Dr Liz Gordon: How dare Trump even mention us / Judith Collins on “it’s not that hard”/ My Covid experience


The vile little man.  There are not enough words!  First he castigated NZ for beating the virus “because they wanted to show me something” (as if!).  Then he castigated us for getting it back.  “This big surge in New Zealand…. It’s terrible. We don’t want that”.

Words fail me.  On an international call the other day with a group of US participants, they applauded New Zealand for its ethical stance. They are all feeling very low about the situation there.

In line with his preferred model of deflection and dissatisfaction, Trump then went on to ‘remind’ everyone that this is the China virus, thus dog-whistling every racist in the bloody world to attack Asians, as it is all their fault.

(I think the subject-verb-object structure of that prior sentence got away on me, but you know what I mean.  And I am upset).

The United States President is not fit to even touch elbows with Jacinda Ardern.

*   *   *   *

Oh! Judith Collins.  There is not a single person in New Zealand who believes that you would have had the political commitment and fortitude to “go fast and go hard”, to eliminate the virus here, to offer excellent support to businesses and workers, plus those who lose their jobs, and to have more than 100 days virus- free.

Your comment that “it’s not that hard, really” to keep the country virus free shows a startling misunderstanding of the situation.  It requires constant vigilance and ongoing management.  But we are not a repressive regime, the Covid is a very sneaky virus and threats are bombarding us from everywhere. There will be cracks.  People will fall through them. There will be outbreaks.  This is a very hard endeavour and you simply do not seem to understand this.

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Such understanding constitutes a leadership test in these difficult times and you have failed it, sorry.  So has Gerry B.  Bring on the election – I can’t wait.

*   *  *  *

I have had an infection in my nose for a couple of weeks, and decided I needed an antibiotic. I knew I didn’t have the Covid because of Siouxsie Wiles’ brilliant ‘symptom comparison’.

Went to make an appointment with the doctor and had to own up to a runny nose.  Was put in the high risk category.  Instead of waiting until Thursday, I was seen within 5 hours.   Had to wait in my car until called, walk into the surgery (everyone else had to wait for me), sanitise my hands, don a mask, then follow the PPE-clad doctor to a sanitised room. Had a good appointment.  I was asked to take the dreaded nasal test for Covid, agreed (taking one for the team, I thought), the test was done and I was escorted out.  “How do I pay”, I asked – and there was no charge! Usually $55, what a bargain.

I waited in my car for someone to scamper over from the next-door Pharmacy with my prescription (which had been faxed to them by the Doctor), it was dropped into my lap with a cheery wave, no charge again (instead of $15), and off I went.

I was asked to self-isolate until the test result arrives, (up to 48 hours) and was offered a medical certificate (which, being self-employed at home, I did not need). So the Daily Blog gets an extra blog out of me, too.

Dr Liz Gordon is a researcher and a barrister, with interests in destroying neo-liberalism in all its forms and moving towards a socially just society.  She usually blogs on justice, social welfare and education topics.


    • @Denny Paoa I disagree with you about incompetence from poor leadership. We have very strong leadership but what is coming through now is that the Ministry of Health is misleading its Minister by telling him that all border staff at a quarantine were being tested weekly when they weren’t. Only some were. Unfortunately those officials responsible for this blatant lie will not be called to account.

      However I totally agree with your second comment about Trump although he has probably fallen victim to his own fake news nonsense which spews from his mouth on a daily basis and convinces the uninitiated and unintelligent that what he says is the truth.

      • No, we have superficial leadership, it’s certainly not strong.
        We are being led by a bill board with a smiley face on it.

        • No your thinking of Key. Look to the world for a rational view on Arderns leadership. You are hopelessly naive and wrong.

        • Well Keep calm and carry on, so far our superficial leader has put us in a better position than the rest of the world. Our young leader has listened and taken on board the expert advice of our highly trained and skilled epidemiology and health experts, many of whom are highly respected in there fields. Now we have the national party who wanted to open our borders acting like they have all the answers. And to make matters worse, national are saying they will keep the virus out, something no country including ourselves has not managed to do. This is a political party that neglected our hospitals and health services for nine years just so they could get a surplus. This is a party that under invested in health research. This is a party that every time they get in power Maori and PI mortality and morbidity rates skyrocket. And this is a party where inequalities become the norm. This is not the party we want to lead us out of this pandemic.

          • Actually no she didn’t.
            The experts wanted the border shut earlier, (“hard and actually early”), the experts wanted masks and strict testing at the border, we got a shit show instead.
            It’s very obvious we have been lucky, not well managed to escape the worst so far.

            • Keepcalmcarryon,

              If you’re going to tag-team with Chucky against the PM, at least try and get your far king facts right.

              Who are these experts that “wanted masks” early and wanted the border shut earlier?

              You do appreciate it’s actually 100% illegal to completely shut the border to kiwis wanting to return home? Chinese students are not kiwis returning home yet the Latrine Rodent party hasn’t stopped bleating about the border being closed to them. If NZ had closed the border even to returning Kiwis you would have seen the “shitstorm” you spout off about. The courts would be clogged up with thousands of court cases just for starters. Each court case taken out against the Government would have resulted in a successful legal challenge. Only a moron with half a brain would advocate any Government do this. If the cap fits…..

