Disabled Persons Assembly Joins Call To Raise Benefits By Christmas – DPA NZ


Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA) NZ has joined the call for benefits to be raised by Christmas.

DPA have joined over 50 NGOs in signing an open letter calling on the Government to lift one of the biggest limitations on whānau and child wellbeing: not having enough income.

“Benefits urgently need to increase to improve income security for disabled people, many of whom are living in poverty.” DPA Chief Executive Prudence Walker says.

“Recent reports show that disabled people fare significantly worse than non-disabled people across a range of economic and social outcomes”

“We know that disabled people aged 18 to 64 are the second most likely group to report not having enough income for everyday needs, only marginally less than people who are unemployed.

“This is despite the fact that 39.9% of disabled people aged 18 to 64 are in paid employment.

“Clearly, our current allowances and income support are inadequate to meet the extra costs that disabled people face.

“Disabled people often face extra costs because there are significant barriers just to access basic needs.”

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“The Covid-19 pandemic is expected to worsen the impact of income inequality for disabled people. Urgent action is needed now to prevent increased hardship” Walker says.

Open letter calling for welfare increases before Christmas https://medium.com/actionstation/open-letter-increase-income-support-before-christmas-7960c5100b10

DPA and CCS Disability Action Post-Election 2020 Briefing for Members of Parliament: http://www.dpa.org.nz/store/doc/Post-Election-2020-Briefing-For-MPs.docx

Report by Statistics NZ recently released:
