a “stitch up” to me poor fellow was encouraged think he was specia and the saviourl only to be “thrown under the bus” by a good fellow and his friends.

    • From the order of Oddfellows,… comes the Goodfellow.
      Master of Ceremony’s of yore,
      However the bus was not mellow,
      the wounds being far from shallow,
      and my, – how the crowds there did bellow !

      Jacinda Adern,… showed much concern,
      and treated it all with aplomb.
      From hugs and some words,
      she was said to be heard,…
      ”My what a wonderful Good Fellow” !!!

  7. Hey Ross, I would definitely roll the Chairman Goodfellow and also the CEO, all three of them who fill the seat at various times – Hosking, Soper and Du Plessis-Allen

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