              Then we have facemasks. Do you advocate going against the World Health Organisation? Do you advocate going against the results of previous studies?

              Those studies indicated there was no compelling evidence either way regarding the effectiveness of facemasks. Despite that FACT, many people still chose to wear facemasks. What you’re saying is our Government should have gone against expert advice and made facemasks mandatory in NZ. Could you imagine the “shitstorm” had our Government gone down that track. National and their divisive trolls would have been at the head of that protest showing once again they are worthy of contempt only.

              The WHO instructed Dr Bloomfield that there was a big question mark over the effectiveness of facemasks. That advice / instruction was relayed to the NZ public by Bloomfield. Subsequent studies have highlighted that facemasks won’t prevent you from contracting Covid but they will minimize the threat a carrier poses to others. This has resulted in NZ now encouraging the use of facemasks.

              I must admit I have no patience with the wankers who stand on the sideline offering absolutely far king nothing of value but misrepresent, undermine and ridicule everything the Government does to keep them and their loved ones, safe and fed and ALIVE. No doubt they lined up for the wage subsidy etc etc and would never even think of showing appreciation that their loved ones have not been subjected to the carnage and death going on in many other countries.

              Had National been in Government they would have obviously followed Australia’s Covid plan and likely even the United States. Nek minute.

        • Well our superficial leader keep calm and carry on, has done pretty good when we compare ourselves to the rest of the world and their superficial leaders.

    • Stop dumping on NZ as you seem to in every comment Paoa. We need thinking people in this country, not superior types with judgmental sneers – it’s a work in progress to try and stop the virus coming for You and the rest of us. If you can’t say anything good, say nothing at all – old saying.

      • Yes agree with ya Greywarbler, Paoa never has anything positive to contribute. Judging by his comments I think he is NZ First voter, am I right Paoa?

  1. Of all the comments to date criticizing the government’s response Trump’s will cut closest to the bone.

    Even when it is completely nonsensical like it was.

    • “Of all the comments to date criticizing the government’s response Trump’s will cut closest to the bone.”

      Frankie, you really believe that?. I’ve given you far to much credit in the past. Only morons and rednecks believe anything Trump says, in fact most in N.Z. would immediately think the opposite and it only strengthens the Governments response, thus Dr Gordons post.

      • Jacinda hates Trump that’s why – it’s personal.

        Hell Judith could prove half the cabinet is on P and Jacinda will still be more upset about Trump singling her out.

        Trump was trolling and it got a bite from the usual subjects

        • Well I guess that’s your opinion. Personally I don’t think Jacinda gives a rats about Trump. Besides Jacinda doesn’t need to, Michelle Obama is doing the crucifying.

  2. Well a bit of the pot calling the kettle black here. America is in a f…. n mess. I thought he said he wants to make America great again. While he is fiddling with his fiddle China and Russia are playing up.

  3. Trumps comment is not unreasonable given that Jacinda and NZ have regularlly featured in the world press as the becon of success having “eliminated” convirus. After basking in this glory for some 100 days the current out break is notable “world” news, in that we are back in the hole with most other countries. Now it is fair to say that Trumps argument is ” we might be bad but look at NZ they have hit same wall”

    • NZ — USA
      No comparison in covid19 strategies nor leadership.

      NZ had eliminated Covid19 and will eliminate it again.

      The USA has a per capita covid19 death rate which is 170 times higher than China and 145 times higher than NZ.

    • Under that rationale, there is only two options. C-19 100 % utterly and totally free or inundated and over run by C-19.
      I think there are many many other states in-between, and I’m rather happy that we are trying to be at the ‘C-19 free end’ of that spectrum, rather than say, zero is impossible so let it run riot.

      A bit like I can NEVER be 100% healthy, so bugger it let’s just smoke a 100 a day, drink 6 pints a day, massively over eat anything and just don’t give a damn.
      Or when a fit person dies young, dumb people say see, staying fit still doesn’t stop you from dying young.
      D’Oh……the logic of the average person in most countries is so low.

  4. A researcher and a barrister you say. Triggered yet again by Trump, it’s as though he was speaking directly to you, poor thing. Sounds like you have a strong case of the Trump derangement syndrome. Prescription – no mainstream media for a least six months.

    • coincidently offwhite i did post on this also but can’t see it …. then again i may have come to my senses after spending far too long trying to compose it so it will be of some use and realising it too big a topic – topics much more qualified and high profile people have tried to shed light on, yet we find ourselves in the darkest times bereft of useful / accurate information and told there will be a new normal…..
      anyway my “post ” began – not very doctorly to personally insult in the first line – so yes i blame Trump derangement syndrome too. he is larger than life and is a walking trigger and they way he speaks publicly is odd & awkward so he provides endless things to be clipped and edited by the haters who dominate media. our media have the same agenda & are selecting what is shown of Trump to paint a negative picture of him & what’s happening in usa. In a recent example of bias – Trump announced he had pressured big pharma into drastic price reductions for the Epipen & insulin amongst others, now i think that is newsworthy here given our govt lets people die cause apparently we can’t afford some drugs.
      also i thought on reading the last line quoted above was trumps way of saying we don’t want cases to go up in NZ ……
      offwhite – Trump derangement synd caught my eye – do you listen to No Agenda podcast by chance ? 

