The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday – 5th April 2021


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Disturbing to hear there was a lengthy weight to administer CPR to the poor lady who died after falling off the Charter boat and Fullers threatened passengers trained in first aid who wanted to render assistance. Not the first time Fullers has been in trouble either.

    What are we becoming in NZ, George Floyd was also stopped from getting CPR from a firefighter at the scene and told to move on.

    People who are not breathing die within minutes, they don’t have time to wait for police and emergency care they need CRP immediately by anybody at hand who should be allowed to assist to save their life.

    • +100
      I’ll bet they’ll come out with some bullshit and spin about how they’re reviewing processes and procedures and there are learnings to be had, going forward.

  2. Closer and closer to NZ being tenants in their own country with the huge amount of NZ land being sold off to foreign interests or to newly minted Kiwis with ties to overseas money.

    Chinese company fined twice for ‘mistake’ not seeking Overseas Investment Office consent

    “Guangjuan (Judy) Deng is a New Zealander but her company Apex One is majority-owned by Chinese interests. Its 70 per cent shareholder Wei Shen is Chinese. It was that company that bought the Auckland land, the decision said.

    Apex One bought:

    • A 3342sq m property at 36a Eaglehurst Rd, Ellerslie from Kiwis Amanda and Gary Vettoretti. Deng’s business plans to build 20 new dwellings there as well as five small commercial units;

    • A 813sq m property at 37 Emira Ave, Point England, Auckland for $1.3m from Emira Ave Development. Deng’s business plans to demolish the existing dwelling and build seven new residences.

    “A retrospective consent was required because the applicant is an overseas person under the act as 70 per cent of its shares are owned by an overseas person,” the office said.

    Deng, who is a New Zealander and a director and shareholder of the applicant, entered into the sale and purchase agreement for the land with an intention to nominate Apex One as the buyer without making the agreement conditional on consent under the act.

    In other decisions released yesterday, a vineyard deal was approved.

    Cloudy Bay Vineyards got consent to buy 11.7ha of sensitive Marlborough land at 128 Bedford Rd, Renwick. Cloudy Bay is 66 per cent owned by LVMH Moёt Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, France and 34 per cent by Britain’s Diageo Plc.

    The land adjoins an existing vineyard planted in chardonnay and sauvignon blanc and the additional land will also be planted in vines.

    Tasman Tourism New Zealand, 90 per cent owned by United Arab Emirates interests, got consent to buy 1.5ha of sensitive land at 128 Te Anau Tce, Te Anau for a sum kept secret. A new holiday park will be developed on the land over a five-year period.

    Evolution Rehab, owned by overseas investments funds managed by Pacific Equity Partners of Australia, got consent to buy sensitive Auckland and Gisborne land from Bupa Care Services NZ.”

  3. A wonderfully illogical eulogy to neoliberalism in stuff today. Between misrepresenting Muldoonism and Rogernomics, they don’t believe housing is a human right, and especially that the government has no moral obligation to do anything about policy that creates poverty. They say if rent becomes affordable, poor people won’t go away. They say if we stop greed, it’ll be harder to be greedy. They say if things are restricted, everything will stop. Citing history, they deny history is made. Time itself began when St. Robertson was 13 years old, and now time must stop, but not before prosperity, which apparently happens outside of the concept of time. Prosperity, they say, is the increase and accumulation of everything for them and their kind. Life is money, nothing more.

    Election of National government in 3… 2… 1…

    It’s easy to see why the French lost their patience and just cut their heads off. Not only are they not using them, they have no idea how use them, and resist being informed. Combine that propensity with access to a media outlet and you get a load of readily available shyte. How does stuff maintain this perspective and at the same time say “sorry” to maori? What do they teach at journalism school? I look forward to the upcoming story of how research is imperative to find out how electrons pay for their free ride in atoms, and how sperm have so carefully hidden their financial transaction records with eggs, thus far, from science. A communist conspiracy no doubt.

    They have no idea what they are talking about, but by god they want the most of it and more. Can I ask what this kind of thinking is called? We’re allowed to eliminate the poor, but not the rich, must not learn from the past, but learn from the past, and no morals please. (I’m reminded that these are the same people who think the Dutch irrelevent to our history.) Ok, I’m all for no laws or morals, because then maybe we’d find equality, the old fashioned way, with lots of blood and pointless exhaustion. But what is the name of this new thinking where categorisation is not allowed, but also required?

    Would people be so preoccupied with snatching, grabbing and oppressing if they had created a society where the people around them would look after them in their old age? It’d be kinda obvious that if they spent every living moment creating the opposite, they might kinda box themselves in as far as change is concerned. Perhaps this is the question people probably didn’t notice, however many thousands of years ago, when presumeably after a particularly bad winter they discovered that, finally, they’d found out how to store provisions and come out of the cold in good health. Yes that woeful spring, where what was natural was deemed adjustable for personal gain, men and women parted ways, and killing sprees became the norm.

    I don’t recommend you go read the story. It’s 2021 for fuckssake. You can’t reason with these people.

  4. A time to speak of Simon Collins, and his outstanding achievement in establishing ‘ City Voice ‘ in Wellington, and thank him particularly for the part which his tireless reporting played in saving the Wellington Town Belt from commercial development. His departure to Auckland was a big loss for Wellington, and his retirement from the Herald, is a big loss to journalism. Good man, and an inspiration and great support to all the novice journos who beavered away at ‘City Voice’ with him. At least one went on to win a Qantas Media Award, and alas, also left.

  5. More children are missing out on sports opportunities because of “hefty” registration fees, with the Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon one example, a school principal says.

    “I just don’t understand why it costs so much,” Don McLean said of Sanitarium’s Weet-Bix event held in Nelson recently.

    While the principal of Hampden Street primary school supported the concept of getting children involved in a multi-sport event, at over $50 per child for entry, the TRYathlon was beyond many families’ budgets, he said.

    He questioned if the event served advertisers better than children.”

  6. Rich Lister – easy to buy cheap land in NZ and then ‘buy’ media and other attention to bludgeon through zoning that others have to pay for. AKA more paid for media attention for the Sleepyhead Estate, back to the landed gentry, with the workers toiling away in an employer owned facility so they can be completely controlled in a village environment, like the peasant times.

    The ‘trickle down’ jobs that somehow are supposed to come on the back of a rich listers massive windfall of zoning, that with grandiose schemes never comes as they will no doubt experience ‘problems’ once starting and have to ‘sell off’ the land to other people to make it work.

    With the Fletcher estate in Kumeu, there are already massive transport jams being reported by locals before the ill fated non zone estate being proposed, and no public transport, no infrastructure, and now thousands of additional housing proposed without solving the other problems! Rates are already being asked to increase 15% to pay for the Fletcher infrastructure so more poor in that area.

    It’s all about taking from the middle and working class to give to the super rich in NZ and their bludgeoned through non zoned new housing estates!

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