Pacific MP’s should support Liveable Incomes for All – AAAP


Last week the government released their latest data on child poverty statistics and 1 in 4 children living in poverty in NZ are Pacific.

Carmel Sepuloni, our Minister of Social Development also admitted that current benefit levels aren’t enough to live with dignity, hence why they’re continuing work in this space.

“We’d like to call on all the Pacific MP’s: Carmel Sepuloni our Minister of Social Development, Aupito William Sio our Minister of Pacific Peoples, Jenny Salesa, Poto Williams, Kris Faafoi our Minister of Justice, Anahila Kanongata’a-Suisuiki, Dr Neru Leavasa, Terisa Ngobi, Tangi Utikere, Barbara Edmonds and Teanau Tuiono to support the call for Liveable Incomes. Many of the children and families living in poverty in NZ are from our Pacific communities, and so it makes sense for all Pacific MP’s to advocate for ensuring that our people have enough to thrive” says Auckland Action Against Poverty spokesperson Agnes Magele.

“Our grandparents and parents came to NZ to help fill a labour shortage, for better opportunities for us and our children and yet the data across all measures shows that we haven’t been given those opportunities. It’s time for our Pacific politicians to be a strong voice for change on our behalf. The Labour Party has such a fierce backing from our Pacific community and so they need to show us the same love we show them by voting them into power. They need to fight for our rights in those halls of power”.

“Our community also does a lot of voluntary work which isn’t recognised by this system either. We come from cultures that hugely value unpaid work – motherhood, caring for ill family members and family in general, contributing to our churches, helping out at our children’s school, the list goes on – all work that is important in keeping our communities together. All work that would be covered by Liveable Incomes”.

We’re asking our Pacific MP’s to fight to eliminate poverty in NZ, not just reduce it. We’re asking them to support the call for Liveable Incomes for all. We’re asking them to be the voice of change in our time of need. They are there to represent the will of the people, and I’m asking them to activate their responsibilities as our leaders to ensure this happens. Too much is at stake to not do anything. Our children and families are suffering when they don’t need to be and so they should do everything in their power to make it right. They need to join us in our kaupapa for LIveable Incomes for All.


  1. Labour Pacific MPs united with Labour Māori MPs, on Living Wage Now! and full implementation of the WEAG Report, would be rather difficult for the PM and Mr Robertson to ignore!

  2. It’s a crying shame. We’re it not for the latest Covid lockdown, Minister Sepuloni would have been on Q+A last Sunday morning defending the soon to be announced miserly 3.2% increase in benefits (about $10 a week) and saying that the reason they haven’t done more is because ‘there is still more to do’. Absolutely pathetic. Our politicians and public servants who advise them are too well paid, making sure they’re completely out of touch with the lives and circumstances of our poorest constituents (myself included). Good on you AAAP, keep it up with the pressure and the call outs but sadly, they are very comfortable thank you very much and they have no shame.

    PS Martyn, Thank you for the daily blog, hope you got moved ok last weekend with the lockdown and commiserations in having to move.

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