      • TheRelic, I’ve been on a bit of a role with comments making it past moderation. My last one to you didn’t make the cut for some reason. I haven’t listened to no agenda but I will. Cheers.

  5. Well Keep calm and carry on, so far our superficial leader has put us in a better position than the rest of the world. Our young leader has listened and taken on board the expert advice of our highly trained and skilled epidemiology and health experts, many of whom are highly respected in there fields. Now we have the national party who wanted to open our borders acting like they have all the answers. And to make matters worse, national are saying they will keep the virus out, something no country including ourselves has not managed to do. This is a political party that neglected our hospitals and health services for nine years just so they could get a surplus. This is a party that under invested in health research. This is a party that every time they get in power Maori and PI mortality and morbidity rates skyrocket. And this is a party where inequalities become the norm. This is not the party we want to lead us out of this pandemic.

    • Well said @Covid is pa, KCCO and FTT are just stirring up the lefties with their hollow opinions. It is noticable that they mostly keep the Natz name from there posts, but who else are they wanking on about? One thing is for dead sure. Supporting the Natz is a lost cause and voting for them would class them as idiots.

  6. Well Keep calm and carry on, so far our superficial leader has put us in a better position than the rest of the world. Our young leader has listened and taken on board the expert advice of our highly trained and skilled epidemiology and health experts, many of whom are highly respected in there fields. Now we have the national party who wanted to open our borders acting like they have all the answers. And to make matters worse, national are saying they will keep the virus out, something no country including ourselves has not managed to do. This is a political party that neglected our hospitals and health services for nine years just so they could get a surplus. This is a party that under invested in health research. This is a party that every time they get in power Maori and PI mortality and morbidity rates skyrocket. And this is a party where inequalities become the norm. This is not the party we want to lead us out of this pandemic.

  7. Well Keep calm and carry on, so far our superficial leader has put us in a better position than the rest of the world. Our young leader has listened and taken on board the expert advice of our highly trained and skilled epidemiology and health experts, many of whom are highly respected in there fields. Now we have the national party who wanted to open our borders acting like they have all the answers. And to make matters worse, national are saying they will keep the virus out, something no country including ourselves has not managed to do. This is a political party that neglected our hospitals and health services for nine years just so they could get a surplus. This is a party that under invested in health research. This is a party that every time they get in power Maori and PI mortality and morbidity rates skyrocket. And this is a party where inequalities become the norm. This is not the party we want to lead us out of this pandemic.

    • Covid pa – Can you get your comment system working better. Three or is it four of your same comment overwhelms. And what do you mean ‘our superficial leader’ – who is that? You then go on to talk about our young leader in a positive fashion. Can you be clear in your comments, and less repetitive please.

  8. Trump’s comments are no surprise. He has extreme personal issues and is in a cornered rat situation. Collins has the same and while the psychopathy might be different she also has the ‘dirty low down bitch factor’. In spades.

  9. Trump should be watched – in fascinated horror. He is a success in proving that you can fool the people all the time, which overturns everything I have been told all my life. He’s an example of disillusion that has probably been painted Banksy-high somewhere, for our edification and mortification.

    Gather round in groups those who have some oomph and build your resilience to the world that’s coming – our passport system with a face-reading ability, that can roll across a crowd and so have you marked down anywhere you go if you draw attention to yourself – you’ll need your courage to live as a thinking and communicating person. The roll-out of 5G when you find that those opposing it were not just tinfoil-hat wearers, and if they were they just did it for effect!

    Keep your sense of humour, you are going to need it as a way of finding others who know we are all ridiculous, and wonderful at the same time. Trump is actually either inhuman or one that has been brainwashed by capitalist games as is the hegemony now.

    This is a song for you from James – Sit Down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRD51qEJ8t4
    All the people in this crowd seem to know the words, why not join them in your living room now you know the words – join in and go on to meet with others and be part of the world of caring people who are trying for something better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WId0WS48JgM

  10. Covid 19 is coming to New Zealand and there’s little or nothing you can do to stop it.

    All the government has achieved is damaging the economy

    • Your evidence that NZ is not holding back the ravages of Covid-19 is?
      Your evidence that NZ is economically damaged more than anywhere else in the world is ……?
      In your defense, this is a comment so avoids being defined as fake news.

  11. Gerry Brownlee got something right for a change, Jacinda should not be reacting to Trump at all, even obliquely, by referring to US figures like she did at today’s briefing. Trump is beneath contempt and should be treated the same as any other Twitter troll.

  12. How DARE Trump mention us!!!

    Quite simply because Ardern mentioned him first. In the past she had made several snide, childish comments about Trump and now we see the payback. Regardless of whether she likes Trump or not, it is especially stupid of her to piss off the leader of the free world.

    Oh and your understanding of Covid 19 statistics is poor. I suggest you read Sir Bob’s post on the topic in order to fully understand where we are with the virus:


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